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Anonymous writes...

I really dont know how your gonna respond to this you might wanna keep it to yourself so people dont read to much into it, but could you tell us the ages of some of the people on Earth-16?

These are the ones I'd like to know
Black Canary
Jamie Reyes
Zachary Zatara

Yeah those arre the main ones Im curious about

Greg responds...

I'm not going to address ANY characters who have not appeared in the series. Period.

So the only character on your list who HAS appeared is Canary, who is 24.

Response recorded on December 21, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I originally wrote this for my blog, and decided to paste it in here.

Young Justice

Well, what do you know? This is my one hundredth entry. Appropriate that it is about Greg Weisman's newest TV series.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of Greg Weisman's work. "Gargoyles" is my all time favorite TV series; I adored "The Spectacular Spider-Man;" I was quite fond of the second season of "W.I.T.C.H.;" and the freelance scripts he wrote for shows like "Men In Black" and "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" were always fun.

Okay, I really hated "Max Steel" and couldn't watch more than one episode, but that show had all sorts of behind the scenes problems that were not his fault. And sadly, "Roughnecks: Star Ship Troopers Chronicles" never aired in my area, so I've never really seen it. But, overall, Greg Weisman is responsible for high quality television. So, I was greatly anticipating his newest series, "Young Justice."

"Young Justice" is loosely based on a DC Comics title by the same name, but draws from many other sources. It focuses on a group of sidekicks (but don't call them that) who band together to become a covert ops team connected to the Justice League. The stars of the show are Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis. Although, we have yet to meet Artemis and only briefly met Miss Martian.

The theme of the first season is "secrets and lies" and this is very apparent within the pilot already. The Justice League is keeping secrets from the members of Young Justice... which was enough to piss off Speedy, and get him to storm off. And Project Cadmus was keeping secrets from the rest of the world.

I love a good mystery, and we've got one set up with a shadowy organization called The Light, who were behind Project Cadmus. Although, I am somewhat reminded of the Illuminati from "Gargoyles" (Hmm... Light - illuminated - Illuminati) and the Council of Thirteen of the Guild of Calamitous Intent in "The Venture Bros." although, I highly doubt Davie Bowie is L-1.

The writing and dialogue are very sharp, and considering the pilot was penned by Mr. Weisman himself, that was to be expected. The animation is very strong, and I kept wondering what their budget was, because it looks great. The voice acting was also phenomenal, which is to be expected from any series voice directed by Jamie Thomason.

This series has just about everything going for it, and already, in my mind, blew the competition out of the water. Yes, I enjoy "The Avengers - Earth's Mightiest Heroes" quite a bit, but the quality of that show just doesn't compare to the quality of "Young Justice." The funny thing about that is that outside of Batman, and some Vertigo comics, I have no attachment to DC Comics at all. I've always been a Marvel reader. But Marvel has never had animated series as good as DC's, with the exception of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" which was just as great as "Batman the Animated Series." But then, look at who the mastermind behind Spidey was.

I give the pilot of "Young Justice" a solid five stars. It also left me intrigued enough to come back for more when the series really gets going in January.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it!

Response recorded on December 21, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

If there was enough related media, and tie-in's what would you like the universe your creating to be called?

Greg responds...

Earth-16. (We're talking about Young Justice, right?)

Response recorded on December 21, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
I was wondering did Blockbuster die in the end or was he imprisoned? And did Ms. Martian change the color of her shirt to match Superboys? How would you describe Superman's reaction to Superboy? When they're first walking into the Hall Of Justice Kid Flash says "Have all 4 sidekicks ever been in the same place at once" or something along those lines does that mean that there are only 4 sidekicks on Earth-16 currently? (which doesnt mean there arent other teen superheroes they'd just be solo right)

Greg responds...

1. He didn't die.

2. Didn't you see her change the color of her shirt?

3. I'll leave that to the audience's interpretation.

4. There are only four at that time - at least as far as KF knows.

Response recorded on December 21, 2010

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Hey Greg, congratulations on Young Justice! I watched the two-hour premiere and I was thoroughly impressed. I liked the way you handled the characters and the world. I mean, getting Blockbuster in like that? Very nicely done. You put together a very formidable JLA there, and I liked ... oh hell, I loved everything! Please give my kudos to the animators and voice actor if possible (Jesse McCartney was awesome as Robin). My only two questions on the show come from having a poor quality tape to record it on;
1-Did they say Aqualad's first name in the show? Cause if they did, I missed it.
2- Was That Cripsin Freeman voicing Speedy? I know he was Guardian, but I didn't know about Roy.

Again, awesome job, and the series premiere cant start soon enough!

Greg responds...

1. They didn't. But it's Kaldur'ahm.

2. Yes, Crispin did both voices.

Response recorded on December 21, 2010

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Richard Jackson writes...

Congratulations on the premiere. Good work to you and your colleagues.

I have two Gargoyle questions, though. What was the "official" reason given for Vinnie's firing from Gen-U-Tech? I would think that they wouldn't put down "was a reading a newpaper while the boss was kidnapped by a gargoyle." And who ordered Vinnie's termination?

Greg responds...

What's wrong with "was a reading a newpaper while the boss was kidnapped..."

And, I imagine Vinnie's immediate superior fired him.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Will you make a Dark Ages comic books spin off??? I would like to know more about the lives of the Gargoyle characters. And by the way, I watched young justice and I enjoyed it! I can't wait till the series comes out in January!

Greg responds...

I"d love to do a Dark Ages comic book spin off. But right now we don't have a publisher.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

That premiere was amazing!! One question though one that Im not even sure your allowed to anwser. When Blockbuster tells the scientist to clone Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, Robin replies bys saying "Pass Batcaves Crowded Enough" can you elaborate on what he meant by this? Is their a Batgirl or Batwoman running around Gotham in this universe or maybe Bathound?

Greg responds...

Maybe it's just a REALLY small Batcave, huh? ;)

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Greeat Premiere, and though I know you cant tell me if they'll appear on the show I was wondering if Static Shock and and the new Blue Beetle currently exist in the Earth-16 universe? Even if they'll never show up I just want to know if they're floating around somewhere out there doing their thing.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Henry writes...

I saw the Young Justice pilot, and I LOVEEED it. I mean amazing I loved the whelmed running joke, and when Kid Flash was like "We're in to deep...literally." I loled. Well to my question though this wasnt something that came up in the pilot I was wondering if the Young Justice Team was going to be going up against a lot of teen villans? That happened a lot in Teen Titans, and it wasnt really something that made a lot of sense to me. Oh and this one is completely hypothetical lets that Young Justice turned out to be the most successful Cartoon Network show EVER like of ALL TIME would there be a possibility of spin-off shows maybe like a new DCAU? Or maybe some direct to video movies that take place on Earth 16, but dont necessarily involve the Young Justice Team?

Greg responds...

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

As for the age of the villains, you'll have to wait and see.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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