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REVELATIONS 2012-02 (Feb)

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Anonymous writes...

In Issue 10 of the YJ comic, why was Megan's skin green when in the diner? Wouldn't she have changed it to caucasian? And why didn't the other two men say anything or react to it?

Greg responds...

That's what's called in the business: "A tragically stupid mistake!"

How we all missed that is beyond me. Seriously. I was so embarrassed when I saw it in print. I went back to my color proofs, positive that she was caucasian in them and that some helpful soul had 'corrected' her to green after the fact. But nope. She was green. And none of us noticed until it was too late.

If you need an in universe explanation, I think she forgot to change to caucasian, and her friends were so used to seeing her green that they didn't notice until it was too late. (Sound familiar.) Then you got to figure that Bibbo and Perry DID notice when they entered, but figured she was wearing full-body make-up. They probably commented on it when the kids first entered, but by the time we joined the action, Bibbo had moved on to comment about their cellphone use.

Yeah. That's the ticket!

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the episode "Terrors" is the robotic person in Belle Relle Metallo
2. Who is the villan in "Terrors" that was aiding Killer Forst when she freezes Megan?

Greg responds...

1. I'm trying to think of who you might be referring to...? Professor Ojo, maybe?

2. Devastation? Or Shimmer?

You'll need to be more specific, I think.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Really-Wanna-See-Wonder-Girl writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. If there is a picture of Wonder Girl (if you have done drawing her), will you let anyone, especially fans of Wonder Girl, see herself from the Young Justice series?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman,

I have a question in regards to what kind of clone Superboy is.

In the comics, Superboy is Superman's clone mixed with Lex's DNA to stabilize him.

In "Smallville," Connor Kent is a Lex clone mixed with Clark's DNA to stop his accelerated mitosis.

In the show, all that is explained is that Superboy was cloned from Superman's DNA, and nothing else was revealed.

The question that comes to mind is whether the Superboy of the Young Justice continuity is a Human-Kryptonian Hybrid clone, or a 100% Kryptonian clone?

Will we find out how Superman's DNA was acquired to be used to create Superboy in the remaining episodes of this season, or will this be a story for later in future seasons?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Sammy1792 writes...

"Secrets" was really good!

1. How old is Secret/Greta Hayes? Or rather, how old was she when she was killed?

2. How old is Harm?


Greg responds...

1. Greta was fourteen.

2. Harm is nineteen.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg (is it okay to call you by first name?),

I'm puzzled as to why some of the superheroes of the Justice League do not have any voice actors yet? Is it really hard to find the right kind of people to do voice acting for certain characters?

Thanks for reading my question.

Greg responds...

Yes, please. Call me "Greg." Just don't call me late for din--

No, I'm not going there.


Some characters don't have voice actors yet simply because they haven't had any lines of dialogue yet. Voice actors are wonderful, but they are an expense, and we can't afford to give characters lines - and thus hire another actor - just for the fun of it. Plus there's only so much screen time in any given episode. Thus if a character doesn't have anything salient to say, he or she is not going to speak.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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AmaraRae writes...

1.) Hold on so what a minute here you worked on Gargoyles as in THE GARGOYLES?
That show was/is amazing i watched all the time till it stopped coming.
2.)Goliath, Hudson, Broadway Lexington, Bronx and Brooklyn i think thats all of the original Manhattan Clan and Eliza!!!!! God I miss that show am i right?
3.)And i have always wondered what gave you the idea for this amazing show?
I could not believe it when the show ended. Well technically when they stopped showing reruns i was about 8 which is eight years ago.
And again i saw what an amazing show!!

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.

2. Well, it's "Elisa" with an 's', but, yes, you're right.

3. The ASK GREG archives are full of details on this. The short answer is simply: gargoyle statues themselves.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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AmaraRae writes...

sorry if someone else has already asked you this; but will there be a more somewhat informative episode of Robin's past? Because i was just curious since you've done it with some of the others

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Drake Jennings writes...

Hey Greg,

As more characters join the team, will they be added into the opening alongside the main six?

Greg responds...

It depends on the format of the new DC NATION block.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Drake writes...

Hey Greg,

Re-watched Targets and I noticed something when Artemis got her last arrow from the souvenir collection.

1. Why is the bookshelf with Wally's mission souvenirs pretty much empty except for that one shelf? Will the entire bookshelf eventually be filled with souvenirs.

Greg responds...

I think you're referring to 'Homefront' (not 'Targets'), correct?

1. Assuming the Team survives, yes.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Green Light's Nightlight writes...

I don't believe this has been asked before.

Billy Batson is 10, but what is the adult "age" of Captain Marvel when compared to the former's?

Greg responds...

Approximately twenty-four, i.e. that's the guideline I gave Phil Bourassa when he set about designing the character. But of course, it's just a number. It's got no chronological relevance.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Tupka writes...

Two questions about the comic #10 - a lovely twist on the old series, by the way:
* Captain Atom can revert to a human form. Since "Nathaniel Adams" has been dead for 43 years, does he use another alias (Cameron Scott?).
* Cap is technically 71, but had (through some NO COMMENT event) in 1968. Does he age, or is "Cameron Scott" 28 for the rest of his life?
* The issue mentions "to be continued" at the end, but the solicits for the upcoming issues (#11-#13) make no reference to this storyline. Will this be dealt with in the comics after #14 or in the TV series? I can understand if this is NO COMMENT territory, just curious.

Greg responds...

1. Candidly, yes. Though nothing is canon until or unless it's established in the show or the comic.

2. Captain Atom is chronologically 70 in the year that the series is set. Whether or not he ages, is as yet unclear. He hasn't been back long enough to be sure.

3. We will eventually come back to this storyline in the comics...

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Mel Cel writes...

Hi there! First and foremost, thanks so much for creating this show (and everyone else who worked on it). It was the main trigger that set me down the path of the animation industry. Loving it!
Q1: Are the gargoyles truly natives to planet earth?
Q2: What have they evolved from, and do they have their own version of 'Adam & Eve'?
Q3: (Continuation of Q2) Did their race's stone sleep originated from there on? how and why (spell/curse)?
Q4: How do female gargoyles retain their ability to nurse their young, considering that their young would only hatch a decade later?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. There's been much discussion about this, particularly at Gatherings-past. I'd recommend checking the 'Gargoyle Biology' archive here at ASK GREG and/or raising the question in the Station 8 Comment Room. (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php) A number of people there have theories on this topic.

3. It evolved. It's natural. Not a curse/spell.

4. Their biological clocks are designed to accommodate this.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm sorry if this comes across as too harsh; it isn't my intent. My question is about the tie-in comics. I'm a bit concerned with Artemis' portrayal--namely, the fact that she's usually colored with blue eyes and much more "peaches and cream" skin tone than she has on the show. I know it probably won't be possible for already completed issues, but is there any chance of correcting this in the future? As much as I enjoy the comic and want to support the show, I'm not comfortable with what could be misconstrued as whitewashing one of the few Asian superheroes. I don't believe there's any real intent to do that, since the colorist has probably never watched the show and just assumed that the blonde girl would be a blue-eyed Caucasian, but it's a bit distracting and it's beginning to impair my enjoyment of the book.

Again, I don't want this to sound accusatory, and I have a great deal of respect for everyone who works on the show. I'm just a bit dismayed by this, because a lot of fans don't seem to realize that Artemis is half-Vietnamese: the vast majority of fanart also gives her blue eyes and Caucasian skin tone and facial features.

Thanks again for reading this, and I look forward to all future installments of Young Justice. :)

Greg responds...

We are in fact making an effort to correct this. I'll take the blame for this. I review all color, but I sometimes do it on a relatively small screen and the eye-color errors slipped past me. But please know that no one was ever trying to 'white-wash' the character. Mistakes do happen, but there was no 'intent' behind them. They're just mistakes. Apologies.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Zatanna's designation A03 and who are A01 and A02?

Greg responds...

She's A-03, because she's the third person to receive the A designation.

As for A-01 and A-02 - ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Michael J. Eilen writes...

Hey greg! It's me again. Thanks for approving my last question, I realy appriciate it! Anyways, I have more questions for you about the spectacular spiderman, not to annoy you with these kind of questions. Anyways, here it goes. Question 1: Has sombody ever made an animated movie of spiderman after they finished the series it was from? Question 2: Could it have been possible to make a movie of the spectacular spiderman after it was cancled, just to finish off the series? Question 3: Could it still be possible to make a finishing movie, even though you don't have the rights to it anymore? Thanks for your time, Michael.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so.

2. Well, anything's possible - and I certainly would have been willing - but it didn't happen.

3. It seems highly unlikely.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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conner writes...

1.Does Superboy draw his powers from Earths yellow sun like Superman?
2.What does Martion Manhunter think of Superboy?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'll leave that to the viewer's interpretation, I think.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can the flash still time travel even though theres no speed force?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Shazam! writes...

what are the birthdays of everyone on the team as well as captain marvel and black canary?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Wasn't the motherboxxx in possesion of mr. miracle? Or are there multiple motherboxxxes? Also, does this mean there will be adventures to Apokolips or a visit from Darkseid?

Greg responds...

There are multiple motherboxes.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Super Samm X writes...

Hi Greg! Great work on the Young Justice show. I noticed that Icon and rocket were included in an episode, making their first animated appearance. Just a quick question: What are Icon's powers in this show and will he be voiced and play a plot-centric part in a future episode? Oh and I hope Rocket doesn't have ANY kids in the show lol.

Greg responds...

Icon's powers include (but may not be limited to) enhanced strength, invulnerability, flight and the ability to fire pulse blasts.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Greg, I've got another YJ question regarding guns, but hey it's a lot better than asking spoiler requests:

For the episode "Secrets", when it came drawing guns for the NYPD, did you actually went on their website to see what guns they used? The guns they used in that episode look similar to Smith & Wesson 5946s and Sig Sauer Model P226s.

Greg responds...

No, I did not. I don't know if someone else did or not. I will admit to knowing very little on the topic.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Given the fact the episodes have focused more-so on Artemis, Miss Martian, Aqualad and Superboy, are there going to be any upcoming Robin-centric and/or Kid Flash-centric episodes?

Greg responds...

I disagree with the premise of your question.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Curious writes...

I am so tempted to ask if Bette Kane (aka flamebird) Barbara Gordon ( aka Batgirl) and all those other high School students with alternate hero personas (Bumble bee, Herald) in the comic books are ever going to put on said costumes/personas on the show but I know better than that. So I'm just going to ask about another topic.
(1) Is it hard coming up with ideas and episodes for a show?
(2) When you get writers block is that when you raise the flag for a hiatus?
(3) Do writer's for t.v shows (any t.v show in general) use hiatuses in order to work on other projects?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. It's hard to leave things out. Thank goodness for the comic.

2. No. I don't have writer's block on this series at all. And we had no control, one way or another, over any hiatus. That's the network.

3. I suppose some do. I was busy on Young Justice.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Morgan writes...

I know "Secrets" premieres this week..but when does the next episode after that premiere?

Greg responds...

Saturday morning, March 3, 2012.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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