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1) How important is it for the plot to keep the identity of the Light members a secret? And what lengths do you go to to enforce it? I mean, when you put a dome-shaped figure speaking with a thick French accent, you are just begging for it... :)
2) Is the mystery of their identities something conceived specifically for the less comic-savvy target demographics?
3) Is the anonymity of each member equally important as of the rest, or are some more important to the plot than others?
I must say that I quite enjoy this trope. It's quite exiting. But it's been only 10 episodes, and fans have figured out 6 out of 7 members of the group. (Personally I had guessed 5 -- good job with L-3. I didn't see it coming, somehow. Mark Rolston's cadence in "Targets" was different from "Fireworks," which totally blindsided me).
1. We wanted to play fair and offer hints without being definitive - until episode 114.
2. Both, I guess.
3. Nope.
Did Bruce Wayne ever found out who killed his parents?
Joe Chill.
What is Bruce Wayne pubklic reputation on Earth 16 do most consider him a rich idiot with no day job, a serious business man or somewhere in between?
He's a serious business man, who has a reputation for working hard AND playing hard. Not many think he's an idiot, but many would consider him a playboy, by the old school definition of the term.
Though I know your mind isn't the kind to play favorites, but given how you acknowledge The Mirror as your favorite/the best episode of Gargoyles, I think this might be able to fly.
Do you have any particular episodes of WITCH or The Spectacular Spider-Man that, if it wasn't your favorite necessarily, you felt was the best of those shows? And for what reasons, if so?
At the moment, I can't think of just one for either series. But it's been a while since I've watched them.
1.Does Aqualad go to school?
2.How Does Superboy feel about Superman?
3.How come the teenage superheroes aren't going to be calling there team Young Justice?
1. Not anymore.
2. It's complicated.
3. It never occurred to them. Guess they haven't read the comics.
Less a question, more of a comment. While visiting one of my dearest friends over in Long Island over the summer, one of the things we did together was watch Gargoyles (as part of a little trade of interests-her offering was showing me a documentary on the legacy and fandom of the Rock-a-Fire Explosion series of animatronics, which was fairly interesting and quite enjoyable in its own right). As we've mostly communicated online for our 9 or so year friendship, doing something like this isn't a common thing. Especially considering we've only been in person together for two visits, each lasting about a week.
I'm happy to report that after a viewing of The Mirror, Double Jeopardy, and Eye of the Beholder, she became quite fond of the series and has expressed interesting in indulging further. I was beyond happy that she did, as being able to share Gargoyles with her joins the rest of that week as one of many memories I feel lucky to have.
Thought you'd like to know.
That's great. Thanks.
How closely do you stick to the covert ops concept for each episode? I noticed that even when it's not a direct mission from Batman, there is still an element of going undercover.
We strive for that.
A few questions about voice-over.
1) Is it recorded before the episode is animated?
2) How long does it take from recording the voice work until the episode is completely finished?
3) Do all actors get together in the room when recording one episode?
4) Are you present?
1. Yep.
2. Months.
3. Ideally. Sometimes people aren't available on the day of the record, and we pick them up later. Sometimes if someone only has a line or two in the episode, we take pity on them and get them in and out fast. Sometimes, a single episode has two completely separate plots intertwining. We'd ideally record every actor in the first plot together, and then record every actor in the second together. But since the two groups don't interact, there's no need to record the entire group together and force a lot of actors to sit through scenes they're not in at all.
4. Yep.
1. Is Kid Flash an atheist?
2. Is there a Catwoman on Earth 16?
1. I guess he thought he was.
Were there any sidekick during the 40's?
Hiya, Greg! Glad to see Station 8's question-asking feature back from hiatus, despite the absolute flood of "ZOMGSPOILYOUNGJUSTICEPLEEZ" comments that've come in over the past three days; speaking of which, I finally saw "Targets" in television-level quality and loved every single minute of it all over again, and simply cannot wait for "Terrors." The villains in YJ are, in my humble opinion, the single greatest aspect of this wonderful show, so I was quite ecstatic to read the summary for that one.
Anyway, I'll apologize in advance if this question grows ridiculously fanboyish, but I'd really like to follow-up on a little blurb you typed way back in March. To whit:
"I don't know about Brandon, but I've begun watching Avatar with my son Benny. We're near the beginning of Season Two. I like it. I don't know how much of an influence there's been, since we started YJ before I started watching Avatar."
Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I was pretty much reduced to happy giggles the moment I read that. Personally, I consider "Gargoyles" and "Avatar: The Last Airbender" (alongside several shows in the DC Animated Universe) to, together, represent the absolute pinnacle of Western television animation, and the notion of the creator of one watching the other excites me in a way I can't really describe. As such, if you'll permit me, I'd like to ask a few more questions about your experience watching this fantastic show:
1. Have you completed watching the series yet? If not, how far do you still have to go? If so, do you have any general thoughts? What do you think "Avatar" did especially well, compared to other animated shows you've watched and critiqued? Where do you think it could've been improved?
2. Do you have a favorite character or episode? I realize that you dislike being asked this question with regard to your own shows (as they're all pretty much like your children, a viewpoint to which I can certainly relate), but I'm curious as to whether you think about these sorts of things when watching shows you aren't necessarily connected with?
3. Did you and Benny discover the series together, or did he introduce it to you? The latter is pretty much what happened with my Dad and I, LOL, so I'm interested.
4. Have you seen the Comic-Con 2011 trailer for the sequel series, "The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra"? If so, do you intend to catch it when it airs in 2012, if you happen to have the time (an unlikely prospect for you, I know, but still XD)?
Aaand...yeah, I think that's enough. Thank you so much for your patience and dedication to your fanbase, and I greatly look forward to seeing what YJ has in store for us all in the coming months!
Cheers! :D
1a. No. We have it on DVD, so the stuff we watch together on the DVR takes precedence, because my DVR is pretty much full to bursting... and it's even deleted some stuff that we were planning to get to because it was overloaded.
1b. Still in the middle of Season Two.
1c & d. I like it. Quite a bit, actually. But I don't think it's appropriate for me to go into detailed analysis of the work of my peers. It's one thing for me to talk about live action movies or television and/or stuff from long before I was working in the business. But it's awkward otherwise.
2. I guess I just don't think that way.
3. Benny introduced it to me. He's seen the whole thing, but enjoys rewatching it with me.
4. No, I haven't seen the trailer. I'm reluctant to watch the new series BEFORE I've finished the old one. SPOILERS, right?
1. Where does Roy live?
2. Can Atlanteans breathe in chlorinated pools?
1. Star City, mostly.
2. Good question. I don't know. Any biologist out there want to take a stab at this?
1.) What does GBS stand for?
2.) This question is in regard to your last update. What exactly are beatsheets? Also, are you going to also post updates for the comic from now on?
1. Galaxy Broadcasting System.
2a. A beatsheet breaks an episode down by its basic beats, but in a very rough non-prose format, useful as an internal document only.
2b. Yes.
First, I wanted to thank you for all the hard work put forth on Young Justice. The show is an absolute delight to watch and this may sound silly -- but it is very meaningful to see passionate creators doing what they love. The experience of storytelling helps people cope with their lives and the stories on Young Justice are some of the best!
All that said, I'd love to see Young Justice go on as long as possible. I see that it's been renewed up to 46 episodes -- awesome! If there were further orders, would they continue to be in 10-episode increments? Is that a new standard as opposed to 13 or 26?
Thanks again to you and everyone working on YJ! Keep up the phenomenal work.
I really don't know. It's a decision made way over my head.
1.How much weight can Superboy lift?
2.Is there going to be an episode that focuses on the relationship between Superboy and Miss Martian?
3.Are we going to see Miss Martians room in the cave?
1. I'm not interested in quantifying these kind of things.
2. It's an on-going subplot.
3. Yes.
Have you ever considered just throwing out questions that ask for spoilers, or that just ask the same question over and over? After all it's already done with questions that violate the guidelines. It would certainly be a less frustrating approach for you.
It would, wouldn't it. We have considered other options, but I hate to change the format of this forum. It's worked pretty well for us for like over a decade now. And things have gotten (marginally) better since we reopened in September. If it gets worse again, I may have to change the ASK GREG policy, but for now, Gore and Todd and I are keeping things as is.
1. Does Chris Kent from Countdown still exist on Earth 16 or did he and old Earth 16 were destroyed in Final Crisis and Earth 16 was reborn as the Young Justice Cartoon?
2. Does the DCAU exist as part of the multiverse on Earth 12?
1. I don't know who Chris Kent is... but I'm thinking your latter option sounds good.
2. Don't know. I only really have jurisdiction over Earth-16. Beyond that, you'll have to ask DC.
1. Has the Joker killed anybody yet?
2. Are there any other super power drugs besides venom for example does velocity 9 exist on Earth 16?
3. Will there be any gay or bisexual characters in young justice?
4. Are all the good guys in young justice besides the married ones virgins?
5. Does General Lane hates Superman on Earth 16?
6. Why did ya'll make Cat Grant less vixen like?
7. Has Lex ever lived or visited Smallville?
8. Was Lex born into his money?
1. Yes.
3. Undoubtedly.
4. Now, you're just trying to get me in trouble.
6. Who says we did? Do you expect her to be "vixen like" ON THE AIR?
Hi Greg-- just a couple brief items. I wanted to comment that I think you and your team are doing an exceptional job with the Young Justice comic book which I don't think is getting the appreciation it deserves. It not only fills in a lot of character gaps that there is not time to get into on the show but it works around all of the plots/arcs of the show without spoiling or repeating them. The most amazing thing is if you only watch the show or only read the comic, neither experience is ruined as they both present themselves in a self-contained manner while also being a constant, evolving continuation. That is a fine balancing act that is not easy to pull off but as someone who both watches the show and reads the comic, the full experience of both really has brought this property to life and I am very glad it is going to be around for awhile. Without a solid DC show since Justice League ended and the Gargoyle property on hiatus, it is very exciting to have your working on a project that brings all of the elements that made Gargoyle's so special to the DC Universe. Thank you to you and your team for all the hard work-- please keep it up!!
Two quick questions:
1) Can you please get back in the habit of posting the credits for each episode after they air since it appears Cartoon Network is still going to split screen them into oblivion? I really enjoy seeing who does all of the voice work on the show.
2) Speaking of that, any possibility over the course of the this season and the next that Keith David will be tapped to play any kind of role on the show?
THanks for the kind words about the comic. That's exactly what we're attempting to do with it.
1. I never got out of the habit. I've been posting credits as soon after a new episode airs as I can possibly find the time.
Was Jeffrey Robbins's "Gilgamesh the King" a refined novel version of the epic poem or something else entirely?
I'm not sure what you mean by "refined", but yes, it was a novel based on the epic poem.
First of all, I LOVE YOUNG JUSTICE! I think that it is really great, and I'm so glad that new episodes are coming :)
I just have a few questions:
1) Is Hawkwoman supposed to be Hawkgirl? If so, why do you call her "Hawkwoman"?
2) If Wonder Girl were on come onto the show, would you use Donna Troy or Cassie?
3) I know on YouTube there are a lot of fanmade videos of Young Justice. Have you seen any? If you have, do you like them?
Thank you for your time and keep up the good work :)\
1. Hawkwoman is Hawkwoman. That's why we call her Hawkwoman. There is no Hawkgirl on Earth-16.
3. I haven't.
If I were to write a story about gargoyles who turn to stone at night, with NONE of your characters, NONE of your storyplots, NONE of your fictional locations, NONE of the traditions/culture/heritage of your gargoyles, NONE of the special characteristics that make up your would, would it plagiarism if the only thing connecting my story and yours was the fact that there are some sort of gargoyles who turn to stone at night?
If you got the idea from the show - then, yeah.
I love Young Justice very much, it is a wonderful show. I also liked Spectacular Spider-man, and I was sad when it got cancelled. My first question is: which show do or did you like working on the most: Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-man, or Young Justice?
I like M'gann's "catchphrase", "Hello Megan!" and I don't understand why I see so many people write to you and tell you they hate it. I think it's cute. My second question is: What was the inspiration behind her catchphrase?
I loved the "Bereft" episode very much, and I noticed the Biyalyan language sounded very familiar to Arabic (I speak that language). My third question: Is it some other dialect of Arabic, since there are quite a few, or Eygptian or Jordanian?
My final question is another language one: What is Miss Martian's language? I know that Aqualad's is Ancient Greek, but I have checked many questions and can't find what Miss Martians's language is.
I am sorry if any of these questions have been answered before. Thank you for taking your time to do "Ask Greg"
1. Gargoyles is always my first love, but I've had a great time working on Spidey, YJ and WITCH.
3. Bialyans speak Arabic, or perhaps a dialect of Arabic (if we got something slightly wrong, which I hope we didn't.)
4. Martian... or, in her language "M'arzz".
Hi, I find Young Justice a wonderful TV Series with such great characters and chemistry. I'm eagerly awaiting more new epsiodes. I just had a couple questions.
1. With Seaso 2 only having 20 episodes, has a season 3 been discussed at all?
2. Do you have an age for Paula Crock? Is so, how old is she?
3. How old is Sportsmaster?
4. Did you know iTunes still has the incorrect version of Drop Zone? Is there any chance this'll be fixed?
5. Are either Guy Gardner or Kyle Raynar Green Lanterns on Earth 16?
6. Do you have a list of the designations for the sixteen Justice League memebers that you could reveal? Like how Batman 02, and Red Tornado is 16. Can you reveal that?
1. Not yet.
2. Haven't I answered this? Oh, well, 48.
3. I KNOW I've answered this. Please check the ASK GREG YOUNG JUSTICE ARCHIVES.
4. I didn't know. But if so, it's frustrating. Hopefully, if it hasn't been fixed already, it will get fixed very soon.
6. I have the list, but as ALREADY STATED, I'm choosing not to reveal it, because I think it's more fun for people to find out for themselves.
In the future, please check the archives BEFORE posting your questions.
Hi Greg, just watched Targets and congratulations on taking part in the making of a great show!
1. What do the other students at the school think about Megan and Connor? Do they think they're strange?
2. What is the school called?
3. Will you be showing more scenes within the school?
4. How did Aqualad get to Rhelasia so quickly?
5. How did Superboy know so much about Rhelasia?
6. How does the "stealth tech" work?
Thanks in advance!
1. They think they're new kids. Opinions vary.
2. Happy Harbor High School.
3. Yes.
4. He didn't go to Rhelasia. The talks were ABOUT North and South Rhelasia, but they were being held in Taipei. And he got there by Zeta-Tube.
5. His G-Gnome education contained plenty of history and current events.
6. Quite well, I think.
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