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GREG-SPONSES 2010-12 (Dec)

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anonymously writes...

I want to know if you can continue making gargoyls it was my favrite show please bring it back

Greg responds...

Not up to me.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Will Jason Marsden and Will Friedle reprise their roles from Batman: Brave and the Bold onto Young Justice (I understand Speedy has already been taken) or do I have to wait and see?
They did a very perfect job at voicing those lesser known DC characters from that show and they really deserved to voice them again in future DC cartoons and movies.

Greg responds...

I don't know who Jason and Will played in B&TB...?

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

how would a gargoyle survive in space?
In 2198 how is demona and zafiro going to survive in space with there special non-stone sleep circumstances? (i.e. demonas spell, zafiros amulet)

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing that at this time.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Kit Walker writes...

This is more of a personal question; rather, not directly related any specific work but more the creator and writer behind the works.

What is it like, as a storyteller, to have the Gargoyles universe still so loved by fans? Sixteen years after "The Awakening" debuted, fans are STILL curious about this or that bit of the universe, fans are STILL lamenting the show's end, the Gatherings went on for an insanely long time, fans still anxiously await the slightest hint of more Gargoyles stories, fan-works are still being made--what do you think of all that? What's it like to sit back and know that something you gave artistic birth to still grips viewers, and still draws fans?

Greg responds...

It is -- without a doubt -- f-in' cool!!

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Jack writes...

Hey Greg, I love your work and I am excited for Young Justice, but I do have a just one small concern.

Looking back at episodes of "Justice League" and “Justice League Unlimited” it's pretty clear to see how writers have diminished the character of Superman by making him ether less superior then the rest of the League or by just turning him into the little “whipping boy” just to show how bad things were getting. Will this trend continue in Young Justice?

I apologize if this question has been answered before; I scrolled through the archives and didn’t see it.

Greg responds...

I'm not at all sure that I agree with your assessment of Superman in Justice League/JLU. So how can I respond to whether or not I'm going to continue a trend that I don't think exists?

So how about we leave it until you see how we execute things in the series, allowing you to judge for yourself.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, on the season finale of "Venture Bros," the Monarch declared that all good villain couples swing, as he and his wife obviously do. That got me thinking...

Xanatos and Fox? They seem like the type. What do you think? ;)

Greg responds...

None of your business.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Yoop writes...

YJ: When it comes closer to the January air date, will you give us the upcoming episode Description and titles?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Probably not.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Superboy writes...

I noticed that in some San Diego Comic-Con preview footage, Aqualad had no armpit hair. Does he shave it off? Do other male heroes have it? Excuse mah weird questions o.O

Greg responds...

This is just not a question I'm interested in.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

alright greg! we know oberon had two halfling sons, but he also had a son and a daughter with titania. who are they?


are they at the gathering?

can they leave like there parents can?

and what magic are they capable of together and/or separate?

please accept this fans should really know.

Greg responds...

I don't accept that I have ANY obligation to reveal my future plans. I only EVER do it on a whim, and the last sentence of your post doesn't exactly inspire whimsy. More like... teeth-grinding.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Rawrgle writes...

I saw a little interview on Robin that described him as "prepubescent." Does this mean we'll see him go through it on the show?

Greg responds...

He's not really pre-pubescent (and all that that implies). He just hasn't hit his growth spurt yet.

As for your question, I guess that would depend on how long we're on the air. Our first season takes place over a six month period (more or less). You're not going to see him grow much over a mere six months. Not that that's not possible for a thirteen year old. [My own thirteen year old son is now taller than me.]

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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