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GREG-SPONSES 2010-12 (Dec)

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Logan writes...

thanks for the trailers... looks insane.
this question may seem spoiled and a little greedy/impatient. But, i gotta ask. I remember hearing about a tempest apearence. Would his presence on the show be similar o red arrow's (multiple episodes supporting character) or can we expect to see him in a one shot atlantis aqualad episode?

keep up the great adapting. when i saw the designs and details from NYCC it felt like bruce timm on steroids.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 10, 2010

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Emily writes...

Thank you for answering my question about The Lighthouse episode. (I wasn't knocking after school specials in general just the ones that feel force and treats the audience like an idiot.) With the amounts of questions you get I would be surpise if you could answer this, but is there a question you're surpised no one has ever asked and you would like to answer it?

Greg responds...

Nope. I am sometimes surprised that after all this time there are still questions left to be answered at all...

Response recorded on December 10, 2010

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anonymously writes...

I want to know if you can continue making gargoyls it was my favrite show please bring it back

Greg responds...

Not up to me.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Will Jason Marsden and Will Friedle reprise their roles from Batman: Brave and the Bold onto Young Justice (I understand Speedy has already been taken) or do I have to wait and see?
They did a very perfect job at voicing those lesser known DC characters from that show and they really deserved to voice them again in future DC cartoons and movies.

Greg responds...

I don't know who Jason and Will played in B&TB...?

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

how would a gargoyle survive in space?
In 2198 how is demona and zafiro going to survive in space with there special non-stone sleep circumstances? (i.e. demonas spell, zafiros amulet)

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing that at this time.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Kit Walker writes...

This is more of a personal question; rather, not directly related any specific work but more the creator and writer behind the works.

What is it like, as a storyteller, to have the Gargoyles universe still so loved by fans? Sixteen years after "The Awakening" debuted, fans are STILL curious about this or that bit of the universe, fans are STILL lamenting the show's end, the Gatherings went on for an insanely long time, fans still anxiously await the slightest hint of more Gargoyles stories, fan-works are still being made--what do you think of all that? What's it like to sit back and know that something you gave artistic birth to still grips viewers, and still draws fans?

Greg responds...

It is -- without a doubt -- f-in' cool!!

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Jack writes...

Hey Greg, I love your work and I am excited for Young Justice, but I do have a just one small concern.

Looking back at episodes of "Justice League" and “Justice League Unlimited” it's pretty clear to see how writers have diminished the character of Superman by making him ether less superior then the rest of the League or by just turning him into the little “whipping boy” just to show how bad things were getting. Will this trend continue in Young Justice?

I apologize if this question has been answered before; I scrolled through the archives and didn’t see it.

Greg responds...

I'm not at all sure that I agree with your assessment of Superman in Justice League/JLU. So how can I respond to whether or not I'm going to continue a trend that I don't think exists?

So how about we leave it until you see how we execute things in the series, allowing you to judge for yourself.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, on the season finale of "Venture Bros," the Monarch declared that all good villain couples swing, as he and his wife obviously do. That got me thinking...

Xanatos and Fox? They seem like the type. What do you think? ;)

Greg responds...

None of your business.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Yoop writes...

YJ: When it comes closer to the January air date, will you give us the upcoming episode Description and titles?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Probably not.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Superboy writes...

I noticed that in some San Diego Comic-Con preview footage, Aqualad had no armpit hair. Does he shave it off? Do other male heroes have it? Excuse mah weird questions o.O

Greg responds...

This is just not a question I'm interested in.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

alright greg! we know oberon had two halfling sons, but he also had a son and a daughter with titania. who are they?


are they at the gathering?

can they leave like there parents can?

and what magic are they capable of together and/or separate?

please accept this fans should really know.

Greg responds...

I don't accept that I have ANY obligation to reveal my future plans. I only EVER do it on a whim, and the last sentence of your post doesn't exactly inspire whimsy. More like... teeth-grinding.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Rawrgle writes...

I saw a little interview on Robin that described him as "prepubescent." Does this mean we'll see him go through it on the show?

Greg responds...

He's not really pre-pubescent (and all that that implies). He just hasn't hit his growth spurt yet.

As for your question, I guess that would depend on how long we're on the air. Our first season takes place over a six month period (more or less). You're not going to see him grow much over a mere six months. Not that that's not possible for a thirteen year old. [My own thirteen year old son is now taller than me.]

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

greg it's still unclear if "Timeless king" is another word for immortallity. I understand macbeth is immortal but is arthur ageless to?

Greg responds...

Not sure how you're defining "ageless".

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

I just read that, after issue #6, you and Kevin Hopps will be taking over the writing of the Young Justice comic book series full time. I'm sure you'll do great with the comics, but won't it interfere with your work on future seasons of the cartoon, should you get a pick-up?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. We'll have a big head-start. We're working on issue #7 now at the same time that Art & Franco are working on issue #2.

(UPDATE: The scripts to issues #0 [by Kevin & Greg] & #1 [by Art & Franco] ]are both done. Mike Norton's finished the gorgeous interior art for issue #0 and I assume he's now at work on #1, while coloring and lettering are being done on #0.)

And back when I was doing SpecSpidey, I was able to write the Gargoyles and Red Tornado comics and that one issue of Amazing Spider-Man. I can handle about one comic a month in addition to my television work. And since Kevin's co-writing the book with me, I really only have to write the equivalent of half an issue a month on Young Justice (although it's not quite that straightforward).

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Greg

Ok, two questions in mind:

1. Is Artemis Cissie King? I only ask this because one of the press releases on Toon Zone named her true identity as Cissie King. Also, does Conner take the last name "Smith"?

2. Is the scientist in the Comic-Con video Dr. Mark Desmund? I noticed the "Project: Blockbuster" vials, and Desmund has showed in two of your previous scripts have included him. Not to mention he kinda looks like him.

Greg responds...

1. I've stated MULTIPLE TIMES that Artemis is not Cissie.

1a. Smith? No.

2. It's Mark Desmond, yes.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Kyle writes...

Hey Greg, I have a question about the ageing of Gargoyles. Do they age slower or at the same rate as humans?

Greg responds...

They age at half the rate of human beings.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Michael writes...

In regards to this answer re: Earth-16...

We asked DC for one of their unused 52 Earths, and they assigned us Earth-16 . I wasn't aware at the time that pieces of it had been explored already. So we're ignoring that stuff.

....Wouldn't it have made more sense to check back with DC and change the universe the show is set in to Earth-Something-Else, some number that really hadn't been assigned yet, then to just ignore the previous Earth-16 stuff?

Greg responds...

Yes. Yes, it would. But by the time we found out that ANY previous Earth-16 stuff existed, it was too late to change for various reasons that I won't go into at this time.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Harlequinn writes...

Young Justice: Okay so, when Artemis' identity is revealed on the show, will it be some big epic reveal to a long mystery of her identity, or will it be something just there like "Oh hey, ______ what's up?"

Greg responds...

"Oh, hey, Harlequinn, what's up with you not being willing to wait and see for yourself?"

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

Er, I just realized my Stargate question is irrelevant because you DON'T have it at Warner Bros; I must've misread the archives when I was inspired to write that question.

Whoops. Sorry about that.

Though, I do have a question. Petros Xanatos, besides being one of the few people to truly dominate the Xanatos Tag, also takes what happens to his son with ALARMING calmness. While I don't want to ask why (since that would, quite rightfully, give me a "No comment" response), I do want to ask: in whatever terms you'd be comfortable with, how broad is Petros's knowledge of the supernatural or magical (prior to or without counting "Vows" or "The Gathering")?

Greg responds...

Pretty much zero.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello again sir,
Once again I have a few Spec Spidey questions
Now, as you know, in Spectacular Spider-Man, the extra arms that Doc Ock has are detachable. The harness itself is stuck to Octavius, yet the arms can be removed. My question is, what was your reasoning for doing this? From my knowledge this was never done in the comics. Was it so Ock could be feasibly locked up without those tenticles having to be locked up as well?

Now, we all know what people thought of Mr. Lincoln in the show, but what would you say the public's opinion on Hammerhead? Obviously criminals know who he is (much like every crook knows who the Big Man is (which is how the rumor surfaced up multiple times), but what about the public. Is Hammerhead a well known criminal?

Also, when choosing minority races for minor characters what factors made you choose that specific race. For example, you wanted Rhino to be South African (I suppose to go with the whole "Rhino" thing. Ned Leeds and Kenny "Kong" McFarlane had names that could easily be changed to more Asian sounding without changing too much (Leeds to Lee and the nickname Kong as a literal last name.)So what influenced you to pick certain races for certain minor characters? For example did Roderick Kingsley's love for the carribean influence you to making him black? Did Gwen's Debra Whitman look influence you to make Debra Whitman black because of her extreme similarities to Gwen look wise. If Belladonna were to appear would she have been Latina since she already is a Carmen Sandiego homage?

Greg responds...

1. Basically, yes. We figured the authorities wouldn't allow him to have the arms in lock-up.

2. Yes. But he's got no official ties to Lincoln.

3. There weren't any rules, though I think you hit on the name thing influencing me. Same with making DeWolff Native American. The name suggested it a bit. Other times it was just us trying to diversify the cast. So Liz became 1/2 Puerto Rican and Kingsley and Whitman became African-American. Etc.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about the Avalon Clan. The male gargoyles are generally named after angels, with Gabriel and canon-in-training names like Michael and Raphael, and the female Angela also has an angel-themed name. But as far as I can figure out Gabriel is the only angel name in Christianity that's ever considered female, and Gabriel is already used for a male gargoyle.

So my question is, what sorts of names do most of the Avalon Clan females have? Is there a theme for the female names, like the angel theme for the males? If there is a theme for the female names, what is it? (I'm not asking for individual names because I know you don't want to share those outside of an actual comic.)

Thank you again for answering so many fan questions!

Greg responds...

ALL the eggs (male and female) were named for angels, except for the Beasts, who were named for warriors.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Albert writes...

Hey, Greg!

I'm very excited about the new Young Justice cartoon. In many respects, I want this Earth-16 universe to be the main DCU because all continuity has been distilled, rebooted, and made fresh. I'm looking forward to the comic book in January as well.

Pleasantries aside, on to brass tacks...

You've mentioned on several interviews and panels that realism has played a crucial role in fleshing out this series. This was evident on your detailed explanation on costumes, the choosing of characters, etc. How about in respect to the timeline of Earth-16? It would not seem "realistic" that the children of characters like the original Icicle and Black Canary would be, by the looks of it, in their mid-20s while their parents had their adventures during WWII in relation to the current timeline, which is 2010. Will there be an adequate explanation for that? Sorry if this seemed too heavy-duty.

Thanks for making questions like these available!

Greg responds...

I have a timeline, which is currently 139 pages long. In order to make our current characters the correct age, it effected everything and everyone that came before. So the original Black Canary was NOT active during World War II on Earth-16, for example. She was born in 1943... and was relatively old when she gave birth to the current Canary.

Some of this will be revealed in the show. Some of it in the comic. Some of it's just background for those of us working on the series.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

You said you met Sir Douglas Bader when you were a kid and even went to Disneyland with him. What was he like?

Greg responds...

He was nice and funny and tough as nails.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Richard Jackson writes...

Hi Greg,

I saw in the archives how you've answered how long it takes to create a single episode (8 to 10 months). I'm curious how long it takes to write an episode or how long you give your writers to turn in a script after you've given them the story.

Greg responds...

I try to give them at least two weeks to write the script based on an approved outline. More if I can.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Nell and Francis writes...

Hi! Were really excited about Young Justice! Here are a few questions.

1. You mentioned that Robin was the only member without super powers. So does this mean that Artemis has super powers when Green Arrow doesnt?

2. You chose Wally West and Dick Grayson. In the comic books they are the best of friends. Are they in this series?

3. Is the Young Justice Premiere going to air in Europe the same time as USA? I live in Europe...

4. Do each Young Justice team member know each others identities?

5. What is the title of the two part premiere episode?


Greg responds...

1. I never said that. Artemis has no super-powers either.

2. Yep.

3. I don't know.

4. No. Some are keeping their identities secret.

5. "Independence Day"

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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