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Young Justice: Invasion

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Manheim writes...

Why did Garfield become a member of the team when he did ?

Greg responds...

Why did anyone?

He wanted to.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Takato writes...

What year did Malcolm begin working for the team ? How Malcolm did find out the team ?

Greg responds...

That's a story I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Sally writes...

Does Mal Duncan know nighwing's name is dick by the time of the first episode of young justice invasion episode Happy new year ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Hunschofsky writes...

Did Garfield have any friends his on age after his mom was murder by queen be before he live at mount justice ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Stirewalt writes...

What Megan Morse do for fun during summer vacation
in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Fun stuff.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Tidgwell Tieman writes...

WHAT kind of documents were made for Garfield when he begin living at mount justice ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Asta writes...

Why did Beast Boy not have a picture on Miss Martian on the wall of his mount justice bedroom ?

Greg responds...

You only saw three walls.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Cassi Henry writes...

How did Garfield learn kid flash's name was wally west ? When did Garfield learn kid flash's name was wally before or after Garfield begin living at the cave ?

Greg responds...

I don't know exactly.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg,
Regarding Young Justice:
1-Who gets to name the episodes? You, Brandon or the script writer?
2-Is it a team effort?
3-What's the general process? And what exceptions have been made?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mix of the three of us.

2. Yes.

3. It's changed over the years. It used to be more me pushing for one-word titles unless someone had a really good idea that superseded that. During Season Three, because we knew what letter had to start each title, and because we had arcs within the series that each - in theory - had their own title scheme, it was more about the three of us, i.e. myself, Brandon and the writer of the individual script, coming up with the best title of any length that (a) had resonance for the episode, (b) began with the correct letter of the alphabet, and (c) fit the title scheme for the individual three or four episode arc that the episode was part of.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Selleck writes...

Did Megan Morse take Garfield to a Halloween party or tricking or treating on Halloween after he begin living with her at mount justice ?

Greg responds...

Okay, seriously. This is getting silly. You're free to imagine their lives at this stage, but I'm not going to provide minute detail on everything they might have done during this period.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg, I love the show more than any other TV show in the last 30 years! I wanted to ask since we have an uncertainty in the DC wiki discussion boards about Black Manta's nationality. Some users claim that Black Manta is American and all of his crew members as well. We know that it was established in New Earth continuity that he was from Baltimore and his name was David. What is the case for Earth-16?

Greg responds...

He's American. But I'm not confirming or denying his exact place of birth or name at this time.

His crew is exclusively Black, but not necessarily exclusively American.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Owen writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know who Marie Logan was ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Catherine writes...

Well, this is more of a thank you for Young Justice, I am SUPER stoked it's coming back, it is a really amazing program and helped me through some tough times when I was a teen, and I remember thinking, "things might be bad, but at least I don't have to save the world as well". And now, I'm enlisting into the US Army as a combat engineer and am thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life. The excitement of Young Justice will definitely motivate me through Basic. And thanks again for this show.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank YOU for your service! Glad we could be part of your life!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Ohtani writes...

What did Megan Morse do for Garfield on his first birthday since Megan Morse became his legal guardian ?

Greg responds...

She celebrated it with him.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I'm a massive fan of yours and I was wondering if there would ever be a possibility of you bringing back the tv series W.I.T.C.H? So many people adored the show and would love if it was brought back to TV.I know you were a producer and it seems like a very long shot, but there is actually a petition with nearly 3000 supporters that are willing to do anything we can to help bring back the show. The show had and still has so many supporters of it and if you could do anything to bring us a third season we would be eternally grateful to you please respond!

Greg responds...

There's nothing I can do, I'm afraid. I'd be happy to produce more episodes, but that's really up to Disney, not me.

Is W.I.T.C.H. available on Disney+? If it is, that's a way for the fans to try to get the show back. Petitions are nice and all, but have little effect these days. But by subscribing to Disney+ and voting with your wallet by rewatching a series over and over again, the chances of success are greater.

In essence, that's what brought YJ back.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Aleksandrov writes...

How did the young justice universe Garfield discover he had the power to change into animals ? Has Garfield visited a zoo sine begin living with miss martian at cave ?

Greg responds...

1. There's probably a story attached to that.

2. Sure.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. This is not a question. This is a comment about the literally hundreds of posts about Miss Martian and especially Beast Boy on this site. I understand that I am not the owner or moderator of this site, so I understand, Greg, if you feel the need to tell me off for my presumption.

There is one person posting these questions under hundreds of different pseudonyms. Yes, it is one person. I refuse to believe that the Garfield Logan fan club has descended upon this site. To make matters worse, the vast majority of these questions are variations on one, two, or three different themes. How did the team react to learning Miss Martians would outlive them? When did Garfield start living at Mount Justice?

To the poster of these questions: this is incredibly annoying. It's great you are such a huge fan of Young Justice and of the Beast Boy and Miss Martian relationship. As a fan, I understand what it is like to become preoccupied and even obsessed with some aspect of a show that may not be important to the main story. I also get the impression English is not your first language, but there is no country on Earth that this is not considered rude and inconsiderate behavior! Maybe you should try writing some fan-fiction as an outlet for your particular enthusiasm. You could write a series of vignettes of every single character in the Young Justice universe reacting to the news that M'Gann will outlive him or her.

Now I know I'm going to get a Weisman lambasting. Yes, I know it is not my place to write this letter. I know I have no right to elevate myself as a spokesperson for all the fans that frequent this site, and knowing that I did it anyways. Let the snark commence!

Greg responds...

No snark.

I did notice the similar themed questions, including actual repeated questions. And, without a doubt, it's annoying. But since I'm three years late answering, I'm not feeling too judgmental.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did you intentionally use the same shot for rimbor as was used in the green lantern first flight movie for the planet where hal and sinestro go to look for Abin Sur'skiller

Greg responds...

Depends what you mean by "intentionally". We knew we were pulling a reused background. We're not trying to merge the continuities, if that's what you mean.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I was surprised that this wasn't asked already, but maybe I missed it going through the archives. Was Batman seriously completely unaware that aqualad was a double agent, given that he taught nightwing how to strategize, and was the world's greatest detective? And if he did know, did he support the idea, or help come up with it in any way? Also, did he know black manta was aqualads father bbefore aquaman told him?

Greg responds...

1. He didn't know. And being the World's Greatest Detective doesn't make one omniscient. How boring would he be if he were?

2. Maybe. Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Brindia writes...

How was M'gann allowed to become Garfield's guardian before she was the biological equivalent of a 18 year old a age she didn't reach until the year 2016 ?

Greg responds...

She was the only close family member that Garfield had left. Emotionally, she was the right person at that time. Plus, at the Cave, Gar would have a ton of guardians and mentors.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Arakawa writes...

Why did Megan Morse who is in realty Miss Martian choose to study for a college degree since she can live for at least a another two hundred more years ?

Greg responds...

She values education. What does her lifespan have to do with that?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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YJ Fan writes...

Why are most of the questions here about Garfield? He's not even an OG character, I would like to know what jobs Artemis and Wally were going to get after their degrees. He was studying Physics and she was doing a double-major in Human Biology and Comparative Literature. What were they trying to get into with those degrees?

Greg responds...

1. I dunno.

2. By now, you probably know that Artemis is studying to be a Comp Lit professor. Wally might have been a professor, too, in Physics. Certainly, Artemis thought that might be the direction he might head.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Kimberly writes...

Why does tim drake not have a problem with dating his teammate wonder girl knowing she has super powers and tim drake does not ?

Greg responds...

Why would he?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Arbiter writes...

Does Lucas Carr know beast boy's real name is Garfield Logan ? Does Lucas Carr know Marie Logan was the mother of Garfield Logan ?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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