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ANSWERVINGS 2011-12 (Dec)

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Thundera writes...

I looked through the archives for this but couldn't find it. Apologies if my search wasn't thorough enough!

In "Bereft" (which is quite possibly my favorite episode thus far), the Biyalan troops immediately open fire on Wally and Artemis with what seems to be lethal force. But when they ambush Robin, the orders are to take him alive. Is this just a case of different troops operating under different orders? Or is there some significance to the fact that they wanted Robin alive?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer the questions of curious fans! Love the show(s)!

Greg responds...

"Different troops operating under different orders" sounds right.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Is Mayor Hill corrupt?

Greg responds...

He says he's not.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Clark Kent decide to become superman and did bruce became batman cause of superman.

2. Why did the Crismon Avenger started the whole mystery men craze and who was the last mystery men to appear in the public?

Greg responds...

1. The usual reasons.

1a. Not because of Superman, though I believe Superman's existence was a factor.

2. The usual reasons.

2a. Rocket?

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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ajc writes...

Does superman have the fortress of solitude in the YJ universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Chaz! writes...

1 is L-1 the leader of the Light?
2 does the new Green Lantern cartoon take place in your universe?

Greg responds...

1. First among equals.

2. Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Tessa writes...

Hi Greg,

Thanks very much for all the hard work and dedication you and your team give to Young Justice. It's truly an ace show and I can't wait to see what sort of adventures you have in store for your fans.

My question is comic-related. Are there any plans thus far to release a trade paperback of all the issues from season one? Unfortunately, all my local stores are sold out (I've even been told that DC Comics itself is out of the first couple issues). I'd love to read the undoubtedly genius story lines you've come up with and am starting to get a bit nervous that I've missed the boat... Thanks for any insight you can provide!

Greg responds...

Um... we're talking the YJ comic, correct?

The answer is, yes, I believe DC is releasing trades of the first year or so...

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Hi Greg, just wanted to send in myu review of "Alpha Male";

Wow, that was a great episode! That was sincerely the first time I've enjoyed seeing Monsieur Mallah, which takes work. I loved the character growth with everyone. Captain Marvel was awesome, I loved his interactions with Kaldur and the others. But my favorite bits were the tiger and the white wolf. That was simply hillarious! Excellent work, keep it up.

Greg responds...

Thanks! We'll try.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

If I didn't know for a fact that Greg Weisman wasn't on drugs, I'd ask him to share whatever he's smoking. It should be impossible. How do you take something as corny and frankly stupid as a French brain in a jar whose' best friend is a gorilla in a French beret and make that intimidating. "Young Justice" managed to succeed at that.

The teaser is great, and the inciting incident is brilliant. Mayor Hill of Gotham City is in the jungle when a gorilla steps out of the trees with a mini-gun and shoots them all up. I'll admit to being amazed Mayor Hill is even still alive after that. But I did enjoy his cameo. I have no idea if he was in the comics, but I know he was in "Batman the Animated Series."

This episode is about the fallout between The Team and Aqualad after the latter keeps to himself that there is a mole on the team. I thought Superboy's reaction was well handled, and while I have seen a lot of complaints about how The Team reacted to this, I think they all ring true. What many people seem to forget is that these are teenagers. They are not the professionals that Batman and the Justice League are. Not yet anyway. This entire team was founded upon these teenagers being pissed off that the League was keeping secrets and not trusting them. Of course they'd be pissed off at Aqualad. But, by the end of the episode, after speaking to Captain Marvel, Aqualad takes charge and the team seems to get over it. But I am sure this will continue to have long term consequences.

This brings me to something else. A while back, I saw someone say and I'm paraphrasing from memory "Teen Titans reminded me of what was fun about being a teenager, Young Justice reminds me of what sucked about being a teenager." What? Why should the less fun parts about being a teenager not get depicted in a show about teenagers. My memories of being a teenager are not exactly happy ones. God forbid fictional teenagers get written like real ones, instead of a fantasy version of teenagers. Yes, I know this is a fantasy world, but that doesn't mean everything should be run through and sanitized to a point where the less fun stuff is glossed over and ignored. These aren't adults waiting for a growth spurt, and yet a lot of the complaints I see are from people who think they should be written that way. I think the problem here is that many fans are looking to their favorite shows or books for wish fulfillment rather then drama. People want to escape to a fictional world where they can vicariously live out there fantasies via their favourite hero. But there is no drama, and that's not real. This actually ties back to what I said two weeks ago about Superboy and Miss Martian's romance... of course it's not real. These are two hormonal teenagers who have a lot of growing up to do.

Finally, Captain Marvel was easily the highlight of the episode. I loved his child-like enthusiasm, and even though I knew about his secret identity, I still thought the epilogue of the episode was played perfectly. Fun stuff. I hope to see more of him as The Team's new den mother.

Greg responds...

You know for a "fact" that I'm not on drugs?

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Cassidy01 writes...

Young Justice is awesome!

1. A debate started between a few friends of mine regarding Aqualad's eye color and everywhere I looked online had a different opinion. So, for the record, what color are Kaldur's eyes?

2. Out of curiosity, is there a romantic relationship between Batman and Wonder Woman in Earth-16? If this is a spoiler request, I apologize.

Greg responds...

1. Pale green.

2. Nope.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Chris writes...

Hi Greg,

Young Justice is one of the shows to which I most look forward every week. I'm so glad the hiatus is over.

I have one question arising from issues 7 and 8 of the tie-in comic: Will we learn (during season one) the name which Artemis's mother Paula used when she was a criminal?

Without being explicit, so as to avoid spoilers, it seems pretty clear what name her father Lawrence uses, but if we're looking to the original comics there are two names Paula could have used. I don't want you to give it away, just to clue us in as to whether or not we will learn it in due course.

Greg responds...

In due course.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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