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Dora writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering if you could explain how the Glamour Charm works, since Season 2 is over(I am guessing Glamour Charm-related questions weren't answered due to spoilers)?

Greg responds...

It seems pretty self-explanatory in the show. What seems unclear?

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Sebastian writes...

English is not my mother tongue, so I wanted to ask you 2 questions
1. in Earth 16 Superboy is the best friend of the third robin Tim Drake and Kid Flash / Bart Allen as is the case of the new Earth and Young Justice Rebirth?
2. the fourth season in which month of 2020 will it leave?

Greg responds...

1. I think for Earth-16, what you see on screen is what you get. Conner is friendly enough with Tim and Bart, but they were in a younger class, and he's closer to/with the folks he came up with.

2. I think you asked this already, so I'm not sure why you're asking it again. I know English is not your first language, but I'm not sure what you mean by "leave". I can't tell if you're asking me an in-universe question about when the show is set, the answer to which would be NO SPOILERS - or a question about when the series will drop in 2020, the answer to which is obviously that it didn't and was never, ever going to be ready in time for 2020. Granted, you wrote this in 2019, so if you would want me to update the question for 2021, the answer is that the show will drop when HBO MAX decides it wants it to drop. And they haven't announced that yet.

Response recorded on August 13, 2021

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FusionSamurai writes...

So, firstly. Thanks for responding to all our comments, it probably gets a little bit annoying sometimes, but its really cool that you interact with your fans, and I hope you keep doing it! ^_^

So for my questions-
1. You've said you dislike how time travel works in DC. It does seem really confusing. I've flipped through all mentions in previous comments and have come up with a question regarding Bart.

So, you've said "Earth-16 had a history that Impulse thwarted. You can view his original history as Earth-16a, I suppose. Or you could just mark it up as GONE."

So, if such is the case, would Impulse be at risk of fading away? Does only the future itself fade, and Bart avoids it by not being there? Time travel is really complicated to write, so I just wanted clarity on that.

2. The team started with the original 6, being Superboy, Ms.Martian, Kid Flash, Robin, Artemis, Aqualad. Now there are somewhere around 19 members that are on the team or are associated with the team. Do you ever feel like it is hard to balance so many characters?

3.Does giving an individual character like Bart or Cassie development get harder as more characters are added?

Thanks for your time/responses, it means a ton to me. \(^_^)/

Greg responds...

0. I'm still doing it. It just took me a while to get back to it.

1. I kinda have addressed this in the past, but for now I'm going to say NO SPOILERS.

2. I do. Many fans seem to think it's even more difficult for us than we think it is.

3. Of course. But I'm basically okay with that. When the story dictates that one character or another is the lead, that's great - we'll move them into the spotlight. But until then, our leads remain Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann and Artemis, with whichever two to four additional characters that the season dictates gets the spotlight.

Response recorded on August 13, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

When he was alive, what kind of relationship did Jason Todd hold with both Bruce and Dick respectively

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Aprotny writes...

What language do they speak in Bialya? Is it Arabic or some language unique to that country?

Greg responds...

A Bialyan dialect of Arabic. Although in parts of Greater Bialyan, they speak a Quraci dialect of Arabic.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Taha writes...

Are speedsters able to time travel without time machines in the Young Justice Universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Dreamer writes...

Megan's character development is very complicated. why do not we know her story? why is she unreliable for 3 seasons?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on what you mean. I agree she's complicated, but that isn't a bad thing in my mind. I wouldn't call her unreliable at all, though.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Young Justice animated universe, is Slade Wilson a human, or is he actually a metahuman?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Artemis writes...

What happened to Artemis when Wally die?

Greg responds...

Lots. Did you watch Season Three?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Aprotny writes...

I saw a message on the archives in regards to cloning and sexuality. As an identical twin, I know me and my sister do not have the same sexuality despite having the same DNA. I know there's also nature vs. nurture. Would you consider cloning to be similar to the shared DNA of twins in the YJ universe? If so, would it be possible for one of the Roys (like Jim or original Roy) to have an attraction to a guy or, say, a genomorph without a gender, in contrast to Will's clear attraction to women. I am not asking if that is the case, but rather if it is possible.

On another note, I am an avid Young Justice fan who loves your show and is looking forward to Season Four. I hope Starfire or Raven or Supergirl or other characters that are popular but have yet to show will show up!

One last question, do you ever look at the YJ fanfiction archives? Either out of curiosity or for inspiration? Just curious if you or Brandon ever peek at those!

Thanks and love your show!

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know enough about the science to be sure. But I suppose I could do more research. So the short answer is: "It's possible?"

2. We don't take requests. We can't take suggestions.

3. Never. It's legally dangerous for me to read fanfiction covering anything I work on professionally. The same is true for Brandon.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Bluebird722 writes...

Hi Greg! Once again, thanks for the amazing show that is Young Justice. I wanted to ask a few more questions about the show I adore.

1. How old are Traya, Anissa, and Jennifer?
2. Was there any debate between the writers, producers, and actors over how to pronounce Lian? (I know some people including myself pronounced it as LeeAnn, and sometimes say that)
3. If it was Cadmus policy to delete the source material, how come they kept Roy alive and frozen instead?
4. How did Mal and Karen discover Conner's and Megan's real identities, or is that something we might see later?
5. What's your response and feeling when people come up to you and say that the show (or even Gargoyles) helped them during a difficult time, maybe even saved them from suicide?


Greg responds...

1. By the end of Team Year Eight...

Traya Smith is 11;

Anissa Pierce is 5;

Jennifer Pierce is 3.

2. I pretty much set it as Lee-AHN from the beginning and Brandon, Jamie and the actors followed my lead.

3. The Light thought they might have a use for him later.

4. Yeah, no spoilers.

5. On the one hand, I'm glad we were of use, but it's sad that we were necessary in that way.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Shelby writes...

This post is about Tim and Cassie in season 3
1.What was their relationship like?
2.What kind of boyfriend was Tim?
3.Are Tim and Cassie virgins? If not, when was their first time?
4.Have they slept with each other?

Greg responds...

1. At what point?

2. Not quite communicative enough, clearly.

3. I'm not going into that here. I'd rather leave that to your interpretation.

4. Ditto.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Outsiders was incredible, but I'm a little unsure on something. Are Tim and Cassie broken up? I was very excited to see where this relationship would go, but it seems like their relationship has ended. Is season 3 the end of Robin and Wonder Girl?

Greg responds...

It sure looks that way... but until you know, feel free to dream. Because my only answer is NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg!
Where is Ed supposed to be from? He sounds mexican (his dad too) but I thought his family was from Argentina

Greg responds...

I think they are both from Argentina.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Wanda writes...

In the young justice universe Why is the team call a covert unit out of the spotlight when in fact the sidekicks are seen working togather with out the justice leagers with the them on missions is seen by people save they save and by bystanders and these people tell others the justice league let there sidekicks work togather there as a team on missions ? this about the team before outsiders were form .

Greg responds...

Sorry, I'm trying, but having a bit of trouble following you here.

You're asking, I think, how the Team remained covert before the Outsiders became public, even though some people saw them here and there.

And if that's the question, the short answer is, they aren't holding press conferences. People may spot them, but then the Team vanishes into the night. And although some of the Team are famous proteges, most are full-time covert heroes, including Nightwing, Superboy (until episode 326), Miss Martian, Tigress, etc.

Dick was a public hero as Robin, but when he switched to Nightwing, he let Jason take over the Robin role, and he went covert as Nightwing. And he's never come out publicly in this new heroic identity.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of Season 2 of "Young Justice," what exactly happened to the Brain?

Greg responds...

Well, you know Mallah was in Belle Reve...

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Because of the events of "Young Justice: Legacy," Tula's death was ultimately the reason why Kaldur, Garth, Wally, and Artemis left the Team before the events of "Young Justice: Invasion"?

Greg responds...

I can't tell if that's really a question or a statement. It certainly was a major reason why Kaldur went undercover and why Garth left the Team, and it clearly influenced Wally and Artemis.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Satisfaction," how was it possible that Mercy did not suffer any other injuries after Roy set off that explosive? I mean, considering it was attached to Mercy's arm, you'd think a point-blank explosion would've done far more damage than what was depicted and she would've either been bleeding or have facial burns or something.

Greg responds...

She was bleeding, as I recall. I guess we could've gone further with it. But we felt like we went far enough, and you don't know what the recovery time was.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jacob Williams and sherry Williams writes...

hello Mr Wiseman me and my sister are big fans of your work
we have 2 quest
1.is wonder bat a possible ship u would ever considering useing ? my brother says this stupid to ask but I got still got to ask
2.what ever happen to Captian marvel sidekicks Mary and Freddie Freeman?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but we have a few standard rules: (1) We don't take requests. (2) We can't take suggestions.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jacob Williams writes...

hello Mr Wiseman big fan of your work
Especially Gargoyles and Young Justice
I have one questions
1. are Victor stone and arsenal from young justice cyborgs

Greg responds...

1. By definition, yes.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

We know that Bruce Wayne is the legal guardian of Dick and Tim in Young Justice, but I wondering if this applies to the E-16 versions of his other kids.
- Was Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Jason Todd?
- Is Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Cassandra Cain?

Greg responds...

Do we know that Bruce is the legal guardian of Tim in YJ? I'm not saying he's not, but I don't ever remember revealing that, so I'm not saying he is, either. And if I won't confirm Tim, I'm obviously not going to confirm Jason or Orphan.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I'm guessing that Black Manta was expelled from the Light because of his role of bringing his son into the Light, but not realizing that his son had been a double agent the entire time until it was too late?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on how you're defining "expelled".

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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NickS writes...


I want to say that I'm a big fan of the shows you've made from Gargoyles to Young Justice and I'd like to ask a few questions.

1. Are Plastic Man, Hardware and Batwoman part of Batman's team? Batwoman obviously and I think Plastic Man is due to his history with Batman.

1A. Why would Hardware be on Batman's team? Does he have history with Batman in the comics as well because I don't know him much.

2. What's Metamorpho's designation for Batman's team.

3. If I were to ask about the character designs for this season, should I ask you or Phil?

4. What was Troia like when she was part of the Team?

5. Did she ever wear stealth tech?

Greg responds...

1. I assume, given the date of your post, you mean as of mid-season of Outsiders. In which case, the answer is yes to all three.

1A. No spoilers.

2. I don't give out designation numbers here.

3. Depends on the question, I guess.

4. No spoilers.

5. Ever? Probably. I haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Anna writes...

Hi! I have some questions about Bart Allen:
1: Does Bart have any trauma regarding his past?
2: Is the personality we see him have all the time his real personality?
3: Does Bart ever feel uncomfortable about becoming KF the way he did?

Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. "ALL the time"?

3. He said he did. I'd take his word for it.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. When did Arrowette join the Team?
2. When did Spoiler join the Team?
3. When did Thirteen join the Team?
4. When did Stephanie Brown become Spoiler?
5. When did Traci Thurston become Thirteen?

Greg responds...

1. Arrowette joined the Team in Team Year Seven.

2. Spoiler joined the Team in Team Year Eight.

3. Thirteen joined the Team in Team Year Eight.

4. Stephanie Brown debuted as Spoiler in Team Year Seven.

5. Traci Thurston debuted as Thirteen in Team Year Eight.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. How old is Allen Phaedon?
2. How old is Brucely?
3. How old is Cisco Ramon?
4. How old is Daddy Lidz?
5. How old is Doctor Moon?

Greg responds...

By the END of Team Year Eight...

1. Allen Phaedon is 41.

2. Brucely is 4.

3. Cisco Ramon is 15.

4. Daddy Lidz is 40.

5. Doctor Moon Dae-il is 52.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Audrey writes...

1. How long has Jefferson Pierce been fighting crime as Black Lightning prior to Season Three?

Greg responds...

Black Lightning debuted as a hero in Team Year Two.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

I've been curious about this for a while, since we know that Garth showed up to fight off the Reach in the S2 finale, but were Garth and Troia still operating as heroes by the end of Season 2? Or were they already UN ambassadors? Because Dick implies in S3 that they left the Team to become ambassadors, and they were both gone by S2.

Greg responds...

I don't think that was instantaneous.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

After Season 2 was over, you confirmed that the designations 27 and 28 were assigned shortly after the season came to a close. We know that there are well over 28 Leaguers by the time we pick up with Season 3, so...

1. Are the characters you intended to give those designations to in 2013 the ones who did end up getting them when you revisited the series canon for Season 3?

If so, 2. Were you always planning for Kaldur to join the Justice League shortly after Season 2 concluded?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. Yep.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Paul writes...

By the time that you see this question, season 4 will probably have concluded, but I'll take my chances. I love Young Justice - thank you so much for this amazing show!

I have a few questions about "Elder Wisdom", which has just been released on DC Universe:

1) Is Troia an Amazon by birth or is she from man's world? She bears a strong resemblance to Wonder Woman and she referenced Hippolyta ("Mother") so I'm guessing that the former is true, but I wonder if you could confirm this now that she has had a prominent appearance in Young Justice, please.

2a) Does Troia have the alias Donna Troy in Young Justice?
2b) Has she *ever* had this alias on Earth-16? Troia is quite an unusual name so I wonder whether it stems directly from the name Donna Troy somehow, even on Earth-16.

3) We've only ever seen Garth in one outfit, even when he was Tempest in the Young Justice: Legacy game. Likewise, we've only seen one look for Troia at this stage, but is it also her costume from her time as a member of the Team?

4) I hope it's all right if I ask this question as well, please: do you still have plans to include Mary Bromfield in Young Justice? I know that you've said that you wanted to introduce both her and Troia in season 2, so that's why I'm asking about Mary even though this is a spoiler request. I hope that Mary will still get her due, whether it's in the final stretch of season 3 or in season 4. Hoping for some Marvel/Shazam Family love at some point in Young Justice.

Thank you so much for reading my submission! :)

Greg responds...

Well, Season Four hasn't dropped as of this writing, though we do have fourteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production and five being animated overseas, with all pre-production complete.

1. No spoilers.

2. As of Season Three she isn't using the name Donna Troy. No spoilers as to whether she ever did.

3. No spoilers.

4. It's not a spoiler to say that we still want to include her when it makes sense to.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Chloe writes...

I'm confused, it the future world of Bart's was erased, how come he, from that world, still exists? Shouldn't he have disappeared too if it was changed? Because his new future self now exists in the one he created. Or is he living on borrowed time and eventually his meddling with time will catch up to him? I'm just so confused about his whole time situation.

2. And if nothing happens, and he somehow survives to see himself born, how is that going to work? Is he going to die right upon conception, or upon birth? Or screw up and prevent his birth? This is just so bizzare.

Greg responds...

Chronoton radiation made him immune to the changes. Eventually, a new Bart will/should be born. But our Bart might live to see that - live and HOPE that this new Bart never becomes him. But if you're asking whether they can co-exist, they can.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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6f5e4d writes...

Yo Greg, did Will and Jade officially divorce between season 2 and season 3 of YJ? If this is too spoilerific, you can probably ignore this question.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't think they bothered, but I reserve the right to change my mind (or have Brandon change it for me).

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Dara Drayton writes...

In Young Justice, does The Light have a specific policy that if its members (even its board members) get caught or exposed, then they will be given up or will not be offered any sort of protection by the organization from the fallout of their own exposure?

I ask because it really does seem to be the trend, given the evidence presented. Ocean Master was caught, disgraced, and imprisoned, and The Light did little for him but quickly select his replacement and send Lady Shiva to murder him when he attempted to take revenge upon those who exposed him. Black Manta was caught, disgraced (even more), and imprisoned, and again The Light did nothing to help or extract him.

I guess there truly is no honor among thieves, huh?

Greg responds...

Largely, yes. But "honor" is not at issue, if everyone is aware in advance of the repercussions.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Hayden Philyaw. writes...

Hey Greg. Let me just say I am a huge fan of Young Justice. I just want to ask you, you know that alien bird Beast Boy Shape shifts into, from the Planet Rann? Have you given that creature a name? Plus is it possible that Beast Boy can Shape shift into a Ma'alefa'ak?

Greg responds...

1. We call it a Rannian lizard-bird.

2. By now, you've seen that he can.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Nakia writes...


First, I wanted to say, thank you for bringing Bart Allen into Young Justice! He's one of few characters I relate to with his impulsiveness, over affection (this gets me into so many misunderstood situations, it's not funny), protectiveness, who tries to be a good, loyal friend to those he cares for. And, originally who had no interest in what is suppose to be common for Teenagers, cause he had no hormones. As an asexual/aromantic, I always felt so out of place because of my lack of interest in such things. I felt so wrong at the time back then. My friends tried to correct me thinking that I was shy, or haven't found the right person. They'd force me into relationships despite my protest and uncomfortable feelings. My over affection to friends would also land me on the rumor mill of dating, which was a bit annoying. I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to see a character similar to yourself, that just might understand what you are going through. It really meant a lot to me when I discovered the Impulse comics. So, just thank you ever so much for adapting him! I love watching him on the show, and reliving what made me fall in love for the character again, even if not exactly the same. He's one of my all time favorites from the DC comics.

2. Does Bart still have his hyper-accelerated metabolism/hyper-aging problem he got upon being born with Barry's speed from the comics? This problem made him appear as 12, when he was really just two years old. Finding a cure for it was one of the reasons he went back in time, if I'm remembering right.

3. I'm not sure how to phrase this one. What would Professor Zoom look like in the Young Justice art style? Curious if he's have red/black eyes like the movies or be more like Flash tv style. And was he once considered to make an appearance in the past 2 seasons? I don't want spoilers for new episodes, hate that, but curious about the past ones. Figured last episodes are safe to ask about.

4. Is it ok if I keep interpreting Bart as asexual/aromatic like me? I know about the shipping madness the fans have for the series, which doesn't help my feelings on being the oddball out, but I also know how fans are when others don't share their view (and I've experienced some hate for my sexuality in the past by fellow fans for portraying a character as such despite canon). I know it's ridiculous to ask, but is it ok? I just feel better making sure.

Greg responds...

1. I'm glad you like Bart. We do too.

2. No. We chose not to adapt that into our version.

3. We haven't designed him, and I'm hesitant to guess at how our designers would've approached him, had we chosen to include him - which we never considered for past seasons. And I'm not much interested in hypotheticals.

4. It is okay for anyone to interpret anything in the show however they chose, of course. But I can't promise that every interpretation that fans come up with will survive future content.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Sal writes...

Hey Greg, in recent years with Barry Allen becoming DC's primary Flash once more, writers tend to blend his personality with Wally West's wisecracking, funny-guy routine. And while I recognize your Young Justice characters are not supposed to be a 1 to 1 parallel with the primary comic canon, I do understand you pull a lot of inspiration from that base. So I wanted to ask you what separates your Barry Allen's personality from your Wally West's?

Greg responds...

Barry is more of a straight man, Gary Cooper type. Wally is... Wally.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Mcgurn writes...

Did Garfield Logan and Queen Perdita start spend most their free time together after they meet at wally's funeral or after Garfield begin living again with his stepfather ?

Greg responds...

I don't know about "most of their free time". They've both been very busy throughout, and they're dating long distance (on two different continents), though with the benefit of resources like money, private planes, zeta-tubes, etc.

But their relationship started at the funeral, not after Gar moved to Brentwood.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Aaron Hail writes...

Hey Greg.

I was browsing the old Ask Greg and come across a post I had a question about. You said that the most trusted people in The Reach were the original Reach species. I was wondering where do the beetles fit into this? Like for Example, if Jaime was never taken off mod, would he be really trusted? Eventually?

Greg responds...

Not as much as a member of the Reach species ever. And if he was off-mode, never.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Young Justice Fan writes...

Hey Grey, a little late I know but I want to say congrats on Season Three! The first three episodes I thought were fantastic and I can't wait until June! My friends are all pretty annoyed on how much I go on and on about your show (they're more Marvel kids. I've always been a DC baby myself, despite how I love the MCU)

My question today is on Black Beetle. You said before Scout Beetles were different, as well as Jaime not being as strong as Black Beetle.

Are Warrior Beetles just better than their scout counter parts or is Black Beetles prowess the result of training?

Greg responds...

Superior technology.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Hafiz writes...

Are Tim's parents alive?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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01010101 writes...

How close were/are Beast Boy with Wally and Artemis?
I would think they were really good friends/close friends since BB took over Wally's acquisition of souvenirs from missions and he gave a hug attack to Artemis when it was revealed in Summit that she was actually alive.
But those are just things I see BB doing without the need to be close friends. He is just that nice.
How close is/was Gar with them? How would you rate it from 1 to 5? Or 1 to 10.

Greg responds...

They are pretty close. He isn't/wasn't as close with them as M'gann and Conner. But it was still a small enough Team back in those days that EVERYONE was pretty close. (I'm not big on codifying things like this with numbers.)

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Mr. Red writes...

Hello, huge fan of your work, i have rewatched the first 13 episodes of Young Justice Outsiders 6 times over as i write this. I wanted to know, why is Greg Cipes voicing Beast Boy? Now i am a big fan of his and of course the his previous work as Beast Boy.

But i wonder what happened to Logan Grove, did he not want to reprise the role? Or was he to busy with other work? or was it already planned to have Greg come in and do the voice?

Greg responds...

We were looking forward to using Logan in Season Three, but were told that Logan was no longer acting and was attending Annapolis as part of the U.S. Navy. So after some discussion with our director Jamie Thomason, Brandon and I agreed that given where we were heading with the character, Greg Cipes (whom I'd enjoyed working with on WITCH) was our top choice to replace Logan as Garfield, irrespective of Greg's history with the character.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Some questions about Mary Batson!

1.-You've mentioned the concept of"core truth of several characters and even wrote one for nightwing.

To clarify: Not asking for the spoiler of how you will depict her. Just the core truth that would remain even outside earth 16.

I'm a huge fan of your work and I would love to read your take on her.

2.- Do you think that she has the potential to be as popular as supegirl?

You've mentioned before you want to do justice to Supergirl, but Mary I think is very underated.(even though Billy getting more popular has helped her too)

3.- Did you avoid the name "mary marvel" to avoid the obvious drawback of her hero name giving away her secret identity?

4.-Is she empowered by the classic 6 female goddess? or the same 6 gods that empower Billy?


I personally love her in part because she was one the first strong superheores around. She was created in the 40s and in her first appearnce she rescued the two male leads And got to be her own hero. She even had her own comic!

While supergirl was thrown to an orphanage and prohibited to user her powers, or show up at all in public, by superman. Even inviisble woman, and Jean grey were glorified damsels in distress in their first appeareances.

I think she might also be the first example of a magical girl, in the japanese sailor moon sense.

she was one of the first magical girls in the japanese sense (she predates sailor moon) if you consider how she can :

a)transform to use powers via magic
b)Even had a talking mascot (twany)
c)Uses powers to fight evil

Now with a good writer like you, this makes me exited to see your depiction of her!

Greg responds...

1. I appreciate the question, but until we finally get the opportunity to depict the character I'm reluctant to discuss her in any detail.

2. I think she has a lot of potential.

3. No. We just thought it made sense to stick with the military ranks for Captain Marvel, Lieutenant Marvel (Captain Marvel Jr.) and Sergeant Marvel (Mary Marvel). The first two names have antecedents in the comics, and that made the third one feel right for us. Of course, DC changing Captain Marvel's name to Shazam threw a monkeywrench into the works, but we think we've figured out a justification... to come... someday... I hope.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, First all I want to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the first half of season 3 and look forward to the next half the season and any potential future seasons a well. I have a few questions concerning the dynamic and relationships between team members as well as some miscellaneous questions about various characters and choices about the show.

1.) What made you guys choose Earth-16 specifically as the setting for YJ. Is there something special about this number? Just curious.

2.) The next is a question that concerns the OG Team members from season 1 and including of the other team members that had been on it since almost the beginning (i.e. Batgirl, Zatanna, Rocket, Tempest) After this much time, It seems that they are all really good friends. Do they visit each other periodically when not on missions. How often? Do they ever make the effort to plan group events where they all just hangout? I imagine that it happens much more sparingly given that they are all grown and their lives are a lot more busy.

3.) Can you give us some ideas what certain team members do on their free time? I'm namely again talking about the OG Team, but current team members seems interesting too. You can pick whichever one comes easiest to you because I know that that's a lot of members and a lot to ask for but any of them would be appreciated.

4.) I'm also curious about Will and his particular fixation on finding the original Roy Harper as opposed to Jim. It's implied that during the time-skip between year 1 and year 6 that Will had spent much of that time (when not on drugs) following up on leads to find him. By the time we see him in Season 2 Roy still seems to be very obsessed with this, but Jim seems to have moved on. So with that I ask, how invested was Jim invested in finding his genetic template? And why exactly is Will seemingly so much more interested in finding his genetic template than his "brother". Is it because Will was actually made to believe that he was Roy Harper all along? When did Jim actually meet Roy? Do the three of them ever visit on occasion or for the most part they don't really communicate at all? They seem to all be on pretty good terms with one another.

5.) How old is Forager in terms of both Earth years and New Genesis years.

I know that's a lot of questions. But I'd appreciate it you answered any of them.

Greg responds...

1. Way back when, we asked DC for one of their untouched 52 worlds (which was the rule at the time). We suggested Earth-16, and that's what they gave us. Once we were assigned that, we made something special about the number 16. But I can't say what: no spoilers.

2. Sure.

2a. How often do any of us visit our friends?

2b. Sure. Watch "The Prize": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXD8fdM6tac&t=4s

3. I'm gonna leave that to the show and/or your own interpretations.

4. Initially, very invested. But over time, Jim - like most of the League - became convinced that Roy was dead.

4a. Jim never "took over" Roy's life the way Will did.

4b. Jim first saw Roy shortly after Will brought him back to Star City. He met him shortly after Roy returned to Star City with Green and Red Arrow.

5. By the end of Team Year Eight, Forager is 14 in Earth years, and more or less the same age in New Genesis years.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Was garfirld living with rita farr or miss martian when his power to change into animals appeared ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

What are wonder girl's abilities?

Greg responds...

Strength. Flight. Speed. She's extremely durable but not invulnerable. She's trained to use her lasso, and her bracelets. I'd also add that, in her case, her enthusiasm is an important quality.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Who is aware of cassie sandsmark's parentage ? Does she have a relationship with any of her half siblings

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Thomas writes...

How common are demigods like Cassie S on Earth 16? Are they rarer than Metahumans, or common enough that you could get practice for a potential Rick Riordan animated series with them (I.E, enough for books of them). Do they come in non-Greek flavors?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Just a YJ Fan writes...

Couple of questions about Young Justice.
1. Is what Monkey said about Gar's powers being magical in nature true, or just his mind making stuff up, again given what Monkey said about Gar filling in blanks like Monkey having Wally's voice?
2. For that matter, is the whole monkey god thing true?
3. How long was Orphan active as a vigilante prior to "Triptych"?
4. Going back to "Fireworks", when everyone is about to head up the elevator to escape, Robin uses a grapnel while Superboy grabs Aqualad and attempts to fly. As for Kid Flash, all we saw of him was that he jumped to a ledge, and the next we see of him they're on Sublevel 15, about 27 levels higher than where they started, if my memory serves. So how did Wally get up there? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, it's just something that's always bugged me about the scene and I could never find an answer online.
5. Going back to "Nightmare Monkeys", (sorry that I'm jumping all over the place, these questions are popping into my mind as I type), Paul Sloane stated that he was Gar's godfather and that Rita Farr was his godmother. After Marie died, was there a specific reason why Gar went to Rita over Paul? For that matter, why would Gar go with M'Gann after Rita died? Did Paul just come to an understanding with Rita and M'Gann or was there something else going on?
Sorry if most of these questions are too spoilery, but I felt it couldn't hurt to ask. Loving the new season so far. Here's to Season 4!

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that up to your interpretation, but I will say that things aren't mutually exclusive. If the Monkey God participated in Gar's origin, that does not necessarily mean that Miss Martian's blood transfusion didn't play a role.

2. You can decide based on the evidence presented.

3. No spoilers.

4. I honestly can't remember specifically. But watch it again. I'm fairly confident we tracked all that.

5. Marie's will specifically listed Rita as Gar's guardian in the event of Marie's death. After Rita died, M'gann offered to take Garfield in. Paul is a nice guy, but I don't think anyone considered him parental material.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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M. writes...

Hi Greg! I've been loving s3 so far, especially "Exceptional Human Beings". I noticed that there's something off with Jade in that episode, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what's gonna happen in the second half of the season. Anyway, I just wanted to know:
1) After Jade helped Will to find Roy, and did other good things for her sister (like helping her with the intel) and him, Do you think Cheshire should be considered an anti-hero instead of villain?
2) Did she give Will the idea to start a company or help him in any way?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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