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JAC writes...

Mr. Greg,
I have full faith that you know what your doing, but I have to ask...how in the heck is future Neutron aware of the changes to the timestream if his entire criminal career never happened? For that matter, how/why did Impulse even travel back in time if the events that led him there never happened?
Time travel is only confuseing to those without common sense...its pretty cut-and-dry: if you go back in time & do something, thats what happened all along (there are really no such things as paradoxes), because if it didint, then there would be no reason to go.
Do you plan to rectify this plot hole, or just leave it as another "artistic liberty" for people to accept?
That may have sounded kind of snarky, but without some kind of "events have crrated an alternate universe," or other valid explanation, it seems kind of insulting to the intelligence of viewers when TV shows use time travel so flippently.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I'm sympathetic. This is NOT my favorite way to depict time-travel, as any regular viewer of GARGOYLES knows. (And there ARE such things as paradoxes, but some are WORKING PARADOXES and some are NON-WORKING PARADOXES. Otherwise, you're defining the word "paradox" too narrowly.)

But in the DC Universe, there are certain time travel conceits built in, and fairly irrevocably so.

But I tried to at least maintain a certain "BACK TO THE FUTURE" (first movie) consistency about it, at least. Neutron was close to the locus of the time machine's ground zero. So I can buy the idea that his memory lasts a little longer, as he probably was exposed to chronaton radiation. And Impulse is now part of the revised time stream.

I don't think we're being flippant. (And I do think you're being snarky, frankly, as you are basically stating that if we don't do time travel the way YOU like it done, we are insulting the intelligence of our audience. I don't buy that.)

Since - to our knowledge - time travel is an ENTIRELY fictional conceit - the fact that we're handling it (by strict rules) in a way that doesn't suit you (or even me) doesn't make it "wrong".

(The irony of course is that I spent years defending the strict, strict rules of Gargoyles' time travel, and now I find myself defending the flip side.)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Harmony writes...

Freckles don't just disappear with age. Where have Wally's beautiful freckles gone? Is he covering them with makeup?

Greg responds...

Actually, sometimes freckles DO disappear with age. I've seen it.

And, no, Wally's not using make-up.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Rebecca writes...

Does G. Gordon Godfrey work for Fox News?

Greg responds...

No. For GBS.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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dude writes...

Why aren't the minority cast fully flesh out as the white cast?

Greg responds...

I reject the premise of your question. (And I'm not the only one who rejects it. Just a few questions back, someone was praising us on this very point.)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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louis writes...

WHY have you introduced Impulse on the show? Now Kid Flash goes even more for a loser .... and yes it may not go as fast as Flash and even his grand-son is better than him

Greg responds...

Can you see me shaking my head sadly?

Kid Flash is not a loser. Never was. Isn't now. If max speed defines who the winners and losers are than Nightwing must be a real loser, because he's slower than all of them.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Drew writes...

1 How high is Mt Justice?

Greg responds...

Not too high these days, I'm afraid.

(I'm sincerely curious. Was this a factoid you truly wanted to know, or were you just looking to ask a question that hadn't yet been asked?)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Was that cop in Central City in Bloodlines Fred Chyre or Darryl Frye?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Impulses writes...

First off I loved Bloodlines but I have a few questions. First off Does Bart AKA Impulse have the same aging problem he has in the comics? Secondly How old is Impulse? And lastly what is the mode?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. When he left the future, he was 13.

3. If you don't know by now, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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J31 writes...

Have you ever coinsidred making another blog?(this one is kinda backed up.
Is it a nightmare when you see all the questions in the unanswered section,or does it make you feel nice knowing you have so many loyal fans?

Greg responds...

1. How would THAT help?!

2. Not a nightmare. Occasionally overwhelming. And it is nice (most of the time) to see that folks are watching/reading/giving a damn.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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AXE writes...

1. Did Neutron really say his name during the fight or did Bart just say he did to cover the fact he(Bart) knew his(Neutron) name?
2. Bart's Comicon line made no sense in context it's a wasteland, so why was it in there?
3. Was it planned that Superboy and Ms. Martian who used to date, and have been in every episode since their debut would miss their first episode in the series consecutavlly? or was it a "coincidence"?(i've watched enough of your shows to know you always plan it out in advance)

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. The present is not a wasteland. That's what he was referring to.

3. Who appears in an episode is a function of story. (And to a much lesser extent, budget.)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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