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O'keefe writes...

Why did not m'gann try to avenge marie logan's death in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Who says she didn't?

Anyway, you can't just attack a Head of State. Won't go over well.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Kupchan writes...

What was Garfield's opinion about mount justice when he first arrive at cave ? Did Garfield ask why he was being aloud to live at the cave when he first arrive at the cave ?

Greg responds...

1. I'm guessing he was pretty impressed.

2. He knew why.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Stewart writes...

What is the lifespan of members of Halkman and halkwoman race ?

Greg responds...

Right now, I'm assuming that the Thanagarian lifespan is more or less the same as a human's.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Vegeta fan writes...

When Miss Martian visit Garfield after mom died was it orphanage or foster home Garfield was living at the time ?

Greg responds...

He was living with Rita Farr.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Kissel writes...

What kind of things did M'gann and Garfield do together after his mom died before Garfield live at the cave ?

Greg responds...

She visited him at Rita's.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Ossefo writes...

Did Miss martian have to ask permission to become Garfield's guardian ? And if so who did M'gann have to ask for permission to become Garfield's guardian?

Greg responds...

There was no one left to ask after the death of Rita. I'm guessing that all agreed that she was the right person to take on the job. And, thus, Batman and the League smoothed things out with authorities.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Hayden writes...

Will the complete young justice timeline be revel if all future seasons of the young justice you Mister Greg plan for the show to have are produce ?

Greg responds...

Never. Cuz we'll never run out of ideas for future seasons, and the timeline is constantly growing. Right now it's 694 pages on my desktop computer and 609 pages on my laptop. (I have no explanation for the discrepancy. It's the exact same document. My desktop is much older than my laptop.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is David Hyde the real name of Black Manta in the Young Justice cartoon...?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Olson writes...

When did M'gann started to view or treat Garfield as a brother ?

Greg responds...

Pretty rapidly after Image.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Apollo writes...

After Megan Morse became Garfield's guardian did Garfield go to happy harbor school for a time before being home school at mount justice ?

Greg responds...

Probably not. But, as always, I reserve the right to change my mind if Brandon and I decide in a story that he did.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I'm so excited for Season 3, can't wait to see what you create!
I've got two questions for you:

1) For how long had the original team known Robin I/Nightwing's secret identity as Dick Grayson by the time Season 2 started?
2) Did Roy know Robin's secret identity in Season 1?

Thanks and good luck with production!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to lock down an exact date in this forum until we've made a decision in a story.

2. No. Just Wally.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Smith Neo writes...

What was Garfield Logan's A designation ? Garfield's B designation was B19.

Greg responds...

He never had an A designation.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Britton writes...

Why does Beast Boy in season two have miss Martian's mount justice bedroom she had in season one ? If she gave it to him when he move into the cave then question is why ?

Greg responds...

It's a different room. Many of the rooms have a similar layout.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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David Kong writes...

In Young Justice season 2 episode 17 (The Hunt), Nightwing and Miss Martian apologize to one another and Miss Martian says Nightwing's first name. When and how did she know about his identity? Do the others besides Kid Flash, Batman, Tim Drake and Impulse?

Greg responds...

The old guard know at this point.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Zuniga writes...

When Garfield Logan came to mount justice for the first time was he under megan morse's guardianship by that point ?

Greg responds...

By that time, yes.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Huma writes...

After Garfield's eyes turn green did his hair turn green next or did his skin turn green next ?

Greg responds...

I'm gonna say... hair next. But I reserve the right to change my mind if later Brandon and I decide to go another route.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Finkel writes...

Did Garfield replace the destroy picture of his mother that was lost when mount just blew up if how ?

Greg responds...

Yes. He got another one.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Scalise writes...

Why did Garfield brine those toy dinosaurs with him when to the cave when he started living at the cave ?

Greg responds...

He brought his stuff. Or he got them since arriving.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Why in season 2 episode 7 when Wally and Artemis kissed Nightwing looked away? But not just looked away he looked surprised and then looked away with a frown.

Listen I know you don't try make traught a thing but some of the things you put on the show making us believe Dick likes Artemis. Just go to a fan page or tumblr and you'll see so many proves of this ship.

Greg responds...

I think you're misinterpreting the visual. I don't see what you're seeing.

And Dick DOES like Artemis - as a friend.

Buy, well.. Your Mileage May Vary.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Itzchak Marmorstein writes...

What were dates of M'gann visits to Garfield in the young justice timeline after the Janunary /16/2011 murder of Marie Logan ? This is before he live at the cave.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to give you specific dates and tie my hands for the sake of an ASK GREG post.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Zuniga writes...

What year did Garfield Logan receive his A designation ? His B designation is B19.

Greg responds...

He never had an A designation.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Perino writes...

Did M'gann go to Marie Logan's funeral ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Matteo writes...

What was the year Garfield started call Martian Manhunter as Uncle John ? How does Martian Manhunter feel about the fact Garfield call him uncle John ?

Greg responds...

1. Probably around the time he moved into the Cave.

2. Uncle J'onn's fine with it. He's a pretty easy-going sort.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Chuck writes...

Did Garfield have many friends his age play with at the place he live at were MISS MARTIAN visit him after his mom died or did he keep to himself ? Did Garfield relive the event of finding his dead mom like he did in episode Earthlings ?

Greg responds...

1. I think he largely hung out with the Doom Patrol, but he might have had some friends his own age.

2. Ever? Almost definitely.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anhaa writes...

Was Garfield anger or disappointed that M'gann who uses the Megan Morse form did not adopt him as her brother soon after her graduation from Happy Harbor High School ?

Greg responds...

No. I think he was with Rita when Megan graduated. She visited plenty, anyway.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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