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Anonymous writes...


NoOneSpecial wrote... "Why was Dan Garret's beetle armour different from Jamie's?"
You responded... "Why should it have been the same?"

This was actually a good question. Jaime's armor was pretty much identical to Beetles Black and Green. All three covered their entire bodies and adapted to their bone structure and facial features. Since Black Beetle's real likeness is very humanoid looking, his and Blue's armors look almost identical.

Do the scarabs produce different armor designs from host to host. If so, then why do Blue, Black and Green have pretty much identical armors? If not, why is Dan Garrett's so different from all three? It doesn't even cover is face.

Greg responds...

Keep in mind that by the time Dan got the scarab, it had been cleansed and buried for thousands of years. He probably had scarab adapt the armor to his needs and desires.

Response recorded on May 15, 2017

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Shannon Benzon writes...

How could Megan Morse who is Miss Martian become Garfield's guardian when see she is a teenager?

Greg responds...

By the time she became his guardian, she wasn't.

Response recorded on May 08, 2017

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M writes...

Hi Greg!
After I watched "targets" I had some questions about Cheshire:
1)When did she started her assassin "career"?

1a)Was immediately after she ran away from her home?

And then I Was wondering
2)Isn't she afraid that the shadows will find her someday and kill her or her daughter? (After she betrayed them)

Sorry if I wrote something wrong,english is not my first language.
Anyway thank you for take the time for answer our questions.
P.D: can't wait for season 3.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

1a. No spoilers.

2. I'd think that would be a concern. At least for her life.

Response recorded on May 08, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

Regarding season 3... This is a very broad question so I hope you don't consider it a spoiler. You once said that season 2 was going to be much more plot oriented and less character oriented than season 1. (Or words to that effect.) How would you describe the breakdown between character and plot in season 3? Is even a vague question like this considered a spoiler?

Greg responds...


And I don't believe that Season Two was less character oriented. I just think Season Two was more plot-DRIVEN.

Response recorded on May 05, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

Are all of the premises for individual scripts generated by you and Brandon? Or, does your team of writers pitch some story ideas to you? Can you give a specific examples in regards to Young Justice how this collaboration works?

Greg responds...

On seasons one and two, all the springboards were generated by Brandon, myself and Kevin Hopps, working together to break the stories. That is, we didn't go off separately and come up with premises and then pitch them to each other. We sat in a room and worked it all out together. I then wrote all the premises, and those were handed to the writers, who wrote the outlines and the scripts.

Season three has been similar, except it's just been Brandon and myself generating the springboards and breaking the stories. I then go off and write all the beat outlines. And those are handed off to the writers to go straight to script.

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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Shery Wallace writes...

Did it take more than one year for the Young Justice Garfield Logan learn to master his power his change into animals?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on how you define "master".

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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Christopher Kent writes...

Hi greg
My question is how is the relationship of Superman and Superboy in the animated series Young Justice? Is it a relationship, Father and Son? Or have Superman ever seen Superboy (Conner Kent) as his son?

Greg responds...

During season one, everyone kept trying to tell them they were father and son, which clearly made Superman uncomfortable. By season two, they'd settled in comfortably as brothers. That worked much better for both of them.

Response recorded on May 01, 2017

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Zergrinch writes...

I am aware that the scene was played mostly for comedy, but, I figure maybe there's a good explanation!

In one of the Season 2 episodes of Young Justice, Captain Cold tried to rob an armored bank vehicle. He froze up the whole place, and then proceeded to bust out the world's smallest ice pick. Whereupon the heroines holding a bridal shower attacked the poor doomed man.

So my question is, did he think this through? It would surely take him quite a long time to chip through the ice to get at a the good stuff. Did he truly believe there would be no response from police or superheroes in the interim?

I suppose "he's not the brightest bulb in the room" might be a possible response, but I'd like to think that someone who can create cryogenic ray guns definitely has a lot of smarts...

Thank you!

Greg responds...

Actually, I think he had it planned so that one little strike with his tiny hammer in the exact right spot would do the trick. At least that's what we were assuming.

Response recorded on May 01, 2017

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Markice writes...

In the Young Justice episode Before the Dawn did miss martian become younger than her adult form when she became shorter when she rescue beast boy and impulse? She sounded younger when call Garfield.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 28, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, I wanted to ask a bit of a silly question. Doesn't it make you uncomfortable when people pair up Bart and Jaime because of their age gap? I know that a 20 year old dating a 23 year old isn't that much, but for two teenagers a 3 year gap is really significant and such.(especially if it's,say 14-17) I'm sorry if this comes across as rude in any way

Greg responds...

I do think folks don't take age gaps - at these ages - into account in their ships sometimes. I'm not going to comment on this particular fan ship. But I do think it's a legitimate concern that we pay attention to over here on the show.

Response recorded on April 19, 2017

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