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ANSWERVINGS 2011-03 (Mar)

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Orange writes...

Hey Greg, I'd just like to say I've been completely blown away by Young Justice. Just watched "Infiltrator" today; this series just keeps getting better and better!

The question: Considering how well it's been received so far, how long do you expect YJ to run? Wiki has the current list of planned episode airing dates up to the 8th in early March, but I'd like to think the story's going to be longer than that.

Also, I'm convinced Artemis is Mia Dearden. I guess I'll have to wait to see if I'm right! ;)

Greg responds...

Artemis is .... Artemis Crock.

Anyway, as previously announced, we have a total of 26 episodes this season (nine have aired, 17 remain to be aired) and we've been picked up for AT LEAST ten more for Season Two.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever gotten addicted to anwsering these questions?
This site is similiar in format to formspring, and I know that can get kind of addicting.
Do you enjoy anwsering these questions? Your responses don't always seem happy.
Why do anwser our questions?

Greg responds...

1. No, I wouldn't characterize it that way.

2. I don't know what "formspring" is.

3. I don't always enjoy answering the questions. I think in recent days that's been remarkably clear. But I enjoy it MOST of the time, or I wouldn't continue, of course.

4. See above.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Zeta-tubing how Artemis got to Gotham in the end of episode 6?
What was she doing there, why was Red Arrow(love the new costume by the way) there, and how did he know to find here there?

2. Is Red Arrow unofficialy part of the Young Justice roster? Because in Infiltrator the computer was like B-06 when he entered Mount Justice.

3.Why didn't we find out Artemis' real name in Infiltrator?

4. Oh last question when Robin was flipping out about them getting the Waynetech data where was he worried they would get into? And why didnt he tell Superboy where he was worried they would get into.

By the way my mind was blown when Cheshire knew Artemis.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, she used a Zeta-Tube to get to Gotham, which is where she lives with her mother. As for Red Arrow: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

2. He's officially allowed into the Cave, which is what the computer recognizes.

3. Cuz we wanted to save the revelation for "Downtime".

4. Come on... what do you THINK he was worried about? Yep, that's right.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Greg: "The Archmage's ENTIRE LOOP was part of the timestream. [..]

The Archmage NEVER died in that cavern. In ANY incarnation.

[...] it's a WORKING paradox. It does have logic. I did a panel on this at a Gathering once, and it's easier to explain with a chalkboard. But it works. Trust me."

If he never died in the cavern then how did the time loop begin? Just out of the blue future archmage shows up to save his past self? Isn't that Deus Ex Machina?

I'm not trying to provoke you or anything, I just really wish to understand this paradox, especially the part that makes it work. Would it be too much to ask you to doodle that panel and upload it to GargWiki or something? I CAN'T be the only one not understanding this...

Greg responds...

If you want to call it Deus ex Machina, you can. In other words, you can fault the storytelling but not the integrity of the time-loop. ;)

But I don't think it IS Deus ex Machina, except by technicality, BECAUSE of the time-loop. It was inherent in who the Archmage was.

I have no ability to upload a doodle anywhere, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Richard Jackson writes...

Hello Greg,

Some questions about the Pukhan Clan in Korea...

1. Do you remember how you came up with the name of Pukhan for the clan? I'm aware of the real life Pukhan Mountain near Seoul. If you named the clan after the mountain, how did you hear of the mountain? It's known in Korea, but it's not the most famous or tallest mountain in the country. The South is 70% mountains.

2. I noted this on Pukhan's (the area) page on GargWiki, but do you know that "Pukhan" means North Korea? That's what the South calls the North. "Puk" (or "buk", it's a "b" sound) means "north". "Han" means "Korea". If I told Koreans that I want to visit Pukhan without adding "mountain", they would think I wanted to visit the nation of North Korea. The mountain was named Pukhan because it's located near the northern tributary of the Han River.

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't remember. I DO recall that I researched it and that it seemed right to me, but beyond that...

2. I had this vague memory that it's right on or near the border between North and South. Am I misremembering?

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I'm a bit curious about Artemis. No I'm not asking who she is. I was wondering about her sixth ranger status on the show. She is literally the sixth member of the team and and archer, commonly known as a 'ranger' in roleplaying classes. Was that done intentionally or is it just a really weird coincidence?

And why not; just because I've missed reading your snarky responses: What's Artemis' secret identity?

Greg responds...

I'm not a gamer, and this is the first time I've heard the "ranger" term used in this context. I'm not even clear what "sixth ranger status" means.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Cal writes...

Will any Kim Possible voice actors be working on YJ? I only asked because you and Nicole Dubuc have written episodes for both shows.

Greg responds...

I'm sure there will be some overlap, but I don't have a good enough handle on who all did what voices on Kim to be certain.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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flame burner deluxe writes...

but you helped with the creation of gargoyles and what-not. so somewhere in your mind you subconsciously made him gay. I've been watching the episodes repeatedly and in none of them does he show any semblance of homosexuality so why did this change during the comics?

Greg responds...

This didn't "change during the comics". Hell, the comics appeared over a decade after this thought struck me. I discovered that I believed Lexington was gay during the production of the series and was very careful to write him consistently with what already seemed clear to me and to MANY other people. ON THE SERIES. I'm not sure what exactly you're expecting to see that qualifies as "semblance of homosexuality"? Some cliche? Some outward admission of something he wasn't yet clear on himself? If that's the case, then you're right, it's not there. But I believe he's been written consistently from DAY ONE through the animated series and into the comics - where, for the record, he still isn't clear on his sexuality, let alone come out to anyone.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Paul writes...

1) In Young Justice, what is the codename of Hawkman's partner in the Justice League: Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman?
2) Is her real name Shayera Hol or is it something else?
3) Is she romantically linked to Green Lantern (John Stewart) or Hawkman in Young Justice?
4) I asked you before about how much of Justice League/Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans you had seen and was just wondering if you're thinking of resuming watching either of them? I ask this because they're both great shows and seeing them in their entirety would prevent you from accidentally using an idea that was done on one of those shows.
5) Did/would you ever consider recasting some of the voice actors from other DC cartoons in the same role on Young Justice? (To give an example, Tara Strong as Raven on Teen Titans.)

Greg responds...

1. Hawkwoman.



4. I haven't had time. There's bound to be some overlap here and there, but we'll just have to live with that.

5. It doesn't play into our decisions. Using your example, I wouldn't REJECT Tara as Raven, but her having played the part in the past isn't a consideration. We'd look at our interpretation of the character and try to find the best choice for our version of the character. If the best choice was still Tara, great. If not, we'd go with someone else. (NOTE: if this was actually a backdoor attempt to discover if Raven will be appearing: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.")

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Con writes...

1. Is it true not every Police Officer or FBI Agent is trustworthy in "your" DC Universe?

2. In YJ is Professor Ivo a campy villian? He doesn't look threatening at all.

3. So far, are any the DC villians you've used, are involved in any "counterespionage" activities, or is this still confidential?

Greg responds...


2. The threat is his genius. If Amazo or the MONQIs are threatening, then that threat comes from Ivo's genius. We definitely think Ivo's eccentric but never intended him to be camp, but I guess it's up to the viewer to decide on the final result.


Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Rud writes...

Young Justice, In the beginning of episode 5 when that bridge was collapsing and Bruce Wayne saw it. Instead of calling the police or the firemen or whatever he went strait for his Batman costume... that was just so funny to me, cause like, what can the Batman possibly do about a broken bridge?

its a good Superman showed up.

Greg responds...

It is good that Superman showed up. Superboy too.

But I wouldn't underestimate the Batman.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Michael writes...

Dear Mr. Greg "greatestanimatedshowrunnerofalltime" Weisman,
While of course Lex is a member of the Light, as well as other villains I'm sure many comic book readers are aware of, like the Brain, possibly, but while their inevitable reveal will be a shock to the characters and possibly the viewers, most of them, who presumably don't read comics and have little to no comic book knowledge will have no clue who these villains are, as they haven't appeared in the show yet. Revealing a shadowy villain to be a villain no one's seen before will feel cheap to most viewers.
All the best and keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Is this... advice?

Or an attempt to get confirmation of your theories? Or a subtle request for spoilers?


You have no idea what we have planned, but WHATEVER we have planned is done. No turning back now. And I'm not confirming or denying any of your suppositions, implicit or explicit, so:


Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Tell us more about this Earth 16.5...please?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters: It's just Earth-16. Not sure where you got the ".5".

Response recorded on March 29, 2011

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

I can't tell from the comic, so... in the Gargoyles universe, did Finella actually have a son? Did Kenneth II actually kill Finella's son?


Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 29, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg,Here are some questions that I hope you are allowed to answer.
1.Can you post on a blog the reason why you chose specific costumes for each character.
2.Is Aqualad's electric ell tatoo natural or Atlantean made.
3.How was Artemis able to be at school when Amazo was giving Superboy a beat down.
4.Is it because of your love for Black Canary that you made her the combat trainer instead of Wonder Woman or was there a specific reason.
4.Will we see Themyscira in Young justice.
5.How much liter's can Aqualad's water bearers hold.
6.Which is your favorite comic:DC or Marvel.
7.Will any issue of your comics for Young Justice focus on specific realations within the group.
8.If yes to number 7, which issue will focus on the Superboy and Miss Martian relationship.
Thanks for all your time making a great tv series like Young Justice.Side note hope Superboy and Miss Martian get together soon.

Greg responds...

1. No. I'm not going to go down a laundry list of everyone. If you have a specific question about an individual character or two, I'll give it a shot. In the meantime, check out my partner Brandon Vietti's blog on the subject: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/2010/11/costumes.html

2. It's mystic, but he wasn't born with it.


4. I'm sure my preferences played in, but it just made sense to us. Canary was trained by past heroes. It made sense that she'd want to pass on the knowledge she's gained. Plus her experience lends itself to all power sets. I'm not sure Wonder Woman's does. (Btw, this came VERY close to getting a stock "WE LIKE OUR SHOW." response, but I elected to give you the benefit of the doubt.)


5. I'm personally not interested in being that specific.


7. Well, sure...


Response recorded on March 29, 2011

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Finally, a word about Ask Greg.

I've asked Gorebash to shut down the question asking function until either (a) I catch up with the huge backlog of questions currently in the queue or (b) we have a new episode airing (whichever comes FIRST).

In the meantime, I'm going to try as usual to wade through the backlog. I'll admit, the questions lately have made me a bit cranky, and I want to avoid that, so I'm breaking down three categories of questions that get on my nerves and will from now on ONLY receive stock answers, both to keep me sane and to speed up the process.

1. Questions that have been asked before are really bogging down the queue. It would be MUCH appreciated if folks would follow the guidelines before posting and try (1) checking the Ask Greg Archives to see if their question has already been answered, (2) check the unanswered questions already in the queue to see if the question has been asked already and will get answered before I get to theirs and (3) try asking the question in the Station 8 Comment Room (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/). The fans there are VERY knowledgeable and may be able to get you an answer LONG before I reach your question. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered with the following: "ASKED AND ANSWERED."

2. Questions that ask me to SPOIL my own show are exasperating. As I've said over and over, I'm just NOT going to do that. Why would I? Even obvious stuff can't be addressed, because if I acknowledge anything, the stuff I don't comment on is spoiled by default. So please, please, please refrain. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

3. Finally, I have NO problem with people commenting on the series. And I get that not everyone is going to like everything (or even anything) that they see. But for some posters, commenting doesn't seem to satisfy. Instead, they phrase their comments in the form of a question, and in essence CHALLENGE me to acknowledge how right they are about their criticisms of the program. But here's the thing... you do NOT have to agree with me, but aside from a few objective mistakes that I'm ALWAYS willing to acknowledge (e.g.. the incorrect timestamps), you have to understand that if Brandon and I put something in the series, the odds are WE LIKE IT. YOU are NOT going to convince ME that, for example, "Hello, Megan!" or Robin's laugh or Superman's response to Superboy or Wally's flirting is bad for the show. Feel free to tell me you don't care for these (or other) things, but stop phrasing these COMMENTS as questions or challenges. It grates. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: "WE LIKE OUR SHOW."

Now, I realize that all of the above sounds fairly negative, but that's not the intent. In fact, the intent is to get any and all negativity out of the way HERE, so that the rest of Ask Greg becomes more manageable and pleasant for myself and all of you. I hope that makes sense.

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Young Justice Update

Good news and bad news today...

Here's the good news.

Coming out of Cartoon Network's upfronts last week (and Geoff John's comments on it since) there's been some confusion about what's happening on the Young Justice front.

What amuses me a bit is how CONFIDENT some posters on various message boards are about their interpretation of the reports. CONFIDENT and generally wrong.

So here's what's going on:

Young Justice has aired nine episodes of our 26-episode first season. The rest will begin airing after some weeks of reruns. The schedule is Cartoon Network's, and I'm not yet 100% clear on when we're back up and running. Though to be fair to CN, we don't have ANY other episodes in the can as of this moment. We're posting episodes 10 and 11 now.

(I saw some folks protesting why we didn't wait until ALL episodes were in the can before we began airing. All I can do is shrug. It's not up to me, but I do wonder how the fans who were furious that they had to wait until January 2011 for Season One would feel about THAT strategy.)

So the good news: We HAVE INDEED been picked up for a second season. As of now, all CN & WB have ordered is a ten episode mini-series, "YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION". We're HOPING for more than just ten eps, and I honestly think the odds are fairly good that the order will expand, but as of NOW, all we have is this ten episode order.

We immediately began work on this new season last week, and are breaking approximately (but not quite) one episode per day. The creative team is fundamentally the same as for Season One.

And though, of course, we will be introducing many new characters episodically in Season Two (just as we do episodically in Season One), I don't want to give the impression that this is some spin-off featuring, I dunno, the League or something, in the same Earth-16 setting. Invasion IS the second season of Young Justice and absolutely features our "Team". Episode 26 of Season One is time-stamped "December 31". Episode 1 of Season Two will be time-stamped "January 1", in essence picking up right where we left off.

We anticipate YJ:Invasion premiering in 2012... late first quarter, if I had to guess. Reports suggesting late 2011 are... beyond wishful thinking.

Hmmm... anything else? I feel like I'm forgetting something. But I can't think of any other misconceptions that need correcting right now.

Oh, well...

Still - Season Two. Not too shabby, huh?

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Back Issue

I should have posted this long ago...

I received a complimentary copy of Back Issue #46. Inside is an interview of me conducted by John Wells (who incidentally has -- through Peter David -- provided considerable DC Comics related research for us on Young Justice). It's all about the Black Canary mini-series that I wrote a good chunk of for DC Comics back in the 80s before it was cancelled and never published to make way for Mike Grell's Longbow Hunters.

But that's not the only article of interest in the magazine. In fact, one of the reasons I'm so late in referencing this here, is because I took the time to read the magazine cover to cover. Lots of great stuff. I heartily recommend it.

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Apologies for all the typos in my preceding comment. I could have sworn I read it through more than once.

Greg responds...

Don't sweat it.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Jim V writes...

Loving Young Justice... but why oh why is Superman acting like such a jerk with regards to Superboy? I can understand why he'd be uncomfortable meeting his clone, but still... seems way out of character. And him storming out of his meeting with Batman... who IS this guy?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered ad nauseum. See the ASK GREG "Young Justice" archives.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Now that I am finally caught up on YJ episodes...{I'm the only person I've ever heard of to have any problems with TiVO, let alone have one box go from working poorly to actually dying, and now the new one is working no better!?} A few reactions and questions...

1- Aqualad's water manipulation power reminds me of 'water bending' in Avatar. Was that a visual inspiration, or just a happenstance?

2- I had a surprising realization. Robin is a bit annoying- That's not the surprise; he is annoying as a 13 year old trying a smidge too hard to run with the big kids most probably would be. (I started reading comics with the preternaturally mature Tim Drake as Robin so it does stick out to me.) The realization that surprised me was that I have no idea if that is consistent with or devient from Dick's personality when he first appeared back in the Golden Age.

3- I'm not sure if this is something you would care to answer or if it is a 'wait and see' thing but... If YJ has the "Don't call them sidekicks" vibe, will we be seeing plain old 'call them sidekicks'? (I'm thinking more world building background than full show characters. This is a young universe, there aren't that many sidekicks yet so the example of these sidekicks should first be leading to more, and to reactions to kids in the field in general. Foreground I'm fairly certain is a 'wait and see' answer.)
3a- Will we be seeing any of the YJ crew in their sidekick capacity like we did in the series opening sequence?

4- The animated YJ members assumption Speedy's presence whenever clues of Artimas shows up mirrors the printed members' assumption of Arrowette's return when Empress first showed up.

5- I like Black Canary's design, also her characterization and acting- the leggings could be simplified visually from her famous fishnets, or they could equally be a more practical protective material. Her body actually looks capable of the fighting she does. And the arm wound was subtle enough to just be there like working past a battle wound would be for her in, uh..real life. It was used wonderfully to show her personality, similarly her reliance on her fighting skills over her meta ability. (Superboy picked up on that nicely when Amazo called on her skills twice- first for her scream and second, when the fighting heated up, for her brawling skills.)

6- Speaking of Black Canary- in the comics, despite their closeness in age, Dinah is often considered Roy's mother. (Making her a rediculously young grandmother.) I'm not a big Green Arrow reader, but I can think of several times Roy and Ollie saying that Dinah was a better mother to him than Ollie ever was a father. And IIRC correctly there was a strong 'proud mama' vibe over Red Arrow's membership in Dinah's JLA. Assuming at least part of that relationship is in the animated continuity it adds an additional level of depth to her mentoring the angry young Kon-el when her own angry young Roy is on her mind.

7- One last note on some of the Superman complaints I've been reading in the que- I'm foundinng the animation so expressive (as with my two previous Black Canary comments) that what some complain is missing in Superman's failure to be fatherly, (or at least big brotherly- a clone seems more brother than son to me), to Superboy to be clearly on screen in facial expressions and body langauge. I don't think Clark is being short changed at all.

8- And a request...can the "Come on Megan!"s be limited to one per ep? I get her Earth name is new and she is still enjoying the sound and play of it, but it is a bit much.

Greg responds...

1. Probably neither.

2. Robin/Dick Grayson - particularly in the early days - had a real sense of humor about his work with Batman. I think we've characterized him (taking modernization into account) fairly accurately. (BTW, I do not find him annoying.)

3. To the extent I understand the question: no comment.

3a. No comment.

4 & 5. No questions.

6. I've never considered Dinah as Roy's mom. More like a caring older sister. I mean I get it. Ollie is a father figure to Roy (though not necessarily much of a father), so Dinah -- being Ollie's most consistent girlfriend -- must be a mother figure. But I just don't see it and never have.

7. Thank you.

8. <sigh> You do understand that it's too late, right? The scripting and recording and nearly all of the boarding plus a good chunk of the animation is all done. Even assuming I agreed with you, how could I honor such a request? And, for the record, I DISAGREE WITH YOU STRONGLY!!! And did you really think I wouldn't? Does it make sense that we'd put stuff in the series that WE don't like? And it's: "Hello, Megan!"

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Liam writes...

Gargoyles obviously had a lot of influence from Shakespeare, and so did Spectacular Spider-Man, towards the end of the series. Will we be seeing at least a little bit of that theme in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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David writes...

1).The season 1 of Young justice just began but how long will the gap be between se;1 and se;2 ( if the show gets a season two).

2).are there episodes for the next season already in development or is it a {wait it out and see what happens with se;1 before going anymore forward}

Greg responds...

1. I have no idea.

2. We don't yet have a green light for Season Two, but of course we have ideas.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Grant writes...

Where is Metropolis located?

In the most recent episode, Schooled, was the map correct in that Gotham was located in Conneticut?

Are both of these cities the size of NYC?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Just wanted to give thanks for another excellent episode of Young Justice this past Friday. I liked how you handled Amazo, very cool. But I was surprised by Prof. Ivo, I wouldv'e sworn that was Toyman based on his design. But you've done enough good to earn my full trust. Oh, I also liked the interaction between Clark & Bruce at the diner, very nicely done. Again, kudos to you and the crew, and I am looking forward to the next episode!

Greg responds...

Toyman looks like Peter MacNicol?

Response recorded on March 17, 2011

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