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Silly writes...

How is Kaldur's relationship with his parents?
Is Kaldur'am a momma's boy?
Is there anyone in Atlantis who crush on Kaldur?
Is Kaldur a ladies' man?
I ask this because he has a lot of female fans.

Greg responds...

1. During Season One, quite solid. During Season Two, they're estranged - to protect them.

2. Not particularly.

3. Probably there was, before he (seemingly) betrayed the kingdom.

4. Not particularly.

5. Good.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

What powers does Captain MArvel Have? are they his usual s.h.a.z.a.m. ones? Also, will Captain Atom ever get any speaking lines, or is he mostly a background charater and/or can't talk? If he does have future lines, who is his voice actor?

Greg responds...

1. Basic SHAZAM powers, yeah.

2. By now, you've hopefully seen that Michael T. Weiss is the voice of Captain Atom.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Miracool writes...

Not a question, but rather some praise. I seriously love "Young Justice". I think it's an absolutely brilliant show and I like how each episode gets better and better every time. Character development and interactions have been very enjoyable, the plots are engaging, I love all the voice talents chosen for each role, the animation is outstanding... All in all, it's amazing.

Right now, I'm waiting for "Insecurity" to air this Saturday and I'm positively anxious to watch "Performance" the Saturday that follows. I almost can't stand the wait, actually, but I'm being strong! (Fingers crossed for no more hiatuses from CN, too~ XP)

So I just wanted to say thanks to you, Brandon and everyone else involved for giving me a series to love and a good reason to enjoy weekends just a bit more. Cheers!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. Of course, we're on summer hiatus now, but you got 15 straight episodes first, and a lot of series go on hiatus for the summer, so I hope we're forgiven and that you'll be back with us in the fall.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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joelle writes...

Agendas was awesome. A few questions, though.

I'm assuming that Guardian is Jim Harper and that he's the younger brother of Red Arrow's biological dad (He did say Roy was his nephew, after all, and if it really is Jim, the shared surname would indicate a paternal relation). Is my assumption correct?

You said in response to an earlier question that Guardian was only 24 years old. If the above assumption is correct, was there a big age gap between Guardian and Roy's dad? Because I can't imagine a mere six year gap between uncle and nephew otherwise.

Does Roy know that he has an uncle?

On a happier note, congratulations to the cast of "Young Justice" for being nominated for "Best Vocal Cast in a Television Series" and "Best Male Vocal Performance in a Television Series in a Supporting Role" (Crispin Freeman- Roy Harper/Speedy/Red Arrow) at the BTVA awards. You guys certainly have my votes- though I figure that by the time you read this the voting process and the announcement of the awardees would be long over.

Greg responds...

Well, by now, you probably know that in fact Guardian/Jim Harper was NOT in fact Red Arrow's uncle. Instead, BOTH were clones of the original Roy Harper, i.e. Speedy. Guardian was force-grown to be older, but he also was cloned SECOND, so he's actually younger.

Red Arrow did believe for all of Season One that Guardian was his father's much younger brother.

I've never heard of the BTVA Awards and had no idea we were nominated? Did we win?

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.
Loved Agendas. It was interesting to see the JLA's voting process regarding
new membership.
I have some questions related to that:
With the remarks about the importance of the membership decisions and that the JLA doesn't want to encourage the creation of another Injustice League, does the JLA
have a maximum amount of members? If so, is part of the reasoning to keep League decisions from becoming too unwieldy?
Wonder Woman's suggestion of expelling Captain Marvel took me by surprise. Is a
unanimous decision required to expel a member?
You mentioned in a response to a past question that Zatanna was previously deemed an authorized guest. Does this status have to be voted on as well?
Finally, it was good to see a glimpse of the Atom. Is Ray Palmer well-known by the general public to be a renowned scientist? Does the League factor into their decision his scientific knowledge?

Thanks for another great episode!

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Although as Superman stated, the option exists to vote no to all new members.

2. I don't think unwieldiness is a big concern. There's no rule that all Leaguers have to go on all missions.

3. Nope. Just a majority.

4. No.

5. By the GENERAL public... I kinda doubt it. But he's a leading physicist in his field. Many people would have heard of him.

6. Potentially. It'll certainly come in handy in Season Two. (WHOOPS!! SPOILER!!!)

Response recorded on July 24, 2012

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Martin writes...

Hey Greg,

I'm merely curious as to why the second season of 'Young Justice' consists of only 20 episodes? While it probably hasn't affected the story you want to tell, it just seems unusual that WB/CN didn't give you guys the typical 26 episode order. I just hope it doesn't reflect a lack of faith in the show from the corporate end.

Greg responds...

I think it has more to do with economics than "faith" - but I'll admit that was a decision made above my pay-grade.

Response recorded on July 18, 2012

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Young Justice Fan writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman! I love Young Justice. Absolutely fantastic show. The plot is so thick and intricate -- amazing for a literary junkie like myself!

I was wondering how far in advance you guys have the show planned? For example, when you and Mr. Vietti and Mr. Hopps and the other fabulous writers sat down to plot out Season 1, how much of Season 2 was clear for you guys? How much of a potential Season 3? No spoilers needed -- just a general question.

Thank you so much for your wonderful work and willingness to answer fan questions!

Greg responds...

While developing Season One, we had a solid idea of what we had in mind for Season Two - including the time skip. And we had/have solid ideas for Season Three, including another time skip.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Jasser writes...

I'ed like to start off with a complaint, really guys? I understand you have questions about unaired episodes, but do you HAVE to word them like plot summeries? the probebly twist's of the FOUR episodes are now compromised. Sorry Greg, but i don't think ill be checking the unawnsered question section anymore, the next month of episodes have soured because of it. I'm sorry, but i just really enjoy that sense of surprise when you get deeply immense in a show and they hit you with that curve ball, it's no fun seeing it coming.

Okay, that was unnecessary and whinny,but hey-moving onto questions...

1. When megan retained her human eyes in her ''fake'' real martian form, was that an oversight on her part/attempt at remaining connectable, or do girl martians really look like that.

2.Could you please elaborate on Queen Bee's form of hypnosis?Sorry for vagueness, but the wiki entry is dry and i'm curious.

3.Can Teekle be killed? (that sounds like something that would be asked in the past..)

4. Is the whole ''Hello ,Megan!'' catchphrase going to continue now that it's origin has been revealed?(you must have been laughing every time someone said is was forced and tiring-considering that was almost the point..that was the intended reaction.mind=blown).
5. Dose doctor fate need sleep? and what dose he do when he's not survaying the world for magical threats and what not..

Greg responds...

0. I understand and feel your pain, but it's now fair game to check the unanswered questions as the moderators are booting all spoilers out.

1. It was fake.

2. It's pheromone driven.

3. Sure. But not easily.

4. On occasion.

5. Nabu doesn't, but his host does. And when is he NOT on duty?

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Brazilian Guy writes...

Could you give us a few details on what the process to create an episode is like? I have no idea what doing online and locked picture mean...thanks!

Greg responds...


1. We start/started by breaking down the entire season on index cards on a VERY large bulletin board.

2. Once the basic arc was approved, I wrote up premises for every episode in the season. Each premise is about a page long.

3. We brought in our freelance writers and broke down a handful of episodes at a time, with each writer in the meeting (myself included) taking one episode as their own, but with every writer in the meeting contributing ideas and notions to everyone's story.

4. The writer goes off with my written premise and the notes from the meeting and writes up an outline. This is a prose document, broken down by scene/sequence of about 8 to 10 pages in length. For me, as a story editor this is a VERY important step, as it nails down the story, making script writing much easier.

5. I do a rewrite on the writer's outline and submit it to WB, CN, DC, Brandon Vietti and the episode's director for notes.

6. The writer goes off with my revised outline and all the notes and writes a script.

7. I do a rewrite on the writer's script and submit it for notes to WB, CN, DC, BV, S&P, legal and the episode's director. Usually showed it to Kevin Hopps as well, who was great at catching my mistakes. The first season, Kevin was on staff, and it was part of his job. The second season, he just did it as a favor. Good guy.

8. I do another rewrite or polish based on all the notes.

9. We record the script, casting any new rolls, etc.

10. Simultaneously, the storyboards are begun...

11. While at the same time, design work for the episode begins: characters, backgrounds, props, effects. This is ALL black and white line-art at first.

12. The boards are roughed out and get notes from the director.

13. The boards are cleaned up and submitted to Brandon and myself.

14. Brandon and I give notes, and the boards are revised.

15. Meanwhile, designs are approved and then we go through the same process with color and background painting.

16. Boards are slugged for time to make sure the show isn't too long or too short.

17. X-Sheets (timing sheets) are created to give detailed information to the animators about how long each individual action will take and to give mouth movements to the characters.

18. All these materials are shipped to Korea to either Moi or Lotto to be animated.

19. We occasionally call for "Wedge Tests" that allow us to preview important or tricky bits of animation in advance to make sure we're getting what we want.

20. The animation comes back rough from overseas. Our editor Jhoanne Reyes compiles it into what we call an A-Frame. It's a very ROUGH cut.

21. Brandon, Jho, David Wilcox and myself call retakes, i.e. we ask the overseas studio for animation corrections. We also call out visual effects for Matt Girardi.

22. Brandon, Jho and I edit the episode, LOCKING it to the exact time that the network requires.

23. We spot the locked episode with our composers, Dynamic Music Partners, pointing out where and what we are looking for in the music.

24. We do the same thing with Audio Circus, our sound effects experts.

25. We preview the music in advance of the sound mix to make sure it's on target.

26. Generally, by now most of the retakes have come back from Korea and Matt's done most of his effects work too.

27. We mix the show for sound. That is we sit in a room and painstakingly balance the sound effects with the foley with the music with the dialogue.

28. We "On-Line" the episode. This is our last final view of the finished product to make sure everything is as good as time, budget and our abilities will allow it to be.

There's obviously more to it than all of the above, but that should give you the basics.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Curious writes...

(1)So obviously Bialya and Qurac along with the two asian countries in the episode with Red Arrow and Cheshire were all fake. Do you guys choose to create fake countries in order to not offend the real countries?
(2)I saw that you guys kept the cat mask concept on Cheshire from Teen Titans. Is there anything else that influenced you from the Teen Titans show? If yes you can just say yes, you don't have to go into detail about the influences if they cause spoilers.
(3)Is Young Justice going to be formatted like the Justice League t.v series episodes where like only a few members of the team get to go on missions? For example, in the justice league series Batman, Haw Girl and Wonder Woman would have an adventure and in the next episode It was Flash, Man Hunter and Green Lantern.

Greg responds...

1. No. It has more to do with already existed in the DC Universe (pre-New 52, which didn't exist yet when we were working on our seasons).

2. I can't think of any other conscious influences, but I won't deny that it's all part of the soup.

3. The Team is big enough now - and has been, frankly, since the beginning - that it doesn't always make sense for everyone to go on every mission. That's why we have squads.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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