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J writes...

Sice Stephanie Brown is confirmed to exist on Earth-16, is her father Cluemaster?
It seems like if he is, her story would be just a retelling of Artamis...but if not, she would loose a lot of who her charactor really is...so i'm not shure what i'm hoping to see. I'm guess if we ever see her again i'll be happy with what you decide either way.

And, since Cissie King-Jones exists, did her mother briefly operate as Miss Arrowette?
Her mother pushing her to become the hero she could never be (to the point of temporarily loosing her due to child-endangerment laws) was the primary aspect of her charactor in the comics, and their dynamic was one of my favorites in all of DC...but it looks like if she is ever used in the show again, your leaning more to her just being inspired by Artemis. I'll admit, if that happens i'll be dissapointed to not see her bicker with her mom...but i'll be estatic just to see her.
On the topic of Arrowette...there was a huge fan-based (myself included) speculation that she could possibly be Green Arrows illigitamate
daughter (with a lot of evidence to support that fact). I'm assuming you probably couldnt get away with that on your show, so i'm not going to het my hopes up, but i'm curious about your thoughts on that...or, do you just not even think about that since you wouldnt be allowed to do it even if you wanted to?


Greg responds...


2. Ditto, but, what the heck, I'm in the mood, so: YES.


Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Alexia writes...

What was Kaldur saying in Atlantean in his psyche in "The Fix"?

Greg responds...

I think the following covers all of the Atlantean in the episode:

Kaldur: Keh eh-GO, keh eh-GO… What is left of Kaldur'ahm? Udam-OS en keh-RO teh-LES-so… [And I, and I… What is left of Kaldur'ahm? I'll never finish in time…]

Kaldur: LIHS-soh-meh, Artemis. LIHS-soh-meh! [Please, Artemis. Please!]

Kaldur: Keh eh-GO? I am alone. There is no one here. Nothing. Ruins…

Artemis: We're here! We care about you and want to help! And we can do it… <burn> What is that word?! Sim-bih-OH-se! Together! Help us save you! Sim-bih-OH-se!

Artemis: Sim-bih-OH-se. Together.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. (Okay, so "three consecutive posts" didn't turn out like I planned. In the interest of not blocking the queue, this is the last set of questions I'll be posting for at least a few weeks). My questions today return to the subject of Ra's al Ghul and his League of Shadows.

1. When did Ra's learn Batman's secret identity (I get the distinct feeling that asking how he found it out would result in a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT)

2. Has Deathstroke ever been a member of the League of Shadows?

3. You've stated that Ra's was able to force Clayface to fall asleep via a "pre-programmed hypnotic failsafe" that all the Shadows were subjected to at the start of their training. Did Ra's subject Talia to it as well?

4. On the subject of the hypnotic suggestions, what happens after someone leaves the League of Shadows? Would the suggestions still work on (for example) Sportsmaster?

5. Why did Ra's create the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed down an exact date at this time.



4. Assuming he hadn't had it removed or overcome it somehow.

5. Lots of reasons, starting with this: it's lucrative.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Mirami writes...

It feels so good to have the show back from hiatus.

"Cornered," "True Colors" and "The Fix" have all been stupendous episodes and I'm loving the direction the story's following.

Keep up the good work and let's hope we get some good news about the show's future after season 2!

Greg responds...

Well, we can still hope, at least. No one can stop us hoping.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

why did M'gann let herself believe in the visions in "The Fix" to allow Tula to hurt her?

Greg responds...

Guilt and shame.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is your favorite episode from season 2 of Young Justice? If it's that hard to decide, what are your top 3? :D And thanks for the intense episodes!!

Greg responds...

They're all my children.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello yet again, Mr. Weisman. This is the first of three consecutive posts (REALLY hoping I won't be blocking up the queue). For this post, my questions revolve around Roy Harper (both of him; three if one were to count Jim).

1. After the the clones (Red Arrow and Guardian) were force-grown to whatever age the Light needed them to be, they subsequently aged at a normal human rate, meaning that Red Arrow is (as of Team Year Six) biologically 23 or 24, and Jim Harper is physically 29 or 30. Am I correct in assuming this?

2. Once it was discovered that Red Arrow and Guardian were clones, did the League and/or the Team take measures to remove the programming that left them vulnerable to the Light's control? If so, what measures?

3. When did Guardian discover that he was a clone?
3a. Is he aware that he's a clone of Roy Harper, rather than Jim?
3b. For that matter, what's the status of the original Jim Harper? I would assume that he's dead, but I have no way to be sure.

4. Now that he's found the original Roy, has Red Arrow rejoined the Justice League?

5. I've noticed personality differences between Arsenal and Red Arrow, some that are subtle, some that are... less so (for instance, I can't really see Red Arrow risking the outcome of a mission just to spite Luthor). These differences are, I think, the result of the vastly different life experiences of the two Roys. Was exploring the ways that experiences can shape a person's personality part of the plan when you (and, I'm assuming, Brandon Vietti, and probably several other writers) devised the whole "Roy Harper clone" plotline, or was it just something you all realised would come up after devising the storyline itself? I mean, experiences changing someone is all a part of character development, but I'm referring to how the different lives managed to produce two very different versions of what is essentially the same man (Cadmus programming for Red Arrow notwithstanding).

Also, I'm happy to say that I received a set of Gargoyles DVDs for Christmas. The show's every bit as good as I remember, and Keith David's performance at the end of Awakening Part I was some of the best voice acting I've ever heard.

Greg responds...

1. At the start of Season Two, Roy is biologically 23. Jim is biologically 30.

2. Yes. Miss Martian made the first pass on Roy. Both Miss Martian and Martian Manhunter subsequently scanned Roy and Jim.

3. More or less immediately following the events depicted in "Auld Acquaintance".

3a. He is now, yes.

3b. He's long dead.

4. He's continued his leave of absence. But for a very different reason. Right now he's focused on being a dad.

5. All of the above.

6. Glad you liked it! Can't say enough good things about Keith.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Spoilers within. Fair warning.

Holy crap, Greg. You, sir, have outdone yourself. The Fix was amazing. So much happened so fast. In most shows it would seem cluttered and rushed. But this episode was perfect. The animation was fantastic. The writing was fantastic. The acting, however was simply mediocre. PSYCHE!!! Everything was FANTASTIC!!! I LOVED everything in this ep. Manta wants to fix Kaldur. Psimon discovers the Team's secrets, goes ballistic. They want to use M'gann now, on the advice of Artemis/ Tigress. M'gann gets kidnapped. Lagoon Boy attacks Deathstroke with a refrigerator, which I found hilarious. Lagoon Boy goes bonkers that Conner isn't looking for her. Nightwing if forced to reveal their secrets to Lagoon and Super Boys. Nightwing learns that M'gann fried Kaldur's brain. Some crazy Reach commercial for a soda. Green Beetle 'fixes' Jaime's scarab. M'gann and Artemis go inside Kaldur's head. Some crazy stuff happens. Kaldur without a face. Pissed off Tula. Destroyed Atlantis. Holy CRAP NUGGETS. I sat in silence for a good five minutes through the next show just trying to comprehend everything that had happened. Time for questions.
1. So Green Beetle isn't an existing character. Was his "alter ego" based on anyone?
2. Who came up with the concept for Kaldur's broken mind? It was frightening.
3. Why was Impulse less than enthusiastic about Jaime being in control? (I'm joking. There's no way that could be anything but a SR.NC.)
4. Is it odd that I'm more emotionally invested in a TV show than in my school drama stuff-ness?

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly.

2. Mostly me but with a lot of help from Brandon Vietti and Kevin Hopps. Plus some great artists. (See the credits.)

3. I don't think he was unenthusiastic so much as stunned and a little unsure if it was truly legit in that first moment.


Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review on "Fix":

Best portrayal of Deathstroke EVER! I don't watch Prison Break, but I believe Wentworth Miller is a FAR better Deathstroke than Ron Perlman.

I really enjoyed the illusion sequence between Miss Martian and Artemis. And do you know what I think is the most funniest part of "Fix"? Lagoon Boy interrupting the illusion sequence!, although Blue Beetle saying "zzzz's" was also hilarious.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it!

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I was just hoping you could clear something up for me.

1) You previously mentioned that Wally only knew about the plan because Artemis "insisted" he be told. That would seem to suggest that Nightwing approached her and asked her to fake her death and do this mission behind Wally's back, and she put her foot down on that idea. Is that really how it went down?

2) If so, does Wally know that his "best friend" wanted to leave him out of the loop and let him believe she was really dead? If he does know, I don't see how he could ever call Dick his friend or trust him ever again. And even if Dick and Artemis kept the fact that Dick didn't originally want to tell him about the mission from him, I don't see how I could ever buy them as friends anymore. Or even think that they were ever friends in the first place as I see no beneficial reason as to why Dick wouldn't want to tell Wally. I mean, wouldn't it complicate the mission more? I can't believe Wally would be too happy with Kaldur if he thought he killed Artemis for real.

Greg responds...

1. I don't want to put it in such black and white terms, but basically: more or less.

2. Wally and Dick were friends to the end. Which is OBVIOUSLY not to say they never argued or disagreed or went through a rough patch. Justify it or be disgusted by it in whatever manner you choose, but their friendship is just a hard fact. For me, loyalty and a certain understanding of the business they're in counts for a lot. A good ultimate result doesn't hurt either.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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