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bbee430 writes...

1. What led Dick to become Nightwing and when did he adapt the name?

2. When did he move to Bludhaven?

3. When did Barbara become batgirl and start crime-fighting?

Please answer my questions it would mean a ton and your ork on YJ was great. Sad it had to stop. Never the end.....

Greg responds...


2. Ditto.

3. Ditto again.

And it's because it's "Never the end" that I won't answer your questions. I have hopes of coming back and doing YJ in one form or another someday. So I will NOT spoil. And I'm pretty sure that at this point most everyone knows this, and yet they keep asking for spoilers. Believe me, it gives me ZERO pleasure to refuse to answer, so I do wish folks would cease to send questions that force me into that position.

Response recorded on May 12, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Deathstroke start his career as a mercenary?

2. Why did Aqualad have both sides of his head shaved during Season Two?

3. Which members of the Team knew Jason Todd before his unfortunate end?

4. If the Light used the Starro-tech to access the memories of the Justice League members (from designations 01 to 20), why did they not use it to blackmail the heroes, considering the fact that such information could compromise the heroes' secret identities at any given point in time?

5. Though it seems to remain unclear, and aside from the few revealed facts in Season Two, what were the exact circumstances that led to the Reach Apocalypse?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think I've worked that out precisely.

2. Um... he liked the look?

3. Nightwing, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, Zatanna, Rocket, Tempest, Aquagirl and Troia were all members when Jason joined. I'm sure Red Arrow probably met him at some point too. Though I know the general time period, I have not yet nailed down the exact date of his death, so depending on that, it's at least possible that Lieutenant Marvel, Sergeant Marvel and even Batgirl and Bumblebee knew him too. But maybe not.

4. Okay, (a), who says they didn't try? And (b), who says they haven't held that out as an option for later? Or, given that they had info on multiple heroes, maybe both. Keep in mind that Ra's has known Batman's secret identity for some time, and has chosen not to use that information against Batman. And keep in mind, that the Light often uses the heroes as pawns in their plans. Destroying their lives is only useful if it's useful. The Light isn't out to GET the heroes. That's not their raison d'etre.

5. The Reach did a slow take over using multiple tools, (including the Reach drink and others), until the Earth in essence put them in charge. At which point, things sped up considerably, and the Reach murdered and enslaved the populace and stripped Earth's resources, etc.

Response recorded on May 12, 2014

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Singlesynapsetheory writes...


Hello from Australia. I have been eagerly waiting for questions to open again.

I'm a 26 year old female, who has been an avid fan of DC comics for a long time now. I've read all of Teen Titans, The Flash (Wally west run), Justice league, and basically any tie in I could find that included Wally West.

I was really saddened when finding out West was no longer part of DC (although, looks like I don't have to suffer any longer). Your show was the perfect way for me to revisit the reasons I love DC so much.

I think my favourite part of the show is it's incredible maturity. I have read people complain about the way Wally and Dick have dealt with things (particularly, their argument) but, honestly, I saw it as a very adult conversation. Adult, obviously doesn't mean mature (what adults can say they are always logical and mature?), but what I mean is, I could see this as a real conversation that people would have. I love the complexity of the characters and just how real everything is. This was a show I could watch, analyse and really enjoy.

I also think it was so great that you didn't follow the pairings of the comics. Again, people have complained about this, but honestly, who wants to watch something, knowing already what's going to happen? Why would I bother reading a novel, watching a movie, or a tv show, if I already knew half of what was going to eventuate? I also thought the pairings made sense, and the complexities of them brought real issues of identity and what a relationship means, to the table.

I think kids these days need shows like this that are real and mature and don't treat kids as stupid.

Anyway, no questions for you this time! I really see nothing from the show that needs questioning! Just praise!

Hope you had a nice start to the new year.

Kind Regards,
Jessica from Australia

Greg responds...

Thanks, Jessica. I'll take praise anytime. :)

Response recorded on May 09, 2014

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Paul writes...

Would you say that Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon are one of your favourite young couples of the DC universe? I'm asking just because you had Dick tell Barbara that he loves her in the YJ comic, so I'm guessing this is a couple you liked in the comics.

Greg responds...

It's a couple that always made sense to me, even going back to the Adam West Batman television series. So... yeah.

Response recorded on May 08, 2014

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A Flash Fan writes...

And these were the other ones...

1. What was up with Sphere? She didn't show up until the Team came down upon the League.

2. Superboy, Miss Martian, and Adam Strange came and left Rimbor via Zeta. Why did the League on Rimbor take the GL Express Jet instead of going faster via Zeta?

3. Why did you decide not to pair Zatana with Rocket?

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. Not sure what you mean. Sphere was used for transportation, just as the Bio-Ship was.

2. Without Adam, they didn't have access.

3. I had a rationale for everything at the time, but I just don't remember what all of them were now. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 08, 2014

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

It's been a while but I'm glad all your projects have thus far been going well. Looking forward to the Star Wars series coming up.

I actually had a few questions that I had asked you before. I checked the queue (when people couldn't ask questions any more for a while) daily and originally my questions were approved but then I believe you didn't answer them. I think it may have been because I accidentally numbered two questions "3" so now I am separating them and I appreciate if you have the time to answer them.

To put it in context this was after you released the grouping of the teams to disable the Reach's MFDs.

"Hi Greg,
Thanks for your recent ramble about the stuff cut out of YJI's season finale. A few things I was curious about...

1. Were these bits of dialogue actually animated and spoken? If so were they like deleted scenes which we might see in the future? Either way I was really touched by Wally and Bart's moment before going to destroy the MFDs.

2. Thank you so much for providing the teams that disabled the 20 MFDs! At least it provides some great imagination for the stories there. Might you share the locations each team went please?

3. There were some great pairings, others I felt neutral. I really liked Atom and Tye (smallest & biggest heroes), Flash/Barry and Plastic Man (was this sort of a reference or nod to the great team up Barry and Elongated Man, the other stretchable hero, in the Silver Age comic?), and Arsenal with Red Arrow (both virtually the same person with different personalities). Will you someday give us these group stories?"

Greg responds...

1. I really don't remember. Most of it was probably trimmed out at the storyboard stage, as we were already too long.

2. Honestly, I didn't work most of them out. Figure a nice global spread.

3. I'd love to, given the venue. But let's be honest, they'd get fairly repetitive fairly quickly.

Response recorded on May 08, 2014

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B writes...

Did any "Hello, Megan" tapes survive the destruction of Mount Justice? It would be really sad if Beast Boy lost one of his last connections to his mother that way.

Greg responds...

Much was destroyed, but Garfield has friends with connections. The tapes can and will be replaced (although maybe not on VHS). (We've seen Miss Martian watch the show on her laptop, which suggests that the League computer has every episode on file.)

Response recorded on May 08, 2014

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Kate writes...

Hi! I loved Young Justice. I have two questions

1.) Would Bart know Jason's name?
2.) Would he know the circumstances of his death?

Greg responds...

1. That doesn't seem likely. (We are talking about Jason Todd, right?)

2. Not necessarily.

Response recorded on May 07, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Something has kind of bugged me for a while...
How did two non-powered individuals, Red Arrow & Cheshire, find Roy so easily when the entire Justice Laegue, who have amongst them: the greatest detective in the world, an extreamly powerful telepath, someone who can run arround the world in a matter of hours, someone
w/x-ray vision, and one of the most powerful magical beings in the
With aceess to these resources it should have been a simple task, seeing as Roy was kind of just sitting out in the open, not even under any kind of cloaking technology, spell, etc.
Cheshire implied that she looked where heroes wouldnt...but where would heroes not look? And why would they pass-over Tibet in there search?

Greg responds...

If your assumption is that Flash, etc. literally searched every cubic meter of the planet, they didn't. And Batman's a detective, but Cheshire - as one of the bad guys - still had access to intel he couldn't ferret out. Being the Greatest Detective doesn't automatically make you omniscient. Even magic has its limitations when a frozen Roy gives off virtually no life signs.

Ultimately, if you don't buy it, you don't buy it. But we felt it made sense.

Response recorded on April 29, 2014

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Endless Strategy writes...

Some questions about the "Players" arc.
1: Where was Match being kept before he broke free? It seems to be Lex Corp, but since the forcefield is a sphere and it didn't cut off any buildings, wouldn't that make Lex Corp's basement half a mile deep?

2: What are the qualifications for having a Twelth Level Intellect?

3: Where does the average Earthling fit on this scale of intellects?

4: Can The Flash really move at Light Speed (or anything near it)? I mean, Light Speed is enough to traverse the globe in a second. And considering his confidence about moving Neutro in Bloodlines he can definitely maneuver just fine at extremely high speeds. But unless his opponents are moving at thousands of miles per second, wouldn't they be standing still to the Flash? His opponents aren't nearly that fast. For just one example, Wally is one of the fastest characters in the show and it still took him hours to cross a country.

5: Could you try to help me understand Brainiac's rationale for leaving earth? There were two main reasons presented. 1: His forcefield was taken out. 2: Seeing Superman assured him that even doomed worlds have a chance of not being totally lost. But I don't think either of these reasons are valid.

1: Wouldn't Brainiac carry more than 1 Forcefield generator? They're fairly small compared to his ship, I don't see why not.

2: How does a single citizen of Krypton surviving its destruction invalidate Brainiac's efforts to preserve Earth? Superman seems to know next to nothing about Krypton, meaning he's nothing more than a single living speciman. Brainiac certainly seemed to want more than single specimans of each race, and he didn't even take Superman with him. Also Superman will be dead in a few decades, so wouldn't whatever preservation of Krypton his survival amounted to be negated? I also find it hard to believe that Brainiac's "Twelth Level Intelligence" failed to anticipate that a world which presumably had spaceships might have managed to save some of its people.

It's not like Brainiac was listening to The Team before, and he still seemed to have the upper hand, so why did Brainiac agree to their request?

Greg responds...

1. More or less.

2. I'm not smart enough to know. But I'm sure the Collector has his criteria.

3. I think that's part of DC lore, but honestly I forget. I'd have to research it.

4. Flash is exponentially faster than Kid Flash. He can run at speeds approaching the Speed of Light. Kid Flash can only run at speeds approaching the Speed of Sound. It's a HUGE difference.

5. The first reason you give is immaterial. But I think the second reason is valid enough, given the unusual resistance he was meeting. It caused him to rethink his entire raison d'etre.

1. Of course, he has more than one.

2. See 5 above.

Response recorded on April 29, 2014

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A writes...

Hey Greg! I was wondering:

1) How does parental consent work with underage members of the Team/League (I know it was briefly mentioned in the tie-in comics)?

2) Now that the Team is lead by its senior members, is it their job to recruit new members (and do things like getting parental consent, doing background checks, ect...), or is that the league's responsibility? Or is it kind of a mutual consent thing between the Team leader and League leader?

Thanks for taking your time to answer these questions, really appriciate it!

Greg responds...

1. It's pretty straighforward. A parent (or legal guardian) need to approve the inclusion of any new member.

2. It became one of Nightwing's responsibilities - said responsibility falling to Aqualad and Batgirl as of the end of Season Two. Which is not to say that Leaguers might not get involved. Depends how much reassurance a parent or legal guardian requires.

Response recorded on April 29, 2014

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Lorisa214 writes...

Ok, so let me get this right! Did Dick Greyson sleep with Bette Kane on the eve of his 19th birthday, & then try to pick up Barbara not even 24 hrs later, while asking her why she thought he wasn't mature enough for them to be a couple?

...Also, I will ask. Where they ever a couple (even for a couple days) between the two seasons. or like 'Almost dated'

Has he ever been in a committed and/or exclusive relationship with a girl he liked?

I'm actually a fan of him when he's single. Just fits better. ALSO! I did not know who Nightwing was before this show, and now he's one of my favourites! I even bought two of the Nightwing Vols. However, I do honestly prefer the YJ version.

Greg responds...

1. Dick did indeed sleep with Bette on the eve of his 19th Birthday. But he hardly TRIED to pickup Barbara the next night. She was sitting on his stoop, waiting for him. And I think if you asked him, he'd have said that if she was willing to be his girlfriend, he would never have been with Bette. Barbara feels he's not ready for her yet. But he's never cheated on a girl when they've been exclusive. (Not on Earth-16 anyway.)

2. Yes.

3. Yes.


Response recorded on April 28, 2014

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hello Greg!
1) Does the light still have Roy's arm?
2) Why can't the JL grow Roy a new arm?
3) Why did the light keep Original Roy alive after 5+ years? I mean, why not dispose of him?
4) Was Roy taken because opportunity presented itself, so The Light took him? Could it have just as easily been Wally, or Dick?
5) Which Roy had to gets a new SIN?

Greg responds...

1. Not all of it.

2. Is that easier than I think it is?

3. Why be wasteful?

4. Yes.

4a. Yes.

5. SIN?

Response recorded on April 28, 2014

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Reaf writes...

I'm curious about Marie Logan's sexuality.

Was she a lesbian due to the story or did the character dictate it? Was it due to wanting to have Queen Bee personally kill her or when writing her she decided for herself what she wanted to be then you used that to decide how she died? Because I know characters can be stubborn and can dictate how they want to be written sometimes.

Thank you for all the great stories and I'm looking forward to Star Wars Rebels and Spirits of Ash and Foam.

Greg responds...

Chicken and the egg question, huh?

It's not that straightforward an either/or, I'm afraid. It all kinda came to us simultaneously. It felt right, and in that sense, one could say the character told us. But it's also part and parcel with the whole set-up.

Response recorded on April 25, 2014

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Curious writes...

Sorry for bothering, but had more questions.

1. Given that Young Justice did not have a GL counterpart, did you have any plans to include them in the off-world parts of Season 2 (and did episode cuts from 26 to 20 stop that)?
2. Which Young Justice character story did you feel could have explored more and you guys regret not doing that?

Greg responds...

1. No plans in season two. Definite plans for seasons to come. (If I'm interpreting your question correctly.)

2. I have no regrets. But I would have loved to have had more episodes/issues to explore everyone's stories more.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Just finished YJ:L and collected all the Roy Journal entries. Very heartfelt. It's so much easier to read, though, knowing how thing turned out for him. Anyway, just have a few questions regarding him and/or Cheshire. Sorry if some of these are better left up to interpretation, but I'd really like an answer if you can.
1. Did Cheshire immediately accept Roy after he decided to "throw the fight"? Roy mentions working together in the next entry, but I was just wondering if he had to do much to gain her trust, or if she was already able to trust him.
2. Did Cheshire plan to betray the League of Shadows, or did she have to decide on the spur of the moment?
3. Were they officially dating before they "tied the knot" or did they rush into marriage?
4. Do you regret not showing any of their adventures, or do you think they're better left up to the imagination?
5. Do you regret not giving the two a reciprocated on-screen kiss?

Greg responds...

1. Nothing's simple.


3. Matter of interpretation.

4. I'm disappointed that I don't have a venue to show their adventures, but I haven't given up on someday having that opportunity. I don't regret the choices we made with the limited number of episodes and issues we had.

5. See above.

Response recorded on April 09, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

What are Zatanna's spells in intervention? The Wiki doesn't have all of them.

Greg responds...

Here's what's in my script. I don't have the time right now to go through the as-aired episode and compare. So some of what follows may have been trimmed or cut for time. But we recorded it all:

Eruces S'tekcor ecrof-elbbub htiw ym skcigam!

Eerf Lrigtab dna Eslupmi!


Tcerider ym seimene stniaga hcae rehto!

Retne a ecnart ot eraperp rof eht lautir…

Ho ythgim Sisi fo eht citsym baracs, evig em ruoy rewop!




Laever ohw slortnoc ruoy Sbaracs!

Response recorded on April 07, 2014

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Anon writes...

I just noticed it seems like every team member has a really friend on the team besides Superboy. Wonder Girl and Batgirl, Artemis and M'gann, Roy and Kaldur, Dick and KidFlash, Impulse and Blue B.

How come Superboy doesn't seem to have anyone in this role?

Greg responds...

Superboy has M'gann. Not to mention both Wolf and Sphere. And, frankly, I think you're stretching things to make your point. I think Wonder Girl and Batgirl are friends, for example, but there's nothing you've seen that would indicate that they are best friends. (Not saying they're not, just stating the realities of what we presented on screen.) Likewise, you've left out a number of characters that one could argue have less to show best friend wise than Superboy does.

Response recorded on April 02, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Who hired Lobo, the Light?

Greg responds...

Jamie Thomason.

Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Tupka writes...

I have a question about Ivy Town - namely, where is it? In the comics, it's been thrown around a lot. It's been in Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, if not more.

I'm asking because in Darkest, Mal gets from Ivy to Happy Harbor in roughly an hour. Unless he used zetas somewhere in between (to Providence, for example), that narrows it down to RI, or the borders of CT and MA.

Greg responds...

It's on the shared border of RI, CT and MA.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

It was mentioned that there was to be a Red Tornado arc in season 2 but that it was cut because there wasn't enough room for it with only 20 episodes. I was just wondering if the appearance of Red Volcano in "Runaways" had anything to with the planned Red Tornado arc - as in, was Red Volcano involved in events surrounding the planned Red Tornado arc which happened 'off-screen'?

Greg responds...

No, it was more of a Red Tomato thing.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

In "Beneath", it was clear that Devastation had gone "toe-to-toe" with Wonder Woman, but had never met Wonder Girl. My question is, has Devastation ever met Troia (as of "Beneath")?

Greg responds...

Hard to answer yes or no, since Devastation IS Troia.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

In "Beneath", Nightwing said that Psimon had been in a coma since his last encounter with Miss Martian. Was he referring to the events of "Image", or a battle that happened sometime during the 5 year gap?

Greg responds...

That was a reference to Miss Martian's reading of the Martian Chronicles at the Bialyan Barnes & Noble. She was a little monotone.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Gray Dickson writes...

What was your reason for having Dicks character be such a womanizer?

Greg responds...

I don't think he is a womanizer, at least not in the traditional sense that most people use that word. He doesn't lie about who he's with. He's been exclusive for periods of time. He's never cheated on any girl. He always calls the next day. Etc.

Dick has tremendous respect for women, in my opinion. And that respect makes him interested in many women for each one's very different qualities. And that fundamental respect (alongside his other attributes) makes him extremely attractive to a diverse group of powerful women, who know he's secure enough not to require them to be 'less powerful' when dating him.

Also keep in mind, he's still pretty darn young. Should he really be settled down by age 19? I just don't think he's quite ready to settle down, and obviously Barbara agrees.

As for why we made that creative choice, given his history, it just seemed right for the character.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Anoy writes...

Did any of the runaways consider superhero names for themselves? I mean virgil is static, but did any of the others think of names to use?

Greg responds...

Not that they said out loud.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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