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ANSWERVINGS 2011-12 (Dec)

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Annica writes...

Can you please send a massive THANK YOU to Jon - "Home Front" was definitely the best episode so far. And I love the fact that you guys are keeping the realism. I see so many movies or shows where in the midst of craziness and tragedy the characters act like not much is happening, but I think it was great when Artemis had her breakdown, because it just emphasises the fact that they are only teenagers but they have to deal with adult-like problems.
I've also really enjoyed issue 7 and 8 of the tie-in comics (you can probably guess which of the team is my favorite characters) - so awesome job on those too, but I'm curious (and not sure whether it counts as a spoiler or not), how old was Artemis when her sister left?
Also I'm not sure if this has been answered or not, but who came up with the idea of Robin playng with the english language? Because, whether it was you, Vietti or someone else on the team, they are a genius - I am forever whelmed.

Thanks for taking the time to read/answer!

Greg responds...

You do realize that when you say you're "whelmed" it means you're NOT particularly impressed, right?

Anyway, the idea of using unwords like "whelmed" was more or less mine.

But I'll let Jon know you liked his script.

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Okay. So in "Front End" we find out Dick's a freshman. That got me curious about the others. Am I to assume Artemis and Wally are sophomores and Megan and Conner juniors? Correct or agree?

Greg responds...


"Front End"?

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg!Just some quick questions.
1.a. In "Downtime" Aquaman is called King Orin by Kaldur. I was wondering if he has ever gone by Arthur Curry?
b.From what I understand there have been many different takes on Aquaman with diffe
rent backstories and the names belong to different ones. Can you reveal anything about Aquaman's past specifically his name and parentage(is his dad human?)or would it fall under "Spoiler. No Comment".?
2.a. In the promos Artemis has blue eyes. Then on the show she has brown/black eyes. I figured it was just a change made during development like Aquaman's long hair but during the recent tie-in issues(love them by the way) she has blue eyes again. Is this just a colorist error(like Barry having red hair in the Kid Flash flashback) or is it somehow a plot point?
b.I'm always curious about the behind the scenes process so what goes into making such changes? Is it just a simple "give him shorter hair/her different eyes" or is there approval processes to go through? How much of a bureaucracy is there when working on a show like "Young Justice"?

Greg responds...

1a. Ever? Yes.

1b. SPOILER, etc.


2b. There's always a process. There isn't too much bureaucracy, though there is a little.

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Robby writes...

Hey Greg, firstly great work on the show, I'm LOVING the show so far! My question is really trivial, it's just something that crossed my mind and I couldn't find it on the thread, so I apologize if it has been. Now that M'Gann's a cheerleader I can't help but notice the team is sometimes called the Bumblebees and at other times they're called the Happy Harbor Hornets. Which is the correct team name?

Greg responds...

The FOOTBALL TEAM is the Hornets.

Their cheerleaders are the BUMBLEBEES.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

So I watched Homefront yesterday, and WOW. That was good, nice work with Red Inferno and Torpedo, very cool. And I loved all the characterization with Artemis. I have a friend who's convinced she's the mole, but I am definitely going to argue with him next time we meet, there's no way she's the mole. Cameo by Barbara, very cool. And the super-cycle warning Megan and Connor Wally was coming; hilarious! Please pass on my kudos to the cast and crew.

Greg responds...

Will do. Thanks!

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. How old is Icicle Sr.? He certainly doesn't look old enough to have fought Alan Scott.

2. Why was Riddler considered such a joke around Belle Reve?

Greg responds...

1. He's 85, but because of the quantity of time he spent "on ice" he seems about "50".

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, I just had a question...

I know that you can't actually use the Koreas on your show 'Young Justice' and Qurac is a shoutout to the comic books, and I don't know about Bialya, but that makes me wonder...did you stop there? Is it possible for you guys to reveal a full Earth-16 map? It would be fascinating to see what other geo-political changes you made.

Greg responds...

We could use a Korea or two if we wanted to. We just like to mix it up between real world locales, and DC COMICS generated fictional locales. Seems more fun to us.

I don't have one single map that covers all of this. We figure it out as we need it.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Wesley writes...

Did Robin skip a grade or does he just have a late birthday?

Greg responds...


(C'mon, guys, before posting PLEASE look at the questions ahead of you in the queue. One of the main reasons we have such a backlog and why I keep having to SHUT DOWN the question function in order to catch up is because of the boatload of repeated questions.)

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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spence writes...


In the above link, you say that Aqualad dropped out of Sorcery school before he got to the advanced level, which is why his tattoos are always visible on his arms while Tula and Garth's aren't.

In "Downtime," Queen Mera implies that Aqualad, Tula and Garth used to be in the same learning level.

However, in issue #5, when Aqualad and Garth show up to fight Ocean Master, we can see Aqualad's dark tattoos (before they glow) on his arms, but Garth doesn't have any on his. Shouldn't either both or none have visible tattoos, if they were at the same level?

Please don't interpret my question as a dishonest attempt to corner you. I'm just truing to figure out the continuity.


Greg responds...

Garth should probably have had tattoos in that shot, but we missed it.

Garth is also THE top student at the Conservatory - able to summon the power of the Tempest - so it's also at least possible that he was advanced for his age even back then.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Thank you for your informative reply on my Betty Brant post. Now, and this is a question I've been pondering for a while, how did you go about your approach to Aunt May?

I love Stan Lee's run on Spidey, but this is one of the few cases where I have to admit that I greatly preferred other writers' takes on the character. Stan's Aunt May was constantly in and out of the hospital... and constantly, dimwitted. I preferred Roger Stern, Tom DeFalco, J.M. DeMatteis, and J. Michael Straczynski's takes on the character.

I can forgive and understand her being overprotective. It's been mentioned later that she had lost a child, and Ben's death was just as traumatic for her as it was for Peter. But what always seemed unreasonable for me was how she thought Dr. Octopus was a good and nice man. She didn't realize that she was being held hostage, that he was a dangerous supervillain, or even that he had these giant metal arms attached to him. And then there was the story where she took him on as a border. I'm not even going to get into that weird story where she almost married him... but that wasn't Stan, that was Gerry Conway.

Your Aunt May, while being protective of Peter, wasn't overprotective to the point of absurdity. And one of my favorite Aunt May scenes was in "Group Therapy" where she stood up to the entire Sinister Six to prevent them from attacking Spidey. And Ock's almost gentlemanly approach insisting that she step aside was, I think, a nice nod to Ock liking her in the comics. I also loved that she never referred to Spidey as "that awful Spider-Man!"

So, what did you think was the core truth of Aunt May? How did you go about interpreting her in your show?

Greg responds...

Our May Parker was a single parent due to a couple of horrible tragedies. That informed how she behaved both in her own life and toward Peter.

We leaned toward making her a little more savvy... but also somewhat unprepared. Uncle Ben did not leave her in a great financial position. (Because if he did, why would Peter constantly need money?) We kept a bit of her naivete, but tossed in some inner strength and acuity, especially when it came to Peter's love life. She could take action (or give solid advice) - not just relative to the Sinister SIx, but more relevantly when it came to some of the ladies in Peter's life: Betty Brant, Mary Jane Watson, Liz Allen and Gwen Stacy.

She wasn't a young woman - certainly older than the parents of most of Pete's friends - but we didn't want to make her ancient. And we figured one trip to the hospital was plenty, i.e. once she had one heart attack, she would begin to take better care of herself.

And since she was always a great cook, we figured she'd build on that when she needed money, which gave us the cookbook that she authored.

Her life did revolve around Peter but wasn't exclusively his. So she had her friend and her theater and her cooking and her work, etc. We just tried to make her a fully realized character.

And... I should give a TON of credit to DEBORAH STRANG (as directed by Jamie Thomason), for truly bringing May to life. Couldn't have done it without her.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Jules Verdonck writes...

Hey Greg,
first I wanna thank you for doing this for us fans.
Now my question: Why didn't Artemis put on the Helmet of Faith in "Homefront"? That would have made her stronger

Greg responds...

That would have completely given up control of her body - with a risk that she'd never get it back.

Would you take that risk?

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Demi writes...

HEY again!I saw Home Front and I loved it.It was my favorite episode and i keep watching it. I was just wondering why Artemis closes her eyes or covers her eyes when theres a flash of light in front of her.This happened twice in the episode and i want to ask if this was shown for a reason to point out something that will be revealed in the future.Why are her eyes so sensitive?(if there is a reason)

Greg responds...

Um... I'd have to look again, cuz I really don't remember to what you are referring.

But if you're asking why she closed her eyes when a BRIGHT LIGHT shone on them, I'm not sure why you're even asking the question. What else would one do?

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Will Paul Dini be writing any episodes for Young Justice? He wrote some true gems for Batman: The Animated Series and the other DCAU shows.

Greg responds...

Nope. Paul's great, but I think he's pretty busy on the new Spider-Man series.

And we've got a bunch of great writers on YJ already.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Chuck writes...

Hey Greg I was wondering:
1) I was rewatching "Welcome to Happy Harbor" and I noticed when Miss Martian was masquerading as Red Tornado when she was blasted by fire instead of shapeshifting she emitted electricity. How was that possible?

Greg responds...

I'd have to look at it again. It's not fresh in my mind.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Anon writes...

Regarding the latest YJ episode, did Dick skip a grade or have a birthday recently, since he was called a freshman?

Greg responds...

No. He's 13 at the start of Ninth Grade. He'll turn 14 before the school year is out in June.

That's not even particularly uncommon.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Havok writes...

Is there going to be a title list of episodes for young justice season 2?

Greg responds...

Maybe eventually, but, jeepers, we haven't even gotten through Season One yet.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Dew writes...

Oh My Gosh! Home Front was the best Young Justice episode so Far!!!! I <3 <3 <3 This show!!!!!! I can't wait for more episodes! When I think this show is getting good, it just gets even more amazing! This is my Favorite show and I would like to thank you and everyone else who works on Young Justice for 1. Making such an Awesome show and 2. Bringing out the inner fangirl in me! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome!!!

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Matthew writes...

Just saw Homefront. Like every other episode of YJ, it was great. I was glad to see a story focusing on Robin and Artemis. I've always had a preference for non-powered heros: Batman, Green Arrow, et cetera. Fighting crime always seemed less heroic when bullets bounced off you. I was also glad to see Barbara Gordon. For some reason, I never considered whether she was in the YJ universe, so it was a pleasant surprise to see that she was.
The final part of the episode was a real shocker or at least it would've been if I hadn't been spoiled on the internet about Red Tornado. Except, I remember the final episode of Spectacular Spiderman, so maybe things aren't as they see?

Greg responds...

Hopefully, by now you know they are not.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Misty writes...

Is Barbra, in young justice, dating Robin? Or are they just friends?
And is she still Batgirl in young justice?

Greg responds...

They're not dating, but she's interested.

She's not Batgirl. And before you ask, SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT, on whether or not she will be some day.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Flare writes...

1.)What state and city is Mount. Justice in?
2.)What state is Gothom City in?

Greg responds...

1. Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.

2. "Gothom"? Never heard of it. ;)

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Steve P. writes...

Any more Barbara Gordon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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CC writes...

Hi Greg, I'm so excited to be asking you some questions about Young Justice. :D

1) Without asking for spoilers, do /you/, yourself, hope that Wally and Artemis end up together?

2) How many seasons do you supposed YJ will have?

3) How many would you want the show to have?

That's all, thank you.

Greg responds...



3. AS MANY AS THEY LET US HAVE. We're not going to run out of stories.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Caitlin writes...

Ok, since my real question keeps being thrown out for some reason...

What is Owen's (and/or Puck's) favorite kind of music?

Greg responds...

I don't know off the top of my head. Sorry.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Eagle-Owl writes...

In the Young Justice episode "Terrors," Brick mentioned that the biggest joke in Belle Reve "ain't the Joker." When everyone started laughing, I thought I heard Mark Hamill (the voice of Joker in Batman: The Animated Series) laughing with them. I have a few questions about that.

1. Was that Mark Hamill laughing?
2. Was the Joker in Belle Reve?
3. Is Mark Hamill involved in the series in any way?
4. Will the Joker appear in Young Justice at all?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. Never.

3. Not so far.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Eagle-Owl writes...

I don't know if this would count as spoiler request (please tell me if it is), but had The Spectacular Spider-Man continued and had Pete looking at different colleges, what other colleges (aside from ESU) would he have looked at?

Greg responds...

I don't know. He'd have wound up at ESU though.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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