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That's right. YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION is back with new episodes, starting this Saturday and Sunday mornings (the 29th and 30th) on Cartoon Network's DC NATION block. (Check local listings.) Our first episode out of the gate is called "Satisfaction". It deals with some of the ramifications of Artemis' "death" and reintroduces the original Speedy. This one really turned out great. And we're very excited about being back on the air with new episodes.

Also tomorrow: the 18th Anniversary of the World Premiere of GARGOYLES. (Fun fact.)

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Marvelman writes...

There's something that doesn't make sense to me. I understand Rimbor is not in John Stewart's sector. But, even so, wouldn't the GL of that sector have found out about this interplanetary incident and reported it to the Guardians? And wouldn't the guardians have then inquired about why one of their own Green Lanterns was involved in terrorist acts? Is there more we don't know about this? Or, does it just come down to: it's a big universe and not even the Guardians can know everything?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Why WOULD they know?! <sigh> I think many folks have been brought up to think of their heroes as all-knowing and infallible. It makes me, I'll admit, a little crazy.

Okay, let's start here: the galaxy is HUGE.

The Green Lantern Corps attempts to cover it all, but their membership numbers in the thousands for a galaxy that is HUGE.

Rimbor is a planet largely inhabited by criminals, smugglers, etc. And the government of Rimbor isn't simply corrupt, it's INSTITUTIONALLY CORRUPT. In fact, it's CONSTITUTIONALLY CORRUPT. The Green Lantern Corps is NOT welcome on Rimbor. It's treaty with the GLC states that the Corps can only show up on diplomatic missions or when requested. No one on Rimbor would request the GLC to come - even with a rogue Lantern (plus five other Earthlings) wreaking havoc, because they don't want to give the Corps an excuse to look into Rimborian activities.

So, yes, over a five year period, word of the attack leaked out to the larger sector - and the six Leaguers were labeled as bad guys - but the significance of that may not have registered to the local Lantern, who (a) would be used to the Rimborians vilifying other Lanterns and (b) not understand the significance of Superman, Batman, Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman being labelled as criminals.

Do you really think that every time a criminal is put on a watch list somewhere in the galaxy that every Lantern tells EVERY OTHER Lantern about it? That just makes no sense to me.

And that's assuming there's a Lantern in that sector AT ALL. Again, big galaxy, relatively small GLC."

[Response recorded on September 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I really enjoyed much of season one of Young Justice, but I was... disturbed by the Wally/Artemis relationship and its resolution. Though Artemis had many great storylines at the forefront regarding her family, the Wally/Artemis storyline seemed to focus mostly on HIS feelings and not really hers, which combined with Kent Nelson's comments about how Wally needs to "find his own spitfire" gives the relationship a very bitter taste of using a female character and her romantic attention as a tool to aide a male character's growth and/or something to be consumed to make him a better person.

We're never really given much reason to understand what appeal or advantages the relationship holds for her. I mean, the narrative hints/tropes are there and so I suppose there follows an audience expectation along the lines of "two people fight to mask their sexual tension" but I don't think just having the trappings of the trope without examining any kind of deeper emotional connection or commonality works. As it stands, it mostly just seems like they hooked up because That's How These Things Go and we were supposed to cheer for it for those same reasons.

Emotionally, it felt hollow and, frankly, problematic for the reasons I mentioned.

My apologies if this isn't the proper forum for criticism, but this has really been bothering me for a while.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"To begin with, I think you need to go back to Artemis' introduction in 'Infiltrator'. She saw a cute boy enter and that made her insecure, so she cracked a joke. He reacted VERY badly to being embarrassed, and that put them at odds, but I think that both were attracted to each other from moment one. We tried to show that without telling it - or at least without being on the head about telling it.

Then they challenged each other. Not just her challenging him, but him challenging her. And I think she came to admire his intellect - even when it was misdirected, as in 'Denial'. There has to be a reason that she kept at him. If he was of no interest to her, why would she bother? Then you have Kent Nelson. Both Wally and Artemis HEARD what Kent had to say, and it wasn't lost on them. But they didn't want to cop to it, because both felt the other didn't like him or her. So that insecurity pushed them both further into denial.

Then you have 'Bereft'. Here, as I've discussed before, they meet again for the first time without the negative first impression. They genuinely like each other, trust each other and are attracted to each other. When their memories return, so do their insecurities - neither will risk being the first to admit they like the other. But it's not like they forgot that (positive) time spent together. And it's not like their deaf to Robin's 'Get a room' line either.

And so on. Artemis saved the day in 'Homefront'. But she couldn't have done it if Wally hadn't provided the science. (And given her interest in science, revealed in "Denial", I think that would mean something to her.)

Plus, let's not forget the double-whammy of 'Failsafe' and 'Disordered'. Here we reveal just how intensely Wally feels for Artemis, and just how much interest each has in the other. The trick is neither is prepared to take a risk. Rejection from Superboy (such as it was) is nothing compared to the fear Artemis has over being rejected by Wally.

Wally meanwhile is afraid to admit his strong feelings for Artemis, so maintains focus on the safer Miss Martian. Artemis does the same toward Superboy. Both then have to be disabused of the notion that their crushes are viable. I tend to think that deep down, the revelation about Conner and M'gann's relationship was less of a shock to each then it seemed. They didn't want to admit to themselves what they were probably sensing deep down. One reason for Artemis' extreme reaction to the knowledge, I think, is that she was trying SO hard to think that Superboy was a possibility BECAUSE Wally clearly seemed NOT to be, and so she wanted to have something she could use to push Wally out of her mind.

So in 'Coldhearted', Wally learns some big lessons. Miss Martian is out of the picture - and that helps clear his mind. But mostly, he matures solidly in the episode. Now he's ready to behave differently. And in 'Insecurity', he's willing to take a risk. And Artemis rewards that risk taken, by meeting him part way. But she has other bigger insecurities in the way, and they REALLY get in the way, so that by the time we get to the beginning of 'Usual Suspects' - they're still at odds. But one of the reason they are SO at odds, is because for them, the stakes seem very high.

So when the truth finally comes out, it's a HUGE relief. She sees that he accepts her. He doesn't even have to say it. She can see that he does. And he sees that the reason she's been a pain have little to do with him. The deck is cleared.

Then they partner up in 'Auld Acquaintance', and they're a good team. All of which leads really easily into the kiss on New Year's Eve. (Another excuse to do something that they otherwise might have been scared about.)

From there, it's fairly clear sailing. I'm not saying there weren't any ups and downs during the five year gap, because there were. But they both know they have a good thing now. And they stick with it.

The irony is that a lot of fans seemed to think this was about opposites attracting. But we never saw it that way. In fact, we saw it as quite the reverse. Artemis and Kid Flash had so MUCH in common, it was nearly impossible for them to get together. But once they did, it felt very right."

[Response recorded on August 29, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Bunny writes...

Mr Weisman, is Karen Beecher 18 or 20? While her database page says she' 18 shouldn't she be twenty due to the fact that she was 15 in season 1?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"They range from thirteen (Beast Boy) to twenty (Bumblebee)."

[Response recorded on September 18, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Mike Priest writes...

Heya, Greg. Big fan of...well, virtually everything you've worked on.

I just have a Q or two about the Season 2 premiere.

Is Captain Atom acting chairman/leader of the Justice League now? If so, how exactly does the League leadership structure work in this show?


An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"As of Season Two, yes."

[Response recorded on September 24, 2012.]

"He was formally elected."

[Response recorded on February 2, 2011.]

"The leadership rotates."

[Response recorded on October 26, 2011.]

"Length of service is generally a year. Though there are exceptions."

[Response recorded on February 22, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Cole writes...

Hey Greg

Do you happen to know the ratings of each episode, does cartoon network tell you them,becuase I checked the wiki and theres nothing about the ratings. Not that I care about the ratings, I am sure they are really good but I would just like to know becuase I want Young Justice to stay on air for a long time.

Would ratings effect how long the show will stay on air?


An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"That's not a consistent prospect.

I don't know.

I don't know this either. We occasionally get ratings reports from our bosses or from CN. But that's inconsistent too."

[Response recorded on September 26, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What does "Keesy fem" mean when Lobo was insulting Wonder Girl in Happy New Year? Also, did Lobo said, "Keesy fem, your world is your world!" or was I mistakenly hearing those words? You do know some of us can't hear Lobo's accent very well.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Some of the following language has been considerably toned down in translation from the original Interlac. For example, the word 'keezy' translates as 'little', but it has a WAY more pejorative connotation than that.

Also, we originally recorded nearly all of Lobo's dialogue in both English and Interlac so that we could decided later which we'd use with when. But I don't have immediate access to our final decisions handy, so I'll just give you all of it.

*Hahn Sho Lobo skahveyt-ka, ka SKAHvey keezy Krolo! [The Main Man can smell you, you stinkin' little Krolotean!]

*Ka ree? Ka REE? [Seriously?]

*Ka seh Hahn Sho Lobo, Krolo. Plee-ay suh frag. [Just you and the Main Man, Krolotean. Surrender or die.]

*Frag ka. [Die it is.]

*Ka ree? Keezy fem frag Hahn Sho Lobo? Ka ree? [Seriously? This little girl thinks she can take down the Main Man?]

*Keezy fem… [Little girl…]

*Rok tor keezy fem. [Planet of the little girls.]

*Frag-ka, Krolo. [Time to die, Krolotean.]

*SKAHvey Krolo… [Stinkin' Krolotean.]

*Hahn Sho Lobo lok toy. Keezy fem… ka rok, ka rok. [The Main Man's contract's complete. Little girls… your world's your world.]

*Vlash suh frag. [Shut up or die.]"

[Response recorded on September 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Will writes...

Is Lagoon Boy's real name, La'gaan, also a reference to Gurren Lagann, an anime series in which Yuri Lowenthal voiced one of the main protagonists, or is it pure coincidence?

Greg responds...

Coincidence, since I've never heard of "Gurren Lagann". I named him La'gaan to help try to justify his Lagoon Boy nom-de-guerre.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. What is the difference between a wizard/witch and sorcerer/sorceress in the Young Justice Universe?
2. What is an alchemist in the Young Justice universe?
3. Is it more difficult for a magic user to use nonverbal spells then verbal spells on Earth 16?
4. What type of magic users are Zatanna and Zatara before he become Doctor Fate?
5. What were the main influences in how you decided to portray magic in Gargoyles and Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. There is none.

2. Someone who practices alchemy.

3. Depends on too many factors to answer cogently.

4. These seem like semantic concerns that I'm not sharing.

5. Mostly logic.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Rachel writes...

Hey Greg,

If M'gann is a white martian, why is Gar green?

Greg responds...

She was green when she transfused him... assuming there's any connection there. ;)

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Emma writes...

I've written a letter on my thoughts and opinions on Young Justice and I would love to send it to you and the other writers for the show, but the Cartoon Network website has failed to give me any means of contact and I feel that the letter is a bit more private than to appear publicly on this website. If I have any other options, or if you have an email or website I can send it to, I would appreciate it greatly.

Greg responds...

Other than this forum, I can only suggest you send it by snail mail to

411 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
United States

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Quick question:

In YJ, what is that black thing Lagoon Boy is wearing on his left foot? Is it some sort of bandage?

Greg responds...

It's the equivalent of a fanny pack.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

Actually, I don't have a question. I just wanted to commend you on the outstanding job that you've done on Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion. Please don't let the fanboys and fangirls get to you! Continue to do what you do best--write and produce an excellent animated t.v. show! :D

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Greg, I'm really sorry about how some of the fans have been talking to you on this web-site. I think that world of comics and animation and sci-fi fandom is populated by a lot of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. For these people, Young Justice is their happy place, and when you mess with their happy place, they get mad. This is especially true of the "shipping" fans. Mess with Wally and Artemis and they'll bite. I'm not excusing it; I've just been pondering the vociferous reaction of some fans to the changes in Young Justice cast. And I have come to the conclusion that these kinds of fans are not going to go away. This psychological make-up is what makes them fans in the first place. If it is any consolation, you and Brandon have managed to create something that people obviously care about.

2) Paula, Artemis' mom, was once a super-villain. Did she fight any current Leaguers? If so, which ones?

3) M'Gann's brain blast which we saw her use in "Image" is a formidable power - especially since most super-villains (or heroes) don't have a defense against that kind of power. Why doesn't she use it more often? Wouldn't it solve a lot of problems?

4) This is a spoiler request, but it's soooo benign... One of your designers drew this great picture of Wally and his mom at his kindergarden graduation but it was not ready in time to be included in "Coldhearted." I wonder if it still might appear on the show at some point?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. There hasn't been a lot of vitriol - so I'm assuming that the moderators dinged the rude questions/posts as per the guidelines. It's fine to post here with negative feedback if one can do it respectfully.

2a. Yes.


3. It's pretty violent and not reliable.

4. It may have. I can't remember.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Silly question I can think of:

In YJ does Batman, Nightwing, Robin/Tim Drake and Batgirl carry "Shark Repellant Batsprays"?

Greg responds...

Probably not on a regular basis.

(You do know that there's no rule that you HAVE to post a question, right?)

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

People need to calm down about their but hurt over the time skip, I know for a fact that your a good writer and people need to take a chill pill and wait to see the amazing story that you'll be unfolding.

Will we see the full dynamics of how each new member of the team interacts with each other because this season seems to be more action oriented based on the amazing fluid fighting animation featured in the first episode of Invasion and the general lack of camaraderie between the female members? I'm not complaining about the fantastic fighting choreography I just want to know if they'll be more action or less character development.

How do you come up with the fight sequences in the show? do you consult martial artist for fighters like Robin, Batgirl and Wonder Girl or do you take inspiration from the comic's fight sequences?

Do you keep each character's fighting style's diffrent? With a new Robin in the cave and an the previous one still being active in the team will we see a difference in both of their fighting styles?

In someone in charge of the fighting choreography? If so who is this person and what is his/her name?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I'd like to think we'll have both. I'm not sure how you got a "general lack of camaraderie between the female members" out of what we presented. Seemed to me that Batgirl and Wonder Girl worked together VERY well. But perhaps I'm biased. In any case, as I've stated before, the focus on Season Two is on STORY. Characterization is of course ALWAYS important to us, but you'll have to get it on the fly this season. We've got a BIG story to tell, and fewer episodes and thus less room to dedicate to character study.

2. Neither, I'm afraid. We're all big geeks though, so we have tons of movies, television and comics in our brains. The scripts break down the action, which the storyboards revise and/or plus. Editing helps too.

3. We try to. For example, we constantly remind ourselves that Nightwing began his career as a trapeze artist. Batgirl as a gymnast. While the new Robin started as a martial artist. There are similarities to all three characters' styles - all were trained by Batman, afterall - but we try to give them a slightly different flavor. On the other hand, Artemis' training began with Sportsmaster, but ALL of them trained with Black Canary. So again, we try to nuance differences, but we have justification for similarities as well.

4. There's no one person. Brandon and I pay attention, but I guess the primary responsibility falls to each episode's director and his or her board artists.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Bothergirl writes...

Don't listen to the nasty comments about the time skip. It only made me more curious about the progress of the series. I promise, you won't lose a fan in me;)

Anyway, I haz a question. In the episode 'Auld Acquaintance', why did Red Arrow wanted to know something about Aqualad that he hadn't told anyone else, and how did he know that someone broke his heart? Silly detail, but I like silly details^^

Greg responds...

He wanted to confirm that Aqualad was controlling Aqualad's body. And he knew about Tula because Aqualad had told him.

The irony for me is that Red Arrow didn't understand how the Starro-Tech worked. If Aqualad HAD been possessed, Klarion would have had access to all Aqualad's memories and would still have been able to answer the question.


No. It doesn't. Red Arrow just got lucky. (The preceding has been some reemptive Ask Greg question answering.)

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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quigonkenny writes...

Long time listener, first time caller... ^_^ Love the Invasion time skip. It really shakes things up, and while some people may be scared by that, I find this unexpected development to be refreshing in this day and age of cookie cutter cartoon plots. I look forward to seeing how we got from there to here. Now to my questions:

1. Loved Lobo, hope we see more of him, but I couldn't help but think his alien language (Interlac, by the dialog) seemed incredibly familiar. Given that you've mentioned that Invasion will be much more sci-fi than the first season, could it be that you--ah...borrowed...a language from that paragon of sci-fi sagas, the Star Wars movies? Particularly Huttese? If so, how did that come about?

2. Was the "Vlatavastok" mentioned in "Happy New Year" a) related to Vertigo's country of Vlatava, b) a mispronunciation or misspelling of real-world location Vladivostok, or c) an original location meant to reference both of the above?

I had some other questions, but they appear to have already been asked, so I'll have to be patient and wait for them to be answered here or on the show. Thanks again for inserting some much-needed unpredictability back into the cartoon world, and for continuing to run this site amidst the idiocy rampant on the internet.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't. At least not consciously. I just tried to create something that would work without subtitles, but still had it's own internal consistency. And any memories I might have of Huttese are beyond dim. (I do wonder though - if the person speaking Interlac had had a high voice instead of a low voice - if the notion that it resembled Huttese would have even registered. Is it Lobo's guttural quality that raised the comparison, or did I truly coincidentally stumble on something gramatically Hutt-like.)

2a. Yes.

2b. No.

2c. No.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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michael greenway writes...

Dear Mr Weisman

Hello, if I may first just say I am a huge fan of your work, and also to let you know in my eyes your work (both past and present) not only provides high levels of entertainment, but also and more importantly (and I think many other fans would agree with this) introduces strong morale implications and highly philosophical dilemmas into the younger generation minds (that are simply no longer provided by any other show currently in production) And sets said viewers mind on a path of self discovery over the premise of good and evil, right and wrong by themselves instead of force feeding the premise like other shows do. And in my honest and humble opinion by that act your work doesn’t just entertain the world, it saves it. Which by very definition makes you a HERO

Now on to the question lol

1) From start to finish how long does it take to make and complete a series such as young justice?(I do realise this question may of already been asked but since you’ve cut 6 episodes from the last season I figure the timing going to be different)

2) At what point during the season showing and ratings (2.a and as a side note what number would this most likely have to be) would you receive the green for another season to be made?

3) where is the best place to see your shows episode rating (I have tried everywhere online but just kind seem to find them don’t know if me being in the UK makes a difference) but I realise you might know a site of the top of your head so is your confidence high medium or low?

Thank you for your time and if there are any misspellings or miss wordings my apologies or I have dyspracia (lol the irony if I cant even spell them right) and dyslexia, and I have no doubts about season two because all I have to remember is “Greg Weisman’s working on it” J

Greg responds...

Hear that: I'm a HERO! (I mean, I always thought so, but...) ;)


1. According to my trusty skedj: we began breaking Season Two on March 18, 2011 and, if all goes as planned, we should complete post-production on October 16, 2012. So that's like what? Almost exactly 20 months total. Of course, Brandon and I started talking about the characters, story and other plans for Season Two way back in 2009, but we didn't actually start working on it until 2011.

2. That's not a consistent prospect.

2a. I don't know.

3. I don't know this either. We occasionally get ratings reports from our bosses or from CN. But that's inconsistent too.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Harmony writes...

I notice both Garth and Lagoon Boy are voiced by my favourite all-time VA, Yuri Lowenthall. Is there a connection between these two or did you just select Yuri because he did the best voice for Lagoon?

Greg responds...

Uh, Yuri played La'gaan in Season One, when all he had was one line. We were paying him for Garth, and we get a second voice free.

So now, Season Two comes along. La'gaan is older, so we had the option of recasting, because his voice could have changed. But who better than Yuri, so why recast?

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When discussing your tally of how many DC characters are in the show, you mentioned that Kent Nelson, Dr. Fate, and Nabu are considered three separate characters by DC, but Bruce Wayne and Batman are considered a single one.

1) I'm wondering where Roy falls on this scale. Does "Roy Harper" count as a single character, or do Speedy (the real Roy) and Red Arrow (the clone) count as two separate characters?
2) If the two Roys are considered separate characters, does the production team think of him as a character original to the show (like Kaldur), a twist on the character (like a heroic Artemis), a unique adaption (like Klarion as a Lord of Chaos), or just a straight take on the character who... happens to be a clone?

Greg responds...

1. Two.

2. You're making distinctions, shaving the pie, that we're not making. Judge for yourself, I guess.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Is Captain Atom the leader of the Justice League now?
2. Do Wolf and the Super Cycle have their own designations?
3. What was in the capsule that was used om Clayface in Happy New Year?
4. When Doctor Fate inhabits someone does their body age?
5. Why do Hawkman and Hawkwoman have different wing coloration?

Greg responds...

1. As of Season Two, yes.


3. Calcifying foam.

4. Yes.

5. My wife and I have different hair colors. It's not a law on Thanagar that spouses have to have the same color wings.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I didn't see this one asked before, so I apologize if it was.

In the comics, Dick Grayson chose the name "Nightwing" as a nod to both Batman and Superman. From Superman's Kryptonian heritage, but still with a Batty slant to it.

My questions are:

1) Is this the case on Earth-16, or was it just something Dick thought sounded cool?

2) We didn't see them together in season one, but in the comics, Dick and Clark seem to have a fun, vaguely "favorite nephew" kind of friendship. Did/do they have a similar kind of friendship on Earth 16? Or any kind of friendship?

3) And since she's also a Big Three who knows Bruce and Dicks IDs and expressed a measure of disapproval over Robin in her absolutely awesome speaking appearance of awesomeness, do Dick and Diana have any kind of relationship?


Greg responds...


2. Yes.

3. I don't think she disapproves of Robin. But in hindsight - at least at that moment - she questioned Batman's judgement on allowing Dick to become a crimefighter at nine and Billy to join the League at ten. That's not an unreasonable position to take.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What is Wonder Girl's real name? Is it Cassandra Sandsmark?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Now that there's a new cast of characters, is there a specific character you enjoy writing? or a superhero you always liked? I've noticed you include captain atom alot, even though he's only spoken once (which was pretty awesome), and you've used him in brave and the bold, and he's one of the few figures produced (and the only one i've bought (because you cancelled before Captain Marvel and Blue Beetle xC ))

Greg responds...

Okay, first off, I did not cancel anything. I have no control over what toys they do or do not put out. ZERO.

Second, yes, of course, I like Captain Atom. I wrote the character for years and years. I have an affinity for him. But most of our decisions about who gets how much screen time are story driven.

And I like all these characters - a LOT.

But the most fun character to write is G. Gordon Godfrey.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Alex writes...

Why is Nightwing still so much like the happy-go-lucky Robin he once was? Nightwing is born when Robin is filled with anger and decides to rebel against Batman and go solo. Not only would he not be so cheerful, but he wouldn't be a member of a team either. Season 1's Red Arrow was more like Nightwing, not this guy you showed us.

Is Nightwing's origin story still left in tact or did you eliminate the "anger/angst/rebellion" background. Is Nightwing just a new name Robin wants to go by? Did he still leave Gotham and go to Blúdhaven? I don't know... Your Nightwing is just so different from the Nightwing I've always known and loved that I just can't seem to grasp why you made him this way.

Saying "Way to get your feet wet", crossing his arms and then smiling is something Robin would do, not Nightwing. Maybe you'll have him transform later, but as of now, I'm not enjoying your portrayal. It's only been one episode though, so he will still have a chance to impress me.... I just don't think he will.

Greg responds...

I've never bought that the reason for Nightwing becoming Nightwing was because he needed to 'rebel' against Batman. Never made any sense to me. Children grow and graduate and evolve into adults. They don't have to reject their parents to do it. And, seriously, how does becoming Nightwing - i.e. a guy who wears dark clothes - work as a symbolic rebellion from Batman? He could have stayed Robin and rebelled. Or he could have rebelled and gone for an opposing persona, like "The Bright Blue Finch-Man" or something. Nightwing doesn't "shout" rebellion to me.

In any case, we may never agree on the portrayal, but I hope you'll give our version a chance. And as for your specific note about his dialogue with Robin, I'll just say that I've been reading Nightwing's exploits for DECADES now, and he's not beyond still being DICK GRAYSON in a lighter moment.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Dudebot23 writes...

Why is aqualad underuse compare to the other characters?

Greg responds...

I don't agree that he is.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Nevermind that writes...

Mr.Weisman , you seem to have an affinity for breaking the fandom's heart , I do hope you mend it soon. Now for my question , M'gann seems to be very...different from what we were used to , did she really change that drastically in five years?

Greg responds...

Five years is a LONG time in the life on an adolescent. She's fundamentally the same person, but, yes, things have changed. Though, honestly, I don't know what you think you saw during the FIRST episode of the new season that convinced you her changes were 'drastic'.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Triela D. writes...

Hey Greg. I've been wondering for a while about YOUR opinion of a few villains. So, if you don't mind answering.

1) Do you have a favorite villain in YJ, if so who?
2) Do you have any thoughts, or opinions about Savage?
3) Do you have any thoughts, or opinions about Klarion?
4) In YJ is Teekl female or male?
5) Is Klarion all knowing since he is ageless (and powerful)?

I'm still not happy so far with YJ:I, but I still love the way you presented the characters. Not everyone is going to agree, that's just a fact of life.

Greg responds...

1. Nope. I like pretty much all of them.

2. I do, yes.

3. Many.

4. Yes.

5. Nah.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

A 2-3 year time skip I could understand, but a 5 year one seems a little drastic. Was this move influenced by the knowledge that the show might only end up with a total of 2-3 seasons?

Greg responds...

It had nothing whatsover to do with our so-called 'prospects'. It had everything to do with what Brandon and I WANTED to do with the show from Day One.

And, just so I'm clear, three years is understandable, but five isn't, so would four have been okay? Four and a half? Three years and seven months and eighteen days?

(Okay, yeah, now I'm being a smartass. But think about it.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Took me a few days to get time to post my thoughts on Invasion Part 1.

WHAA?! A 5-year jump?! I gotta admit I'm kinda annoyed at the jump. I was looking forward to seeing all the adventures in between. Hack, if I thought you'd answer any of them, I've got like a dozen questions about the interveneing years. But I trust you enough to give it some time, hopefully things will be explained. And maybe if you get a 3rd season, you'll show some of that.
Now onto stuff I enjoyed-all the new heroes in the future look great! I love the casting on Cassie & Jaime. And Lobo, I walways loved Lobo, very cool! And as I expected, Tim Curry chewed the scenery of his big scene, very awesome, rather funny. I hope next week's episode is just as good!

Greg responds...

By now you know, I guess.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg!

A couple questions about the additions to the lineup for Invasion.

1. Had rights not been an issue, would you have set up Wondergirl in Season One the way you did Mal, Karen, Gar, and La'Gaan?

2. Did you plan on all of the Season 2 Team members from the beginning? I'm particularly thinking of Blue Beetle since he didn't get a cameo in Season 1.

3. Were the Season 2 recruits drawn from their own list? Or were they the "runners-up," as it were, from your masterlist of young heroes used for Season 1's lineup.


Greg responds...

1. There's no way to know. She was unavailable while we were prepping the season, and we were told that from moment one, so we never gave any real thought to her inclusion, until we were told she was fair game. By that time, it was too late for Season One. We don't have the schedule luxury to sit around and muse about what might have been.

2. Yes, except Wonder Girl. But we were informed before we started any serious work on Season Two.

3. I didn't make a separate list. I wouldn't say they were runner-ups. So much as younger-ups.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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The Captain writes...

First off Mr. Wiesman I would like to say sorry on behalf of the fanbase, obiviously some people have poor impulse control and lash out to those who don't deserve. I am confidant that you and the rest of the Young Justice production team know what you are doing. I won't bore you with the concerns that I have after watching Happy New Year but once again I state that I am confidant in you and the rest to adress those concerns. That being said I do have actual questions to ask. Sorry if some off these have been asked before but as you know it is kind of depressing to read the unanswered section of this blog.

1)Why is Zatanna a member of the Justice League? admittingly part of the reason is that I am sad to see the old Team broken up I do not understand why Zatanna would leave. Being on the Justice League would mean working beside Doctor Fate, who as far as I know, is still controlling her father. Even if she can put aside her feelings to work beside Fate that means she would have leave the team since she is the strongest pure magic user and there seems to be no replacement for her role. Again something that happened during the time skip could explain this and only the first episode of season 2 has aired but her motivation for joining the league are unclear to me as of this writing.

2) How is Rann able to keep up with current members (such as newly inducted Zatanna and Rocket) of the Justice League and put them on their most wanted list while Earth and the Green Lantern Corp are ignorant of this fact, does Rann have the ability to monitor galactic events while keeping a low profile or is there something else at work

3)Finally and I apologize if this seems both a bit whiny and probably asked already (like I said the unanswered archives kind of scare me now) but what was your reasoning for inducting Rocket into the Team in the last two episodes of season one when she leaves to be in the league in season 2. I mean with all the plot threads being tied up in those episodes she didn't get much of a chance to shine so I am wondering why include her when from my perspective she could have appeared as a guest star in an earlier episode and be in the team during the time skip. Once again I am sure you have your reasons and most likely this will be met with SPOILER REQUEST but can the fans expect her tenure on the Team have an effect on stories that if not affect episodes of Invasion at the least the comic book tie in or upcoming Legacy game.

4) SOrry I said I something occured to me while writing the last question but I have a question about legacy. SInce it is a year away and since it is it takes place during the time skip I am worried that if this game were to be cancelled during development the fans would lose valuable insight to what happened between seasons one and two. So this question is that if the game contains information to better understand the transition and this game is cancelled, will that information be avaliable via alternative methods?

Thats it so thank you for your time and I hope that the grief that the more...militant members of the fanbase don't cause you to lose faith in the part of the fanbase who still believe that you and the production team can deliever the same quality entertainment that caused us to become fans in the first place.

Greg responds...

1. Well, the first question I'd ask you is "Why wouldn't Zatanna accept an invitation to join the Justice League?' And I'm not confirming or denying anything about Doctor Fate or her father, but is there any scenario you can think of where Z wouldn't want to keep as close an eye on Fate as possible?

2. You're looking at it backwards. The information didn't come from Rann. It came from the Kroloteans who were ON Earth.

3. The reason she was included in Season One was ASKED AND ANSWERED. As for why she was moved up to the League in Season Two, we felt we needed to be true to her character arc. But rest assured that Rocket is a very important character to me, and her presence will be felt in both the comic and the show, and in addition, given enough issues and/or episodes we'll be learning MUCH more about her.

4. The television series contains all you NEED to know to appreciate the television series. The game will supplement that. I see NO indication that it's going to be cancelled. (I just edited another dialogue script for cut scenes today.) But on the off chance it is cancelled, you won't lose anything that was necessary to enjoy the series. Though, as with the comic, you'll get more out of all three of our media by enjoying all three.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Carolyn writes...

Hmm... you are going to blow our minds this season aren't you? Should I be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster more intense than season 1? And why do I feel like you're secretly amused by all the frantic/paranoid/distressed questions/accusations you are getting about the new season?

Greg responds...

I am amused by it sometimes; other times it's quite frustrating. And, yes, I'd be prepared for quite the emotional rollercoaster.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.In order from strongest to weakest in terms of combat can you arrange the original eight members?
2.Who would you say is a better fighter Red Arrow from season 1 or Nightwing from season 2?

Greg responds...

1. No. [See my next answer.]

2. Totally different fighting styles, so it's all situational.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Christopher writes...

Crazy brilliant season premiere, team. It's a perfect sequel to the first season: at its core, this series is a story about how the youth of the DCU grow and evolve into adult heroes. Moving from the first 'generation' of sidekicks to a second seems perfectly natural in hindsight. I'm looking forward to getting to know your versions of all of the new characters.

I'm certain that you'll find it impossible to completely ignore the hate generated by the changes to the show - but I hope you don't take any of it to heart. Take it instead as reaffirmation that you have really hooked many viewers - take it to mean that they really care about the characters that you have shaped, and that they are actually afraid for their futures. I want to know what happens with Wally and Artemis and Kal'dur'ahm as much as the next fan - but I also have faith that you and your team will deliver.

However, we still have not seen a green light for a third season. While I don't dislike Green Lantern, I'd much rather Young Justice continue to be a part of DC Nation once Beware the Batman becomes part of the block as opposed to GL:TAS. I live a few miles from Cartoon Network HQ ... do you think it would do any good if I took them cookies on a daily basis in order to convince them to pick up the show for another 26 episodes?

Many thanks to you and the rest of the team for continually delivering the best in entertainment.

Greg responds...

I guess it couldn't hurt... but somehow I doubt cookies will wind up playing a big role in the decision. (Heck, if I thought they would put us over the top, I'd buy cookies for CN myself.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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B writes...

Godfrey's "reporting" indicates that the fact that Icon and Hawkman are aliens isn't public knowledge. If so, why are they keeping it secret?

Greg responds...

What do they gain by revealing the truth?

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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AMN writes...

I've just remembered 2 questions. (It was going to be more than 5 anyway)

1- During season 1, only Alfred, a few league members and Ra's Al Ghul knew Batman and Robin's identity.
Now 5 years later, are Batman, Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl's identities known to the rest of the team? Or only a few of them know? (in that case, who knows?)

2- When did Barbara discover Dick was Robin/Nightwing? When did she become Batgirl? When did she join the team?

Greg responds...

1. More know, but not all. I'm not going to reveal here who knows what.


Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg! Loved Season 2's opening, can't wait to see where it goes from here.

1. Do Lagoon Boy's powers all stem from Atlantean sorcery?

2. If so, can other Atlanteans inflate themselves to be super-strong and tough using magic, or is this unique to Lagoon Boy's species?

3. Err...actually, come to think of it, does Lagoon Boy's species have a name?


Greg responds...

1. Well, not all of them. He's still an Atlantean and can breathe underwater and is fairly strong and dense naturally. But his "puffing" and extra-super-strength come from sorcery.

2. It's unique to his chosen study at the Conservatory. In theory others could do it, if they mastered the technique.

3. It's a sub-species, not a species. He's an Atlantean Human.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Spanky writes...

Hey Greg,

So I just watched the YJ season premiere; it made me think of an old interview of yours where you say you wish that cartoons depicted the characters growing over time. You really weren't kidding huh? This is what I love about your shows, I honestly can't say I know what's coming next. Props to DC and Warner Bros for letting you take such a big, interesting narrative risk

Greg responds...

DC, WB and CN were all huge supporters of the risks Brandon and I wanted to take. And we appreciate that a lot.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Paul writes...

Is Bumblebee the Atom's protege in this continuity, since she was rushing off to meet Professor Palmer in Happy New Year?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Why is Jesse McCartney's Nightwing voice no different to his Robin voice?

2) Isn't it a bit far-fetched that Nighting automatically thought of an incident from 5 years previous in response to Adam Strange's news about the six Leaguers' reputations on Rann?

3) Why is that it's taken five years for John Stewart, an active Green Lantern, to discover that he's a fugitive in parts of space?

4) In the event that you get a season three, will there be another timeskip? I'm assuming so because if there was going to be just one, one would think that it wouldn't happen after just 26 episodes.

Greg responds...

1. Well, it is. Slightly. It's a tad deeper, certainly. And the performance is different, reflecting his age, etc. But if you're looking for a big change, I'm not understanding why. Why WOULD it be different? He's the same guy.

2. It was the specificity of WHICH six Leaguers. Plus, it was a pretty memorable event and a mystery that never was solved.


4. Yes.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Salvadore Ross writes...

Hello Greg,

This is more a comment and not a question. I wanted to let you know I have really enjoyed Young Justice so far, but I have a slight complaint, I am from Mexico and english is my second language, so whenever I see characters that speak spanish on the show they seem to speak english like stereotypes, and it is somewhat offensive.

Usually Bane will speak mostly perfect sentences in english with complex words in them but then call people "amigo" or "niño", a real person wouldn't do that, as those are some of the first words one learns when learning english. His dialogue with the Kobra guy seems like it was translated literally word by word, like when he says "mi mejor" meaning "my best", although it is a correct literall translation of those two words, that and most of the conversation makes little to no sense in spanish.

A similar case happens with Blue Beetle calling people "hermano" and things of the sort. I understand that you are trying to make it clear that these characters know spanish, or have a latin american background, but I really wish you tried a different approach like the accent Bane spoke in Batman: TAS rather than reinforce a negative stereotype. To give you an idea, it's like if every african-american character on the show spoke in ebonics.

Sorry if I seem to be nitpicking but it really is the only thing that bothers me in the show, other than that. it's very awesome. Thanks for all the hard work and effort you put into it as well as the time you spend answering fans.

Greg responds...

I've dealt with this exact thing before here.

As for the translations, all I can say is we did the best we could. We consulted people fluent in Spanish and had Spanish speakers in the cast. If we got it wrong, I'm truly sorry, but it's not like we didn't try very, very hard to get it right.

As for the occasional "hermano", etc. that we slip in, you say NO ONE would do that. Except that I personally know people who do. PERSONALLY KNOW PEOPLE WHO DO.

Now, perhaps one difference, vis-a-vis, Jaime - as opposed to Bane - is that he was brought up bilingual. English isn't his second language. Both English and Spanish were spoken in his home - and often, as with some friends of mine, they were mixed and mingled into what I've heard termed Spanglish.

This explanation may not satisfy you, but that's the best I've got. And in any case, it's too late now for us to change even if we wanted to. It was all recorded long ago.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I realize by the time this is answered, everything might've resolved itself, but do you feel or think that some fans might feel that the opening to season 2 might be a jump the shark kind of move. In the first season these characters that were introduced created these relationships that as of right now are none existent, plus the childhood relationships from the original team. Now it seems like things are trying to follow the comics and the characters from the original season that were supposed to be adults but were made kid are now adults and the members of The Team that were always supposed to be kids will remain that way like Superboy and Miss Martian. I realize I may take a lot of heat for this from other fans but I am sure you like to know all views on your work. Don't get me wrong I am still a fan and will continue to watch and my feelings may change as more info is revealed, but as of right now this seems like it should've been a season 3 not season 2.

Greg responds...

We are no more nor less trying to follow the comics now than we did before. We have a story to tell. No one was jettisoned. Relationships develop, but they are hardly 'none existent'.

But the timeskip was planned from Day One. I don't for a second think we've jumped the shark. I do think we've upped the ante and the stakes and done something that few shows get to, which is truly show our characters grow and change.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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EXALT writes...

You said, before the series started, that you made auditions only for the six first members of the Team (plus Superman, but just because you wanted the same actor to voice him and Superboy). So:
1)Have you made auditions for members of the Team that were introduced in Season One, outside the original six (Zatanna-Rocket-Bumblebee-Batgirl-Mal Duncan-Beast Boy-Lagoon Boy)?
2)Have you made auditions for members of the Team introduced in Invasion (Tim Drake-Blue Beetle-Wonder Girl)?
3)Have you considered hiring new voice actors to voice the now adults Nightwing and Batgirl (let's clarify: this is not a hate message against Jesse McCartney and Alyson Stoner, in fact I like them both a lot in both roles; I'm just asking if you've considered it)?

Greg responds...

1. No. Those people were CAST in their rolls... which then carried forward into Season Two.

2. We did hold auditions for Jaime/Blue Beetle/Scarab, Tim/Robin, Bart/Impulse and one other. But not for Cassie/Wonder Girl. From our previous Miss Martian auditions, we knew we wanted Mae Whitman.

3. Never seriously. Keep in mind, we pitched Jesse up slightly when he played Robin to make him sound a bit younger. So by NOT pitching him anymore, he now easily felt right as Nightwing. And Alyson was just directed to play her tougher and older, and she did - admirably. The only REcasting we did because of age was Billy Batson.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Malini writes...

Dear Mr Weisman,

I have a question or two regarding the ageing of clones:

1. In YJ: Invasion, we see that Superboy hasn't aged much (if at all). Is this due to the fact that he's a clone (much like in the original comics)?

2. If the answer to the above is yes, how is it that the Roy Harper clone was able to age physiologically from 15 to 18 like a normal human?

3.If the answer to the first question is no, how old is Superboy physiologically in YJ: Invasion?

I finally want to thank you for creating such an awesome show. You've earned a fan in Singapore.

Greg responds...

1. That's only part of the reason.

2. He has no Kryptonian/Human DNA mix.

3. He's only not aging visibly. He's still aging.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Robinfan4ever writes...

Hello Greg.
Just wanted to say that I loved the first ep of season 2!!! It made me happy and sad at the same time; I loved Dick Grayson being the baby of the team but I also like Tim.
I couldn't stand that people were freaking out about old characters not being there and what happened five years ago and blah blah blah: I mean, seriously, were they expecting all that to be in episode ONE??? And I'm 15, some of those people ranting were in college. I was like, nice...real mature.
I seriously believe that you won't let us down and will keep this show amazing.
On Tumblr, a lot of people were seriously posting death threats targeted towards you and Brandon and I was like, people are retarded. Nuff said.
Questions!!! Not sure if you can answer these, but:
1. Does the team know Nightwing's ID?
2. How long has Dick been Nightwing? Tim as Robin?
3. Does Dick live in Bludhaven?
4. Is Dick in college?
5. What made Dick become Nightwing? Did you use the comic story, Dick and Bruce arguing etc?
Thanks so much and I really hope CN orders a season 3!!!

Greg responds...

1. Some do, some don't.





5a. No.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Aaron writes...

Not really a question just more of a comment. Greg, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the season 2 premiere of "Young Justice". The end of the episode has me wanting to come back for more! You're doing an excellent job writing this series. Keep up the good work, your real fans will stick by you through thick & thin. :)

Greg responds...

I hope some of my fake ones do too. We could use the Nielsons, you know?

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Ms. Spoiler writes...

Holy time skip Batman! I loved and cried at the 2nd season premire and while I admit Lagoon Boy calling M'Gann 'Angelfish' was adorable I was so devastated by the fact she was wasn't with, Conner. So is M'gann happy with, her new relationship? I have faith that you and the talented staff are going to write an amazing season
Oh and also I Saw Black Lightning with, the lead! I just love Jeff, Hope he has a speaking role!

Greg responds...

Jeff will speak eventually. As for M'gann and La'gaan's relationship, I'll let it play out and you can decide for yourself.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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raymond writes...

thank you greg.

thank you for creating and sharing YOUR show in YOUR universe telling YOUR stories on earth 16 the way YOU want...and also thanks to the rest of the young justice creative team of course. :)

i love this show. i love that you guys take chances and i promise i will be continuing to watch every episode of it. :D

Greg responds...

Thank you very much.

But of course, it's not MY world. At best it's mine and Brandon's. But there are a LOT of people involved, including the folks at DC, without whom you wouldn't be seeing any of it.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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