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REVELATIONS 2012-02 (Feb)

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conner writes...

1.Why did Artemis laugh when Zatanna asked how long have Conner and Megan been a couple?

Greg responds...

She thought Zatanna was confused.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I know that sometimes in DC Comics, there are storylines that are presented that usually take place a certain number of years ahead of the present, which usually show possible futures. In your opinion, will this concept be explored in the Young Justice Show at some point?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

About Failsafe - do the characters in the training actually exist? We know Eiling exists in the real world, but are Jason Bard and David Reid actual soldiers or only created for the mission?

Greg responds...

They are or were soldiers that Martian Manhunter knows.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

Without spoiling any names, can you please tell how many villains there are from each character's Rouges' Gallery (For example: Batman -## villains)? I don't believe numbers count as spoilers because technically you're not naming anybody, and giving the numbers allows fans to think about the possible candidates, since not every villain will show up on the show, right?

Thanks! Looking forward to the next episode!

Greg responds...

No. Just no. Aside from the fact, that this is a de facto spoiler, no matter how you spin it, it's also a massive pain to compile. (And that's aside from the fact that some villains could easily be listed under more than one hero. For example, Kingpin is both a Spider-Man and a Daredevil villain.)

Once the season ends - YOU CAN DO IT!

Otherwise, just exercise a little patience.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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conner writes...

1.In terrors why didn't Superboy wait until they were back at the cave and weren't undercover to kiss Miss Martian?
2.How well do Conner and Mal get along?
3.Does anyone at school know Conner and Megan are dating?

Greg responds...

1. It was an impulse.

2. You've seen 'em. What do you think?

3. I think many people at Happy Harbor High assumed they were dating even before they were.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Zatanna was grounded, why was she allowed to gallivant around on Halloween?

Greg responds...

Who confirmed she was actually grounded - let alone for how long?

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Lucia writes...

Is there anyone in Young Justice that can sing? It's a silly question, but just asking.

Greg responds...

I'm sure there is.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
Hey Mr. Weisman,

I've got some quick questions about Young Justice. If these questions accidentally expose a potential spoiler, I sincerely apologize.

a. In regards to Wolf's tears and exposed muscles (as a result of being exposed to Kobra Venom), will they eventually heal overtime, or is the damage permanent?

b. In "Failsafe" Superboy expressed shock, and perhaps interest, when he learns about Superman's Fortress of Solitude. In your opinion, do you believe that he will ever get the opportunity to visit it?

c. In the same above mentioned episode, why is Superman wearing a oxygen mask? I could have sworn that recent comics (prior to the DC relaunch) show he was able to breathe in space. With that in mind, what version of the comics is the Young Justice version of Superman based on? (Golden Age? Silver Age?)

d. I understood that the first new series regular was introduced into The Team about halfway through the season (Isn't that about episode 13 or so?), but who is it exactly? If it was Wolf or Sphere, I apologize for not taking either of them into account.

e. Without needing to spoil any identities whatsoever, and in your opinion, what is the maximum number of members of The Team you are trying to aim for? To be more specific, how many males and females are there going to be?

f. The costumes of the characters portrayed thus far seems to appear to be just like those worn by characters prior to DC relaunch. In your opinion, do you think we will be able see any costumes based on those worn by characters since the start of the DC relaunch?

Thanks, and keep those episodes coming!!

Greg responds...

a. You're assuming it's damage.


c. Superman of Earth-16 cannot breathe in the vacuum of space. No one can. Some entities may not require oxygen to live. Superman does.

c2. He's not 'based' on any single version of anything.

d. Sphere was introduced in episode 109. Wolf in episode 113. What exactly are you asking? Through episode 118, we still only have the original six regulars on the series.


f. All our character costumes are art directed by Brandon Vietti and redesigned/reconceived by Phil Bourassa based on the needs/tone/etc. of our series with a mind to what is iconic about any individual character's look. That won't change.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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anamnesis writes...

Did the Dick Grayson in your Young Justice Earth-16 Universe skip a grade? At 13, he is definitely on the young side for those starting high school in most US school system.s Because his birthday is in March and not August/September, he wouldn't be one of the kids who start their schooling years almost a year younger than everyone else.

Greg responds...

Don't assume you know when his birthday is.


Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg;
Secrets is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE EPISODE of the series!!!! You guys accurately got Harm & Secret down perfectly! Secret was my favorite character of the original series, and you got her so right! And Harm, wow. Very good job, I hope he'll get more screen time in the future. The only thing that makes me sad about Secret's appearance is that the way she was done lends her to being a one-shot character. And I was really hoping to see more of her in the series. I'd ask if she'll show up, but I know the answers I get will be A-Spoiler Request or B-It's a secret.

Back to praise; Loved the interation between Zatanna and Artemis, very nicely done. The store "Abel's House of Secrets"? Awesome nod to Cain & Abel, thank you! Also loved the party and Mal's costume being "Superman. Done right." Oh, and M'Gann turning into Marvin. Now, a question; Was the sword of Beowulf a previously existing idea? Or original to the show? Cause I also liked the twist with the "pure of heart" thing, very reminiscent of the loopholes in Gargoyles magic.

Anyway, keep up the good work. And again, thank you for using my favorite character from the original series!

Greg responds...

I seem to recall the Sword of Beowulf being Peter David's addition. You'd have to ask him if it was from a pre-existing story.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I have a few questions concerning Batman's vehicles on the show.

a. Are all his vehicles based on military technology?

b. Considering all his vehicles have "Bat-" in their names, is the vehicle he used in "Revelation" a Batwing or some kind of Batjet?

c. Considering it was used in the simulation, does the vehicle he used in space in the episode "Failsafe" actually existed (meaning in the "real" world after Miss Martian was the last one to wake up). What kind of vehicle was that, a Batshuttle spacecraft?

d. Will be seeing Batman's Batmobile in action any time soon? Considering its various appearances on multiple Batman-related shows and movies, what will it look like: a bat-like car or a tank-like miltary car? (I'm rooting for the tank!!)

On a side note, I have a question regarding the appearances of future episodes. Is the show going to be on another break or the will the show continue next week to the very end of the season?

Thanks, and keep up the good work! You're doing fantastic!

Greg responds...

a. I don't know.

b. Something like that.

c. Perhaps.


The show continues on March 3rd, 2012.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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DC HERO writes...

I saw Secrets and might I say it isn't the best, but it satisfies. It was really hard trying to take notice of all the costumes references. I saw the Flaming C costume. 1. Does this establish The Flaming C as a real hero in on Earth-16.
I'm really glad you're keeping Conner and M'Gann's relationship a secret at least to others, but I'm sure by the time you answer this the whole team will know.
2. If Robin and Aqualad know about their relationship does some members of the League know. 2a. Does Martian Manhunter know. If he does what does he think of it.
3. Will the Team's reaction to Sphere's new form be shown like in the show or comic book.
Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. It establishes Conan O'Brien as real on Earth-16.



3. It took place off-camera.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

This sounds stupid to be be nitpicky over, but...
1. How is Artemis only a grade above Dick when she's two years older than him? From what I've seen, she's 15 and he's 13. If she's a sophomore, shouldn't he be an 8th grader?

2. How old is Zatanna, exactly?

3. Was Robin's crush on Zatanna in "Humanity" a one time thing?

That aside, I love Young Justice. It's very character-driven.

Greg responds...

1. ASKED AND ANSWERED. It all depends on when their birthdays fall, now, doesn't it?



Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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j writes...

does the Atom exist on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Yes. He was mentioned in "Failsafe".

And with that, I've finally broken the 100 question-in-the-queue barrier!!!

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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CoolKId writes...

Will Wonder Woman have some lines before the end of season 1?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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stanley cowens writes...

I enjoy your writing on gargoyles and have just started checking out young justice. I was wondering if you ever planned on writing any thing live action or a independent film? I find the characters on gargoyles to be more interesting than some on movies or certain tv shows I have seen over the years.

Greg responds...

I've tried to break into live action, but have had no success as yet.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can you give us like a little preview of what will happen in the next few episodes?

Greg responds...

I could, but I won't.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I love Young Justice, but why are they drawing it out so much? When will the last episode in season 1 play? Will you develope Artemis and Wally's relationship into an actual dating relationship? When will Artemis's past be discovered? Why did you like take the relationship I thought Wally and Artemis were going to have, and put it in the opposite direction in "Secrets"? Will Artemis become Tigress like in the comics?
Thank you for the show I really enjoy it. I just wish "Secrets" wasn't there. Please do not kill off Artemis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is my favorite person.... She is the reason I watch the show.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. It's the network's call.



4. I'll let the material stand for itself.


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I have questions about The Light, the main antagonists of season 1 of Young Justice. I have to say that the way you carefully set up their appearances from starting off as shadowy at the end of episode 2 to finally appearing in the flesh at the end of episode 14 was extremely clever. I have to admit that I thought the Injustice League themselves were the real bad guys that had their voices distorted when talking with their associates (like Sportsmaster and the Sensei, for example) and that "The Light" was just a cover name for the Injustice League, until the time was right to reveal themselves. When I saw the real members of The Light, I was surprised (probably just as much as anyone else you saw episode 14) because I thought some of those guys were just allies and not actual members, though I'm sure other fans of the show figured it out more or less.

This brings me to my questions:

a. Will there be a storywise explanation as to what exactly lead to the creation of this super-villain group in the first place?

b. What motivated you to create this unique and original super-villain group? Was it because you wanted to avoid using typical super-villain group names such as Legion of Doom?

c. Why were these people specifically chosen to be members of "The Light," and not anyone else? Were you looking for something specific in each of these members, something that stands out?

d. What exactly is their big plan(or is it more appropriately called their endgame?) and how are all of their activities(such as the attempt to steal the Helmet of Fate and the failed attempt to obtain Starro)thus far connected to this plan?

e. The episode "Infiltrator" suggests they had a hand in inserting a mole into The Team. However, The Team itself believe this to be nothing more than a mind game based on Sportsmaster's tip. Five out of six members of The Team (based on their actions on the field in every episode thus far) appear to be clean. Artemis seems to be the only one who hasn't come clean yet with her secrets, perhaps due to fear she may be hated, perhaps? Even so, her secrets about her family wouldn't prove life-threatening to either the Team or the Justice League, would they? The existence of the mole, in my opinion, is in doubt. Is this mole even real to begin with, and if so, is that person is somehow being unknowingly manipulated by The Light somehow?

f. Depending on what The Light may do (endangering the world, no matter what actions they take), will the lives of both the Team and the Justice League, and even the lives of those closest to them be in any sort of danger?

Thanks for taking the time to read all my questions.

Greg responds...


b. I suppose. But mostly, it seemed in character.




f. I'd say 'SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." But you can all but guarantee that our characters will be put in danger.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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no.1 batfan writes...

What was that glowing sphere that Greta (or Secret) pull out of Harm's chest?

Greg responds...

His so-called 'Purity of Heart'.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Jake. R writes...

1.When Martian Manhunter referred to Miss Martian and Conner as "They grow up so fast what was he referring to?
2. Do you know which martial arts Sportmaster know.
3. Did Aqualad kill that Kobra member or did he just paralyze him?
4. I don't know if you've been reading, but I'm sure you've heard of Darksied's makeover, courtesy of Jim Lee, by angry fans in DCnU. I honestly don't mind but Kirby's design is of course legend. Even in past events when artists drew him the they kept Kirby classic. I think Kirby's design was better for him showing his personality dark and uncaring. All Jim did was really give him armor. I like to agree with the negatives. The armor is... to "colorful." unlike other supervillians ,mostly Marvel including Apocalypse, Galactus, and Thanos; Darksied doesn't need armor to be widely feared by all, but I know that with time comes change. Can you please share your opinion on this?
Thanks for answering all of our questions, Greg.

Greg responds...

1. Sending them off for their first day of school, of course.

2. Many.

3. Probably neither, but to be honest, I'm not sure what you're referring to.

4. I haven't seen it, so I have no opinion.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...


I am speechless. This episode was perfect. I loved it, and I say this as a guy who has been wanting to love this series but so far has only been able to just like it a lot. I loved this episode.

Harm was a deliciously creepy villain. Everything about him was chilling. His speech patterns could have easily been corny, but thanks to great writing and terrific voice acting they were very unnerving. I spent most of the episode wondering how Artemis and Zatanna were going to defeat him. Scratch that, not just wondering how they were, wondering IF they were. And as a thirty-year old jaded TV watcher, I hardly ever wonder IF the bad guy is going to be beaten.

The story was very heavy, and the truth about Secret was heartbreaking. I've heard of Secret and Harm before, but I didn't know their story, and I had no idea she was dead, never mind that her brother killed her. Child murder in a cartoon? Okay, there's been plenty of attempted child murder, but the real deal? Harsh. Very harsh.

The B-plot balanced out the dark drama with a lot of humor. While Artemis and Zatanna fought for their lives, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash were attending a school Halloween dance and there they warded off... a prank. I would like to say that Marvin the Martian with Godzilla's roar is the single greatest thing a human being could ever have come up with.

Martians invading, eh? Ooh... foreshadowing for season two? And here I thought Darkseid was being set up for season two. Hmm, maybe he is. Maybe he'll be in cahoots with the White Martians. Maybe I am reading too deep into this. It wouldn't be the first time.

The brief C-plot was about Aqualad, Red Arrow, Robin, and Batman discussing who the traitor was. At this point, I have no idea. I'm leaning towards M'Gann. Or maybe it's Aqualad.

If I had one complaint, it was about Artemis taking the news that Superboy and Miss Martian are a couple that hard. She only expressed interest in him on screen once, and that was in her first appearance. Aqualad alluded to it a few episodes back, but I think we needed more. Artemis, aggressive as she is, could have flirted with Superboy more. But that doesn't detract from this perfect episode, because it's not this episode's problem. The episodes that preceded this one should have laid a little more pipe.

BTW, Marvel Zombie... very cute.

A+, Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, Encore! Encore!

Greg responds...

I take great pride in the notion of using the Godzilla roar with Miss Martian posing as Marvin the Martian to scare Marvin from SuperFriends. That was my idea!

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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The Batfan writes...

"Secrets" intrigued me. I'm really glad we got to see more Zatanna - her YJ incarnation is the best I've ever seen. Is she an official member of the team yet?

As an intriguing episode should, this one prompted a few (more) questions:

1. Zatanna has an "A" authorization code, unlike the Team's "B" classifications and League's pure numbers. Can you explain what the difference is between "A" and "B" designations? What they represent?

2. Where does Zatanna live? (And, if it's "with G. Zatara, where is that?)

3. I'm really interested in how magic works in the Earth-16 universe (and specifically on Earth). We've seen Nabu and Klarion, magical beings from other planes of existence who assert their influence on Earth (and really, why Earth of all worlds?); we've seen Wotan, whose design evokes a wizard vampire, and who casts his incantations in Latin; and we've seen the Zataras, who speak backwards in English to use their magic.
And then there's the sword of Beowulf, unleashed from its scabbard by an incantation in Olde English.
a) Just restating the point above: Lords of Order and Chaos choose to manifest on Earth. Is it only Earth (and, if so, why?), or are there Lords of Choas and Order who choose to duke it out over other worlds?
b) I've noticed that all magical energy used so far is yellow (Fate, Wotan, Zatara) - with the blatant exception of Klarion's red magic. Does this have any significance, and, if so, what is it?
c) Can anyone who has an affinity for magic (and what does that mean? Kent Nelson said something to that effect about Madame Xanadu) learn magic? What is the source (or sources) of magic, when used by beings who are not inherently mystical (i.e. not Lords of Chaos/Order)?
d) How do the sword and scabbard of Beowulf have magical power?
e) How well-known is the existence of magic among the general populace of Earth? Is it an accepted academic fact - and, if not, how do people explain Zatara's powers?

4. This episode suggests that the public has some awareness not only of the existence of *one* Martian (i.e. Manhunter), but of the entire Martian nation (since the response to a supposed Martian invasion is not "OMG Martians," but seems more like "Shoot, war with Mars"). How exactly is the public aware of the Martian civilization? How aware are the governments of the Martian civilization, and are there any kinds of diplomatic relations/trade?
If people are not aware, how is this possible with a Martian as a public hero?

5. Ghosts. We've seen Kent Nelson's soul, bonded with the helmet for a few thousand years, and "Secret," the ghost of Harm's dead sister. When do departed souls manifest as ghosts in the world, and why? How much power do they have?

Thank you so much, for all your considerate attention. The numbers here are meant to serve as "headings" for similarly-themed questions, so there are actually quite a lot in here; again, thanks for your consideration.

Greg responds...

0. No.

1. A is for Authorized Guests of the League. B is for Team members. The A designation pre-dates the creation of the Team.

2. With Zatara in New York.


3b. I don't know.

3c. I think Zatanna described it best in "Humanity". I don't have much to add.

3d. They were infused at their creation.

3e. Folks know about Zatara. Whether they attribute his abilities to 'magic' or to something akin to what Kid Flash was describing in "Denial" is up to the individual.

4. Thanks to Martian Manhunter there is some (minimal) awareness that Mars is inhabited. There isn't any diplomatic or trade relations between the planets at this time. No communication either.

5. It's not so different from traditional ghost traditions. Greta was not "At rest". Most folks who die pass on. But a few do not. "Power" depends on circumstances.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

Loved 'Secrets'!

1.) What color are Greta Hayes' eyes?

2.) I've had some difficulty grasping Zatanna's personality, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to describe her. Not some detailed analysis or anything - just a handful of adjectives innate to Zatanna's incarnation in Earth-16. (Ex. Kid Flash: Class Clown, Immature, Goofy, Impulsive, Flirty, etc.)

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

1. Pale green.

2. If I had to pick one word: mischievous. But she is who she is. She's many things. Honest, direct, flirty, devlish, loyal, etc. Frankly, this whole question makes me uncomfortable. The material should stand on its own, and if it doesn't then I don't know how me listing qualities here is going to help.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

"Secrets" was quite an interesting episode to say the least, specifically the conversation concerning the possibility of a mole on The Team.

Based on what Red Arrow said, he instantly ruled out his friends (Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash)as potential traitors since he's known them the longest. This left us with three possible candidates: Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis. I have questions regarding these three people.

First, there's Superboy. In "Fireworks," when Superboy met the Justice League, I'm guessing he told them everything about himself offscreen; that's also assuming he told them what the purpose of his creation was, right? (Since his purpose was to replace Superman if he dies, or kill Superman if he turned evil) In this episode, Batman thinks that Cadmus programmed something specific into Superboy, and suspects that Superboy could be the mole without being aware of it. What does that mean? Is Superboy at risk of being mind-controlled or is it something more?

Second, there's Miss Martian. According to Red Arrow, Martian Manhunter told Black Canary he had a few hundred nieces and nephews. I don't remember that being that being mentioned in the comics, so is this fact true or false on the show? I'll be surprised he has a large family if this fact turns out to be true. Red Arrow claimed that Miss Martian met her uncle for the first time 5 months prior to this episode when she stowed away on his last trip from Mars to Earth. (Storywise, that's June,isn't it?) If that is true, why would she do that? Given her personality, I personally doubt she is the mole, but will there be a reasonable explanation for her coming to Earth in a future episode?

Lastly, there's Artemis. Red Arrow knew right off the bat that she wasn't the niece of Green Arrow, and he even told Aqualad and Robin in this episode. Batman defended Artemis' status, which I'm not surprised at. I know the comic kind of explained what he knows, but did Batman really connected the dots and knows Sportsmaster is Atermis' father and is just not saying anything to let Artemis tell The Team on her own terms?
In terms with how Artemis has been acting, she's been really protective about her family secrets, since she still refuses to open up, even to Zatanna. Will her constant unwilliingness to come clean get her into serious trouble in the remaining episodes of this season?

Thanks for reading my questions.

Greg responds...

1. Batman thinks it's a POSSIBILITY that Cadmus programmed more into Superboy than even Superboy is aware of. Beyond that, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2a. It's true.

2b. June, yes.





Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, I was chatting with a friend about tour theories on Demona and her future, both near and far. And this subject came up, and he suggested I ask you. I said "no way, not in a million years will he answer this one." And yet, here I am...

I am not asking for any specifics or clues beyond this one tidbit; when Demona dies, will she be in her human form or her gargoyle form?

Greg responds...

Who says she dies?

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Carter writes...

Hey Greg, sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I was under the impression that the Young Justice episodes were written by different members of the production staff. So I was just wondering if that ever becomes annoying or frustrating not having creative control over the details of an episode, or if it makes it more interesting for everyone involved. Or if you all work as a unit to piece it all together. I'm really not sure of how everything is set up but I was just so curious about the effort and work that goes into the show. I'm sure you get this a lot but thank you so much for being a part of this show and making it all happen. I look forward to new episodes all week long.I really love it! Thanks again, and sorry if this question seems impertinent.

Greg responds...

Brandon Vietti and I have complete control over scripts, and the entire writing staff reports to me.

That staff, Season One, included myself, staff writer Kevin Hopps and the following freelancers: Andrew Robinson, Nicole Dubuc, Jon Weisman, Tom Pugsley and Peter David.

Season Two, the staff included myself, Brandon and the following freelancers: Kevin Hopps, Nicole Dubuc, Jon Weisman, Peter David and Paul Giacoppo.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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The Trickster writes...

If Secret was indeed a ghost, and also intangible, how was she able to remove Zatana's gag?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Corrigan writes...

Greg, I've just watched Secrets. About time there's a good episode. But there's two things that really bother me.

Did you based Harm's constant use of the word "harm" on Mr Freeze's "ice puns" from the infamous 1997 George Clooney Batman & Robin movie?

I noticed a very obvious error with the color of the NYPD police cars. They were black and white instead of white with blue markings. What's up with that?

Greg responds...

'About time', huh?

Great way to start your post. Very winning. Anyway...

1. No. I've never seen that movie.

2. Earth-16.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

In the Young Justice episode "Revelation," when the plant creatures attacked the bridge in Star City, they were also attacking what appears to be a Metropolis school bus. Inside the bus, only the students and the bus driver himself were seen. Was that some kind of mistake? Was that supposed to be a Star City school bus instead? If was meant to be a Metropolis school bus, I can assume there was some kind of field trip involved, but if that were true, then where is the teacher?

Thank you for reading the question.

Greg responds...

This, for once, was NOT a mistake.

On one level, it's an in joke. That Metropolis school bus gets around. And it always has the same students and bus driver, and it's always getting in trouble on a bridge. (See episode 105 for its first appearance.) Keep an eye out for it. It'll be back.

On another level, it was a field trip. And the teacher IS the bus driver.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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B writes...

What will episode 20: misplaced be about?

Greg responds...

'Misplaced' is episode 19. Episode 20 is 'Coldhearted'.

And here's a complete breakdown of EVERYTHING that happens in both:



Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Issue 10 of the YJ comic, why was Megan's skin green when in the diner? Wouldn't she have changed it to caucasian? And why didn't the other two men say anything or react to it?

Greg responds...

That's what's called in the business: "A tragically stupid mistake!"

How we all missed that is beyond me. Seriously. I was so embarrassed when I saw it in print. I went back to my color proofs, positive that she was caucasian in them and that some helpful soul had 'corrected' her to green after the fact. But nope. She was green. And none of us noticed until it was too late.

If you need an in universe explanation, I think she forgot to change to caucasian, and her friends were so used to seeing her green that they didn't notice until it was too late. (Sound familiar.) Then you got to figure that Bibbo and Perry DID notice when they entered, but figured she was wearing full-body make-up. They probably commented on it when the kids first entered, but by the time we joined the action, Bibbo had moved on to comment about their cellphone use.

Yeah. That's the ticket!

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the episode "Terrors" is the robotic person in Belle Relle Metallo
2. Who is the villan in "Terrors" that was aiding Killer Forst when she freezes Megan?

Greg responds...

1. I'm trying to think of who you might be referring to...? Professor Ojo, maybe?

2. Devastation? Or Shimmer?

You'll need to be more specific, I think.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Really-Wanna-See-Wonder-Girl writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. If there is a picture of Wonder Girl (if you have done drawing her), will you let anyone, especially fans of Wonder Girl, see herself from the Young Justice series?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman,

I have a question in regards to what kind of clone Superboy is.

In the comics, Superboy is Superman's clone mixed with Lex's DNA to stabilize him.

In "Smallville," Connor Kent is a Lex clone mixed with Clark's DNA to stop his accelerated mitosis.

In the show, all that is explained is that Superboy was cloned from Superman's DNA, and nothing else was revealed.

The question that comes to mind is whether the Superboy of the Young Justice continuity is a Human-Kryptonian Hybrid clone, or a 100% Kryptonian clone?

Will we find out how Superman's DNA was acquired to be used to create Superboy in the remaining episodes of this season, or will this be a story for later in future seasons?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Sammy1792 writes...

"Secrets" was really good!

1. How old is Secret/Greta Hayes? Or rather, how old was she when she was killed?

2. How old is Harm?


Greg responds...

1. Greta was fourteen.

2. Harm is nineteen.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg (is it okay to call you by first name?),

I'm puzzled as to why some of the superheroes of the Justice League do not have any voice actors yet? Is it really hard to find the right kind of people to do voice acting for certain characters?

Thanks for reading my question.

Greg responds...

Yes, please. Call me "Greg." Just don't call me late for din--

No, I'm not going there.


Some characters don't have voice actors yet simply because they haven't had any lines of dialogue yet. Voice actors are wonderful, but they are an expense, and we can't afford to give characters lines - and thus hire another actor - just for the fun of it. Plus there's only so much screen time in any given episode. Thus if a character doesn't have anything salient to say, he or she is not going to speak.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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AmaraRae writes...

1.) Hold on so what a minute here you worked on Gargoyles as in THE GARGOYLES?
That show was/is amazing i watched all the time till it stopped coming.
2.)Goliath, Hudson, Broadway Lexington, Bronx and Brooklyn i think thats all of the original Manhattan Clan and Eliza!!!!! God I miss that show am i right?
3.)And i have always wondered what gave you the idea for this amazing show?
I could not believe it when the show ended. Well technically when they stopped showing reruns i was about 8 which is eight years ago.
And again i saw what an amazing show!!

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.

2. Well, it's "Elisa" with an 's', but, yes, you're right.

3. The ASK GREG archives are full of details on this. The short answer is simply: gargoyle statues themselves.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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AmaraRae writes...

sorry if someone else has already asked you this; but will there be a more somewhat informative episode of Robin's past? Because i was just curious since you've done it with some of the others

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Drake Jennings writes...

Hey Greg,

As more characters join the team, will they be added into the opening alongside the main six?

Greg responds...

It depends on the format of the new DC NATION block.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Drake writes...

Hey Greg,

Re-watched Targets and I noticed something when Artemis got her last arrow from the souvenir collection.

1. Why is the bookshelf with Wally's mission souvenirs pretty much empty except for that one shelf? Will the entire bookshelf eventually be filled with souvenirs.

Greg responds...

I think you're referring to 'Homefront' (not 'Targets'), correct?

1. Assuming the Team survives, yes.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Green Light's Nightlight writes...

I don't believe this has been asked before.

Billy Batson is 10, but what is the adult "age" of Captain Marvel when compared to the former's?

Greg responds...

Approximately twenty-four, i.e. that's the guideline I gave Phil Bourassa when he set about designing the character. But of course, it's just a number. It's got no chronological relevance.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Tupka writes...

Two questions about the comic #10 - a lovely twist on the old series, by the way:
* Captain Atom can revert to a human form. Since "Nathaniel Adams" has been dead for 43 years, does he use another alias (Cameron Scott?).
* Cap is technically 71, but had (through some NO COMMENT event) in 1968. Does he age, or is "Cameron Scott" 28 for the rest of his life?
* The issue mentions "to be continued" at the end, but the solicits for the upcoming issues (#11-#13) make no reference to this storyline. Will this be dealt with in the comics after #14 or in the TV series? I can understand if this is NO COMMENT territory, just curious.

Greg responds...

1. Candidly, yes. Though nothing is canon until or unless it's established in the show or the comic.

2. Captain Atom is chronologically 70 in the year that the series is set. Whether or not he ages, is as yet unclear. He hasn't been back long enough to be sure.

3. We will eventually come back to this storyline in the comics...

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Mel Cel writes...

Hi there! First and foremost, thanks so much for creating this show (and everyone else who worked on it). It was the main trigger that set me down the path of the animation industry. Loving it!
Q1: Are the gargoyles truly natives to planet earth?
Q2: What have they evolved from, and do they have their own version of 'Adam & Eve'?
Q3: (Continuation of Q2) Did their race's stone sleep originated from there on? how and why (spell/curse)?
Q4: How do female gargoyles retain their ability to nurse their young, considering that their young would only hatch a decade later?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. There's been much discussion about this, particularly at Gatherings-past. I'd recommend checking the 'Gargoyle Biology' archive here at ASK GREG and/or raising the question in the Station 8 Comment Room. (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php) A number of people there have theories on this topic.

3. It evolved. It's natural. Not a curse/spell.

4. Their biological clocks are designed to accommodate this.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm sorry if this comes across as too harsh; it isn't my intent. My question is about the tie-in comics. I'm a bit concerned with Artemis' portrayal--namely, the fact that she's usually colored with blue eyes and much more "peaches and cream" skin tone than she has on the show. I know it probably won't be possible for already completed issues, but is there any chance of correcting this in the future? As much as I enjoy the comic and want to support the show, I'm not comfortable with what could be misconstrued as whitewashing one of the few Asian superheroes. I don't believe there's any real intent to do that, since the colorist has probably never watched the show and just assumed that the blonde girl would be a blue-eyed Caucasian, but it's a bit distracting and it's beginning to impair my enjoyment of the book.

Again, I don't want this to sound accusatory, and I have a great deal of respect for everyone who works on the show. I'm just a bit dismayed by this, because a lot of fans don't seem to realize that Artemis is half-Vietnamese: the vast majority of fanart also gives her blue eyes and Caucasian skin tone and facial features.

Thanks again for reading this, and I look forward to all future installments of Young Justice. :)

Greg responds...

We are in fact making an effort to correct this. I'll take the blame for this. I review all color, but I sometimes do it on a relatively small screen and the eye-color errors slipped past me. But please know that no one was ever trying to 'white-wash' the character. Mistakes do happen, but there was no 'intent' behind them. They're just mistakes. Apologies.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Zatanna's designation A03 and who are A01 and A02?

Greg responds...

She's A-03, because she's the third person to receive the A designation.

As for A-01 and A-02 - ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Michael J. Eilen writes...

Hey greg! It's me again. Thanks for approving my last question, I realy appriciate it! Anyways, I have more questions for you about the spectacular spiderman, not to annoy you with these kind of questions. Anyways, here it goes. Question 1: Has sombody ever made an animated movie of spiderman after they finished the series it was from? Question 2: Could it have been possible to make a movie of the spectacular spiderman after it was cancled, just to finish off the series? Question 3: Could it still be possible to make a finishing movie, even though you don't have the rights to it anymore? Thanks for your time, Michael.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so.

2. Well, anything's possible - and I certainly would have been willing - but it didn't happen.

3. It seems highly unlikely.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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conner writes...

1.Does Superboy draw his powers from Earths yellow sun like Superman?
2.What does Martion Manhunter think of Superboy?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'll leave that to the viewer's interpretation, I think.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can the flash still time travel even though theres no speed force?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Shazam! writes...

what are the birthdays of everyone on the team as well as captain marvel and black canary?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Wasn't the motherboxxx in possesion of mr. miracle? Or are there multiple motherboxxxes? Also, does this mean there will be adventures to Apokolips or a visit from Darkseid?

Greg responds...

There are multiple motherboxes.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Super Samm X writes...

Hi Greg! Great work on the Young Justice show. I noticed that Icon and rocket were included in an episode, making their first animated appearance. Just a quick question: What are Icon's powers in this show and will he be voiced and play a plot-centric part in a future episode? Oh and I hope Rocket doesn't have ANY kids in the show lol.

Greg responds...

Icon's powers include (but may not be limited to) enhanced strength, invulnerability, flight and the ability to fire pulse blasts.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Greg, I've got another YJ question regarding guns, but hey it's a lot better than asking spoiler requests:

For the episode "Secrets", when it came drawing guns for the NYPD, did you actually went on their website to see what guns they used? The guns they used in that episode look similar to Smith & Wesson 5946s and Sig Sauer Model P226s.

Greg responds...

No, I did not. I don't know if someone else did or not. I will admit to knowing very little on the topic.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Given the fact the episodes have focused more-so on Artemis, Miss Martian, Aqualad and Superboy, are there going to be any upcoming Robin-centric and/or Kid Flash-centric episodes?

Greg responds...

I disagree with the premise of your question.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Curious writes...

I am so tempted to ask if Bette Kane (aka flamebird) Barbara Gordon ( aka Batgirl) and all those other high School students with alternate hero personas (Bumble bee, Herald) in the comic books are ever going to put on said costumes/personas on the show but I know better than that. So I'm just going to ask about another topic.
(1) Is it hard coming up with ideas and episodes for a show?
(2) When you get writers block is that when you raise the flag for a hiatus?
(3) Do writer's for t.v shows (any t.v show in general) use hiatuses in order to work on other projects?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. It's hard to leave things out. Thank goodness for the comic.

2. No. I don't have writer's block on this series at all. And we had no control, one way or another, over any hiatus. That's the network.

3. I suppose some do. I was busy on Young Justice.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Morgan writes...

I know "Secrets" premieres this week..but when does the next episode after that premiere?

Greg responds...

Saturday morning, March 3, 2012.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Me again,

I separated this question from my Failsafe comments in case it got booted.

M'gann drew some characters into scenes I couldn't quite pick from other minds in the rooms. I guess it is possible that someone knew General Ealing, but Jason Bard and his leg injury? (How much older is he than Bab's? Oh well, would have been fun to see Dick and he interact.) Do M'gann's powers even stray into the precognitive side a bit? (perhaps in conjuncture with other artifacts in the building?) Or is there another reason that can explain the detail of her dream sequence?

Greg responds...

M'gann is not precognitive. Jason Bard is considerably older than Barbara, and is an acquaintance/friend of John Jones, who knows that Jason injured his leg in combat back when he was a U.S. Marine.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Here I am- falling behind again. A few comments on the last few episodes, all of which I enjoyed. Unfortunaetly the memory for specifics is getting a bit dim as I go back....

In general I liked the episode. The superhero cameos made me nerd happy, and like in Terrors, it showed what was meant by using the group behind the scenes. (I was freeze framing to name all the superheroes. I had to go back and forth several times till I figured out it was Rocket. Then I let it play and saw Icon 5 seconds later. Serves me right for not having the patience to let a scene play out before going all nerd on it.)

1- Are Rocket and Icon based in Dakota City on Earth 16? (And if so, which state is that in?)
2- Asking about Lian Harper's existence, while tempting, is a little silly because it Roy and Cheshire have just met. But Rocket/Raquel was (though unaware) pregnant with Amistad in her first appearance. Does she have child on Earth 16?
3- Which brings to mind a side question- which superheroes have experience with kids? Batman has had Dick for a while. Zatara is obviously a father. J'onn is an uncle if not necessarily a father in this universe. But how many of others have a clue with kids? Roy's been with Ollie a while, but he's already the oldest of the group.
4- I seem to be in a distinct minority of people who do not hate Guy Gardner's traditional costume, but I thought the redesign for the cameo was clever.
5- Barely noticed one of the three firemen who collapsed when the Joker toxin was released was a woman. Thank you for keeping her uniform bulky and form hiding so it wasn't a magically tailored female uniform of the sorts we often see on tv.
6- Artimas and Wally's relationship continues to develop nicely.
7- Robin and Aqualad recognizing the couples was very amusing.
8- M'gann called her ship "She" and it didn't sound like the generic - ships/cars get called she way. Is it sentient?
9- I've noticed M’gann never wears a seatbelt in her ship. Everyone else does. Is it unnecessary as a by product of her psychic link to the ship that she is somehow held in place and never surprised? Is she joined to it?
10- Light revelation - clever.

I already asked some separate questions about Reddy's family. So I won't repeat those, but I was generally happy.
1- My closed captioning pegged the Zatarra/Zatanna spell casting as Latin:) Though I must say, speaking backwards is actually far less cheesy on screen than on paper.
2- Okay... I can't remember is I asked this in my Red Tornado family question- but was there any memorial for his brother and sister either public or private?
3- It's odd for me to think of Zatanna as something other than Batman’s contemporary. That said, I did read Zatanna’a Search, so I understand she was first introduced as a teen.
4- Funny as it was, Artimas's "Naked, not in a good way" quip about not having her arrows was a little jarring. It seemed a little open for a 15-6 year old who is keeping secrets. Then again, I'm a prude.

Really liked this one. The trick to any imaginary episode is letting there be a reason for what happens and why it is important. The idea that a emotional reaction to a pretend death overwhelms a psychic link and turns it into a high stakes 'reality' is elegant. The emotional ramifications make it anything but a return to status quo at the end. And the revelation about M'gann's powers is good plotting.

1- I'm going to say again that I believe the mole is unaware of being a mole. M'gann was so far into everyone’s head it would have leaked through if someone was knowingly betraying them.
2- Seeing Iris and Barry interact during the new broadcast was nicely done (as was the anchor's reaction to Iris's on screen death). There were a lot of well done pieces like that in the episode. It does raise a bunch of questions, some I can suppose answers to...
a- Given the power of M'gann's mind I presume it is possible that she unconsciously had access to information that went into that scenario- for example there is no particular reason she would know the reporter and Flash were married, but J'onn and Wally do, so that was in the scene. Is that what happened and if not, how did that get in?
b- Also presuming she got Alfred, Babs and Bette's faces from Dick's mind, would it be fair to read into the lack of costumes that Babs and Bette have yet to don capes? (Actually asking that would be an obvious spoiler- I'm asking if it is a fair interpretation, not necessarily the one you are depicting.)
c- Even with taking images from the heads of the other participants, how would Eeling and Bard end into the scenario? Or...wait, I'll ask the next part of this question in a separate post.
d- How did, or will, Jason Bard wreck his knee in earth16?
3. The masks the superheroes used in space- where they for breathing or simply to allow or talking? (I was surprised they didn't include the eyes. Even if they can manage bare in space for a period of time, I gotta think they come home with wicked dry eye.
4. Was the 48 star flag a throwback to when M'gann first started watching earth tv?
5. Loved Artimas elbowing Wally after every stupid alien line. Then having Wally react to her death....
6. Robins speech and the next wave of teen heroes gathering was stirringly done.

Another great one- Failsafe may have been a dream, but the ramifications are real.
1- WhooHoo! Called the Supercycle. (Though I suppose MightyNDowd won't be showing in the series.)
2- It looked like we were going to get a 'heroes fight over a misunderstanding' scene but don't- like that.
3- Does Black Canary have any therapeutic training? As far as I recall she is a florist in her civilian life. If she doesn't have training, why was she one doing the sessions? (Not that she didn't seem very good at it.)
4- Odd that it didn't occur to me that whole League (or at least those working with the teens) would know Artimas's background until Black Canary brought it up. (Though it's not necessarily so considering that Dina is part of the Green Arrow family.)
5- Nice revelations on leadership from Aqualad and Robin. Not so much surprising as well stated and acknowledged.
6- M'gann's reaction to turning 'white' clearly means there is some connection to her White Martian status in the comics. I await to see exactly what kind. (Loved Dinah's comment about trying not to speak in 1rst grade.)
7- Wally being 'comfortable with denial' was fun. Not the unhealthiest way to approach life or at least the trauma he just faced. He'll have to deal with his feeling for Artimas trauma or none eventually, but to knowingly leave the rest aside might be better than dealing with it minutely.
8- Superboy's revelation managed to shock Dinah, though she quickly covered. There are so many ways to go from it- and many are equally valid if not equally healthy choices for him. He was after all designed to replace Superman should the need arise- that is programmed into him as his main purpose and serving a purpose is a very basic human need. Of course he may just see himself as selfish and soulless...a less healthy answer. Then there are answers of a less psychological nature- like Lex Luthor genes, and lingering programming from Cadmus/the Light. It's nice when someone has a valid reason to be potentially emo as opposed to general angst.


Greg responds...

MIght I make a request: in the future, could you NOT start your question numbering over if you're going to comment on multiple things in one post? I'm going to alternate between roman and arabic numerals, to try to lend my responses some clarity, but it's awkward. (It's not a big deal, but it would be helpful in the future.)

1. Yes.

1a. Would rather not be pinned down on that point.


3. Among the League, Bruce and Ollie are both foster-fathers. Zatara is a dad. Aquaman's wife is expecting. The rest, not so much.

4. We liked it.

5. You're welcome.

6. Cool.

7. Ditto.

8. Depends on your definition of sentient, I suppose. It's more like a pet.

9. She's a bit more one with it.

10. Glad you liked it.

I. Yeah, not latin.


III. She's the daughter of an adult hero. And she was originally introduced as a teen long after Robin was introduced. The difference was that she was aged up to adulthood much more rapidly than Dick Grayson. So it seemed to us like it was missing a bet to not introduce her as a teen. Most direct parental relationship we have. Why not play it up?

IV. Seemed fun and in character, but to each his or her own.


2a. Keep in mind that J'onn was controlling the scenario until Artemis died.

2b. Yes, she accessed stuff from the minds of others, including (still) J'onn.

2c. J'onn is acquainted with both.

2d. In combat.

3. Both.

4. I don't know. I hadn't noticed it.

5. I liked that too.

6. It wasn't just Robin.


ii. I had to reread this one a couple times to get your meaning.

iii. Yes, she does.

iv. Mmmhmm.

v. Thanks.

vi. I liked BC's first grade thing too.

vii. It seemed in character.

viii. We aim to please!

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jerry Whitworth writes...

I noticed Batman referred to the Light as a secret society of super villains. Was this intentional to draw a connection to the original group (large group made up of some of Earth's greatest villains led by several leaders, i.e. Luthor, Grodd, Wizard, Flashman, etc)? I also detect some similarities between the Light and Luthor's Mankind Liberation Front from Kingdom Come (which largely were human villains trying to overcome Earth's metahumans and aliens) and Marvel's Cabal (biggest villain leaders like Doom, Loki, and Osborn). Were these groups some inspiration in the Light's development? Thank you.

Greg responds...

The former, certainly. The latter two... no.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LEXFAN writes...

pls will you bring back gargoyles on tv ?

Greg responds...

Love to. Not up to me.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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The Question writes...

Could you describe every member of The Team in one word (each)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Chelsea writes...

Hello Greg,
My question is how tall is everyone on "The Team" (Robin,Artemis,Wally,ect.)
(Sorry if you already answered this)
Thanks so much for your time

Greg responds...

Well, I've answered it in the sense that it's been asked already, and I said I didn't know.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

Recently I noticed that Brooklyn wears an eyepatch over his left eye when he's dressed up as a pirate in "Eye of the Beholder" - and wears one over his left eye for real when he returns from his Timedancing in "Clan-Building". When you worked with the artists on Brooklyn's post-Timedancer look, did you have the Halloween costume in mind? Or is it just a neat coincidence?

Greg responds...

Yes. And that's not all.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. In a recent question (circa mid-November, so by that time you have time for this, it will probably not be so recent) you said that you don't "get" the Speed Force concept. At the risk of seeming presumptuous, I thought I'd try to explain it, at least as far as I get the concept.
The Speed Force is, at it's heart, an attempt to make the Flashes' powers make more sense, from the standpoint of traditional physics. A lot of superpowers are a lot more complex than they might seem at first glance. Superspeed is one of them. The most basic problem is the forces involved. Assume that a person can somehow run at the speed of sound. Now let's assume that they can instantly start and stop at at least that speed. The problem (apart from how they were able to run that fast in the first place) is that the sudden acceleration and decceleration, from the speed of sound to or from a complete stop, would subject the human body to more stress than it can handle. None of the Flashes, as far as I know, have ever been depicted as having superhuman strength and/or durability. The use of their powers, as frequently depicted, would kill them. Then there's the intense friction caused by moving at these speeds. That would also kill them. There are other problems, but these are probably the most outstanding, since they would quickly end any speedster's career.
Under the Speed Force model, the Flash's power is not the ability to move a great speeds. That is merely the most obvious side-effect of his powers. The Flash can access, or, if you prefer, shift himself to the Speed Force. This Speed Force, which is admittedly nebulously defined, is some sort of "additional dimension" where the laws of physics are not quite the same. The best analogy I can come up with is that it's kind of like the Warp Drive from Star Trek (or any similar Sci-Fi property). By shifting himself/accessing this extradimensional space, the Flash may perform superhuman feats by taking advantage of the different ways that physics works there and how it interacts with the "normal" world. He's not really "drawing his speed from an outside source." He's shifting himself along dimensions not normally observable and performing feats that would otherwise be impossible.
In another, behind the scenes, way, the Speed Force allows the creative team to justify increasing numbers of speedsters. Given that the comics were up to Jay, Barry, Wally, Bart, Max Mercury, Jessie Quick, and others, there needed to be a justification.
This is all the Speed Force really is, a new interpretation of the nature of the Flash's powers, in a manner that at least makes a show of addressing the real-life physics involved. Admittedly, it may be overthinking, but few superpowers are as easy as "he just runs really fast," or "he can shrink/grow (don't get me started on the many problems there)." It's what happens when kids who love comics get older and take physics classes, they create the Speed Force to explain why the Flash can survive his powers, or "tactile telekinesis" to explain how Superman can lift things that should collapse under their own weight (or fly without having any clear means of doing so).
Thank you for your time. I don't mean to instruct you or suggest that you take any course of action. It's your show (at least partially) and clearly not mine. I just felt compelled to submit this entry. As a disclaimer, a lot of what I've said was at least inspired by James Kakalios's The Physics of Superheroes, easily the definitive guide to physics in the comic book universe(s). It certainly changed the way I look at a lot of characters.

Greg responds...

I haven't read James' book, but I've met him, talked with him and attended some of his panels. And I admire him and his work. What I love most is how he infuses his panel discussions with HUMOR.

(Likewise, I DO appreciate the tone of your post. It's informative without being confrontational or condescending. Thank you.)

Personally, I think there's an element of over-think to all this Speed-Force stuff, especially if one takes it too seriously. (I could argue that the physics of super-strength don't make a hell of a lot of sense either. But I would never advocate for a "Strength-Force".) But to each his or her own. Again, if folks want to think that Earth-16 has the speed-force, but no one on the planet knows about it, then I'm fine with that compromise.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Dopey writes...

Is there any reason that the Young Justice comics are a few months behind than the show? And is it necessary to read the comics to absolutely understand all the dynamics of the show?


Greg responds...

1. We have stories to tell (and an unreliable airing schedule). I don't want to skip over stories, just because that puts us behind vis-a-vis airdates that are subject to change. Does it truly matter if we're behind by a couple months?

2. Nope. You don't need to read the comic to enjoy the show or vice versa. But you get more out of both, I believe, if you follow both.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Richard Jackson writes...

In the series, Demona gave several phony explanations of how she managed to live so long. Such as, stone sleep (Awakening) and stealing minutes of life from humans (City of Stone). Of course, also in City of Stone we found out that her link to Macbeth is the secret of her immortality.

But that was revealed in season 2 before the introduction of Oberon's Children. Demona let it slip in "Temptation" that she had survived through the centuries, but didn't elaborate.

When in production on the first season, did you know what the secret to her immortality would be? And were there other explanations you thought of but ultimately didn't use?

Greg responds...

Pretty much by the time we wrote "Enter Macbeth" we knew the basics. Didn't work out the details until "City of Stone".

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Artemis writes...

Is the Teen Titans show coming back, or is that just a rumor?

Greg responds...

No idea.

Is that even really a rumor - or are YOU trying to start a rumor here?

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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TorTor writes...

First off, let me say Young Justice is just outstanding-it has a healthy continuity and keeps me eager for the ability to time-travel so I can watch the next episode. I would like to ask a few questions, though, about the great show.

1. First off, don't let the "Hello Megan" criticism take you down-I find it amusing and sweet on her part because she still needs to explore more of earth. But were you aware there was going to be issues over the catchphrase?

2. Is there any reason why you picked Roy's Arrow identity and not Arsenal, which was his second following 'Speedy'?

3. You said you had mixed feelings of fanfiction, but what do you think of fanart?

4. Why use Artemis instead of Arrowette or the second Speedy?

5. How far do you plan to take the show? (i.e. in regards to death, sex, etc. We already saw a character die, but that was a first)

6. Which voice actors did you know before production?

7. What's the best comment about the show you've received?

8. What was with the 6-month hiatus?

9. Did you ever discuss heroes' children being born in the show?

10. Who came up with the idea to include the classmates in "Targets" and "Home Front"?

11. What do your children think of the show?

12. Was Black Canary often your idea of a fierce or gentle figure (she did show a motherly side with her therapy sessions)?

13. How fat do you want to take Conner/Megan's relationship, as relationships that start early often end early.

14. Which member of the team would you be most eager to meet?

Greg responds...

1. "Issues", no? A response, yes.


3. Generally, I'm a fan of fanart.


5. I'm not really sure what you're asking here. We're taking the show where it leads.

6. Uh... a lot of 'em. More than I can count off the top of my head. Of our six leads... none. Of our Justice Leaguers: Phil LaMarr (Aquaman), Kevin Michael Richardson (Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern), Vanessa Marshall (Black Canary), Jeff Bennett (Red Tornado). Of The Light: Miguel Ferrer (Vandal Savage), Mark Rolston (Lex Luthor), Marina Sirtis (Queen Bee), Corey Burton (Brain), Thom Adcox (Klarion). Of the Injustice League: Steve Blum (Count Vertigo), Brent Spiner (Joker). And of course, Edward Asner (Kent Nelson), Bill Fagerbakke (Bear), Grey Delisle (Whisper, Dreamer), Kath Soucie (Mera, Joan), Cree Summer (Tula, Mary), Lacey Chabert (Zatanna), Crispin Freeman (Guardian, Speedy/Red Arrow), and more, I'm sure.

7. I don't know off the top of my head. Gotten a lot of nice comments.

8. Don't know.

9. Sure. Mera's pregnant, remember?

10. Brandon and I.

11. They seem to like it.

12. Both.

13. How "fat"? I don't understand.

14. Any or all.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Wanted to tell you that Disordered is perhaps my favorite episode yet. Faux-apocalypse stories have been done before, even though I did really enjoy the previous episode, but I've NEVER seen anyone dedicate time to the emotional fallout from such traumatic experiences. I love that YJ keeps defying expectation. It made the previous episode seem meaningful too, rather than just an excuse for shock value, which is all I normally expect from similar stories.

The dialogue and deliveries in Canary's sessions were pure gold. I loved Wally's the most. Do you ever get impressions on scripts from the voice actors? Get any feedback on this one?

Greg responds...

"Impressions on scripts"? I'm not sure what that means. If you're asking about actor feedback, in general it's been positive. I don't have a specific memory about this one, but keep in mind we recorded it back in September of 2010. My memory's just not that good, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Elisa sleeps in a t-shirt and panties in the comic, gargwiki says you said Dominique sleeps nude, so does Fox always wear that hideous yellow granny gown to bed or was that just for the benefit of her parents when Alex was born?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter. (And it was probably a gift from her father.)

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Tiger & Bunny writes...


I was wondering if you've heard about the recent phenomena known as 'Tiger & Bunny'. Its a show about superheroes having their own tv show. Recently, there have been many 'cameo appearances' by some of those characters in other series. (Like just walking passed, or a poster, etc.)

Would you ever consider the addition of cameo appearances of heros from other shows? (Not necessarily heros from Tiger & Bunny either. Maybe even real-life people look-alikes.) Like Easter eggs for those of us on the web that nerd out over everything!

Greg responds...

We've had our share of Easter Eggs, I suppose. Flaming C (or a guy dressed as him) appeared in episode 118, and character designer Phil Bourassa was frozen while barbecuing in episode 101.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Comet writes...

Sorry if this has already been asked. I searched the archives but didn't find what I was looking for.
Gargoyles can dream in stone sleep, but what happens if they have a nightmare that would a human cause to wake up? Gargoyles can't normally wake up outside of their biological rhythm, as far as I know.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jarrod writes...

Hi Greg! Thanks for all your great work.

just a question for you about Ra's Al-Ghoul....

How do YOU prefer to have his name pronounced?

as Ray-sh or Rahz?


Greg responds...

As you've seen on our show, I've always thought it was Raysh. I seem to recall that that's how Denny O'Neil, his creator. pronounced it.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions...

1) How old is Killer Frost?

2) Is Captain Atom composed of living nuclear energy like in the comics or does he have a real flesh and blood body under his containment suit? I only ask because during the Failsafe episode he was depicted wearing an oxygen mask in space like the other JLA heavy hitters, suggesting he needs to breathe and thus must have a corporeal body on Earth 16 unlike in his other cartoon & comic appearances.

3) Is Miss Martian really Martian Manhunter's niece? I'm not curious about her Martian racial background etc (I know there's still some secrecy circulating around her yet to be revealed & I respect that), I'd just like to know if she's really related to the Martian Manhunter, i.e. that part of her origin is officially canon & not a mystery to be unraveled. My apologies in advance if this question counts as spoilers.

Greg responds...

1. Twenty-seven.

2. Captain Atom was NOT composed of living nuclear energy in the comics I wrote with Cary Bates in the eighties and early nineties. (I don't know what they've done since.) We've followed the original template that Cary and I used. There's no containment suit. That's a coating of alien metal covering his flesh and blood body. And, yes, he does need to breathe.

3. According to Red Arrow, who got his information from Black Canary, who in turn got it from Martian Manhunter, she is.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Sierra writes...

Hey Greg! First of all, I'd like to say that my brothers and friends and I all love Young Justice. Your team are doing a wonderful job, keep up the good work~

I had a question about the abilities of speedsters on Earth-16. It would seem from Wally's appetite that he has an accelerated metabolism. I thought that would mean he has accelerated healing, but he's had a broken arm for almost a month now (Broken in Revelation, Oct. 1, and and still has a cast in Disordered, Oct. 23). I expected it to heal much faster, so:
Do Kid Flash and the Flash have accelerated healing in this universe? If so, how much faster is it than a normal human's healing abilities?

Greg responds...

I don't much like to quantify things.

But Kid Flash does have accelerated healing. But perhaps not as accelerated as you may be used to from the comment.

Flash is WAY faster than Kid Flash... and so I assume he heals way faster too.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why don't White Martians just shift green?

Greg responds...

On a planet of telepaths, what would be the point?

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Fen writes...

Are You Planning to Get Tales from the Crypt star John Kassir in Young Justice?

You remember Tales from the Crypt right?

Greg responds...

1. As always, I'm not going to comment on future actors who might or might not appear in the show.

2. Yes, though I never watched it. (Not my thing.)

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jo writes...

Hey, greg,

1. the poster for the 2nd season looks great, but who's on it?

2. the current team is of course in the season, but blue beetle is obviously on the poster. Why choose those characters?

3. how many young heroes are we going to see help with the invasion?

Greg responds...

1. Super-heroes in silhouette.



Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Drewlan writes...

In the episode diordered, when black canary commented on M'gann turing white automatically, her reaction was surprising but more worrying. Does this mean she's actually a white martian passing off as green like the comics or is she a green maritan who is scared of turning white martian because of he she saw they way they have been treated?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, I have seen the recent episodes of "Young Justice" and that I have seen who the members of "The Light" (Project Cadmus' Board of Directors) are. L-1 is Vandal Savage, L-2 is Ra's al Ghul, L-3 is Lex Luthor, L-4 is one of the Bialyan Queen Bees, L-5 is Ocean Master (there hasn't been a mentioning if he and Orm are the same thing yet), L-6 is Brain, and L-7 is Klarion the Witch Boy. The episode "Revelations" had them using the Injustice League as their proxies where you and Jamie Thomason had casted Alyssa Milano as Poison Ivy and Brent Spiner as Joker. Brent did a good job with his rendition of Joker.

Back with the Bialyan Queen Bee that Marina Sirtis voices, there were two Bialyan Queen Bees in DC Comics. The first one was an enemy of Justice League International until she was assassinated by Colonel Rumaan Harjavti's brother Sumaan. The second one is the sister of the previous Bialyan Queen Bee named Beatriz who status is unknown after Captain Marvel's Extreme Justice team brought an end to her activities. So which of these Bialyan Queen Bees did you place as L-4?

I was pleased with how you shown the Forever People, Desaad, and Intergang in "Disordered." When it came to Intergang, the only members identified were Bruno Mannheim (the son of Moxie "Boss" Mannheim) and Whisper A'Daire (who used to work for Ra's al Ghul's League of Assassins) while the rest seemed to be Intergang foot soldiers. When it came to Desaad, there was a reference about Desaad's master probably indicating that Darkseid and the other New Gods of Apokolips might appear at some point.

Greg responds...

The first Queen Bee of Bialya.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Richard Jackson writes...

Was Matt Bluestone's departure from the FBI a forced resignation or was he just fired?

And while on the subject of Bluestone, do you know what years he joined and left the FBI and what year he joined the NYPD?

Greg responds...

1. Probably a forced resignation. But in essence, he was fired.

2. Matt joined the FBI in 1987. And left in 1992. By 1994, he was with the NYPD.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Mikayla writes...

Hey, Greg. Loved "Disclosure" last Friday. I've never seen or read anything with the Forever People in it, so this was my first experience with them, and I'm happy to report that it was a good one.

I found the therapy sessions to be interesting, as well. I actually do have a question about some of the things Robin said. Obviously, this was a very crucial moment in his development as a character. 1. Were his concerns about taking over the Batman mantle supposed to be an allusion to the kind of Batman Dick became in the comics? Or was it more of a Nightwing reference? 2. Was Black Canary the only one Dick felt comfortable opening up to? If given the chance, would he have confided in Alfred and Bruce?

Greg responds...

1. Neither.

2. Maybe Alfred, but I don't think he's ready to tell Bruce yet. Not because Bruce is an ogre or anything, but because sometimes kids are afraid of disappointing their parents.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

1)I love the missions they have as a team but to be honest my favorite parts are of them during their free time(And when they're in their civilian clothes). Is there going to be an episode entirely focused on them as civilians in a town or city?
2)I assume Artemis lives in a run down part of Gotham. Am I correct?

Greg responds...


2. Yes. For more on this, see our companion YJ comics.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Will the DC reboot effect YJ in any way?

Greg responds...

No. We were well underway before the reboot was announced. For us, it was too late to change anything.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Um writes...

1. How aware is the general public of the individual members of the team, besides the original four (Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy)?

2. Is Captain Marvel supposed to be a secret-even-to-him member of the team?

Greg responds...

1. Not at all aware, except for the specific individuals who may have spotted them in action.

2. I don't understand the question, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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... writes...

1) How close are Green Arrow and Artemis? Because in Homefront, when everyone is waking up from Red Tornado's attack, Superman is waking Artemis up and Green Arrow's off to the side somewhere. Is she even really his sidekick, or is she just given the costume by the JLA so she can be on the team?

2) Is nobody at all concerned that this team of relatively untrained teenagers is being put on missions the JLA can't handle?

Greg responds...

1. Basically, I'm going to tell you to stay tuned and/or check out our companion comic books for the answer to this.

2. No one said the League couldn't "handle" these missions. What's been said is that the League is very high profile, and for them to gather covert intelligence can sometimes be difficult due to their celebrity.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

Recently, somebody asked you if you were familiar with C. S. Lewis' work, and you said "No", apart from seeing a couple of adaptations of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". I thought that you might like to know that Lewis and Roger Lancelyn Green were friends, and that it's thanks to Green that "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" was finished and published.

When Lewis was writing "Lion", he read some of it to J. R. R. Tolkien; Tolkien had done the same to him with "The Lord of the Rings" when he was writing it, and Lewis wanted to return the favor. Tolkien thought that "Lion" was dreadful, however, and made that clear. Lewis was so saddened by Tolkien's critique that he considered abandoning the story, but first read it to Roger Lancelyn Green. Green told him, "No, this is a great story, you mustn't drop it," and his words encouraged Lewis to complete the story and get it published.

Green also included a tribute to Lewis in his King Arthur book. One of Lewis's fantasy novels for adults, "That Hideous Strength" had Merlin awakening in the modern world to help the main characters defeat an Illuminati-type organization; Lewis had Merlin sleeping beneath a forest called Bragdon Wood. In Green's "King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table", one of the places where Merlin is said to be sleeping is "beneath the Wood of Bragdon". Since you especially liked Green's book on King Arthur (and even drew on it for Blanchefleur, and Percival's parentage), I thought you might enjoy hearing about that (and I hope the Wood of Bragdon wasn't on your list of places for King Arthur and Griff to visit during their search for Merlin, since it was Lewis' invention!).

Greg responds...

I did not know about the Green/Lewis connection. I did know about Tolkien/Lewis, but this is great additional info. Thanks.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) How close were Robin and Speedy, pre-pilot? I don't know how likely it is that they had the same kind of relationship they did in the comics, seeing the age difference.
2) Why is Wonder Girl such a hard character to get onto any show, legally?

Greg responds...

1. I tend to agree.

2. I don't know. But she's no longer off-limits, so it's moot.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Maki P writes...

DC HERO asked if you could include the Music Meister in YJ and your answer was " It's been done". Does that mean we will be seeing him in the future? And will it be this season?

Greg responds...

When I said, "It's been done," I was referring to Batman: The Brave and the Bold.


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

How much does the public in the Young Justice universe know about Atlantis and the Martian civilization?

Greg responds...

Very little.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, just a few comments/question I wanted to share

First of all I'd like to say just how much I've been enjoying young justice, it's well planned out and I can't wait to see how the show will play out.

Second; I know you answered the languages all of the six main characters can speak, but what about Zatanna, red arrow, batman, red tornado and black canary?

And also, I know next week episode 18 is to air, but the next two weeks are not airing. Will the new episodes be up the following week or is that TBD?

Thanks for your time :)

Greg responds...

First, thanks.

Second... I won't pretend I've thought all this out. Some of it seems pretty obvious though:
Zatanna - English, Italian, high school French...
Batman - I imagine he's very much multi-lingual.
Red Tornado - I would assume he's programmed with a ton of languages.
As for Red Arrow and Black Canary, I'd have to give it some thought.

And episode 19 premieres March 3rd, 2012 on Cartoon Network.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Kevin writes...

Do you get frustrated with some questions being asked over and over again. I asked a question about the speed force that you just answered but at the time when I wrote it there was no archived answer. Thank you for your time and making a great show!

Greg responds...

There may not have been an archived answer, but I've asked over and over again that people check the UNANSWERED QUESTION QUEUE before posting the EXACT SAME QUESTION again. If your answer's coming, why ask again?

So, yes, I do get frustrated. I assume EVERYONE is getting frustrated by the constant refrain of "ASKED AND ANSWERED" and "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." answers that I give, but it's because folks (including you frankly) aren't following the very simple and reasonable guidelines we've set for the ASK GREG site.

And even THIS question, by the way, has been asked over and over again.

All of which simply bogs down the queue, which is why I keep having to close it off to catch up.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Total Miss Martian Fan! writes...

Greg, It's me again! I love young justice but confused on Disordered.
1. Miss Martian is clearly a white martian if she is can she at least be a good looking white martian? I mean seriously I have seen the white martians and I am not fond of them.
2. When Superboy said he was "at peace" does that just means he wants to live up to Superman's expectations but can't so he was happy?
3. Honestly I love that you put Superboy and Miss M together because they were so perfect so now Artemis is out of the way and she clearly likes Wally

4. Does Cheshire still love Artemis since that is her sister?

Greg responds...


2. No. It meant that for a brief period, he felt he was taking on the role of Superman, and that made him happy. (More or less.)

3. No actual question here...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

Sorry if some of these might have been asked but...
1)Red Tornado was seen in both 'Failsafe' and 'Disordered' but in 'Humanity' he said he would stay to care for T.O. Morrow. Why is he back at the cave?
2)Will the viewers get a little inside look on all the Justice League members lives/past?
3)In 'Disordered' Black Canary said her first Canary Cry was in the first grade. Did you make that part up or was it mentioned in another show or comic?

Greg responds...

1. He never said he would "stay" to care for Morrow. He said he would care for him. And what he meant was that he'd see that Morrow received good care.

2. Here and there.

3. I think we made it up for our version of Canary, but it's very possible I once read that somewhere, and it just stuck in my head.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Mike writes...

So, I just watched the episode Disordered. Why is it that Dick came to the realization he came to in the episode 5 years earlier than in the comics? I believe he was 18 when he left Batman and became Nightwing, and it was around that time he finally realized that he didn't have to be exactly like Batman. I just think that because of the brevity of the time (two episodes -- really 3 scenes) it lessened the impact that realization could've been made into.

Greg responds...

I think we're talking apples and oranges. Of course, we're not in continuity at all with the comics, so that's neither here nor there. We're just trying to be true to OUR version of the character. He's not leaving Batman or becoming Nightwing here. He's just had a painful epiphany, which seemed very appropriate to us given the circumstances. If you think that epiphany came to soon, well, you're absolutely entitled to that opinion. But obviously we disagree over here. C'est la vie.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Moon writes...

If Miss Martian is 48 years old (biologically) and she's dating Superboy, is she a pedophile?

Greg responds...

She's a biological adolescent, just like he is.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Just caught the new YJ Episode, and I must commend you and Brandon. You successfully made the Forever People cool. I mean, personally, they were always kind of a silly concept, but I like how you did them. Also like Desaad, also well done. And forgive me some gloating but I CALLED IT. Sphere was the Super-Cycle! Also, loved the confessions about last weeks episode, very cool. Robin's and M'Gann's intrigue me the most truthfully, very interested to see where those lead. Please keep it up, and I can't wait for next week's episode.

Greg responds...

Thanks! By now, hopefully, you saw "next week's episode" and in just a few more weeks, the "week after's episode" will premiere.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Another question about "Disordered". What were the Forever People saying before they started speaking English?

Greg responds...

BEAR: Hero Danjar! [We have arrived on Earth!]

SERIFAN: Zon! Nos kemnos! Danjar tharan, thanka, tabore… [Yes! Just as I imagined it! Earth’s beautiful, flora and fauna…] But when can we see some ‘Cowboys’?!

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I love the Young Justice series and just had a few questions.

1. If Cheshire is Artemis' sister, why is her last name Nguyen and not Crock?

2. Do the characters who were named after pre-existing characters (e.g. Bette Kane, Mal Duncan, Barbara Gordon etc...) have the same origins/powers as their original counterparts?

3. Are Artemis' parents still together?

Thanks a ton!!

Greg responds...

1. She took her mother's maiden name, because she has issues with her father.

2. Assumes facts not in evidence.

3. Nope.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How does Thailog run Nightstone Unlimited when nobody ever sees him?

Greg responds...

By speaker-phone, memo and e-mail.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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