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ANSWERVINGS 2011-10 (Oct)

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O Arkley writes...

Hi Greg, just watched Targets and congratulations on taking part in the making of a great show!

1. What do the other students at the school think about Megan and Connor? Do they think they're strange?

2. What is the school called?

3. Will you be showing more scenes within the school?

4. How did Aqualad get to Rhelasia so quickly?

5. How did Superboy know so much about Rhelasia?

6. How does the "stealth tech" work?

Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

1. They think they're new kids. Opinions vary.

2. Happy Harbor High School.

3. Yes.

4. He didn't go to Rhelasia. The talks were ABOUT North and South Rhelasia, but they were being held in Taipei. And he got there by Zeta-Tube.

5. His G-Gnome education contained plenty of history and current events.

6. Quite well, I think.

Response recorded on October 31, 2011

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Richard Jackson writes...

In "Leader of the Pack", there was that ship, Otoshiana-maru, and "otoshiana" means "pitfall" or "trap" in Japanese. While watching Targets, I got a kick when Superboy was giving the history of Rhelasia and he talks about the Bokun Dynasty starting in 1855. I realized, "bokun" means "split" or "cleave" in Korean, the ultimate fate of Rhelasia. Do I get a no-prize? I love how you use serendipitous names.

Greg responds...

I'd love to take credit for both, but I can take credit for NEITHER. Michael Reaves, I believe, came up with Otoshiana. Andrew Robinson with Bokun.

Response recorded on October 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I have a couple questions about the team's families. I'm trying to stick to background-y things, but I apologize if they get too spoilery.

1) How would Wally address the Garricks? Jay and Joan, Uncle Jay and Aunt Joan, Mr. Garrick and Mrs. Garrick, Moose and Squirrel...?

2) In the tie-in comic, Dick's narration is that his uncle can't take care of him, and that's why Bruce took him in. Can you elaborate on the specific nature of his uncle's injuries? Is he comatose, mostly paralyzed, something else?

3) The same issue reveals Dick's cousin was named John. In most continuities I'm familiar with, "John Grayson" is the name of Dick's father, and Dick's own middle name is John. Was this cousin named after Dick's father, or does Dick's father have a different name on Earth-16? Can you tell us the names of Dick's parents, aunt, and uncle?

4) How old is Alfred, and did he raise Bruce in Earth-16 continuity?

5) In the tie-in comic, Artemis's parents seemed to have had a once-affectionate, now-distant relationship. Her mother tells her father that he's 'out' if he doesn't change his lifestyle--is she planning to file for divorce, or are they just separating?

6) And... not really a family member to anyone but being their teacher totally counts here: does the Earth-16 Black Canary wear a wig, dye her hair, or is she just a natural blonde?

Thank you for your time, both working on the show and answering inane questions!

Greg responds...

1. I like "Moose and Squirrel" but no, I think Uncle Jay and Aunt Joan are probably more appropriate.


3. Dick's father's name was John. His mother was Mary. And, yes, Cousin John was named after Dick's father. Dick's uncle is named Richard - Rick for short. (Dick was named for his own uncle, obviously - the two elder Grayson brothers were very close.) Dick's aunt was named Karla.

4. Alfred is 64. And he was present during Bruce's childhood, but one of his great regrets is that he refrained from parenting Bruce. At the time, he thought it wasn't his place and maintained the distance of a proper English Butler. Now, he believes he made a grave mistake. He's treated/treats Dick VERY differently. And he treats Bruce differently now too.


6. A gentleman doesn't tell.

Response recorded on October 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Does Lois Lane exist on Earth 16?

Will we see her on a Young Justice episode?

Greg responds...


If you've been reading our companion comic book, you've already seen her in issue #6.

Response recorded on October 31, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I realize you're still not keen on revealing future plot points for what would have been season three and beyond of "Spectacular Spider-Man." But this question is about the first two seasons, although if the answer ever came, it would have been later. Which I guess places this in a murky gray area. Anyway, because I've been dying to know...

During the two seasons of the show, did Mary Jane Watson know Peter Parker is Spider-Man? In the comics, she knew since the night Uncle Ben died, so I ask if this was the case in "Spectacular Spider-Man" as well. A lot of her behavior towards Peter seems to point towards this.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Viv writes...

I saw you answer a question about whether M'gann cooks meals for Superboy, to which you said, "Sometimes." But does Superboy ever try to cook anything for M'gann?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Big Jon writes...

Would you be offended if I gave a tattoo of Goliath to a client of mine as long as I post the tat when its done

Greg responds...

Go for it!

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Alan Parlin writes...

Hi Greg.

Is It true that David Sobolov will appear in Young Justice soon, based of this link?

And is Steven Blum will be joining the YJ Cast?

Greg responds...

I'll confirm that David does a voice in Season Two. (And that's all I'll confirm.)

And Steven Blum is our Count Vertigo.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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PinkiePie writes...

Hey greg I would like to ask your opinion on this articles I wrote (regarding story telling) and if possible some feedback thanks!

1.-http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SoYouWantTo/DevelopCharacterPersonality That one is an analysis about developing a character pesonality. For a story teller of your caliber it won't be anything new of course.

2.-http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/Escapism This one tries to explain the concept of Escapism. I am sure that's something you master a lot.

Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time these days to read and give feedback.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Another fan writes...

I would like to ask you your opinion on the new show My little pony friendship is magic. In case you haven't seen it It's a show I strongly recomend.

Greg responds...

Haven't seen it. But I've heard good things.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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