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Young Justice: Invasion

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Kupchan writes...

What was Garfield's opinion about mount justice when he first arrive at cave ? Did Garfield ask why he was being aloud to live at the cave when he first arrive at the cave ?

Greg responds...

1. I'm guessing he was pretty impressed.

2. He knew why.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Stewart writes...

What is the lifespan of members of Halkman and halkwoman race ?

Greg responds...

Right now, I'm assuming that the Thanagarian lifespan is more or less the same as a human's.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Vegeta fan writes...

When Miss Martian visit Garfield after mom died was it orphanage or foster home Garfield was living at the time ?

Greg responds...

He was living with Rita Farr.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Kissel writes...

What kind of things did M'gann and Garfield do together after his mom died before Garfield live at the cave ?

Greg responds...

She visited him at Rita's.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Ossefo writes...

Did Miss martian have to ask permission to become Garfield's guardian ? And if so who did M'gann have to ask for permission to become Garfield's guardian?

Greg responds...

There was no one left to ask after the death of Rita. I'm guessing that all agreed that she was the right person to take on the job. And, thus, Batman and the League smoothed things out with authorities.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Hayden writes...

Will the complete young justice timeline be revel if all future seasons of the young justice you Mister Greg plan for the show to have are produce ?

Greg responds...

Never. Cuz we'll never run out of ideas for future seasons, and the timeline is constantly growing. Right now it's 694 pages on my desktop computer and 609 pages on my laptop. (I have no explanation for the discrepancy. It's the exact same document. My desktop is much older than my laptop.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is David Hyde the real name of Black Manta in the Young Justice cartoon...?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Olson writes...

When did M'gann started to view or treat Garfield as a brother ?

Greg responds...

Pretty rapidly after Image.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Apollo writes...

After Megan Morse became Garfield's guardian did Garfield go to happy harbor school for a time before being home school at mount justice ?

Greg responds...

Probably not. But, as always, I reserve the right to change my mind if Brandon and I decide in a story that he did.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I'm so excited for Season 3, can't wait to see what you create!
I've got two questions for you:

1) For how long had the original team known Robin I/Nightwing's secret identity as Dick Grayson by the time Season 2 started?
2) Did Roy know Robin's secret identity in Season 1?

Thanks and good luck with production!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to lock down an exact date in this forum until we've made a decision in a story.

2. No. Just Wally.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Smith Neo writes...

What was Garfield Logan's A designation ? Garfield's B designation was B19.

Greg responds...

He never had an A designation.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Britton writes...

Why does Beast Boy in season two have miss Martian's mount justice bedroom she had in season one ? If she gave it to him when he move into the cave then question is why ?

Greg responds...

It's a different room. Many of the rooms have a similar layout.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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David Kong writes...

In Young Justice season 2 episode 17 (The Hunt), Nightwing and Miss Martian apologize to one another and Miss Martian says Nightwing's first name. When and how did she know about his identity? Do the others besides Kid Flash, Batman, Tim Drake and Impulse?

Greg responds...

The old guard know at this point.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Zuniga writes...

When Garfield Logan came to mount justice for the first time was he under megan morse's guardianship by that point ?

Greg responds...

By that time, yes.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Huma writes...

After Garfield's eyes turn green did his hair turn green next or did his skin turn green next ?

Greg responds...

I'm gonna say... hair next. But I reserve the right to change my mind if later Brandon and I decide to go another route.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Finkel writes...

Did Garfield replace the destroy picture of his mother that was lost when mount just blew up if how ?

Greg responds...

Yes. He got another one.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Scalise writes...

Why did Garfield brine those toy dinosaurs with him when to the cave when he started living at the cave ?

Greg responds...

He brought his stuff. Or he got them since arriving.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Why in season 2 episode 7 when Wally and Artemis kissed Nightwing looked away? But not just looked away he looked surprised and then looked away with a frown.

Listen I know you don't try make traught a thing but some of the things you put on the show making us believe Dick likes Artemis. Just go to a fan page or tumblr and you'll see so many proves of this ship.

Greg responds...

I think you're misinterpreting the visual. I don't see what you're seeing.

And Dick DOES like Artemis - as a friend.

Buy, well.. Your Mileage May Vary.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Itzchak Marmorstein writes...

What were dates of M'gann visits to Garfield in the young justice timeline after the Janunary /16/2011 murder of Marie Logan ? This is before he live at the cave.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to give you specific dates and tie my hands for the sake of an ASK GREG post.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Zuniga writes...

What year did Garfield Logan receive his A designation ? His B designation is B19.

Greg responds...

He never had an A designation.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Perino writes...

Did M'gann go to Marie Logan's funeral ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Matteo writes...

What was the year Garfield started call Martian Manhunter as Uncle John ? How does Martian Manhunter feel about the fact Garfield call him uncle John ?

Greg responds...

1. Probably around the time he moved into the Cave.

2. Uncle J'onn's fine with it. He's a pretty easy-going sort.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Chuck writes...

Did Garfield have many friends his age play with at the place he live at were MISS MARTIAN visit him after his mom died or did he keep to himself ? Did Garfield relive the event of finding his dead mom like he did in episode Earthlings ?

Greg responds...

1. I think he largely hung out with the Doom Patrol, but he might have had some friends his own age.

2. Ever? Almost definitely.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anhaa writes...

Was Garfield anger or disappointed that M'gann who uses the Megan Morse form did not adopt him as her brother soon after her graduation from Happy Harbor High School ?

Greg responds...

No. I think he was with Rita when Megan graduated. She visited plenty, anyway.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Belloni T writes...

Was every human relative of Garfield Logan dead when Megan Morse became his guardian ?

Greg responds...

Marie, if she had any relatives, chose not to leave Gar with them. Instead, she chose his godmother Rita Farr. When Rita died, Miss Martian took Gar in. No one challenged that until years later, when Steve Dayton claimed custody on the basis of being Rita's husband.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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YJ Nerd writes...

Hey Greg, might I get the names of the animators and artists for YJ? I would like to thank them for all that they've done for the show.

Greg responds...

Check out the credits, dude.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Horace writes...

Does young justice invasion Bumblebee know Clark Kent is Superman ?

Greg responds...

Probably. Haven't really thought about it.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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GreenArrxw writes...

These questions pertain to Dick and Zatanna, and were not asked, as far as I can see, having looked for these questions.

1. Because Dick and Wally, as well as Zee and Artemis were best friends, in addition to Dick and Artemis being good friends, is it safe to assume the four of them went on double dates when the former couple was still an item?

2. How do you think Zatara would view their relationship?

3. Now knowing that Dick both lied to her about her best friend's death and used her to further the faking of Artemis' aforementioned death (I'd like you to know, I'm NOT saying his actions weren't justified, they were), does Zatanna now look at Dick in a new light?

4. Is it safe to assume the breakup was one without conflict? I ask because they're on oddly good terms with each other(better than my friends, at least).

5. Finally, I've always wondered: did you ever notice the coincidence that both Zee and Dick are or have been performers at some point?

Thank you, have a nice day.

Greg responds...

1. I think so.

2. Do you mean IF he was free of the Helmet?

3. I'm not sure about a "new light". She knew him pretty well already. I'm not saying she's happy about all of this. But she understands.

4. Depends on how you define "conflict," I guess.

5. Yes. Not sure it is a coincidence.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

With Garfield, the form he uses most has a tail, is that his base form or just a form he likes using the most? if its the latter, would he be able to change it permanantly? for Example, making it so that his default form has wings instead of the tail?

Greg responds...

I think you saw that he CAN turn back into a (green-skinned) normal boy in episode 203.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Robert Rosevelt writes...

What happen Garfield's pet monkey after Marie death?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Becky writes...

Does Beast Boy know Nightwing was the first hero robin ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anon writes...

How close is season 3 to the one you and Brandon had initially thought of when Invasion ended? Pretty close, nothing like it, or somewhere in the middle?

Greg responds...

Dead on - to the extent we had broken it back then. The basic game plan hasn't changed, though we've obviously fleshed it the hell out since then.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Harrigan writes...

Did Garfield live at mount justice for most of the years of the five year gape between young justice and young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

He lived with his mom in Qurac until she was murdered. Then he lived with Rita and the Doom Patrol until they died. Then he lived with M'gann at Mount Justice until that blew up. Then, after he was rescued from the Reach, he lived briefly in Bludhaven in Nightwing's temporary base for the Team. Then he lived with his step-foster-father Steve Dayton somewhere in Los Angeles. Then after they had made some real money on Space Trek 3016, they moved to Brentwood. Then he legally became an emancipated minor and moved to the Premiere Building in Hollywood.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

1) As of Invasion, is Miss Martian able to read peoples minds without them being aware of it? Was it a lack of skill that prevented her from doing so in season one, or is it just not how her power works?

2) Can J'onn read peoples minds without them being aware of it?

Greg responds...

1. Her ability to read a mind without the other person noticing is totally dependent on who that other person is.

2. His ability to read a mind without the other person noticing is totally dependent on who that other person is.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg I wanna say congratulations on season 3 of YJ! It's my favorite show and i'm so excited it got renewed.

1. Is Barry Allen's mother dead?
2. Is Barry Allen's father in jail?
3. Is Plastic Man as ridiculously durable as he is in the comics? i.e. could he survive being scattered across the ocean floor for thousands of years?
4. What does the "G" in G. Gordon Godfrey stand for?
5. Did anyone ever figure out which Wildstorm character made a cameo in season 1? (If not, I swear I will trawl through every single episode until I find them)

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. I wouldn't think so.

4. Glorious, I suppose.

5. Not that I know of.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Geraghty writes...

Mister Greg a few questions. Why did M'gann use her shapeshifting powers to give herself shorter hair in young justice season two than the longer hair she had in season one of young justice ? How can Miss Martian have a stronger bound with Garfield after his mom died before begin he living at the cave if she didn't visit him often ?

Greg responds...

1. She felt like it.

2. Who said she didn't visit him?

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

Can Blue Beetle's armor create a grappling hook? I mean, he obviously doesn't need one because he can fly, but if he did?

What happens to the ammunition, like the staples, that Beetle leaves behind?

Where does the extra mass come from for Beetle's weapons and equipment?

Greg responds...

1. I guess he could.

2. They stay where he left 'em.

3. It has to be acquired.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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BigShadow writes...

How much Impulses "Act" became genuinely who he was
an was really happy to Barry for reasons other than his mission

Greg responds...

His "act" was mostly about being a time-tourist accidentally stranded in the past. The rest is who he is.

And, yes, he was thrilled to see his grandfather alive and well.

Response recorded on October 30, 2020

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Zuri writes...

Did Garfield's hair and skin turn on same day in young justice universe ?

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it. Certainly about the same time.

Response recorded on October 30, 2020

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mystery thunder writes...

Mr. Weisman, I just wanted to ask you a question about Young Justice S02E19 Summit: During the fight on Santa Prisca, Ra's al Ghul instructs his allies and followers not to resist because the heroes have no jurisdiction on Santa Prisca. I'm a bit stumped by this since the Team later arrests their defeated opponents and we've also previously seen the Team arrest villains after a battle that also took place on Santa Prisca in S01E25 Usual Suspects. So, was Ra's somehow mistaken about the Team's jurisdiction on Santa Prisca or what? It seems to me very strange that Ra's would be misinformed about something like that. If you could clarify what happened there exactly, I would really appreciate it because that question always bugs me.

Greg responds...

Things changed between Seasons One and Season Two. And between Season Two and Season Three. And between Season Three and Season Four, for that matter.

But it also depends on who protests and who listens to these protests, I suppose.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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Dark Light writes...

First of all, I am SO HAPPY Young Justice finally got a third season (God knows the show deserves it) and I can't wait to see what you've come up with (especially regarding Darkseid). So, I've been re-watching the series and I wanted to ask you a few questions about the episodes "Summit" and "Endgame":
1) In "Summit", Savage mentions that the Light bribed certain individuals on Rimbor (I realize he didn't say it was the Tribune, but who else could it be?) in order to ensure the League is found guilty. So why didn't the Tribune declare them guilty in spite of Conner and M'gann trying to convince them otherwise?
2) In "Summit", when the fight broke out on Santa Prisca and Klarion teleported himself, Savage and Teekl out of there, why didn't he also teleport Ra's, Manta and the Brain, given how important members of the Light they are?
3) In "Endgame", when Luthor contacted the League via United Nations transmission and offered them his help against the Reach, Atom said that he (Lex) and the Light are responsible for the current crisis and Lex replied: "Perhaps, but as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach." Lex said this in front of UN Secretary General Tseng via UN transmission, so my question is: doesn't this implicate Luthor in collaboration with known felons (as well as various other criminal activities) and couldn't it be used against him in the court of law? I'm asking 'cause Lex usually doesn't slip up.
Anyway, I hope answers for my questions aren't spoilers and that you can freely answer them because they really bug me when I start thinking about them. I've searched a great deal and I don't believe that they've been previously asked by anyone. Once again, I LOVE your show and the way you handle so many characters from DC's vast universe and am really excited about seeing what season 3 has in store for us :)

Greg responds...

1. There are three tribunes. And clearly, given the appeals the most verbal tribune was making during the trial, he still felt there was money to be made.

2. He's Chaos.

3. It doesn't seem to bright does it. I guess he's just that confident.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the names of the following characters' species?:
a. Alanna, Sardath and other Rannians (is this a demonym, an ethnonym or a species name?)
b. Despero
c. Draaga
d. Galet Dasim
e. Gorilla Grodd (there are two gorilla species)

Greg responds...

a. They're Rannians.

b - d. Not sure.

e. He's a gorilla. I haven't done the research to be any more specific.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

Hi Greg!

I realize some of these questions may be spoiler requests, so I'd really appreciate it if you could answer any parts of the questions that you can.
If Outsiders has aired or started airing, could you please include information up to whatever date it currently is in series, as opposed to 07/05/16 (Endgame, S2E20)?

1) Can you confirm or deny, and hopefully correct, the numbering for the following heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre?
2) For heroes/villains missing their other names, could you please provide them?
3) For any heroes/villains who were missed in numbering (such as another Kid Flash between Wally and Bart), could you provide their numbers and names?
4) If there any other heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre that you're aware of, could you please share their noms-de-guerre, numbering and names?
5) Would you define Doctor Fate as the nom-de-guerre for Nabu, or for his hosts? Your response to this may affect the list below.

Flash I - Jay Garrick
Flash II - Barry Allen
Green Lantern I - Alan Scott
Green Lantern II - Hal Jordan
Green Lantern III - Guy Gardner
Green Lantern IV - John Stewart
Black Canary I - Dinah Drake (Lance)
Black Canary II - Dinah Lance
Atom I - ?
Atom II - Ray Palmer
Blue Beetle I - Dan Garrett
Blue Beetle II - Ted Kord
Blue Beetle III - Jaime Reyes

Robin I - Dick Grayson
Robin II - Jason Todd
Robin III - Tim Drake
Kid Flash I - Wally West
Kid Flash II - Impulse
Guardian I - Jim Harper
Guardian II - Jim Harper
Guardian III - Mal Duncan

Firebrand I - ?
Firebrand II - Danette Reilly / Red Inferno

Icicle I - ?
Icicle II - Cameron Mahkent

Thank you for your help!
By the time you read this, Outsiders will probably already be out, but best of luck!

Greg responds...

I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist.

1. All seems right.

2. Normally, I wouldn't be too inclined to do this, but these seem pretty obvious, so...

Atom I - Al Pratt
Firebrand I - Rod Reilly
Icicle Sr. - Joar Mahkent

3. I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist, so that you don't know whether or not something is missing.

4. Can't think of any off the top of my head.

5. Doctor Fate is the nom-de-guerre for Nabu AND his host-of-the-moment.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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boopbopbeep writes...

Out of curiosity: what do you think the members of the original team from Young Justice majored in, assuming they went to college. Like, what does Dick and/or Wally or Roy plan on majoring in/studying?

Greg responds...

Wally majored in Physics.

Roy/Will didn't go to college.

Dick majored in, uh... philosophy, maybe? Haven't thought about it too much.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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Marvelman writes...

Why would Black Beetle be stronger than Blue Beetle? Are not all scarabs made equally?

Greg responds...

No. Warrior Scarabs are more powerful than Scout Scarabs. Black was a Warrior. Blue was a Scout.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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JSA Fan writes...

Was the original Jim Harper in the All-Star Squadron? If not, and the clone Guardian was never in the Justice League, why was his suit in the Museum of Justice in Cornered?

P.S. Thank you for answering my previous question, from what I gather through reading, your Gargoyles Time Travel worked similarly to the theory in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, predestination...Bart's story never seems to address that in the comics. xD Looking forward to S3 in Earth-16b!

Greg responds...

He was a hero, and he donated his suit. They accepted the donation.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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unbbc writes...

When superboy went to college,what did he major in?

Greg responds...

Hm. I'm thinking... Mechanical Engineering. But I reserve the right to change my mind.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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Liliond writes...

Why did Jaime Reyes keep quiet when the scarab was about to kill impulse? he stayed all the time trying to do anything but when he is about to kill his "best friend"(?) he just shut up- (it could be just something that have no sence but for me this is important) thanks (sorry for the mistaes, i'm portuguese)

Greg responds...

Are you talking about when he wasn't in physical control of his own body? Because if so, that should answer your question.

No one else could hear him but Scarab. Or are you asking why he didn't say anything to Scarab?

I'm sorry, I guess I don't quite understand your question.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, if possible, I'd like some clarification on a topic from S2Ep5 that I can't find an answer to. When assigning a squad to handle Queen Bee, Nightwing states that she has the ability to control men's minds, thus getting him in trouble with the girls for justifying their squad. However, I was under the impression that such a justification would not be accurate, given Batman's previous statement that her powers work "on some women." I believe this was proven to be the case in the comics as well, though I may be misremembering. If so though, did Nightwing mean to imply that the all-girl squad is also all straight? Or was it that he was generalizing or had forgotten the extent of Queen Bee's powers? Thank you for your time, and I hope you're enjoying work on YJ3, which I very much look forward to.

Greg responds...

Perhaps he knew (or believed he knew) that all the women on that mission were straight.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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PERLITHA writes...

English isn't my native language, but i really want ask you some questions.

I know you are color blind and maybe this question is more suitable for Phil Bourassa, but since both are currently working in Young Justice: Outsiders, maybe you should ask him if you can´t answer...

1)Why decided make the Bart's eyes green? In all the comics his eyes are yellow (except in New 52 where were red and that Bart at the end wasn't Bart). His yellow eyes were an important part of his design, even his googles are amber color in order to hiding his eyes color because were so unique what could reveal his secret identity. His eyes were the first thing we saw clearly in Bart´s debut in Flash #92 (and i thought he was a girl because this close up of big eyes and hair locks looked like an image from a romantic comic XD) Change the yellow for the green, is like turning Superman blond.

2) I've noticed the Reach Scientist's dress look like a hijab with a niqab, and according to Young Justice wiki, i'm not the only who think that. So Is this intentional?

2-a) All the Reach women dress like her?

It´s a bit hard to see a woman with a "hijab" being ignored, despised and silent by a man (although she was smarter).

3) Why Traci 13 was redesingned like caucasian to the season 3? She was asian american in the comics and Young Justice had being doing a great work including divertsity in the members of the Team

I love Young Justice and i'm very happy for the season 3. Thank you very much for your great work

Greg responds...

For the record, I'm red-green color deficient, not full on color-blind.

1. Maybe because of my color deficiency, I wasn't aware of Bart's eye color. I can't speak for Brandon, Phil or our color specialist James Peters, but it is certainly possible they weren't aware of that detail either.

2. Not that I know of.

2a. Not necessarily. No spoilers.

3. Look again. Thirteen/Traci Thurston is biracial in Young Justice. Her father is Caucasian. Her mother is Asian. I think that's always been true in the comics.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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