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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I was just hoping you could clear something up for me.

1) You previously mentioned that Wally only knew about the plan because Artemis "insisted" he be told. That would seem to suggest that Nightwing approached her and asked her to fake her death and do this mission behind Wally's back, and she put her foot down on that idea. Is that really how it went down?

2) If so, does Wally know that his "best friend" wanted to leave him out of the loop and let him believe she was really dead? If he does know, I don't see how he could ever call Dick his friend or trust him ever again. And even if Dick and Artemis kept the fact that Dick didn't originally want to tell him about the mission from him, I don't see how I could ever buy them as friends anymore. Or even think that they were ever friends in the first place as I see no beneficial reason as to why Dick wouldn't want to tell Wally. I mean, wouldn't it complicate the mission more? I can't believe Wally would be too happy with Kaldur if he thought he killed Artemis for real.

Greg responds...

1. I don't want to put it in such black and white terms, but basically: more or less.

2. Wally and Dick were friends to the end. Which is OBVIOUSLY not to say they never argued or disagreed or went through a rough patch. Justify it or be disgusted by it in whatever manner you choose, but their friendship is just a hard fact. For me, loyalty and a certain understanding of the business they're in counts for a lot. A good ultimate result doesn't hurt either.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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