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Young Justice: Invasion

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jar writes...

1-Whose idea are the classic literature references?(ex-jabberwock,cricket)
Asuuming invasion episodes make DVD-
1-do you get to add any input?
2-if the answear is no-if you could would you add translated subtitles to the non english(ex krolotean/rannian)words or you like to imagine viewers guessing?

Greg responds...

1. Generally, but not exclusively, mine.

1. It's not up to me whether or not I get input. So far, I haven't. But if they ask for input, I'll be happy to give it.

2. We put in subtitles where we wanted them. Left them out where we didn't. It was always up to Brandon and myself.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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j writes...

1-Based on his build was Bibbo ever a boxer?
2-Does the mask affect how Karen changes size-in 103 the put it on before changing but did'nt return to normal size after the blast knocked it off.
3-Regarding beast boy-would he revert back to normal(non-simian)form if rendered unconcious?,and if he can turn into ET animals, has he ever tried a dinosaur?(a yes/no will do)

Greg responds...

1. He's boxed. Also wrestled. But not professionally.

2. The blast didn't knock it off. She took it off because soot from the explosion had covered her goggles and she couldn't see. Beyond that, it feels like you answered your own question.

3a. No.

3b. He can only turn into real animals that he's had contact with.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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S writes...

If you find these questions in violation feel free to delete them but i will not be satisfied unless i ask
1-Why would Megan mention that she'd learned about the 16 hours while Alanna was there?-in that area the league are outlaws
2-How could the Krolotean possibly have been able to ID Karen,and Jaime in regular cloths?

Greg responds...

1. She didn't state whether the Leaguers were allies or enemies. But, having said that, I think eventually, Zeta Squad would have told Alanna and Sardath the truth of the situation.

2. He didn't identify Karen at all. And it wasn't Jaime that he identified, but he sensed that he was a Reach Warrior.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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J writes...

Regarding powers
1.If Lagoon boy's expansion power is magic induced and not genetic does he NOT have the power to generate and fire pufferfish quills.
2.Can the scarab armor let Jaime be under water without visible life support tools?
3.Are Kaldur's tatoos still visible?
4.Are Wonde Girls powers derived from any magic artifacts like in the original comics?

Greg responds...

1. Not on our series. At least not yet.

2. Yes.

3. Depends what he's wearing.

4. Not her powers, no. But her bracelets and lasso expands her repertoire.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Wow, the newest episode of YJ was great! I goota say, props to you and Brandon for coming up with a way to get Roy's addicted look without the addiction. Very nice. And thank you for showing Wally & Artemis, I was worried they might have switched sides or been killed or something. I thought it was sweet (and Artemis looks good in a jersey). Also, i like someone discovering the scarab talks to Jaime, and you even got in a reference to Ted Kord! Thank you! Please keep up the awesome!

Greg responds...

Who says there's no addiction?

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Osain88 writes...

I really liked Salvage especially how we saw a better look of Blue Beetle and his abilities.I just want to know if Artemis and/or Wally have Jobs;if they do what are they ?

Greg responds...

They're mostly full-time college students. Which is not to say they don't have part-time jobs, but I haven't given any thought to it.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Zack writes...

First of all, as a huge fan of DC comics lore, I want to thank you so much for including so much of DC's history in your show. It makes the show so much more enjoyable for me.

I was wondering how the writers choose the characters that are showcased in the show. I noticed you included a lot of lesser known characters in the DC universe such as Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle and so on. How do the writers pick and choose with such a huge who's who list of superheroes and supporting characters to choose from?

Greg responds...

I don't think Blue Beetle would still be considered "lesser known".

Mostly, this question is ASKED AND ANSWERED. We had a "huge... list". We gave a great deal of thought to juggling powers, backstories, personalities, etc.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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M King writes...

First off, I just wanted to thank you for being a part of what makes superhero cartoons awesome. I'm loving Young Justice/Invasion so far, and each episode just gets better.

I've just got one random question to ask that's been on my mind:

Did Dick go through a phase of resenting being Bruce's sidekick like in some continuities or has he always been happy to be a part of the Batfamily no matter what costume he wears?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying it was always 100% conflict free, but largely they're good, and have never had a major falling out. Resentment isn't really Dick's style.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Samantha writes...

Why did Wally decide to stop being a hero? Did Nightwing try to persuade him to continue with him?

Greg responds...

1. It's complicated. There isn't one single reason, one single event. It's cumulative. It involves things that took place over the five year gap (SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.), his relationship with Artemis and his general maturing as a human being. A choice to leave behind things that seemed extremely important to him as a child - and not so important as an adult. Also, keep in mind, Wally didn't decide to stop being a hero. Wally and Artemis together decided to stop being heroes.

2. Nightwing wants what's best for his friend. I'm not saying they didn't have a conversation or two. Or six. Or whatever, but...

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Legacy & Boomerang

I'm currently sitting in the Control Room at L.A. Studios while voice director Jamie Thomason records Mark Rolston as Lex Luthor for YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY. Later today: Eric Lopez, Jesse McCartney and Cameron Bowen. More to come next week after I get back from visiting my daughter in New Orleans.

Also, James Harvey at Worlds Finest is reporting that reruns of YJ and YJ:I will be appearing on Boomerang:


This is good news, and I'm guessing must be a direct result of fan response to the latest hiaturs.

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Kevin writes...

What are the names of the trophies in the Hall of Justice that were in Alienated?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Jefferson writes...

Hey,Greg, what is Black Lightning's League Designation?

Greg responds...

Wait and see.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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grimlock writes...

1 .When did Superboy meet Ted cord for the first time? 2. did Greg Cripes ever audishion for the role of Beast boy?

Greg responds...


2. In Season One, we cast Logan Grove to play Garfield Logan at age 8. I love Greg - he was Caleb in W.I.T.C.H. - but he was too old to play our Garfield (and that's on top of the fact that we weren't particularly inclined to cast any of the five original Teen Titans actors in their signature roles). Then in Season Two, Logan just continued on to play the 13-year-old Garfield/Beast Boy.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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btgr writes...

Did you came up with the idea of "Apple Laxative"?

Greg responds...

That specific phrase? Yes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Katie writes...

What's Wally and Artemis's dog's name?

Greg responds...

I want to say Brucely.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonny writes...

Dear Mr. Greg and Whoever Else May Be Credited With The Writing For "Salvage":

I absolutely loved this week's episode. "Salvage" has, in tumblr terms, provided "so many feels" for many shippers of the Spitfire (Wally/Artemis) and CheshRoy (Cheshire/Roy) pairing supporters; those "feels" were multiplied even more with the introduction of Lian.

I LOVE that Wally and Artemis are still together after 5 years and are a cute, loving couple. I LOVE that Lian has been born and that Jade seems to be doing her best to not only fix up Roy, but to have some stability in her family for the sake of her daughter. I also LOVE that she and Roy were married.

Once again, thank you. Words cannot express any more of what I am feeling, but let me just say that all throughout this morning I had to stop myself from involuntarily smiling at the thought of this episode.

Keep up the AWESOME work. :)

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

OMG! I just LOVED today episode! "Salvage". I thought for sure that the hero that had "fallen from grace" would have been Kaldar considering what happened last week but I was just as glad to see Roy come back into the picture! Now everything is complete and all my questions have been answered! I know what Roy's doing and what happened to Wally and Artemis! I LOVE the fact that after 5 years that they're still together! Now my mind can rest. It's been driving me CRAZY for the last 3 weeks to know what happened to Wally and Artemis, I already knew that Kaldar would be making a showing and that he now had a Black Manta connection but not knowing what was going on with Wally and Artemis was making me nuts. I figured that they'd be in school since it didn't seam that they had passed on (some people thought that Artemis would have gone bad but I figured that that wasn't true. You went through the trouble of having this Artemis of Earth-16 go down the hero path instead of a villainess one and in "Unusual Suspects" had her reveal her family connections to her friends and her finally being able relax and find acceptance I found it highly unlikely that her future would swing the other direction...) I hope to see them again! They're so cute together!

Now I can wait for the upcoming episodes in peace. ^_~

But on to my questions these are regarding Miss Martian and Superboy and their aging processes.

Now M'Gann is approached as having been of an equivalent of "16" in season 1, and Martian Manhunter mentioned that she was 48 earth years old. Now 48 divided by 16 equals 3 so what I was wondering was:

1. Does M'Gann age at a Martian emotional and physical equivalent so that every 3 earth years of ageing and development for her is the equivalent of 1 human year? So instead of her being "21" she's more like "17 and 3/4"? Almost "18"?

Now Superboy. He was force grown to 16 years in 16-weeks, and he can't visibly age on the outside. But he can age internally / physically on the inside. So it can't be said that he's "21" like Kaldar and Wally are.

1. So does this mean that at some point internally he'll be elderly with all the negatives that with it but sill look like a 16-year-old hottie?

If so that really is a "standard blessing and curse".

2. Exactly where is his age in the emotional sense since that's the only "ageing / maturity" that would be visible?

3. How old is Superboy internally? He was force grown to 16 years in 16 weeks. So does his body think that it's 16 in season 1 and 21 in season 2 or does it read it's self as younger since he's only almost 6 chronologically?

PS: I loved the "You freshman never do the homework." Statement that Conner made.

I also noticed that in the last episode that Superman called Conner, Kon-El. That made me happy too. Although the caption on my TV said 'Conner' instead. Like in "Earthlings" when Conner says that he doesn't visibly age, the captions said physically age. Which means two entirely different things. Not visibly aging means that you can't see the aging, but that it is occurring. Not physically aging usually equates immortality.

4. Dose it annoy you when closed captions get things wrong like that?

One word that seams to give a similar impression like visible and physical can give a person 2 distinct understandings, and in this case it would be the wrong one.

Greg responds...

a. Yes, she's the biological equivalent of an 18-year-old, give or take, by Martian standards. Of course, that has nothing to do with how old she chooses to look as a shape-changer.

b. Yes.

1. Yes.

2. That's a matter of opinion.

3. I don't think his body is quite as obsessed with numbers.

c. Yes, captions are notoriously unreliable. Which is a shame. (I don't know why they don't work off the scripts.)

4. A lot.

d. Agreed.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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BH writes...

Greg, I'm a big fan of Young Justice, and I think it's really great that you are willing to answer questions about your creations like this. I have 3 questions:

1)In "Salvage", Artemis and Wally go to school in Palo Alto. Is this meant to imply that they attend Stanford? I ask because I figure you won't be mentioning an actual university on the show.

2)Also in "Salvage", Red Arrow's apartment appears very similar to the apartment at the end of the "Under the Red Hood" movie. I'm guessing you recycled the animation to save money, but did you intend it to be a nod at the Jason Todd/Roy Harper Outlaws, or was it just coincidence?

3)In "Targets", during the scene outside Happy Harbor High School, there is a moment where 4 people wearing logos on their shirts are lined up as follows: Superman ("S"), the high school ("H"), Flash (a vertical lightning bolt), and Batman (which in this case looks a bit like a "T"). Was this meant to resemble a certain 4 letter word that would be inappropriate for a cartoon, or was it just a coincidence? I laughed when I saw it because it's pretty clever.

Anyway, thanks again for such a great show. I hope you get many more seasons!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. It's the same apartment from "Auld Acquaintance".

3. I never noticed.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Ralph Dibny writes...

It is of earth shattering import that we all know:

That kid sitting in the booth at Bibbo's (not Blue Beetle or Bumblebee) at the begining of Alienated... how old was he?

The guy who tried to shoot Lobo in Secretary-General Tseng's office (but Lobo blocked the barrel with his finger), how many times has he eaten corn in his life? Please list by types of corn.

Could you give a detailed description of every last time Batgirl has ever stubbed her toe? Ignoring occurrences taking place on Tuesdays that fall on odd numbered dates (for obvious reasons).

The guy who comments that G. Gordon Godfrey thinks the League is working with the aliens during a tour of the Hall of Justice at the begining of Alienated. Does his Earth 11 counterpart have a good relationship with her mother?

Lastly... Where are my car keys?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

"Please list by types of corn," actually made me chuckle out loud.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Matthew writes...

1. Are Wally and Artemis now married, engaged, or still just dating?
2. If they're married, how long have they been married?

Greg responds...

1. They're a couple. Not married or officially engaged.

2. Not married.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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TVT writes...





And seeing how I'm pretty sure that you have more class than to kill her off in the most pointless fashion ever (though the fact that real!Roy does have a missing arm disturbs me because that means you've read or at least heard of Cry For Justice), LET ME LOVE YOU MORE.

Greg responds...

Love me more. Go ahead. I dare you!

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Janey writes...

I just wanted to tell you I love your show!!! The guessing going on in my head this season has me wanting to watch more...and thanks for all the hard work you and your team are amazing!!! I figured since people come on here and bash you sometimes it would be nice to here a fan who appreciates it!!!

Greg responds...

Thanks. It's very appreciated.

Though much less negativity came my way than everyone seems to think. Maybe the moderators removed a lot of the negative stuff for various guideline flags.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

What was the creative incentive for writing "Salvage" personally?

Greg responds...

The intervention scenes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Matt writes...

When did Jade and Roy (clone) get married?

How old is Lianne?

Is Jade a still technically a reform villain or a villain?

Greg responds...


2. By the end of Team Year Five, she was born, but not yet one.

3. I'm not sure "villain" is a "technical" term.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Voice Actor fan writes...

Hi Mr Weisman, I read your response a while back about how you pay your voice actors for their roles and after watching the episode 3 of season 2 I realized something. I noticed that Aquaman is voiced by Phil Lamar who previously voiced Green lantern John Stewart in Justice League, where as you have Kevin Michael Richardson voicing him. I was just wondering if you were aware of the fact and if, when first auditioning actors, thought about getting some of the previous actors to reprise their previous roles. I know that in some of the direct to DVD movies some of the former cast from previous works did voice the same character again.

Greg responds...

We didn't audition any Justice Leaguer except Superman. (And only him, because we wanted an actor who could play both Superboy and Superman.)

I am very aware of who played characters in the past, and we LARGELY chose to AVOID direct comparisons to previous works by NOT using the same actor in the same role. There were a few exceptions, such as Bruce Greenwood's Batman, where we felt the actor wasn't already over-identified with the part. But for the major leads from the old Justice League/Justice League Unlimited series, the truth is that if they played the role there, it all but eliminated our interest in having them play the rolls in YJ.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Jacob writes...

When is Lagoon Boy's birthday?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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No One's Favorite Anon writes...

It's May 18th and I got out of a final about two hours ago. I had been agonizing over it since I got home. But then I saw your heads-up for the 4th episode of Invasion (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=956), and let me just say, good sir, that made my day.

Right now I am buzzing with excitement, I feel giddy and I can't wait until I can catch this episode. Saturday could not possibly come any sooner. Here's to a wonderful new season~

Greg responds...

Wow. Thanks! Makes my day to make your day.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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SpazzyLazzy writes...

Just a couple questions:

1. Are Lagoon Boy's puns/slang something common to where he came from (I assume some city-state in Atlantis), or is it a style of speech unique to himself?

2. Seeing as Martians' shapeshifting occurs at a cellular level (as Miss M demonstrated in Image), does that mean they're "immune" to certain human diseases like AIDS?

Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

1. It's a combo.

2. Um... maybe?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Babs writes...

At the near end of "Alienated", when that massive, nuclear level explosion went off (the alien bomb), is it safe to assume that Aquaman and Wonder Woman would of been disintegrated if they didn't manage to escape in time?

Greg responds...

Safe enough.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Enias writes...

Hello =) I love your show, and loved it even more since Wonder Woman and Wonder girl got a little bit more screentime, yet not as much as the superfamily or batfamily does, but still it is pleasant to watch!

Now i have got a couple of question:

1: What exactly is Cassie's powerset? I read somewhere you went with the Zeus's daughter origins. Is she as powerful as Conner Kent? Are her powers growing up as time goes by?
On a scale from 0 to 10, where are WW and WG?

Keep up the great work guys =)

Greg responds...

A scale of what? Never mind, I don't much care for numerical scales anyway.

1. Cassie can fly, and she's very strong - but not as strong as Conner. She can bounce bullets off her bracelets, but she's NOT invulnerable - else why would she NEED to bounce bullets off her bracelets. She's also very proficient with her unbreakable lasso.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was curious if you were able to provide a full list of the Zeta Tube designations. I only ask because I keep track of it for my own fanfictions, and I can't have some characters enter the cave in a story because I don't have thier code, and I don't want to be inaccurate. I research everything before I actually start a story, but some of the codes are just unknown as of right now.

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. But have you checked out the Young Justice Wiki? Cuz they have most of them.


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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alternate writes...

Hey Greg, in the comics Icon had his own spaceship. I was wondering why, when the 6 (well, 8) leaguers go to stand trial on Rimbor, they have John Stewart create a ship from light instead of using Icon's ship? I suppose a few possibilities are that he doesn't have a ship on Earth-16 (although the line about him being familiar with interstellar law implies that he probably does have one), or that it isn't big enough for 8 people. Anyway, I was just curious to see if you had an official explanation. Thanks for taking the time to answer!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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aaron writes...

1. How long as Cassie/Wondergirl been WonderWomans sidekick?
2. Is Wondergirl still related to any of the gods?

Greg responds...

1. Not long.


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I'd like to say that as much as I respect the old DC cartoons shows (the ones which were collectively known as the DC Animated Universe), I feel that Young Justice has, thus far, done MUCH, MUCH better in many ways (which would be too much for me too list). I am enjoyed the fact this parallel DC Universe, better known as Earth-16, is similar to the mainstream DC universe, and yet, you are always finding numerous ways to create so many unique twists in the characters and the storylines. It makes it very exciting to watch. I'll let you know that, as I might have said in some postings, that I am continuously praying to God every night that Cartoon Network be very generous to you and renew Young Justice for future seasons. A show as good as Young Justice should never, EVER, end.

Thanks for taking the time to read about how I feel about Young Justice so far. As always, keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

Thanks for your kind words. I'd happily continue doing this series ad infinitum.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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The Virginian writes...

Why does it take 5 years for the Krolotean to get to Earth?

Greg responds...

Are you talking about travel time - because it didn't - or are you asking why the Kroloteans only showed up five years after they became aware of Earth? If the latter, (a) they didn't and (b) how fast does your government work?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

The episode "Alienated" explains that the Justice League first came together to stop a threat from an alien race of energy beings called the Appellaxians. Do these beings exist only in this specific DC universe? Why did they come to Earth in the first place? What kind of abilities did they possess that made them so dangerous and powerful?

Greg responds...

1. Not sure what you're asking here? They are from the comics originally.

2. It was neutral turf for their conflict.

3. They could create/possess 'golems'.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JE writes...

Hey Greg, big fan here! First I'd like to say that, though unexpected (and probably because of that), I really liked the time skip. I was REALLY hoping to see Tim Drake, but I thought it would take too much time and maybe the series wouldn't make it. Seeing Nightwing too is great, and the relationship the 2 'robins' have is awesome! I was very pleased with the way each Robin was approached! Hoping to see more!
So, I have a few questions, and I'm not really sure if they are spoilers because they're tricky, unclear things that may or may not be explained in the future. If they turn out to be spoilers, I sincerely apologize.
1. Does Ra's al Ghul know Batman's secret identity like he does in the comics? What about Vandal Savage (in Justice League: Doom he did, I don't know if he does in the comics)?
2. Does The Light know Roy Harper's secret identity? I'm guessing they do, but then why haven't they found out Green Arrows?
3. Are you involved in the writing of the tie-in comics?
I like the Light being so subtle, but don't they consider knowing their enemies identites as a means to destroy or at least having advantage over them? The classic 'hurt the loved ones' move in case they're desperate? It probably wasn't their plan and it turned out well against Kaldur! I would certainly consider it! Thanks!

Greg responds...

1a. Yes, as revealed in issue #11 of our companion comic.


2. Yes.

2a. Who says they haven't?

3. YES!!! I'm writing them!!

3a. Everything's on the table with the Light.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg:

I have a few questions that pertain particularly to Amazo. As I believe his story is over, I'm hoping none of these questions will run afoul of the spoiler rules.

1. Amazo's powers appear to be based on technology (when he replicated the Canary cry, there was a sonic cannon in his mouth. Given this, would he have been able to replicate powers that are hard to replicate with technology, such as the Green Lantern ring, Martian Manhunter's telepathy (he didn't mind-read Superboy's intentions when he was accessing Martian Manhunter), or Zatarra's incantations?

2. It was never shown on-screen, but does Amazo also have the attendant weaknesses when he is accessing a specific hero (say, Kryptonite to Superman or fire to Martian Manhunter)?

3. Given that Professor Ivo was revealed to be a Light agent, why didn't he build more Amazos to do all that work on Rimbor? Wouldn't it have been easier to do so, than to try to infest the League and the Team?

4. The Amazo display in the Hall of Justice museum (in Alienated) has an intact head. Is this a replica of the original? If it is a benign replica, why is it shown in a disassembled state?


Greg responds...

1. These are fair questions, but I'm not sure I know the answer. But I'm going to say... yes, some powers are more difficult to copy than others. For example, even though he encountered Green Arrow, we didn't show him shooting arrows... because he didn't have access to a bow.

2. I'm going to say no. Unless the weakness is inherent in the power, i.e. density-shifting around an invulnerable solid object.

3. How is that easier let alone convincing?

4. It's the real thing. So obviously, another Amazo was built during the timeskip.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JC writes...

Do you find it as annoying as I do when people ask if Atlantians eat fish? I mean they live in the freakin OCEAN for cryin out loud...thats like asking "do Americans eat land mamals?"

Not so much a question, but a plea...if its not already decided on, please dont make Beast Boy vegitarian...most animals are preditory, it seems to me his conection to animals would enhance his carniverous Human traites, as Humans are primarily meat eaters.

Greg responds...

1. It seems like an odd question to me, for the reasons you state. But it doesn't rise to the level of annoyance.

2. Hmmm. You make a good point. But I could see it go either way.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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J writes...

Two questions
1- has the term 'meta(human)' ever been used to describe a superpowered being on E-16?
2-Is this BeastBoy a vegetarian like most other versions of him?

Greg responds...

1. It's only now coming into vogue. The Kroloteans and the Reach basically introduced the term "Meta" to this context.

2. I'm gonna say... yes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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People's Choice Awards

Would anyone like to see Young Justice win a People's Choice Award?

Write in your vote for our nomination here: http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/nominations/vote.jsp?pollId=120024

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NIck writes...

1) Why is Guardian's Armor in the Hall of Justice?
2) Is Sandman still alive?

Greg responds...

1. He donated it.


Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Purple writes...

In Season 1's "Infiltrator", I noticed that Miss Martian's eyes glowed red while she lifted Kid Flash out of the pool. So far in Season 2, her eyes are glowing green whenever she uses her powers.

My questions:

1) Does a red glow mean telepathic inexperience?

2) Can her teammates see the colour of the eye glow as well? Or is it used to tell the audience that she's using her powers?

Greg responds...

1. Um... maybe.

2. Yes, they can.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

I find it extremely out of character for Batman not to say anything after M'gann lobotomized that Krolotean right in front of him. What's up with that?

Greg responds...

You're assuming a lot.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Nobody Liked Jason Todd Anyway writes...

Greetings people of the past. I am from 5 years in your future. I traveled to this backwater time period to warn you of the perils you will face in the next 75 months. I cannot go into the specifics on what led to this tumultuous point in human history. But I have traced the cause and have determined that it was the unfortunate decision to skip 5 years ahead in the Young Justice cartoon. The International League of 'Shippers will launch a massive attack on The Legion of Timeskip Apologists and the resulting battles will tear the DC Nation apart. There will be mass hysteria. People painting finger stripes on their hands. People holding large crowds hostage at Power Ring point until Weisman and Vietti tells them, once and for all, the exact age, astrological signs and favorite foods of everyone in the DC Universe. The streets will run red (blue, yellow, purple, green and sometimes puce) with cartoon ink. It will be CHAOS. Skip backwards 5 years in the Young Justice storyline before all is lost and may The Spectre have mercy on your souls. (Drink Slurm™)

Greg responds...

I'm probably less amused than you were hoping I'd be.

You must see that even if Brandon and I suddenly agreed that the timeskip was a mistake - and we don't - there was literally NO WAY at the time you posted this that we could have taken it back. Not unless you didn't want to see ANY episodes for another year.

That's not me being an "Apologist". That's just me stating facts. We did the timeskip. We liked the timeskip. By the time you found out about it, it was way too late to do anything but go forward. WAY to late.

And of course, as of this moment, literally the entire first two seasons are now in the can. DONE. FINITO. No turning back now. And by the way, I wouldn't want to.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Alex Roggio writes...

I searched through many of the unanswered questions using the Find-feature and couldn't find this one so forgive me if you'd already answered it by now, but:

If Roy Harper's clone was Speedy for 3 years before becoming Red Arrow, this me means he must have been 14-to-15 when he replaced the original Roy Harper. In YJ:I, we learned through Superboy that the Cadmus clones cannot age. So how did Roy Harper's clone go from being approximately 14/15 to the 17/19 year old we know as Red Arrow? All this while Superboy spent 5 years without aging.

Can Red Arrow age? If so, what makes him different than Superboy?

Greg responds...

NO, we did NOT learn "that the Cadmus clones cannot age". We learned that SUPERBOY doesn't visibly age. That's a result of his specific origins. It has nothing to do with the various clones of Roy Harper.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Tammie writes...

Did you make Aqualad evil as a way to phase him out of the show? I mean, I don't understand how he can turn evil so quickly after being the team leader. He was so calm and level headed, it just doesn't make since to me that he would have allowed the secret about his father and the death of Tula to affect him that much. I liked him as team leader, it showed that a different kind of person could be leader in the superhero world ... but alas, i digress.

Greg responds...

I don't think you're digressing. You're just sort of... jumping the gun. By now, you should have a better view of the big picture.

But, even so, I do take issue with your "so quickly" comment. It's been FIVE YEARS since you last saw him. Five years is plenty of time.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You made me really like Lagoon Boy in this episode of Alienated. He is not a "jerk" at all. I feel sorry for what may happen regarding the future regarding Megan. His respect/love for his King was the thing that won me over. I almost wish we have an episode with him and Conner alone on a mission (no megan please...too much of her as it is) and just guy to guy/hero to hero.

And good show on Superman. It's funny how awesome he was in this and he did not even detract from time of the kids or other heroes. That's a sign of great writing.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Credit for the script goes to Kevin Hopps.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Watched Alienated yesterday and DARN YOU! You raise a question, answer it, then replace it with more questions! Aqualad's working with Black Manta? Oh that's why but Tula? When? How? What?! And the worst is I know you won't ansswer any of my questions!

But anyway, loved the episode. I enjoyed seeing the interaction between the Bat-Family, Connor & Clark, Cassie & Diana. Very cool. and I'm starting to really like Jaime & the scarab arguing. Am I correct in assuming he hasn't told anyone the scarab telepathically talks to him? Oh yeah, I like the foreshadowing of "The Competitor". I mean, I know it's the Reach, which is why they freak out when they see Blue Beetle.
Anyway, eagerly awaiting next week!

Greg responds...

"Am I correct in assuming he hasn't told anyone the scarab telepathically talks to him?": As of 'Alienated', no.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Synonymous writes...

Why weren't the fingerstripes included in Nightwing's costume?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Phil Bourassa, though I can wager that any and all costumes need to be simplified to some degree for animation.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Why do the Kroloteans have different horn variations?
2. How did Ocean Master subdue Queen Mera in Issue 15 when he could not use offensive magic?
3. Is the Bio-Ship a common vehicle on Mars?
4. Do you ever get annoyed with people asking you the age of characters?
5. Whose idea was it to include classic Justice League trophies in Alienated?

Greg responds...

1. They have castes with different functions. Or put another way, why do some humans have blue eyes and some have brown. We're not all carbon copies.

2. He used defensive magic to turn her own attack back against her. Sorry, if that wasn't clear.

3. Not uncommon, but not commonplace.

4. Not annoyed. It can be a pain. Particularly now that we have so many different timeframes that they might be asking about. It increases the likelihood that I'll get confused and pull the number from the wrong place.

5. Mine, I guess. It actually goes back to a scene that was cut for time from the original script of "Independence Day" (episode 101).

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In comparison to his mainstream counterpart, could you share with us at least five things about Earth-16's new Robin (Timothy Drake) that is not already known to us/revealed by you? Again, in keeping with your stricter guidelines, please understand I am NOT asking for any sensitive "SPOILER REQUEST/NO COMMENT"-type of information whatsoever. Hopefully, whatever five things you can share with us will not fall into that category.

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I don't see how this isn't just another way to get a Spoiler."

[Response recorded on October 8, 2012.]

Response recorded on October 21, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

This is a question that recently popped into my head about a year ago. One that I've never heard asked before...

Superman like many heroes wears his suit underneath his civilian clothing but this is something that has just occurred to me.

1. When he changes where does the cape go? The thing is SO LONG it's like mid-calf.

PS: I appreciate the opportunity to be able to ask a creator of a series questions like this. It's something that I've always wanted to be able to do. Ask a creator of something that I'm a fan of why they did something, or how they felt about it. So thank you for giving us fans the opportunity to be able to have a dialogue with you. It is VERY much appreciated.

Also I hope this series is able to last past a second season and beyond, I knew when I saw the premise that it would create a fault in the fan base. Unforeseen slightly radical changes in a series usually either go love/hate. I just hope there are more fans like me out there that aren't so thrown when developments like this occur and have enough faith in creators and writers like you that you know what you're doing to wait for the smoke to clear before deciding whether they really truly like it or not. Sure Artemis, Wally, and Kaldar were missing. But the fact that they were main characters in the first season surely would mean that they wouldn't disappear without a trace and never be spoken of again. Patience is a virtue that many fans need to learn.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure Clark DOES wear his costume under his clothes all the time. He might just be a SUPER-FOLDER. I'm way more concerned about where Clark puts his glasses when he's Superman.

Response recorded on October 18, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 21: "Players: Chapter Two: Directly to Jail": On Sale: NOW!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 21: "Players: Chapter Two: Directly to Jail": On Sale: NOW!

Hey gang, I'm back from Ashland. Had a great time. Saw some great plays, particularly "ALL THE WAY", a brilliant piece about LBJ, written by Robert Schenkkan (writer of The Kentucky Cycle - and a Star Trek actor to boot).

And, in the meantime, issue 21 of our companion comic book hit the stands yesterday! It's part two of our six part magnum opus that introduces our comic book readers to the cast of Invasion. It features some gorgeous art by Christopher Jones, and I'm fairly proud of the writing as well. Check it out online or wherever comic books are sold!

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 210: "Before the Dawn": Premieres!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 210: "Before the Dawn": Premieres: this Saturday, October 13th as part of Cartoon Network's DC Nation block. (It repeats Sunday too.) Check local listings for times.

Keep in mind, this tenth episode of Season Two was plotted before we knew if we'd get the second half of the season. Once we got that pick-up, we assumed this would be our hiatus episode. Instead, we took the break after 207 (which was a great and exciting stopping point, so no complaints). But nothing changed about our story in 210. This is a significant episode on every level: plot, character and LOTS of action. Don't miss it!

I'm posting this reminder a couple days early, because I'm leaving this afternoon to head up to Ashland, Oregon for the Shakespeare Festival. But believe me, my DVR is set to record both YJ and Green Lantern.

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Osain88 writes...

I saw your latest episode today "Alienated".I was wondering if Kaldur'ahm and his dad are both called Black Manta or is Kaldur'ahm under another identity.

Greg responds...

There are times when Kaldur is intentionally posing as/standing in for his father, in which case, he's actively trying to fool the opposition into calling him Black Manta (or Manta for short). Other times, no such subterfuge is being attempted, and he's generally referred to as .... drumroll... Kaldur'ahm, i.e. his name. Some folks still refer to him as Aqualad, of course, which is natural.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Superboy Fan writes...

Quick question what made you decide to make superman and superboy's relationship like brothers instead of father and son; no problem with it it just seems odd, since it changed the already established "father/son" dynamic? In season 1 batman says to superman "the boy needs his father" and in alienated superman calls superboy "little brother" and in the comics they were played off as 'Cousins'.

Greg responds...

I can't speak for the comics, at all.

But I think the whole father/son thing was part of the problem for Superman. When he readjusted his thinking (sometime during the time skip) to regard Superboy as a little brother, it all straightened out fairly easily for both of them.

Ultimately, I believe in a Superman who isn't perfect, but is deep-down, fundamentally, a good guy. He may not have been ready to 'parent' a clone that was created without his knowledge or consent, but he could be a big brother to that clone.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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btgr writes...

What was Black Manta eating and drinking at the end of "Alienated"?

Greg responds...

I don't remember. Is it visible on screen?

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Mirage (I had hippie parents) writes...

Greg, I have three questions for you!

1.) How did you catch the comic fan bug?

2.) If you could have dinner with any superhero, what would you serve? (dessert included)


3.) with the Avengers out soon, and the success of countless tv shows including Young Justice, What do you think it is about comic books that is so intriguing and fasinating to people?

Greg responds...

1. By reading comic books.

2. I don't know. I know the question's meant to be fun. But my brain just doesn't work like that. Sorry.


3. Archetypes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Dee writes...

1. How long has it been since Tula died?

2. How many years ago did Kaldur find out that his dad is Black Manta?

3. How long has Kaldur been working with Black Manta?

4. When and how did Aquaman know Black Manta is Kaldur's father? Since Kaldur was born?

Greg responds...





Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Harrison writes...

Dear Greg, love the show and I was wondering do the different colors of the Kroloteans sash's signify rank or something else.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Lobo sure seems to like using the word 'frag'. Is the English equivalent of that word a certain four letter swear word with the letters 'e' and 'r' tacked on at the end?

2) Is Artemis physically stronger than Wally?

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know what word you're referring to. Seriously. But "frag" means die or kill, but it's also a cuss word.

2. Probably not.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

One thing i forgot in the Adam question earlier did the officers understand anything he said or was the translation just for Sardath and Alanna?

Greg responds...

They were not part of M'gann's link.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

Did you ever work on x-men? i ask because so far i've seen 3 fastball specials
2-202-Superboy/Beast Boy

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

Reagarding adam's distaction in Earthlings could one assume he is a Lewis Carol fan or did he just think of the craziest words he could? and why did the others look surprised was works by famed authors not part of Conners g-nome homeschool, or Happy Harbor High English class?

Greg responds...

1. He's enough of a fan that he knew it by heart.

2. Why wouldn't he look surprised? Was that in ANY way NOT a surprising choice?

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Brian writes...

Since Black Manta had replaced Ocean-Master as a member of the Light can we assume that he inherited Ocean-Master's code name of L-5?

Greg responds...

Have you EVER seen the Light use those codes? Or just the credits on the series?

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

This posting is about my thoughts on the May 12th episode of YJ:Invasion. If you see questions, you'll know when you see it.

I watched "Alienated," and I still can't believe Aqualad became a traitor. According to his claims, he blames The Team for the death of Tula. He also blames Aquaman for not telling him about his relationship to Black Manta. I'm surprised that Aquaman knew all along in this Earth-16 continuity. When Aqualad tries to escape, Nightwing and Superboy try to take matters into their own hands and attempt to stop him on their own, but the distraction of the bomb complicated things. It's worth nothing, as I'm sure you've seen on the episode, that it seemed like Aqualad personally wanted to fight one-on-one with Nightwing (since he said "Just you and me, old friend"). He obviously didn't get a chance this week, but I have a feeling that their personal showdown is inevitable.

Otherwise, this has been a great episode this week. We got to see Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl team up. We got to see the entire Bat Family (sans Jason Todd) in action. We also see Superman's relationship with Superboy greatly improved as they treated each other more like brothers rather than as father and son. Was it my imagination, or was Superboy called Kon-El?

The sad part, beside Aqualad being a traitor, was the fact that the accused members of Justice League (along with few that are joining them voluntarily) had to leave for trial since they now found out what they did. I hope everything goes well in that trial on whichever episode shows up in the future.

Oh, and another thing, since Black Manta is replacing Ocean-Master (who's oddly been disgraced for unknown reasons), is he filling in his former position in The Light?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

1. It was not your imagination.

2. I'm not sure what you're asking - unless you answered your own question.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Absolutely loved this episode! I was AWSOME!!! I especially loved the interaction between Clark and Conner; when he called him "little brother" I couldn't have been more happy!! I was all AAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW! ^_~

Also Blue Beetle doesn't fail to bring a chuckle to me with everyone constantly thinking that he's talking to himself...

Question regarding him though; I know this series is different considering that this is another Earth, but in the comics the scarab was against causing physical harm to living things, even almost getting Jamie killed sometimes. Yet in "Alienated" it sounds like the scarab wanted to vaporise the Krolotaian.

1. So is this scarab different in this way?

Also I noticed a young African-American boy with dreadlocks in the Hall of Justice looking at what I guess were a pair of Cheshire's katanas?

2. Was this a young Virgil Hawkins?

One of the many things that I love about this series is that it's like a "where's Waldo" of DC comic book characters.

Keep up the good work! Hope you get a season 3! I'd love to see this show continue past this season.

Greg responds...

1. Apparently.


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Jody writes...

Was that a young Virgil Hawkins in Young Justice: Alienated?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, DC should let you do a Justice League series based on the New 52. I like the way you write and have a healthy respect for all characters and development of them feels more authentic than anything I saw even in the JL/U series. You don't dumb anything down and treat your audience as intelligent by challenging us to think/react. Thank you for such a great show as Young Justice.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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d writes...

Hi Greg!
Thanks for the amazing work on YJ! I was never even into comics before, but after watching episodes with my little brother, I have to admit I'm hooked. So thanks :)

Anyway, just one question: You guys were permitted to continue with Season 2 : Invasion around the beginning of Season 1 I think. So if you hadn't been allowed a Season 2, would Season 1 with a different, finite ending? And once you were granted with S2, did you have to change a lot of plans?

Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to watch the next episode!

Greg responds...

Nothing would have changed. The plan was the plan.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Aqualad, NOOOOOO!!

1. Is the original Black Manta now a member of The Light?

2. Were there villains in The Light that preceded the seven we saw in season 1?

3. Do any members of The Light know that Kaldur is Black Manta's son? Do they know that father and son are working together?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. No.

3. All of them know. (Although whether Klarion remembers is a legit question.)

3a. Yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

Three questions
1. Does Jaime want to be a dentist?(it's his comic dream job)
2.Since it looks like Jade knew Roy2 was a clone was the flirting just to annoy-a him,b-Artemis,or c-both?
3.Could Red Arrow and Superboy be considred 'brothers' since they were both cloned by the same orginization?

Greg responds...


2. C doesn't cover it.

3. By Dubbilex's definition, yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

In 201 Robin, and La'gann appear to think Jaime is talking to himself, but logically could'nt Miss Martian have checked and confirmed the Scarab is sentient.
2- is the scarab named Khaji dal
how long has Jaime been a hero, was it somepoint before the skip or during?

Greg responds...

1. How? And why would she?


3. During.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Diana writes...

1. How old is Sardath?

2. How old is Alanna?

3. When you're creating the YJ characters, do you think about what ages they are first or do you think about their overall personality/character and then give an appropriate age suited to their traits?

Greg responds...

As of December 31st, Team Year FIVE:

1. Sardath is the human equivalent of a 58-year-old.

2. Alanna is the human equivalent of a nineteen-year-old.

3. The latter, generally.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Alexia writes...

I have some questions regarding the episode, Earthlings.

1. I noticed there were no subtitles when the Rannian language was spoken. I am curious, what were Adam, Alanna, Sardath and the Rannian police saying in the Rannian language throughout the episode?

2a. Does Sardath know that Alanna has a crush on Adam?

2b. If so, how does he feel about it? Does he accept his daughter's liking for Adam or is he against it or entirely neutral about it?

3. Does Adam have a crush on Alanna as well?

4. Do Rannians age the same rate as humans?

Greg responds...


Alanna: A-dahm! A-dahm! [Adam! Adam!]

Alanna: Ol fao aeli vier qu, A-dahm! [It is good to see you, Adam!]

Adam: Sardath-Cho, Alanna… olf fao Miss Martian, Superboy ul Beast Boy… leps Urth. [Honorable Sardath, Alanna… these are Miss Martian, Superboy and Beast Boy… from Earth.]

Sardath: Lam talsa, "Urth-lingz". Fao A-dahm ililoc qu duss maol ao Apic-Zeta? [Greetings, Earthlings. Did Adam tell you what happened with the Zeta-Beam?]

Science Patrolman: Thom-Ranagari tho faor doh-heger! Vier glusten! [We cannot allow the stranger to escape. Keep searching.]

Science Patrolman: Tomtel! [Don't move!]

Alanna: Duss? Qu ililoc Urth-lingz?! [What? You're speaking Earthling?!]

Sardath: Duss maol? Fao tertel bu ael? [What happened? Is my daughter all right?]

Alanna: Ba sistris qu, Mis Mar-shawn. Su-pear-bo sistris qu emsec… [I'm worried about you, Miss Martian. Superboy is too.] {I think this line might have been cut for time.}

Alanna: Ba lalto onamao ol dol qu wake up! [It would really help if you would wake up!]

2a. It's hard to miss.


3. It's hard to miss.


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

Why is Rocket in the Justice League in YJ: Invasion? The conversation between her and Icon in the Season One episode "Usual Suspects" suggested/implied that she was going to stay on The Team.

Greg responds...

Yes, five years ago - at age 15, she was quite happy on the Team. Five years later, at age 20, she was offered a spot in the League and took it. These two things are not incompatible.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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milo writes...

Mr Weisman, I have a few questions regarding the dynamics in Young Justice:
1. Who was Rocket closest to on the team (in a best friend way)?
2. Are Beast Boy and Lagoon Boy good friends?
3. Nightwing aside, who on the Team is Tim closest to?

Greg responds...

1. If you mean in episodes 125 and 126, I'd say Zatanna. If you mean beyond that: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. Good enough.


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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farsider writes...

I am an Aquaman fan and am a bit disappointed to see Aqualad MIA so far this season, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. When we last saw Mera she was two months pregnant. If the pregnancy and delivery went well, there is a 4-to-5 year old heir to the throne around somewhere. (Arthur, Jr.(?) if she had a boy).

1. Were you aware that the original Aquababy was 5 years old when he died?

2. Are you familiar with the outstanding blog, www.AquamanShrine.com?


Greg responds...

1. It's immaterial.

2. I am now. I was interviewed by them recently.

And by now, I think you know that we're hardly low on Kaldur'ahm this season.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Chris writes...

1) In an earlier interview you had mentioned that the first episode of season 2 had a character you really enjoyed writing. Now that episode has aired are you willing to reveal which character that was?

2) I hope this isn't considered a spoiler question. Would legal issues arise in using characters like Behemoth and his Gargoyle clan from JLA Showcase 1? Or are parody/homage characters like that useable in Young Justice? (Just using them as an example. The question is in regard to all similar characters.)

Greg responds...

1. G. Gordon Godfrey.

2. That would be really weird to me. But I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know if "It feels weird" is a legal term.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

Seeing as you have stricter guidelines, I figured I try something different today.

Can you tell us at least five things that the Earth-16's version of Wonder Girl have in common with her mainstream counterpart? Please understand that I am NOT asking for any sensitive "SPOILER REQUEST"-type of information (aka. the BIG details)whatsoever.

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

I don't see how this isn't just another way to get a Spoiler.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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An Intelligent Mackinaw writes...


I heard down the grapevine you're a fan of Joss Whedon.

1.) Have you gotten to see the Avengers film yet?

2.a) If so, did you draw any inspiration from it, seeing as it's in the same "super-hero ensemble" genre you write (so well) for?

2.b) What modern works (be they film, television, literature, art, or not at all) do you draw inspiration from? Or just like?

3.) Over your career, you're written generally high-concept stories. Now more than ever, it seems like high-concept stuff has entered the mainstream (aliens, super-heroes and giant transforming robots running around everywhere). Since everyone's playing in the same sandbox artistically, does that make it more difficult to come up with original ideas? Without subverting or straight-up parodying the genre you're writing in?

4.) How do u rite so gudd? What would you recommend to new, ambitious writers, to help us learn to write with confidence and voice and stuff?

5.) Your decision to skip ahead 5 years (in YJ) shocked me, upset me and piqued my interest. I've never seen a show jump so much time, so I'm very excited to see how you all bridge the two season together. How did you let the studio powers-that-be let you take such a big narrative risk? Was it a big struggle?

Thanks for (presumably) taking the time to read and answer my questions. I love that Ask Greg makes it so easy to reach out to an artist I admire, whose work I respect. I'm the biggest fan ever of everything you've ever done, yadda yadda more accolades, etc. But really, you are an inspiration.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2a. We were WAY done by the time I'd seen the movie.

2b. Check out the "INFLUENCES" archive here at ASK GREG.

3. I'm not sure you're defining "High Concept" correctly. I think you mean "genre" has entered the mainstream. In any case, I just don't think in those terms. I'm just trying to tell good stories.

4. READ the classics. WRITE a lot. Proofread scrupulously. Get yourself VERY educated. Read newspapers. Etc. Or check the ASK GREG archives for a more complete answer.

5. No struggle. Everyone loved the idea.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Lulu writes...

Questions about the episode "Earthlings".
1.Is it fun having Beast Boy in the show with having his abilities of animal shape shifting?
2. Can Beast boy only turn into animals he's seen? Or if he concentrates on the form can he turn into them?
3. I noticed that when Beast Boy was looking at the alien bird it was only his head that changed. Can I safely assume that Beast can also change certain parts of his body?
4. Can Beast Boy stay in a sort of in between stage when turning into animals?
Loving YJ so far! Keep it up!

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it is.

2. He has to have seen and made physical contact with them.

3. Yes, though he doesn't make a habit of it.

4. In theory.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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A Young Justice Fan writes...

So I've been keeping up with Young Justice: Invasion again, and I've noticed Beast Boy mainly only turns into animals. Now I remember Megan didn't have this limitation, and seeing as Garfield's powers came from Megan, it's a bit confusing as to why he would have the limitation when the source didn't.

So I guess my question is: Why is Beast Boy only limited to animals when Megan isn't?

Thanks for your time. :)

Greg responds...

It's complicated.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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armorhide writes...

Does any member of the team whare glasses when not in costume?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Jasser writes...

1.Is BeastBoy wearing Bio-Organic clothing like miss.Martian, or is that just part of his abilities?

2. Do the league-ers have an interrogation process? Many characters in season one who the league had their hands on could have provided vital information.

3. Does Adam strange have any connection to Hugo in this universe?

Greg responds...

1. She got him a Martian Bio-Suit and pre-telepathically programmed it for two settings: form fitting collar or full body-suit.

2. By now, you've seen some of this.


Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Jill writes...

Thanks for all the work you and your colleagues put into such a great series!

I was curious if this universe has a system for dealing with the property damage that comes with the existence super powered heroes and villains, it's always something I end up thinking about watching animated series.

In terms of..
a. Is the league expected to help the general public repair neighborhoods and cities?
b. Is money privately and publically budgeted for expected damages in high risk cities? (The typical home areas of all the different heroes.)
c. Has it ever become an image/PR problem for the league? Or does the status quo put lives before property and accept it as an inconvenience/blame the bad guys?

Very excited to see where Invasion is going. :) Unexpected but interesting twist.

Greg responds...

a. "Expected"? That depends on who we're talking about. But I think they do help when they can.

b. Perhaps.

c. Mostly the latter, but things ebb and flow.

I have the feeling there are entire industries on Earth-16 (insurance, certainly) dedicated to this stuff. In fact, I'll make up one such on the spot: LexSure, a division of LexCorp.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Based on Beast Boy's flashback in "Earthlings," I suspect that Queen Bee killed Marie Logan (and presumably tried to kill Garfield as well) as revenge for Miss Martian's deceptive actions in "Usual Suspects." Why wasn't Marie Logan and her son put into protective custody in order to avoid further danger from Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to confirm or deny your hypotheses.

But as for the lack of 'protective custody', it was a combination of M'gann's naivete and Marie's stubborn desire to stay put and run her sanctuary.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Freeman writes...

Hello Greg Weisman, thank you for this interesting opportunity. I'm a big fan of Young Justice and it's great to see another great DC show around. I'm sorry to say this is the first show by you that I've watched (I should fix that). Snappy writing, fun undercurrent of mystery, and from what I understand is a staple of your shows, not assuming your fans are incapable of following an ongoing plot line.

I love the fight scenes in the show. Very fluid animation; and I enjoy in particular when the "normals" get to cut loose and drop some martial arts on each other. I also find it fun when Superboy gets to utterly wail on people.

Anyways, I have a question that has been plaguing me in recent years. I'm not sure if the answer varies from show to show but here it is. How much say do the writers get in the crafting of the action scenes? Do you guys lay down some guidelines for what must happen in a fight or do you ultimately leave it up to the animators and/or artists?

Well, there's my question that quickly devolved into a multi-question, I'm sorry. But, please, keep the awesome coming man! I hope this show keeps on keepin' on! Six seasons and a movie!

Greg responds...

Every series is different. On YJ - and most of the shows I've produced - I make sure that the script spells out the action in real detail - in part to attempt to assure that we're not winding up with an episode that's too long or too short. Having said that, I then am happy to have our board artists, directors and my fellow producer (on YJ that's Brandon Vietti) go to town and PLUS the action and visuals. But I do get approvals on all this to make sure we're staying on point with our story and not doing stuff that's out of character or off-tone for our series. Then you have the timers and, of course, the animators contributing too.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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J writes...

So this Beast Boy's powers are derived from the martian blood in his body and not THE RED-(the energy cast off by animals)?
and regarding the transfusion would that make Gar 1/16 martian or something?

Greg responds...


2. I don't know how to answer this. It seems like an exercise in semantics.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #209: "Darkest": Credits:

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #209: "Darkest": Credits:

I'm going to attempt to post all the credits for the episode here to compensate for how minute they are and how quickly they zip by on the air. Please note, that I'm just cutting and pasting the final credits from a document. It's possible that as the episode was posted, changes, mistakes, additions, etc. were made for the version that aired.

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Jon Weisman

Directed By
Mel Zwyer

Line Producer
David Wilcox

Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis

Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason

Starring The Voices Of

Oded Fehr as Ra's al Ghul
Stephanie Lemelin as Tigress
Eric Lopez as Blue Beetle, Scarab
Yuri Lowenthal as Icicle Jr., Tommy Terror, Lagoon Boy
Jason Marsden as Impulse, Ray Palmer
Jesse McCartney as Nightwing
Danica McKellar as Tuppence Terror, Megan Wheeler
Masasa Moyo as Karen Beecher
Nolan North as Superboy
Khary Payton as Aqualad, Black Manta
Kevin Michael Richardson as Mal Duncan
Jason Spisak as Wally West

Based On DC Comics Characters

Nightwing Created By
Marv Wolfman and George Perez

Impulse Created By
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo

Beast Boy Created By
Arnold Drake

Ray Palmer/The Atom Created By
Gardner Fox

Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway

Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome K. Moore

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Fedja Jovanovic
Nollan Obena

Prop Design
Eugene Mattos

Jay Baker
Kevin Conroy
Charles Drost, III
Steve Gordon
Jason Navarez

Storyboard Clean-up
Jen Bennett
Naz Ghodrati-Azadi

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz

Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Matthew Bordenave

Background Paint
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi

Jhoanne Reyes

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White

Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Seung-Man Heo

Background Directors
Seung-Chan Kang
Young-Bae Lee
Sang-Hyob Nam
Dae-Gun Han
A-Reum Kim
Pa-Rang Lee
Sang-Un Kim

Production Manager
Young -Soo Yoo (Director)
Min-Sung Park
Su-Mi Beck
So-Sang Yoon
Ae-Gyeong Lee

Production Coordinator
Hyo-sun Ryu
Seong-mi Park

Layout Artists
Kyung Chuk Sa
EungWhan Oh

Color Stylist
MeeHyun Ahn
Soo Jin Hwang
Ji Young Hwang
Moon Hee Na
Da Un Jeung

Model Checker
Kyung Suk Heo
MyungHee Park

Ji won Park
Jong Sub Jang
Han Geul Yu

Key Animation
Sang Min Kim
SeungReoul Ryu
Seok Ahn
Hun Kuk Park
Young Hoon Gill
Jong III Lee
Jae Gyu Cho
Chung Sik Lee
Kyung Duk Lee

Gyu-Han Yoo (Director)
Gyu-Sung Oh
Final Checker
Young Ra Cho

Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams

Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian

Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones

Executive Producer
Sam Register

This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.

There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Ryan Johnston - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
Winson Seto - Publicity
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #208: "Satisfaction": Credits:

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #208: "Satisfaction": Credits:

Okay, we're back. I'm already a week behind, but I'm going to attempt to post all the credits for the episode here to compensate for how minute they are and how quickly they zip by on the air. Please note, that I'm just cutting and pasting the final credits from a document. It's possible that as the episode was posted, changes, mistakes, additions, etc. were made for the version that aired.

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Greg Weisman

Directed By
Doug Murphy

Line Producer
David Wilcox

Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis

Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason

Starring The Voices Of
Lacey Chabert as Zatanna Zatara
Nick Chinlund as Crusher Crock
Crispin Freeman as Speedy, Red Arrow
Kelly Hu as Paula Crock, Jade Ngyuen
Kittie as Raquel Ervin
Eric Lopez as Jaime Reyes
Jason Marsden as Bart Allen
Danica McKellar as Megan Morse
Masasa Moyo as Wendy Harris, Karen Beecher
Nolan North as Conner Kent
Kevin Michael Richardson as Mal Duncan, Otis
Mark Rolston as Lex Luthor
Alan Tudyk as Oliver Queen, Captain Cold

Based On DC Comics Characters

Miss Martian created by
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Mal Duncan Created By
Bob Rozakis and Jose Delbo [Not really. I think the correct creator is Robert Kanigher.]

Zatanna created by
Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson

Jade created by
Marv Wolfman and George Perez

Impulse created by
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo

Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Robby Huckell

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway

Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome K. Moore

BG Key Design
Fedja Jovanovic
Nollan Obena

Prop Design
Eugene Mattos

Jay Baker
Todd Demong
Miyuki Hoshikawa
Doug Murphy

Storyboard Clean-up
Jen Bennett
Naz Ghodrati-Azadi
Val Kung

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz

Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Matthew Bordenave

Background Paint
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi

Jhoanne Reyes

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White

Animation Services
Lotto Animation, Inc.

Supervising Animation Director
Heechul Kang

Background Director
Yunhee Kim
EunHee No
Eunjung Choi

Animation Directors
Sinkwon Kim
Sangjoon Lee
Myeonghwan Park

Production Staff
Hyoungmin Doh
Miok Kwon
Eonho Lee
Jinhwa Heo (Jun-E)

Layout Artists
Myoungin Kang
Changnam Kim
Minsu Kim

Final Checker
Hosoon Shin

Color Stylist
Mihyun Ji

Model Checker
Junghee Kim

Sangbong Oh
Banseok Choi
Yuri Choi
Sunghun Lee
Daehee Rim

Key Animation
Seokjin Jang
Eunhwa Jung
Kwonil Kim
Jihyeon Nam
Younghwa Seo

Seokki Um
Misook Choi

Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams

Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian

Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones

Executive Producer
Sam Register

This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.

There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Ryan Johnston - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
Winson Seto - Publicity
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 209: "Darkest": Premieres!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 209: "Darkest": Premieres!

This is a big one. Our latest NEW episode airs this Saturday and Sunday morning (October 6 & 7, 2012) on Cartoon Network's DC NATION BLOCK. It's called "Darkest", and it is. It REALLY is.

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S writes...

The Scarab said the Staple gun would be more effective if who fired throught what?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

SCARAB: "That tactic would be more effective if you fired through bone."

[From "Young Justice" episode 204, "Salvage." Originally aired May 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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chlj writes...

First let me say i really enjoyed the first season of young justice and couldn't wait to see the second season of young Justice!!But i wouldn't be honest if i didn't say that i was surprised and shocked at the changes that were made, the time jump of five years, the focus changing from the seven members from the first season and the big shock, Miss Martian and Superboy breaking up!!

Even those i could see that coming not because they weren't a good couple. A lot of things have turned out to be the same as the first young justice comic book series,you changed the way they get there, plus it seems everybody wants superboy to be with wondergirl like in the comics. As for me, i like Miss Martian and Superboy as a couple and hope they get back together in the future but that just me!! That being said, i did enjoy the first two episodes from season two! My Questions,

1.How tall is Miss Martian in her true form?
2.Did Miss Martian have anything do with Superman finally accepting Superboy?? She seemed to know he was coming!!I guess what i'm asking is did she talking to him.

Greg responds...

1. Pretty tall.

2. She was facing Superman and saw that he was heading toward Superboy. So she made herself scarce, so the two of them could talk. For more on the Superman/Superboy relationship - including what role M'gann might have played in it, check out our Young Justice companion comic (issues 20 (on sale now) through 25). This is a major subplot of the story.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Janet van Dyne writes...

In the comics, Bumblebee could not use her suit to shrink, nor did she have a relationship with the Atom, but in Young Justice she can shrink and is the Atom's sidekick/lab partner/student something (as of my asking this, only Earthlings has aired). These two traits wouldn't happened to be derived from another bee-themed superheroine owned by a certain other comic company, would they?

Greg responds...

Our show was NOT the first time Bumblebee shrunk. We got it from existing sources. So you'd have to ask the creators of those sources if Wasp was an influence on them. We are - as far as I know - the first to make Ray Palmer her mentor, but that mostly fits in with the dynamic of our series, and has nothing to do with Marvel's Wasp, who was in a romantic relationship with Hank Pym, not a mentor/protegee relationship.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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EXALT writes...

So, if the theme of Season One was secrets and lies, what is the theme of Invasion?

Greg responds...

There are - and have always been - a lot of themes, and 'Secrets & Lies' is still the biggie.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Celestia writes...

hey Greg awesome job on the show. I am really loving how Megan's character is being developed. I love the fact that she isn't as inocent as she made us believe.

I have a questions regarding the episode "earthlings"

1.-Is Adam strange related to Hugo Strange?

thanks for your time

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

who all lives in the cave now that 5 years have passed

Greg responds...

Superboy, Miss Martian, Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy, Mal Duncan. (Not sure why I answered that, but...)

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Meow writes...

Wow! I was watching Young Justice: Invasion episode two and I must say, that was awesome!!!! But what caught me off guard, was when Adom Strange was talking about Alice and wonderland characters, such as the jaberwock and the bandersnatch. (sorry if I misspelled the names) I find it funny how he used that as a distraction. :) Why is it that many DC Universe characters are affiliated with Alice and Wonderland? (Characters such as Artemis and Adam Strange)

Greg responds...

Um... probably my fault. I have a fondness for the works of Lewis Carroll. Not on the level of my Shakespeare obsession, but I'm a fan.

On the other hand, Nicole Dubuc wrote this script, and I honestly can't remember if the Jabberwock stuff was her idea or mine.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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