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ANSWERVINGS 2011-12 (Dec)

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I love everything writes...

a few question, thanks for taking the time even read these let alone answering
1. On recent online survey they asked who everyone's favorite young justice character was and Robin won by a considerable margin. Do you find this surprising?
2. How did you pick the voice actor, was it audition o did you request certain people? WHATEVER YOU GUYS DID, GREAT JOB!
3. How much stronger is Superman the superboy? It seemed like pretty big difference as Superboy could barely drag a pus off a ledge and superman was able to pick it up with ease( not to mentionan entire bridge)
4. Whose better at acience Wally or Dick? (both seem to know a lot)
5. Is Wally in any advance classes at school? Given his scientific knowledge it seems as though he should be considered a genius.
6. Does Wally intelligence come from speedsters abilities to think through things faster?
7. Who is Superboy closest to among the males on the team? he seems to enjoy Wallys company as he was the one who opened his home to him. They also seemed to have a good time mocking the tornado twins together. But then again Aqualad seems to understand his emotions more then other.
8. Do the other members of team ever look down at Robin for being so young or has he well since proved his ability to hold his own to them?
9. Is Aquaman from atlantis or was he originally from the surface world like some of his origins dictate?
10. Is superman married is this universe or even in a relationship with Lois lane?
Thanks for any answers you can give

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. For Season One, we held auditions for the six leads (plus Superman). The rest were cast.

3. A lot.

4. Wally is way better at pure science. Dick is better with technology.

5. Yes.

6. No.

7. He's probably closest to Aqualad.

8. No one looks down on Robin - unless you mean literally, as he is the shortest member of the Team.

9. He's from Atlantis.

10. He's not married. Beyond that, you'd have to define "in a relationship".

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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