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GREG-SPONSES 2010-12 (Dec)

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

Er, I just realized my Stargate question is irrelevant because you DON'T have it at Warner Bros; I must've misread the archives when I was inspired to write that question.

Whoops. Sorry about that.

Though, I do have a question. Petros Xanatos, besides being one of the few people to truly dominate the Xanatos Tag, also takes what happens to his son with ALARMING calmness. While I don't want to ask why (since that would, quite rightfully, give me a "No comment" response), I do want to ask: in whatever terms you'd be comfortable with, how broad is Petros's knowledge of the supernatural or magical (prior to or without counting "Vows" or "The Gathering")?

Greg responds...

Pretty much zero.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello again sir,
Once again I have a few Spec Spidey questions
Now, as you know, in Spectacular Spider-Man, the extra arms that Doc Ock has are detachable. The harness itself is stuck to Octavius, yet the arms can be removed. My question is, what was your reasoning for doing this? From my knowledge this was never done in the comics. Was it so Ock could be feasibly locked up without those tenticles having to be locked up as well?

Now, we all know what people thought of Mr. Lincoln in the show, but what would you say the public's opinion on Hammerhead? Obviously criminals know who he is (much like every crook knows who the Big Man is (which is how the rumor surfaced up multiple times), but what about the public. Is Hammerhead a well known criminal?

Also, when choosing minority races for minor characters what factors made you choose that specific race. For example, you wanted Rhino to be South African (I suppose to go with the whole "Rhino" thing. Ned Leeds and Kenny "Kong" McFarlane had names that could easily be changed to more Asian sounding without changing too much (Leeds to Lee and the nickname Kong as a literal last name.)So what influenced you to pick certain races for certain minor characters? For example did Roderick Kingsley's love for the carribean influence you to making him black? Did Gwen's Debra Whitman look influence you to make Debra Whitman black because of her extreme similarities to Gwen look wise. If Belladonna were to appear would she have been Latina since she already is a Carmen Sandiego homage?

Greg responds...

1. Basically, yes. We figured the authorities wouldn't allow him to have the arms in lock-up.

2. Yes. But he's got no official ties to Lincoln.

3. There weren't any rules, though I think you hit on the name thing influencing me. Same with making DeWolff Native American. The name suggested it a bit. Other times it was just us trying to diversify the cast. So Liz became 1/2 Puerto Rican and Kingsley and Whitman became African-American. Etc.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about the Avalon Clan. The male gargoyles are generally named after angels, with Gabriel and canon-in-training names like Michael and Raphael, and the female Angela also has an angel-themed name. But as far as I can figure out Gabriel is the only angel name in Christianity that's ever considered female, and Gabriel is already used for a male gargoyle.

So my question is, what sorts of names do most of the Avalon Clan females have? Is there a theme for the female names, like the angel theme for the males? If there is a theme for the female names, what is it? (I'm not asking for individual names because I know you don't want to share those outside of an actual comic.)

Thank you again for answering so many fan questions!

Greg responds...

ALL the eggs (male and female) were named for angels, except for the Beasts, who were named for warriors.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Albert writes...

Hey, Greg!

I'm very excited about the new Young Justice cartoon. In many respects, I want this Earth-16 universe to be the main DCU because all continuity has been distilled, rebooted, and made fresh. I'm looking forward to the comic book in January as well.

Pleasantries aside, on to brass tacks...

You've mentioned on several interviews and panels that realism has played a crucial role in fleshing out this series. This was evident on your detailed explanation on costumes, the choosing of characters, etc. How about in respect to the timeline of Earth-16? It would not seem "realistic" that the children of characters like the original Icicle and Black Canary would be, by the looks of it, in their mid-20s while their parents had their adventures during WWII in relation to the current timeline, which is 2010. Will there be an adequate explanation for that? Sorry if this seemed too heavy-duty.

Thanks for making questions like these available!

Greg responds...

I have a timeline, which is currently 139 pages long. In order to make our current characters the correct age, it effected everything and everyone that came before. So the original Black Canary was NOT active during World War II on Earth-16, for example. She was born in 1943... and was relatively old when she gave birth to the current Canary.

Some of this will be revealed in the show. Some of it in the comic. Some of it's just background for those of us working on the series.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

You said you met Sir Douglas Bader when you were a kid and even went to Disneyland with him. What was he like?

Greg responds...

He was nice and funny and tough as nails.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Richard Jackson writes...

Hi Greg,

I saw in the archives how you've answered how long it takes to create a single episode (8 to 10 months). I'm curious how long it takes to write an episode or how long you give your writers to turn in a script after you've given them the story.

Greg responds...

I try to give them at least two weeks to write the script based on an approved outline. More if I can.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Nell and Francis writes...

Hi! Were really excited about Young Justice! Here are a few questions.

1. You mentioned that Robin was the only member without super powers. So does this mean that Artemis has super powers when Green Arrow doesnt?

2. You chose Wally West and Dick Grayson. In the comic books they are the best of friends. Are they in this series?

3. Is the Young Justice Premiere going to air in Europe the same time as USA? I live in Europe...

4. Do each Young Justice team member know each others identities?

5. What is the title of the two part premiere episode?


Greg responds...

1. I never said that. Artemis has no super-powers either.

2. Yep.

3. I don't know.

4. No. Some are keeping their identities secret.

5. "Independence Day"

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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samantha writes...

I checked evry were but i can not find the movie timedancer do you know were i can find the movie.

Greg responds...

There's no TimeDancer movie.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Chip writes...

I just wanted to know, have you seen this yet?: http://negaverse.net/duck-knight/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/DarkwingDuck_06_rev_Page_2.jpg

Greg responds...

Yeah. It made me smile.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Ashton writes...

Hey Greg,

1. Is Zatanna going to be a teen or an adult in Young Justice? If you can't say because it would give something away. I dont want to know.

2. Are they all located in different places? Such as Robin in Gotham, Aqualad in Atlantis, Kid Flash in Star City etc.

3. Now you probably can't answer. But I'll ask it just in case, Can Aqualad survive on land for long periods of time without needing water?

4. Were there any villians you couldn't use in Young Justice?

5. How many episodes have guys completed so far?

Thanks for taking the time out to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. Just out of curiousity, if I said ANYTHING how could it NOT give something away? And since it would by definition give something away and since you said in that case you don't want to know then WHY BOTHER ASKING? Anyway, no comment.

2. If by located, you mean they live in these separate places, then yes. Although Kid Flash lives in Central City, not Star City.

3. Yes. (Well... define "long periods". I mean, he can't go years or anything.)

4. There were. There aren't anymore.

5. None but the pilot movie. As of today, we haven't even completed post-production on the episodic versions of the two episodes that the pilot was made from.

Response recorded on December 02, 2010

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