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ANSWERVINGS 2011-03 (Mar)

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg.

I was reading through the Stone of Destiny arc the other day, and I found something that caught my eye. In the series, I remember Arthur Pendragon's eyes being blue. But in the comic, they're brown. Was this a coloring error (like Shari's missing pants, page 3 of #9 XD), or did you decide to change the color?

Thank you for your time! :)

Greg responds...

I didn't decide to change any eye colors. But I can't confirm or deny the mistake, as I don't have access to the materials to compare them here at my Warner Bros office.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Electric Tiki, Rubén Procopio, Goliath and Me...

So I received my copy of the Electric Tiki Goliath sculpt. I LOVE it! It looks fantastic in my office at Warner Bros.

I highly recommend the purchase!

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AJC writes...

I just remmebered who you guys got to voice the boy wonder...So will robin sing in YJ? That'd be hilarious! Thoughts?

Greg responds...

By now, I'm sure you've seen the musical episode where ALL the characters break into song. What did you think?

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Marge writes...

I'm really enjoying Young Justice so far, and being a long-time fan of your work since Gargoyles, I'm anticipating even more good things from the show in the future.

That said, I have just one point to ask about. (Two questions though.)
Miss Martian seems to have acquired a bit of a catch phrase in the form of "Hello Megan!". In all honesty, it's a bit of turn off that the only significant female presence if being presented in a way that makes her seem, well a bit air-headed. Is that impression intentional? And can we expect that to change in the future?

Thank you for your time. I'm loving absolutely everything else.

Greg responds...

I don't think it makes her seem air-headed, so we just disagree there. And her catchphrase has nothing to do with her being female and has everything to do with who she is as an individual and how she got to where she is today.

Robin has his signature laugh and his signature wordplay - does that make him seem like a flibbertigibbet? And even if it does, it's character revealing. They've all got their quirks.

As for what's coming: NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Niedzwiedz writes...

First I should thank you, as your work brought me a lot of enjoyment. I love how each of your show has really different feel, yet I can recognize easily your hand (mostly by your great attention to detail) will soon have some questions/comments on Young Justice but I made a rule, to first watch 5 episodes of show before I form my judgment. Nevertheless I have a few general questions. They mostly centre on art of writing, and I’m well aware that there is no easy, universal solution, and it’s not possible to describe process of creating story and pinpoint exact methods. . I write only as a hobby (mostly short stories and RPG scenarios) and understand that the same way I could not easily give you pointers within my area of expertise you cannot give them to me. Still, I can hope for example of thinking and designing steps in specific problems.
1.When you design a character that is clearly smarter and more cunning than other characters and more importantly than you, how do you show his intellect. When I just assume that he is so capable that he just predicts every action of other characters and wins every intellectual struggle he seems fake. Yet I cannot explain his way of thinking because I’m not capable of being so smart myself. Currently I use assume that character is able to think the same way I do but much faster (something took me a day to solve it and he/she will be able to do it in a few minutes). What would you say about it?
2.When you create a series do you prepare basic “spine” from begging to end or do you create few scripts and wait for reaction of audience or just simply have new ideas. Basically the question here is, how much do think about main plot in advance and how much author should be attached to his original ideas
3.Does that that kind of question bothers you? Do you have anything about similar questions in the future?
Thank you for your time. I know I can't write a short letter to save my life.

Greg responds...

1. Well... it kinda depends on what kind of intelligence we're talking about. I'm no scientist, but I can right a decent scientist (particularly in a comic book type universe) with a combination of research, bologna and the voice of authority. But I think you're talking about strategic ability. (Should I be offended that you don't think me strategically more brilliant than my characters? No, I guess not.) Here, the characters are rather limited to how clever I can be. But as you said, they execute their plans without showing you all the colored notecards that I have to spread out to keep everything straight.

2. There's no way I can wait for reaction from the audience. Think about it. If we waited for that, you'd have a year between episodes. So, yes, I come up with a spine from "begging to end" (I LOVE that typo) at the start of the entire process. I try to allow for serendipity and other good ideas that come as we go along, but the arc is very well thought out in advance.

3. I'm fine with these questions.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Brandon writes...

Kudos to whomever came up with the idea for Miss Martian's ship. I was just wondering, did the idea for her Martian ship come from Wonder Woman's infamous(ly mocked) Invisible Plane, or the old Martian fighter jet that Martian Manhunter briefly had in the 90's?

Greg responds...

Neither. The inspiration actually came from her clothes. If she has organic clothes that respond to her mental commands and change as she requires, then that Martian technology should be applicable to her Bio-Ship as well.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Superman shun Superboy? Superman's greatest power is supposed to be his empathy. Why didn't he embrace Superboy?

That scene was severely out of character for Superman and contradicts over seventy years of Superman stories.

Greg responds...

"Shun" is not the word I'd use. It's too active a verb to describe what happened. But as I've said to others who already asked the same basic question, I think you're viewing what happened in terms too black and white. I do NOT think that Superman is behaving out of character. He's been violated and is having problems dealing with it, getting his head around it. He's found a rationale in his head to justify his behavior toward Superboy, that for now at least, is working for him. I'm not going to defend his actions, nor will I be unsympathetic to them. It is, by design, a complex problem.

And no real human being has perfect empathy. And Superman is nothing if he's not thoroughly human.

In any case, I doubt I'm going to convince you, so we'll just have to agree to disagree for now. Perhaps, if you stay tuned and see how this thread plays out, you'll appreciate it more. Or perhaps not.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, where is Wonder Woman in all this? I love her.I have been reading comics for a few years now and loved her and Superman and the interesting interactions through their proteges Con and Cassie. I don't get the Lois thing over and over. Never did and for once it would be nice to see a different Earth play off what the fans hoping to see but people keep telling us we can't or it wouldn't work but they never never even try. I think it would be nice and very in character for Wonder Woman to help/encourage Clark with Superboy seeing she doesn't have a side kick as yet and now you've brought Miss Martian in as a love interest for Conner, well that's Cassie sidelined. It's not fair. We always get screwed in terms of our ships. Sorry for the whining. :) I recall Superboy even had a crush on Diana in comics lol...but then he is a lot more fun in comics.Boy, he is angry and why is his IQ so low? I hope to see progression with him and Superman.

Greg responds...


Well, starting at the end of your post, Superboy's IQ isn't low.

But I'm not exactly sure what you're upset about. We haven't even shown Lois, so you can hardly say that she's taken precedence over Diana.

As to why there's no Cassie in the series, I've answered this over and over, so check the archives.

And Wonder Woman's role will expand a bit as the series continues. But keep in mind, our focus is on the teens -- and how they interact with the adults. Not on the adults and how they interact with each other.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Ozaline writes...

Is it just me or did the characters who used the suped up venom look like Jackle and the woman with him like Hyena?

Greg responds...

I think it's just you.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Neil writes...

Disney Questions

1. Do you know what Tad Stones, Bob Schooley & Mark McCorkle are currently working on?

2. Any "possible" chances you might be able to work with those guys again?

3. In your opinion, do you think they really should consider making another Buzz Lightyear movie?

Greg responds...

1. I think Bob & Mark are working on Penguins. I'm not sure what Tad's on these days. Which reminds me, I should call all three of 'em.

2. I HOPE so.

3. Uh, Toy Story 3, anyone?

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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