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ANSWERVINGS 2011-03 (Mar)

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Superman shun Superboy? Superman's greatest power is supposed to be his empathy. Why didn't he embrace Superboy?

That scene was severely out of character for Superman and contradicts over seventy years of Superman stories.

Greg responds...

"Shun" is not the word I'd use. It's too active a verb to describe what happened. But as I've said to others who already asked the same basic question, I think you're viewing what happened in terms too black and white. I do NOT think that Superman is behaving out of character. He's been violated and is having problems dealing with it, getting his head around it. He's found a rationale in his head to justify his behavior toward Superboy, that for now at least, is working for him. I'm not going to defend his actions, nor will I be unsympathetic to them. It is, by design, a complex problem.

And no real human being has perfect empathy. And Superman is nothing if he's not thoroughly human.

In any case, I doubt I'm going to convince you, so we'll just have to agree to disagree for now. Perhaps, if you stay tuned and see how this thread plays out, you'll appreciate it more. Or perhaps not.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, where is Wonder Woman in all this? I love her.I have been reading comics for a few years now and loved her and Superman and the interesting interactions through their proteges Con and Cassie. I don't get the Lois thing over and over. Never did and for once it would be nice to see a different Earth play off what the fans hoping to see but people keep telling us we can't or it wouldn't work but they never never even try. I think it would be nice and very in character for Wonder Woman to help/encourage Clark with Superboy seeing she doesn't have a side kick as yet and now you've brought Miss Martian in as a love interest for Conner, well that's Cassie sidelined. It's not fair. We always get screwed in terms of our ships. Sorry for the whining. :) I recall Superboy even had a crush on Diana in comics lol...but then he is a lot more fun in comics.Boy, he is angry and why is his IQ so low? I hope to see progression with him and Superman.

Greg responds...


Well, starting at the end of your post, Superboy's IQ isn't low.

But I'm not exactly sure what you're upset about. We haven't even shown Lois, so you can hardly say that she's taken precedence over Diana.

As to why there's no Cassie in the series, I've answered this over and over, so check the archives.

And Wonder Woman's role will expand a bit as the series continues. But keep in mind, our focus is on the teens -- and how they interact with the adults. Not on the adults and how they interact with each other.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Ozaline writes...

Is it just me or did the characters who used the suped up venom look like Jackle and the woman with him like Hyena?

Greg responds...

I think it's just you.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Neil writes...

Disney Questions

1. Do you know what Tad Stones, Bob Schooley & Mark McCorkle are currently working on?

2. Any "possible" chances you might be able to work with those guys again?

3. In your opinion, do you think they really should consider making another Buzz Lightyear movie?

Greg responds...

1. I think Bob & Mark are working on Penguins. I'm not sure what Tad's on these days. Which reminds me, I should call all three of 'em.

2. I HOPE so.

3. Uh, Toy Story 3, anyone?

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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conner writes...

1.Can you talk about the relationship beween Superboy and Miss Martian?
2.Does Superboy sleep in a bed?
3.Are we going to see the Watchtower in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. I can.

2. Most of the time.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Julia writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman! Another Young Justice fan here. I happen to love the show and like the darker Superboy (it makes total sense...brought up with people who called him 'it,' very very little social interaction, rejected by the man he aspires to be) and I have some questions to clarify some points or just to see if any of my insane fan theories regarding future episodes hit anywhere near the mark. Yes, I know that last one's not likely, but a girl can dream, right?
So. Why did the Justice League choose to only allow their sidekicks into the gym and library? Obviously this had been built up to for some time, and I can hardly imagine that the League has forgotten their youth enough to think that they would just want that (unless they have?). I don't think it was outright condecencsion (did I spell that right?) either, because frankly, if they're facing bullets with you, one would think they'd earned your respect. So why?
And to entertain you with the various wild theories about Artemis, rumor has it that she's Jade Ngyuen or Artemis Crock and most likely impersonating Cissie King. I'm not asking who she is, because I'll find out next week, but that's what I've heard.
Isn't the timeframe for Artemis joining Green Arrow a little odd? It's been, what, a month or two since Roy left; isn't he switching sidekicks a little fast? If it's a plot point later on, you don't have to tell me.
I like Kaldur. I really do. I want a guy like him as my older brother. We already know his sperm donor (I refuse to call him a father, because fathers love and care for you, and unless there are extenuating circumstances revealed later on, I do not count Black Manta as Kaldur's father). Is his mother a possible plot point?
And that's all I've got. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this!

Greg responds...

1. I think the League thought it was a cool first step. And I think if it weren't for the older Speedy (who had more information), it in fact WOULD have been satisfactory for the other three.

2. As revealed in episode 8, she's Artemis Crock.

3. Stay on the alert for issue #7 of the Young Justice companion comic book.

4. His mother's more than "a possible plot point". We'll meet her eventually.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I actually meant to make this post a while ago after the premier of Independence day, but I just haven't gotten around to it 'til now so most of these are questions I made a note to ask regarding the pilot.

1. How old is Barry Allen?

2. Why didn't that scientist have a g-gnome on her shoulder? I think her name was dr. Spence and I remember in two of the shots with her, she wasn't wearing a G-Gnome. Guardian seemed to need his on him at all time so does that mean that she was aware of everything she was doing in the way Desmond was?

3. How come Superboy could open the gate leading into projekt Kr but not the one on SL-1? Wouldn't it make sense for the deepest parts of Cadmus to be protected by the strongest gates? Also he seemed to rip it open so effortlessly while he and Aqualad wasn't able to put a dent in the other gate.

4. This is kind of random, but I noticed that after he transformed, Desmond still had his ponytale, at least in the beginning. Then, at one point during the battle, it just seemed to vanish. What was up with that?

5. I presume that Superboy will age normally from now on (at least as what's normal for a cryptonian) and I was just wondering why. Is it simply because the accelerated aging had to be constantly maintained to continue or is it something else? (If it's not a wait and see thing then I would love to know how it works).

6. I hope this doesn't come of as racist but Wally seemed very quick to infatuated by Megan. I'm not saying a martian and a human can't be together, but it would be expected for any 15 year old boy to be a little bit hesitant about hitting on a girl with green skin. Has Wally had experience with aliens before or is he just that open-minded by nature?

7. Did Mr. Friese kill those people in the beginning? People seem to have interpreted that scene very differently, but I haven't been able to come to any kind of conclusion. Of course it's not really my call, but I think it's an extremely important detail to be clear on. If you agree with that, I would really appreciate if you could answer this.

8. I get that Wally isn't keeping his identity secret from the team, but he's still trying to keep it secret to both villains and the genereral public right? Why then does he run around fighting mister twister without his mask? And for that matter why doesn't he get mad when Megan says "I got you Wally" right in front of the bad guy? Just from that little encounter it shouldn't be hard for those scientists to deduce his secret identity.

9. Continueing the secret identity thing, does those dark glasses really make it impossible to see Dick's face? Couldn't any villain of the slightest intelligence just check up on all 12-14 year old boys with dark hair who lives in Gotham and figure out his identity, based on said encounter with mister twister. (This would propably give up Batmans Identity aswell, presuming Bruce has adopted Dick in the show like he originally did)

10. When Megan turns into Red Tornado and fights twister, where is the real tornados comming from? The scientist said Tornado was in the vicinity. Did he create them from a distance or was it Wally spinning and making small Tornados like Flash has been seen doing in severel other versions of his character?

11. You've previously said that Robin has been fighting crime for 4 years. Can you tell us how long some of the others have been 'at it'? Superboy is obviously new to the whole thing. Wally said Megan was "pretty inexperienced" so that oculd mean she is new too, but not necessarily (I'm completely unfamiliar with her character so I'm completely lost here). I don't expect you to give up Artemis because it's propably in the show, but maybe you could tell us regarding Wally, Aqualad and Speedy?

While I'm posting I wanted to ask you something a little different. I know you're propably not the one to decide for or against it, but have you considered maybe accepting donations via internet payment? Shamefully, I must admit I haven't been completely legit about watching the show, because it is simply not available in my country (It won't be for at least a year and when it does it'll suck because we only have like 10 talentless voice-actors doing all voices on cartoons in Denmark). Still I'm a huge fan and really wanna support the possibility of future seasons. Since I can't do that by watching the show on TV, I could make a small donation to make up for watching it illegally. (I'm sure plenty of other non-americans feel that way so it might help out a lot in proving to the buseness guys in charge that it's worth it to give the show a pick-up).

Thanks for any answers you might give me and for all the awesome shows you're behind!

(PS: Sorry if this is a repost, having trouble with my computer)

Greg responds...

1. Asked and answered. Check the archives.

2. No comment.

3. Heavier gate. And no, it doesn't make sense. Security to the outside is more important than security within the complex.

4. His skin got pulled off. Maybe the ponytail fell off. (I honestly don't remember.)

5. No comment.

6. How open-minded do you need to be with someone that attractive?

7. It's an important detail - that's subject to the viewer's interpretation.

8. Well, I think there's more than one Wally in the world. But, yeah, he's trying to keeping his identity a secret from everyone but his fellow heroes. But the entire Team was caught without their costumes when the Twister thing began.

9. First, there must be a TON of dark haired boys in Gotham in that age range, and even if they're aren't what good would it do? How would you then identify Robin? Second, this is a world where Clark Kent's glasses hides his identity, so sunglasses have to work even better.

10. Wally. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

11. Asked and answered. Check the archives.

As for donations... I don't know how that would work. I don't own the stuff, so as much as I'd like free money, it makes no sense to donate to me. And I don't have a clue how you could donate to Warner Bros., Cartoon Network and/or DC Comics.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

About gargoyle's senses:

1-Their hearing seems sharper than humans, but just how much? Can they hear as well as a dog does? A cat? (like a gargate, I know, lol, but just to give a general idea :D)

2-Their night sight seem to also be far sharper than humans, for obvious reasons. Can they see as well as a cat does in the dark? Or less or more?

3-Brooklyn sniffs at Elisa, so maybe scent is an important factor for them? Just how acute is their scence of smell?

Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Depends on the dog... or cat, I guess.

2. I don't know.

3. Acute enough.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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TheLegendarySupersaiyanGoku writes...

Hey Greg!

I am a mexican fan of the show seeing the show (before it airs here in Mexico).And I must day that unfortunately the part in spanish had some mistakes.For instance nobody says "combate singular" it would be more common a "combate uno a uno".But otherwise amazing episode !

Greg responds...

All I can say (again) is that the Spanish-speaking folks who translated the writer's English into Spanish chose "singular". (Us English-only speakers didn't do the translating obviously. And we didn't use google-translations or anything like that.) And neither of our Spanish-speaking actors seemed to have a problem with it. They did correct other lines that didn't seem right to them, but not that one.

I'm not saying we got it right, only that we did everything we could think of to get it right. And clearly at least one Spanish-speaker disagrees with you.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I just wanted to say that, that was the best version of Bane I've ever seen in animation, and that it's hard to explain how happy I was to see Santa Prisca as one of the locations the team visited.
I mean being a hispanic guy who wants to go into acting (not voice acting) it always made me sad that there aren't many Superheroes, or Villains that I would ever be in the running for.
I dont know if it's confirmed or still a rumor that they're using Bane in the third Batman movie, but his rumored actor isn't hispanic, and that made me a bit upset lol.
Yeah so I just wanted to say thanks, for giving Bane not just a good tan, but making him really hispanic.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. But it's totally selfish. Diversity and authenticity makes for better entertainment.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

There's no denying your timeline is really impressively dense, but I was wondering how far into the future(or past) does it go?
And how does that process work? Do you just keep moving forwards or do you feel a need to add in events in this area and a related or unrelated one in a completely different point in time?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure WHICH timeline you're referring to here, but the process for me is the same for all of them. I add entries as I discover them, getting more and more specific as I learn more. Some entries are based on ideas. Some on execution.

As to the past and future, the Gargoyles timeline goes VERY far back and as far forward as 2199.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Ryan Eden writes...

who is your favorite character on Gargoyles mine is a tie between Goliath and Hudson and i didn't know you was working on Young Justice no wonder why it's already awesome and it only has 4 episodes so far

Greg responds...


I don't have a single favorite Gargoyles character, though of course Goliath is the prism through which we view all the others, making him the most essential.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Ed Rabka writes...

There have been many forums who have been comparing Young Justice to Chris Yost's Avengers series that's coming on Disney XD. Personally, I think they're both great shows that comic book fans and the general audience can enjoy at the same time. I mean this is the first time in animation where there's a cartoon featuring the Earth's Mightiest Heroes and another one with the Justice League. Anyway, what do you think of this debate from maybe both a perspective of a comic book reader and a professional writer? Also, what do you think of Mr. Yost's Avengers series?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen Avengers, but there are a bunch of great people working on it, so I'd hardly be surprised if it was kick-ass.

I don't see much to be gained even by comparing the shows, let alone putting them in some kind of hypothetical competition. They're not even on opposite each other. And in this DVR age, what difference would it make to most people even if they were?

Anyway, if you like one of the two series but not both, watch the one you like. If you like both, watch both and enjoy each for its merits - which may have a few things in common, but are likely very different.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Bob Rakba writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman

I like your new show Young Justice and I have a few questions

1. Are The Light the Big Bad for the first season or the whole series? If the latter, then will we find out who's who by the end of this season or the one after?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Again -- gang -- I'm NOT going to spoil my own show. I'm just not. So asking these kind of questions is just wasting everyone's time.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Brian writes...
If I could pet a gargoyle's wings, what's the closest thing they would feel like?
Greg responds...
Depends on whose wings.


Greg responds...

Leather, I guess.

Or suede maybe. Blue suede. ;)

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Miriam writes...

Hi Greg,
Short question: Are there any episodes planned which mostly take place in one of the "big" hometowns (Gotham, Star city, Metropolis, Central City)?
Thank you for taking time to answer.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

A while back one of the concept artists on the show posted some concept art of catherine Cobert (from the old Justice League Europe series, I believe), and mentioned that at some point she was meant to have been in the pilot episode as some sort of tour guide or liason at the Hall of Justice.

So do you know if she made it into the script only to be cut out due to budget stuff, or was the character dropped at an earlier point in the production cycle?

Either way, hope you and the rest of your team keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

She was in the script I wrote and we recorded her (with Stephanie Lemalin playing Catherine) but her part/scene was cut for time at the storyboard stage. Catherine survives in the show in a way, as she is still the voice of the League's computer. In my mind, she's still the League's public affairs officer, but we just haven't had the opportunity to show her yet. (It's a dense, crowded show.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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SmokedToast writes...

I couldn't help but notice the choice of villians in this week's episode. Considering the name of the episode that Artemis appears, might this have been a hint to her identity? It's something i've considered for a while after you explained in interviews who she isn't...
Also, apologies about being so vague. But I figured it was the best way to put it in case I cracked the clues and you didn't want to spoil anything directly.

Greg responds...

You're so vague, I don't even know what you're asking.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Sree writes...

I have a question on the western animation process in general (with special regard to YJ), if this is too complex to explain here or not the appropriate place for the question please ignore.

1. I think you mentioned that the inbetweens are done in South Korea. So is it fair to assume the key frames are done in house?

2. Using episode 2 "Fireworks" as an example how does an episode get made?
Does it start with you writing and onto the storyboard and to the animation team? (Sorry this part of the question was a bit vague)

3. At what point of the process does the Director of the episode come into play and what are his contributions?

4. What are the producers contribution to the process and how much weight does their word carry as opposed to the directors if a disagreement should arise?

Thanks. Also I did catch Scooby-Doo after hearing Victor Cook had a hand in it and it was a nice nostalgia trip, a bit weird like how real nostalgia is but nice nonetheless. Ermm thanks again I guess.

Greg responds...

1. No. Key frames are done in Korea too. Boarding is done here in the states for the most part.

2. Writing, recording, boards and design, color, shipping, animation, post-production.

3. At all points. And his or her contributions are omniverous.

4. Producers trump directors, and Brandon and I are very involved at every stage.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Algernon writes...

Hey again Greg

Just had a couple of questions about "Drop-Zone" that I wanted to post seperatly from my review. At the end of the episode we see Sportsmaster being debriefed by the Light. Two of the Light members had speaking roles, L-1 played by Miguel Ferrer and another member who seems to have a very thick French accent. At least it sounded Freanch, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

1) Who played the seemingly French Light memeber?

2) What was his number designation? We know Ferrer is L-1, Mark Ralston plays L-3

3) How many members of the Light are there in total?

Greg responds...

1. Nolan North did to save some money.

2. L-6

3. Seven.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #8 ("Downtime") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #8 ("Downtime") Credits


Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman
Written By
Kevin Hopps
Directed By
Jay Oliva
Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme Written And Performed By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis Crock
Jesse McCartney as Dick Grayson
Danica McKellar as M’gann M’orzz
Nolan North as Superboy, Superman
Khary Payton as Kaldur’ahm, Black Manta
Jason Spisak as Wally West
Starring The Voices Of
Jeff Glenn Bennett as Vulko, Alfred Pennyworth
George Eads as Barry Allen
Bruce Greenwood as Bruce Wayne
Kelly Hu as Paula Crock
Phil LaMarr as King Orin
Yuri Lowenthal as Garth
Roger Craig Smith as Prince Orm
Kath Soucie as Queen Mera, Joan Garrick
Cree Summer as Tula, Mary West
James Arnold Taylor as Topo

NOTE: Though uncredited, Kath Soucie also was the voice of Lori Lemaris; Yuri Lowenthal performed Lagoon Boy, and Roger Craig Smith was L-5.
Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Superman Created By
Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Aquaman Created By
Paul Norris
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
Matthew Benzinger
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim

Prop Design
Andy Chiang
Alexander Kubalsky
Eugene Mattos
Jay Baker
Tim Divar
Phil Langone
Lauren Montgomery

Storyboard Clean-up
Brendon Clogher
Owen Sullivan
Olga Ulanova

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Jan Browning
Annamarie Costa
Chuck Gefre
Chuck Martin
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Wut It Is
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.
Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Christopher D. Lozinski
Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Doo-Hyung Lee

Background Director
Jung-Ho Park

Production Managers
Young-Soo Yoo (Director)
Min-Sung Park
Pan-Seob Kim
Su-Mi Beck

Production Coordinator
Hyosun Ryu
Layout Artists
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim

Color Stylist
Min-Yi Kim

Byoung-Ryul Kim (Director)
Hyo-Yoon Beck
Kyoung-Hee Kang
Sung-Ho Jo
Soo-Jin Yu
Jeong-Mi Lee

Model Checkers
Yang-Sook Kim

Key Animation
Byong-Eui Gwack
Kyong-Ho Lee
Bum-Seok Lee
Kyong-Ah Jang
Eun-Hee Ba
Chang-Ho Park

Gyu-Han Yoo (Director)
Gyu-Sung Oh

Final Checker
Nam-Gyu Lee
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Athena Wingate
Luisa Guzman

Production Support
Audrey Kim
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Business And Legal Affairs
Lori Blackstone
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Dan Soulsby - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator

I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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Algernon writes...

“Young Justice: Drop-Zone” review



Really great episode all round, I think this is what most of us have been waiting for since “Independence Day” first aired back in November.

First off, I know a lot of folks thought Desmond’s transformation into Blockbuster was pretty disturbing but damn, Mammoth just took it to a whole new level of nightmare fuel. Not only do we get his skin ripping of but exposed muscle tissue and everything. You guys must have the most laid back S&P exec in history.

Back to the actual plot, this episode really sells the idea of Young Justice as the League’s covert-ops team. I especially liked how the team still hasn’t completely gelled yet, as befits their first official mission. Everyone’s unsure of their roles and they don’t even have a leader yet. Robin’s got a lot of natural talent and he’s probably the best suited for covert work, but he lacks the necessary maturity. I like the idea of Kaldur taking on the “burden of leadership” until Robin’s ready. I got to say Kaldur’s my favourite character so far and I’m looking forward to seeing how he grows as a leader in the future.

I’m a big supervillain geek, so this episode had a lot for me to like. Bane was very cool, a lot of writers forget Bane’s supposed to be a strategist as well as a brawler, so it was refreshing to see him playing the YJers and the Kubra Cult against each other. I also enjoyed Lord Kobra, any dude created by Jack Kirby is automatically worth looking into for me but I loved what Arnold Vosloo did with the character, supremely arrogant yet very cold and understated. It’s easy to see how a cult of personality formed around this guy.

Sportsmaster seemed pretty left field but interesting. I’m familiar with the character from “Batman: The Brave & The Bold” but never expected to see him in a show like this. Still, I liked the way you guys re-imagined him as more of a mercenary then weirdo with a gimmick.

It was also very cool to see the Light again, I’ve been looking forward to seeing these guys again and it looks like their conspiracy seems to stretch across the super-criminal community. Project Cadmus, the Kobra Cult and even Professor Morrow and Mr. Twister, they seem to have their fingers in many dubious pies.

Like I said great episode that just makes my hungry for more, can’t wait to see where you guys are going with this.

Greg responds...

We're going somewhere GREAT!!

In my opinion, anyway.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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Nick writes...

Hey Greg,

I just re watched City of Stone, and in part 4 MacBeth "dies" for the first time. His wife convinces him to leave Scotland, citing that his subjects would no longer accept him as King if they knew of his magical bond with Demona. My question is, who has to know that he died? The only people who saw him killed were his family and the Hunter...and who of MacBeth's subjects would believe the Hunter over the Royal Family? Granted, after long enough his people would notice him not aging, but during that war and with his family so vulnerable, it seems like a terrible time to fade into the wind.

Thank you so much for creating what I and many people consider the most intellegent and literally epic animated series ever, and for staying connected with your tireless fanbase.

Greg responds...

By the time Macbeth and Gruoch could have/would have gotten to them, Bodhe and Luach would have announced Macbeth's death.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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Mike writes...

Almost every show seems to do a Christmas themed episode at some point down the line. Any chance there can ever be a Chanukka themed episode in YJ at some point. (Though I don't know how you'd make it work considering none of the main characters are Jewish, but it's just a thought. The last cartoon to have a chanukka themed episode was Rugrats, I think.)
Anywho, Love the show, keep up the good work!

All the best,

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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Brian L writes...

Hi, Greg! I did a search but I couldn't find where it was answered in full, so about how old are the Justice League in Young Justice? The ki -- young adults are well known, but the adults seem considerably vaguer. Thank you for your time and the answer (hopefully).

Greg responds...

I've listed some of them already. Check the Young Justice archives here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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