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REVELATIONS 2012-02 (Feb)

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SHAZAM! writes...

Do Freddy Freeman and Mary Batson exist on Earth-16? and if so do they/will they have powers? Also, will we be seeing the rock of eternity at any point?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Whats your favorite episode so far?

Greg responds...

My mind doesn't really work that way. They're like my kids. I like 'em all.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Chris Spider writes...

Hello again, this time I wanted to ask a few voice acting questions:

-Is there a story behind your "Father, the rockets aren't working!" bit in the Panda-La episode of Talespin (i.e. how you were tasked with doing it)?

-Do you and your co-producers like Frank, Victor, or Brandon select casting and voice directors, or are there "casting calls" for positions like that? I ask because you've made quite a good partnership with Jamie Thomason on Gargoyles, Spider-Man, and Young Justice.

-How do auditions work for main, supporting, and guest characters respectively? I ask because it seems like you hand-pick past favorites for guest stars like Ed Asner, Brent Spiner, Lacey Chabert, Bill Fagerbakke, etc., and I was curious as to how that differs from the main and supporting audition process.

Thanks again,
Chris Spider

Greg responds...

1. Uh, we had to rerecord a number of lines from that episode, so I helped out. (Not much of a story, I know.)

2. We producers select our directors together. And I've had good working relationships with other Voice Directors, including Ginny McSwain, Andrea Romano, Sue Blue and some guy named Greg Weisman, but I'll admit that since Gargoyles, Jamie's usually my first choice, particularly on this type of show.

3. We tend to audition leads, because our bosses like to weigh in and have options and know that we've chosen the best possible candidate. Plus it helps us discover the character. But there's no time to do that for every character once production gets rolling, so we just talk out casting. I'm obviously going to be familiar with the sounds and skills of folks I've worked with before, and since they're good - and fun to be around - I do recommend folks I've enjoyed working with before. Occasionally, we'll hold a mini-audition or two to cast a character (usually a male or female ingenue) when we don't know exactly who to cast.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Mohammed Yahya writes...

Dear Greg, Why is Black Canary voiced by Vanessa Marshal instead of a younger actress like Grey Delisle? And Why is Joker voiced by Brent Spiner? The reason for Mark Hamill retiring as the Joker is because he's getting to old for it, So why pick a man 62 years of age instead of someone younger like John Dimaggio, KMR, or James Patrick Stewart?

Greg responds...

I don't know exactly how old Grey or Vanessa is, but they're both beautiful, talented women about the same age.

I think Grey's wonderful, of course, but for our interpretation of Canary, we felt Vanessa was the right call.

And that's basically the same reasoning behind our choosing Brent. He felt right for our interpretation of the character. Mark Hamill's age (or Brent's for that matter) wasn't even a consideration. I'm a great fan of both John and Kevin's Jokers, but neither seemed right for OUR version of the character.

By the way, I get that you're not thrilled with our choices - and that's certainly your prerogative - but maybe you should reread your post.

Because IT'S DAMN RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS - not to mention filled with incorrect - if not insulting - assumptions!

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Some of these questions, I just look at and think "there's a NO COMMENT...there's another...and more...haven't they clued in by now?!?!?! (no answer necessary for that one) On behalf of the people who actually try to keep from triggering those, I apologize.

Greg responds...

Thanks. But at this point, I've gotten a LOT of these sympathy posts too. And so now they are ALSO cluttering up the queue. I don't want to seem churlish, since you're trying to be nice. But it would just be better if we ALL stuck to business, so to speak, in order to keep ASK GREG manageable.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How, exactly, did Waller have Superman check the invulnerability of her prison?

Greg responds...

She had Superman come and check.

(What's the mystery here?)

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Lyla writes...

Whose idea was it for Demona to start turning into a human during the day and why did you add it to the series? Did you plan for that to happen from the beginning?

Greg responds...

I think it was mine. But so many years later, I can't be sure. So much of the series was a collaboration.

And, no, we didn't know we were going to do that at the beginning. But it became clear that was the way to go.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, I just have few questions about Young Justice.

1. Will more of Batman's baddies appear on the show, if so will you feature Arkham Asylum?
2. Does Harley Quinn exist on Earth-16?
3. Will Starro play a bigger role in a later episode?

Greg responds...





Actually, Starro raids Arkham Asylum, frees all the Batman villains and then after a conversation with Joker, morphs itself into a human woman and takes the name Harley Quinn in order to be closer to Mr. J.!

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can Oberon's children eat food containing iron, such as meat or spinach?

Greg responds...

Let's not get carried away.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Marcos Bolton writes...

Hey greg it's not actually a question about Gargoyles, but the MiB cartoon series. In the episode Big Bad Bug you wrote, Kay throws an expanding cube at Jay, what was the name of that device when you devise it?

Are there any other devices/weapons either you or Jon created that were never mentioned by name in the series? I was compiling some of that data and if you happen to still have that info it would be great!

Thanks for your time and help,
Marcos Bolton

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, it's just been WAY too long. I can't remember.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anon Nuh Mus writes...

What's Misplaced about?

on wiki and world's finest, it usually tells us what it's about a little. and i read that you have all of rest of season 1 is all finished.

or basically, what's Misplaced about?

Greg responds...

It's about a lost glove. Robin loses a glove. The whole Team spends twenty-two minutes searching the Cave for it. Eventually, they find it in the gym. The episode ends with Kid Flash using a safety pin to pin the glove to Robin's tunic. Robin blushes. Everyone has a big laugh about it.


This may be my new policy. Every time I get a spoiler request from here on in, I'll give BLATANTLY FALSE INFORMATION.

Either that, or I'll reply with: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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HeyThereItsLydia writes...

Hey Greg, I watched the episode "Secrets" and I wanted to know why Robin had that look on his face at the end of the scene? Was he frustrated or is that a wait-and-see thing?

Greg responds...

I think he was disturbed.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I've got important questions I need ask you about the Young Justice version of Superboy, as well as other Superman-related topics. I apologize in advance if any of your guidelines are broken or if spoiler alerts are triggered.

The first question is a three-parter. How did you determine which powers Superboy were allowed to have during this first season? Why were his remaining powers left out to remain inaccessible to him? With the nature of Superboy starting with fewer powers instead of getting all of his powers at once, was your decision to make this move for the character inspired by watching The CW network show "Smallville"?

The second question is a two-part question about the powers Superboy does not have yet. In your opinion, do you and your team have a basic idea about which order these inaccessible powers will appear? Also, do you also have an idea about the type of situations Superboy has to be in so he will be able to trigger these powers?

The third question is about Superboy's clothing/costume. In your opinion, have you and your team considered the possibility of giving Superboy changes in his costume in future seasons in the show? There is a very specific reason I am asking. Based on what I have seen thus far, my assumption is that your team's character development for Superboy seems to parallel to that of Clark Kent/Superman as interpreted in "Smallville," especially since that show established the strict rule of "No tights, no flight." Can we safely assume that as future seasons of Young Justice go by, Superboy will be undergoing several costume changes similar to that of Clark Kent/Superman of "Smallville"?

The fourth question is about the location Smallville in the Young Justice universe. In the episode, "Failsafe" the location had a brief cameo as part of the mental simulation. In your opinion, will we be able to see the actual Smallville on the show, as well as its well-known residents (the Kents, Lana Lang, Pete Ross, etc)?

The fifth question is about the Fortress of Solitude. The only appearance of the fortress was the front door with the House of El symbol (Was that really a door? There's no keyhole). If the Fortress of Solitude appears again, will we see it in better detail (both inside and outside)? What exactly is the Young Justice version of the Fortress of Solitude based on (from other Superman-related shows to be exact)?

Thank you for taking the time to read my questions. I hope to hear your responses soon!

Greg responds...

1a. We based it on what we believed a super boy could do: enhanced strength, vision, hearing, endurance, etc. But none of Superman's more fantastic powers, such as flight or heat-vision or even X-Ray vision. And no super-cold-breath EVER.

1b. Didn't seem realistic for the way we were interpreting the character.

1c. I can't speak for Brandon, but I'd say we were way more influenced by Superman's original 1938 power level.



3. I'm not all that familiar with Smallville. I only saw a handful of episodes, but I thought Clark just wore normal clothes in that show. I didn't think he had 'costumes'. As to what our Superboy will be wearing: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.



Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1: How old was Secret when she died?

2: Is Miss Martian really the Martian Manhunter's niece?

3: Will we ever see Wonder Woman talk?

4: Will we see Rose Wilson on the show?

Greg responds...



3. Yes.


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

For the GargWiki's timeline, I was wondering if you would share the dates and descriptions from your timeline of the events from #10, #11, ans #12 of "Gargoyles."


Greg responds...

Time-Dancing Brooklyn arrives and immediately encounters King Constantine, Maíl Brigti, Gillecomgain and Brother Valmont. He rescues Mary and Finella (and the Grimorum Arcanorum) from villagers, who believe the two women are witches. He gains a sword in the process. Maol Chalvim, Findlaech, Kenneth III (a.k.a. The Grim) and Bodhe discuss how to topple Constantine, perhaps by allying with gargoyles. Constantine and Gillecomgain destroy a cell of gargoyles at Sruighlea, and Demona finds the rubble. (“The Gate”) Brooklyn, Mary and Finella journey to Wyvern but are unable to acquire Goliath’s piece of the Phoenix Gate. Constantine shaves his head. Demona tells her cell of gargoyles, including Second, Sacrifice, Brooksbro, Schnozz, Kermit, True, Chomp and Chaw about the dead Sruighlea gargoyles. Brooklyn, Mary and Finella make contact with Grim, and Brooklyn tracks down Demona to get her help. (“Tyrants”)

Hunter’s Moon, 997
All combatants and their armies converge at Rathveramoen. Valmont takes the Grimorum. (“Tyrants”) Valmont uses the Grimorum to rain arrows from heaven. Sacrifice, Maíl Brigti and the old nag Magus are killed. Demona ends the spell. Brooklyn returns the Grimorum to Finella. Constantine III is killed at age @26 at the Battle of Rathveramoen by the popular Kenneth III (Katharine’s cousin, the son of Duff). The Phoenix returns and Brooklyn, Finella and Mary leave this time period with the Grimorum. (“Phoenix”)

Saturday, January 10th, 1997
Brooklyn is accidentally sent dancing through time by the Phoenix that was inside the Phoenix Gate. (“The Gate”) He returns to the present mere seconds after he departed. But for him, forty years have passed, and he has not come back alone. Brooklyn brings along his mate Katana, their son Nashville, the gargoyle beast Fu-Dog and an unhatched gargoyle egg, nicknamed Egwardo. (“Phoenix”)

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Syd writes...

So if Superboy has a birthday (er...release-from-pod day) of July 4th, what are the rest of the Team's birthdays?

Greg responds...

That's not Superboy's birthday, even as he counts it.

Some of the birthdays of the Team are SPOILER REQUESTS. Others I just haven't needed to figure out yet.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Sarah writes...

Hi Greg,

I have a few questions for you regarding Young Justice

Are you able to post the air-dates for the remaining Young Justice episodes, if so what are they?

Also what is the age of Captain Cold?

Lastly, about episode 18, Secrets and the sword of Beowulf, which sword specifically was it? I ask this because as far as I can remember the magical-crafted by giants sword he used to kill Grendel's mother melted away (or something to that effect) and he was left only with the hilt. Then again there is artistic license, but I just wanted to be sure.

Thank you for your time,

Greg responds...

1. Episode 119 airs on March 3, 2012 as part of DC NATION. That's all I know for sure, but I'm hopeful they at least finish out the first season on consecutive weeks and then launch right into Season Two.

2. Thirty-six.

3. Honestly, I should know this, but it's just been too long since I read Beowulf to remember.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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K.K. writes...

1) Are Beast Boy, Bat-Mite, Mirror Master, the Crime Syndicate of Amerika, Erica Alexandra del Potenza, Deathstroke the Terminator, Rose Wilson, Wintergreen, Calvin Durham, Sha'lain'a, Deadshot, Ubu, Talia, Deadman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Atom-Smasher, Hourman II, Starman II, Stargirl, Sand, Etrigan the Demon/Jason Blood and Wonder Girl the next characters to appear?
2) Is Paula Crock re-married to Paul Kirk, Jr.?
3) How old is Klarion?
4) How old is Joar Mahkent?
5) How old is Zatanna?
6) How old is Barbara Gordon?
and 7) How many years did Joar spent prison?

Greg responds...

1. Sha'lain'a and Calvin Durham will appear in issue #14 of the comic. Ubu's already appeared (in issues 11 and 12). The rest are all SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

2. She's not married.





7. I haven't done that math.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Miss Martian still green in that restaurant in issue 10 of young justice? Why was she a martian in public? She did not disguise herself. And no one thought it was weird.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Luis writes...

Hi Greg, big fan of your work, and i think Spectacular Spiderman and Young Justice are some of the finest superhero shows ever made. I have 2 questions regarding the light if you would indulge me. I know if its too spoilerish, that you won't say, and i understand that. Still, any kind of clue that you can give would satisfy me ^^

1) Was the light created by L-1 aka Vandal Savage? If you cant say, could at least say if it was one of member (you don't have to tell me which ^^) that did? Or if it was a coincidence? Or a series of events that lead to their evil unions? To me at least, Savage seems to be in charge, whether officially the leader or not. So i'm thinking he might have recruited the other 6, as they definitively come from such diverse backgrounds and styles. Which by the way, is that what i love about the group. That diversity and the possibilities they have as a team, which i think you showcased very well with the Injustice League too. To quote Count Vertigo: "stunning, what our little teamwork can accomplish."
2) Was the decision to give Vandal Savage his face scars, a nod to your Gargoyle fans (if so, VERY cool), or is there more behind it? A plot twist or maybe just some cool backstory? Either way, it's a nice touch.

Greg responds...

1. I like to think it began with a conversation between old friends Savage and al Ghul. I have no idea what you mean by "a coincidence". Like the seven of them happened to walk into the same super-villain hide-out on the same day?

2. Cave bear. (And, no, it has nothing to do with Gargoyles. It was Phil Bourassa's idea.)

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. I was wondering if Young Justice is going to turn into, for lack of a better word, a love fest. It seems all of the members are getting paired up? (While I'm shipping for a pairing I know you won't make canon, I still find it a bit irritating to see a show about super powered teenagers in love, it's been done before and that's not what I was expecting from the show)

2. I was also wondering if there might be other episodes similar to Downtime but involving other characters? I'd love to explore their backgrounds a bit more.

Greg responds...

1. I can't address your expectations. The show is the show. And the show is about teenagers. And teenagers have a lot of hormones. I'm sorry if that's not your thing, but we feel it's honest.


Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
You should email Disney which is disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to check with them if they are going to release the rest of Gargoyles Series on DVD in 2012 of Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3. Thank you.

Greg responds...

They're not going to tell me any more than they've told you.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Juniper writes...

I have a few questions while the show is on break. Hope you can answer them.

1. Is Zatanna going to be a part of the team or just a random guest start every once in a while? I'm perfectly fine with her just coming and going as she pleases but just wondering.

2. So Artemis' past is revealed to Green Arrow and Batman and apparently according to the show. Recently it's revealed or "hinted" that Robin knows. How did he find out?

3. I'm super confused with the whole Artemis-Superboy Wally-M'gann and Artemis-Wally thing is confusing. It's obvious Miss Martian and Superboy are dating but apparently not to Wally and Artemis' dismay in the episode "Secret". In the previous few episodes, there have been "elephant in the room" pushes towards Artemis and Wally(Bereft, Revelations, Failsafe and >Disordered< ) . Are you going to clear that up or play that out anytime soon?

Greg responds...


2. He's a detective.


Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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Nobody writes...

1. Will Amanda Waller make another appearance?
2. Will Starfire, beast boy or cyborg make an appearance?
3. Will Static and Gear make an appearance in Young Justice?
I hope that static and gear appear, because their two of my favorite DC heroes

Greg responds...




Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I just had a few questions
1. Does Gorilla Grodd Exist in the young justice universe, and if so will we see him in season 1
2. Will Brainiac make an appearance this season.
3. Will we see Themyscira and the amazons
4. When artemis said "I feel naked... and not in a fun way", what exactly did she mean by fun?

Greg responds...




4. I'll leave that to your interpretation.


Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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