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Brenda writes...

What is the diffenece between reptiles and leathery birds also what is the same about them?

Greg responds...

Probably lots of stuff.

[Okay, I grant that the name "Ask Greg" is pretty generic, but how would one get to this website and what about the look of it convinces people that they're going to get any useful timely answers to general questions? I mean "useful"? "Timely"? From ME?!]

Response recorded on December 18, 2006

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Betty writes...

Have you heard any new movie roles in the future for Gerard butler? After
"Burns" I've heard "Marlowe" anything else been offered to him

Greg responds...

Uh... Phantom of the Opera?

O.K. you're totally in the wrong place, but I do seem to recall that he was in that movie.

Response recorded on December 11, 2006

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everything is connected...

So is Paris Geller (of GILMORE GIRLS) related to Monica and Ross Geller (of FRIENDS)? And if so, would she also be related to Rachel Green the mother of Ross' child? And is Rachel Green related to the late Mark Green (of E.R.)? I mean, it can't just be a coincidence that Mark's eldest daughter was also named Rachel Green, can it?

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courtney writes...

What is a chimeras

Greg responds...

You mean in the Gargoyles Universe?

Response recorded on November 02, 2006

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J. Pattison writes...

I looked at your resume and saw that you worked on Robotech: Mars Force. Is there any information you can divulge about that project? Such as when it might come out on TV. Any info about the show would be greatly appreciated.

Greg responds...

I signed a confidentiality agreement, so the ONLY info I have for you on the project is that my development was passed on.

Response recorded on October 25, 2006

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BB writes...

Do know any international, national, and or local heroes here in the town of quincy?

Greg responds...

Quincy, Mass?!

Response recorded on October 20, 2006

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Matt Hancock writes...

What's the best pie?

Greg responds...

The funniest pie is Banana Cream.

Response recorded on October 17, 2006

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Stu writes...

Hey Greg,

You recently announced that you had previously worked on a 'Spider-Man' series in 2002. Is this the same show that Jeff Masuta worked on, based on some designs on his site?

What happened to the show?

How much was done?

Greg responds...

I briefly worked on the MTV Spider-Man series. I'm not sure if Jeff also worked on that one. (I've worked with Jeff on other shows.) The series did indeed air. But none of my work saw the light of day, as the story editor I was working for was booted before I even got my outline approved.

Response recorded on September 18, 2006

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Joshua writes...

What is the highest point in North America

Greg responds...

I give up. What is the highest point in North America?

Response recorded on September 12, 2006

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Lord GargFan writes...

How would the gargs vote in the election 2004? Also please include the votes for Owen, Elisa, and Xanatos.

Greg responds...

I'm still back in 1996.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Michael Melnikoff writes...

My question relates to the video game "Kingdom Hearts" made by Disney and Square-Enix. For those who haven't played it, the game features worlds, plots, and characters from Disney's many movies and cartoons, even going so far as to get many of the original voice actors to voice the characters. Disney/Square are currently making the sequel Kingdom Hearts 2, and if that game does as well as the first, possibly even a Kingdom Hearts 3. It may be entirely possible that the Gargoyles could be added into one of these two games. Would Disney even consider doing something like this? If it happened, would Disney contact you about a possible plotline for the Gargoyles section of the game? Thanks a bunch.

Greg responds...

I think it would be great, but I have no idea how to make it happen. Don't even know whom to talk to about it. If Disney or Square or whomever decided to include Gargoyles, I would hope they'd come to me. But I can't be sure they would.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Sam writes...

What kind of buildings were gargoyles found on originally?

Greg responds...

In which culture?

In western culture, mostly cathedrals and castles. But there are a ton of gargoyles on less impressive buildings as well.

Response recorded on August 21, 2006

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GargFan1995-Present writes...


I have some questions about Gargoyle TV viewership.

1. Did the Gargoyles watch American Idol?
a. If they did, who were they cheering for in each season?
2. What feelings, if any, did the Gargoyles have about the finale of "Friends"?

I would like to thank you so much for answering our questions.

My guess on when you answer this - June 2006!

Greg responds...

How'd December 2005?

But I'm sorry, but I just have no opinion on this stuff.

Response recorded on December 16, 2005

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Fraternal Cross-Promotion!

I am pleased to announce the release of "The Best of Dodger Thoughts," a
325-page book featuring the top selections from my brother's Dodger Thoughts website (www.dodgerthoughts.com). Since 2002, Dodger Thoughts has been the leading independent source online for information and insights on the Los Angeles
Dodgers. Now, the best pieces have been compiled in print, with sections on:

--The 2002-2005 seasons
--Dodger history
--Key Dodger players
--Dodger atmosphere: the stadium, the fans, the broadcasters
--Coaching and managing
--The GM's Office
--Baseball and writing
--Plus, a foreword by longtime Dodger broadcaster Ross Porter

Besides providing immediate enjoyment this offseason, "The Best of
Dodger Thoughts" will have long-term worth as a historical resource: a
you-are-there record of an important chapter in Dodger history, as well as
the first printed compendium of blog coverage of the Dodgers. For longtime
readers of the website as well as those who have never seen it, "The Best of
Dodger Thoughts" will be well worth owning. 

"The Best of Dodger Thoughts" can be ordered though this link at Lulu.com -
http://www.lulu.com/content/164688 - or by visiting the Dodger Thoughts

Thanks ...

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Emperor Auladarr I writes...

Not really a question but a bit of info:

Mr. Weisman,
You said you wished to know what had happened to the elves at Helm's Deep in LOTR: The Two Towers. It is my belief (if I'm reading Tolkien's original work correctly) that the elves there all "died." The quotation marks are used because on Middle-earth, the elves are immortal. If they are killed, they are re-born, so to speak, some time later with full memories of their past experiences.
Just thought I'd share that...although, by the time you read this, I'm sure you'll have sated your curiosity.

Greg responds...

It's been years and years since I read Tolkien, and it may be true that in the book the elves all died. But I see NO indication of that in the movie. So when I comment on the movie version of Return of the King, I think it's fair to ask the question what happened to the elves from the movie version of TT.

Now of course, we very dramatically see one elf die. The guy we've met before, whose name escapes me at the moment. But I saw no indication that either he was the last one left and/or that all the others died after him.

Given how the movie presents the elves as SO much better fighters than anyone else we meet, I likewise find it hard to believe that so many humans survived and not one elf.

Keep in mind, though, that I DO love these movies.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is probably going to reach you such a long time from now that the "freshness" will have most likely gone out of it by the time that you read it, but:

You raised the question as to what happened to the Elves who fought at Helm's Deep in the movie version of "The Return of the King". My own impression from the "Two Towers" movie was that they were all slain during the battle(except for Legolas), of course. Admittedly, they didn't refer to it in the dialogue for the "Return of the King".

Greg responds...

I've seen that movie at least three times now, and I NEVER got the impression that ALL were slain. Perhaps after the battle, they all headed for the coast. But there was never any indication that they were massacred down to the last elf. And it's tough to buy.

I love the trilogy, but if I have one complaint, I would have liked to have seen more elves and dwarves beyond just Legolas and Gimli fighting at the Gates of Sauron.

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Battle Beast writes...


Do you still watch "All My Children?"

What do you think it CURRENTLY?


Greg responds...

I rarely get to actually see it. But I do religiously read the synopsis every day.

Di isn't Dixie. That's all I have to say.

Response recorded on September 29, 2005

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rikki writes...

can i use some of the pictures for ideas for my corsework in art

Greg responds...

Some of what pictures?

Response recorded on September 28, 2005

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Siren writes...

Okay, one more question for now...

I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. And the more I have read the behind-the-scenes on it, the more I see Joss Whedon, the creator has done a lot more then I thought and I apparentlty have been watching his works longer then I thought. As I have with you as well. I was wondering if you ever worked with him on anything? I know he has jumped around studios for years, even wrote Toy Story and whatnot, so he has been with Disney as well.
Also, have you watched either Buffy or Angel? And if so, what do you think of them?

Greg responds...

I've never worked with or met Joss Whedon, though I'd love to. I'm a HUGE fan.

I'm also a HUGE FAN of Buffy, Angel and Firefly. By now many of you know that I'm working on this strange anal project calculating the top 40 most important characters in the Buffyverse.

And I can't wait to see SERENITY. I'd see it the day it comes out, except that I'll be camping with my son on Catalina Island. So I probably won't see it for a week.

Response recorded on September 22, 2005

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Don Ferguson (rodimus@mindspring.com) writes...


My name is Don and I wanted to ask if you could share some of your memories of working with the cast and crew on Talespin. Up until Gargoyles came along, Talespin was one of the most in-depth shows Disney had done to date, and had a noticably darker tone (such as Kit Cloudkicker episodes) compared to their earlier shows like Rescue Rangers. Any thoughts or comments from your time -and about Ed Gilbert who brought Baloo the bear to life-would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Greg responds...

Let me start with Ed, who was great as Baloo. I never met him. Not back in the Talespin days. I only went to some Talespin pick-up sessions, and we had no lines for Ed to pick up.

Of course, I later met Ed working on Gargoyles, where he played the Captain of the Guard at Castle Wyvern. He was terrific. I can't say I got to know him as a person, but I was very impressed with his abilities as an actor.

Anyway, the Talespin days...

When I started at Disney in 1989, production on Talespin was already underway. The big mucky-mucks on that show were Jymn Magon & Mark Zaslove. And I'm afraid I didn't really get to know either of them all that well. I later worked a bit more with both of them, but my job at the time was to give notes (both creative notes and S&P) directly to the individual story editors. I do recall having great sit-down conversations with Story Editor Karl Geurs. Karl really welcomed me to Disney... and we'd sit in his office and talk about the scripts, about animation, about storytelling for ... well... for longer than we probably needed to.

I thought/think that Talespin was a great fun idea. I think some of the episodes are just amazing. There's some really gorgeous stuff there. And I loved Shere Khan. I suppose to Jungle Book purists, it might have been problematic, but if you see the Disney characters evolving into actors, for me it was fun to see them playing different roles.

Response recorded on September 19, 2005

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Anti-Fllay Allster writes...

1. In Gargoyles, is the Bermuda Triangle:

a) A natural phenomenon, just like some scientists explained (no mystery, but a scientific rational explanation) ?

b) Something interesting, with a background story, that you came you with ?

2. In any case, will the Bermuda Triangle be part of one of your stories?

Greg responds...

1. All things are true.

2. Eventually -- given enough opportunities -- we'd cover everything.

Response recorded on September 15, 2005

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Abby writes...

In your August 1, 2003, response to F7 Addict regarding the dates and names of the various full moons, you asked about information regarding the origins of these names. As an amateur astronomer, I may be able to help. Various cultures, such as Europeans and various Native American tribes, named all the full and new moons of the year. Specifically, the Harvest and Hunter Moon titles come from Europe and colonial America. The names came from the behavior of the full moon at that time of the year. Normally, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night (and up to 80 minutes later each night in the spring). The geometry of the moon's orbit in September and October means it rises only about 30 minutes later each night (in the Northern Hemispere), and this extra light was helpful for farmers at harvest time (especially in the days before motorized farm machinery and electric lights). The full moon in October also provided early-evening light and coincided with the fall hunting season, so it was called the Hunters Moon.

Incidentally, the definition generally accepted by astronomers is that the Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest the September Equinox, and Hunters Moon is the next one after that.

I enjoy "Gargoyles" very much, and consider myself fortunate to have most of the episodes on tape. I am looking forward to the DVD release. Thanks for creating a show in which the characters grow as a result of the consequences of their actions, and with such complexity of plot.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. And thanks for the info...

Response recorded on March 08, 2005

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Audra writes...

Hey Greg, you know how Goliath and the rest of the clan always wanted to see daylight? Well, since the Gargoyles have a TV, when they watch a movie, a TV show and/or the news, don't they see daylight on the TV? Of course it's not the same as being out in the sunlight in person, but they see what it's like. Didn't they ever see what it's like during the day on TV?

Greg responds...

Yes, but as you pointed out, it's not exactly the same, is it?

Response recorded on February 24, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

I found information on the Internet about teleplay writing contests. The prizes consist of money and the submission of you script to an agent. I was wondering if these were for real, or just a scam? Also, if they are real, which ones would you recommend, if any?

Greg responds...

I have no idea about any of this.

Response recorded on February 15, 2005

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A Big Gargs Fan writes...

I've a question when did Goliath say the opening monologue?
For that matter when did the guys for Dark Ages and Future Tense: 2198 say theirs?

Greg responds...

I'm a bit unclear. Keith David recorded the opening monologue for Gargoyles between the first and second seasons.

To ask specifically when "Goliath" spoke something that at best can be regarded as symbolic is something I've never considered. But if you want to be literal about it, I guess he "recorded" it sometime after waking up in Manhattan.

As for Dark Ages and Gargoyles 2198... I don't know what you're talking about.

Response recorded on November 18, 2004

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