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Anonymous writes...

Before the episode "Alienated" concluded, Wonder Woman stated that Icon was knowledgeable in intergalatic trial law. What other non-Earth related things is Icon knowledgeable in?

Greg responds...

The best way to prepare popcorn on Ceti Alpha Five.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is it my imagination, or is there something wrong with Kid Flash's super speed after 5 years? I mean, The Flash and Impulse appeared to be WAY more faster than KF!

Greg responds...

Flash (Barry Allen) has always been considerably faster than Flash (Jay Garrick) and Kid Flash (Wally West). Impulse (Bart Allen) is as fast as Barry. But nothing's changed in our series - on this topic - from moment one.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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alternate writes...

Hi Greg,

I have a few questions/comments:

1) In "Bloodlines", it appears that Wally arrives in Central City just after Impulse. However, when Nightwing calls Wally initially, the map indicates that Impulse is already in Indiana/Kentucky at this time and moving very rapidly (passing through states in several seconds). I believe Central City is somewhere in the midwest, though you haven't specified. Given that Wally is established to be noticeably slower than Impulse, if he is in Palo Alto when he gets the call, he would likely arrive in Central City a good bit later than Impulse. This is supported by how long it takes him to run across the country in "Coldhearted", although that was during a blizzard. Is Wally's quick arrival a continuity error? Maybe he was already near Central City when he got the call. There's probably enough ambiguity that it can be explained away regardless. Sorry for being so nitpicky about this. Feel free to provide a snarky response.

2) I liked line about the intersection of "Fox and Gardner". I'm sure this was a shout-out to the late Gardner Fox, original writer of Jay Garrick's Flash. Do you remember whose idea it was to include that line?

3) Peter David wrote "Bloodlines", and he also wrote the original YJ comic. Did he write this episode because it was the introduction of Impulse (a primary character from the comic)?

4) Was Neutron's suit intended to resemble the Anti-Monitor from Crisis on Infinite Earths? I'm not too familiar with Neutron, but from what I could tell his suit design on the show appeared to deviate from his designs in the comics. I thought this might be intentional as a reference to Barry Allen's memorable death in the crisis.

5) Lastly, why did you choose Sportsmaster as a primary villian on the show? I imagine it was related to the decision to use Artemis. I ask because I think you've done a great job of making Crusher Crock compelling and realistic. I like how he pole vaults over a wall in "Targets" and uses the discus and javelin as weapons. In my opinion this makes him seem much more like an athlete (decathlete?) and less like a big thug/goon which many villian enforcer types seem to be.

Thanks for answering, and here's hoping for many more seasons!

Greg responds...

1. Uh, does the term "Zeta Tube" ring any bells?

2. Mine or Peter David's.

3. I think that, in part, made it fun for him.

4. No. It was designed to resemble Neutron's suit from the comics.


Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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B writes...

Was Impulse saying "spoilers" when he accidentally revealed a future event at all influenced by the use of the catchphrase "spoilers" in Doctor Who (mostly in relation to River Song and the Doctor meeting in the wrong order)?

Greg responds...

It might be. Though I feel like I'd heard that before River too.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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B writes...

Is it just a coincidence that Jason Marsden voiced Impulse after voicing Noel Kreiss, a time traveler trying to set right a dying future, in the English dub of Final Fantasy XIII-2?

Greg responds...

It's a coincidence, as I have zero familiarity with Final Fantasy anything.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Mel writes...

You said that the relationship between Dick and Barbara was that of best friends wit h potential. In terms of the five year time jump, has this changed?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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JAC writes...

On Earth-16, is Barbara a better hacker than Dick?
I know this question will most likely be answered before you ever even see it, but im really hoping she is...i am NOT asking if she will ever become Oracle, if that means anything.

Greg responds...

It's not a competition.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to using a bow and arrows, is Artemis preferably right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous? What about Green Arrow, Speedy (even though he never truly made an appearance in Season One), and Red Arrow?

Greg responds...

I don't know - what do you see on the show?

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What are the production codes for the Young Justice episodes? Are they 101, 102, etc. or are they specific numbers?

Greg responds...

Our script numbers were 101-126 and 201-220, but there were different numbers for production: 345-661 through 345-686 and 345-861 through 345-880.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Dattaboy/J-GL writes...

Greg couple of questions
1). Does Superman think he is the only Kryptonian left?
2). Why has Icon chosen to stay on Earth when their is technology capable of taking him back home?
3). Why has Martian Manhunter chosen to defend Earth?
4). If Aquaman and Wonder Woman worship to some degree greek gods how do they view Captain Marvel who seems to draw his powers from said gods?
5). With Black Manta taking Ocean Masters place on the light I would assume he also takes his designation, so since the light started how many members have been replaced and who were they?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. (Not counting Superboy.)

2. Mostly because of Raquel, and how she has managed to engage him with the world.

3. Like Icon, initially he was trapped here. When he finally had the option to return, he found he no longer felt at home on Mars.

4. With fondness.

5. Those designations were for the purpose of our credits only. As of the beginning of Season Two, only Ocean-Master has been replaced.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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