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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, why did Cadmus cut off Roy Harper's arm? I know you've said that they needed a quantity of DNA seperate from his cryonically frozen body. I just don't understand why his being frozen was an issue with availability. They have his whole body. His DNA is in every part of it. They don't need to defrost him in order to get a sample. Even if they did, why not just use his blood? It seems a lot simpler to me, and the first step of cryonic freezing (in the real world, at least) is to remove all of the subjects blood and replace it with a preserving agent.
Was it meant as a reference to the much-maligned Cry For Justice storyline. If so, why do an homage to a storyline that has inspired such wide-spread loathing among everyone who isn't an employee of DC Comics? Hyperbole on my part, perhaps, but I've yet to find a single review of it that was positive, and I've deliberately tried.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure on what level to respond to this.

Obviously, on Earth-16, cryonic's doesn't include full on blood replacement. Obviously, at the time Roy was captured, the good folks at Cadmus felt that in the early stages of their cloning experiments, taking his arm made the most sense.

As for your out of universe comments, I haven't read Cry For Justice, so I have no opinion on its execution. But once we decided that we were going to have both a Red Arrow and an Arsenal on the series - and that both would originate with Speedy, it made sense to us to utilize the amputated arm idea on all sorts of levels. It wasn't an homage. It was utilitarian.

If it didn't work for you, it didn't work for you. But it worked for us, and I think it seems to have worked for a majority of the fans.

WE LIKE OUR SHOW. And, dude, you're just not going to convince me that I don't like the show. Stop trying.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, why did Nightwing perform chest compressions on Artemis when she (seemingly) had a chest wound? First Aid for someone with a chest wound is to apply pressure to the wound (preferably clean dressing, if available), apply pressure to prevent further blood loss, and get them medical care immediately. Performing CPR on a person with an open wound in their chest is just going to force more blood out of their body, thus exacerbating their primary medical problem, a loss of blood. Without blood to circulate, CPR is pointless.

Greg responds...


Seems to me without a hearbeat, ANYTHING else is pointless, so Nightwing was trying to generate a pulse. But I don't pretend to be a medical professional. If we got it wrong, we got it wrong.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg. I was wondering if you could provide the voice credits for the following minor characters from Season 2 thus far?

S02E01: Happy New Year
- NYC Police Officer (who tries to stop Lobo)

S02E02: Earthlings
- Rannian Science Patroller #1
- Rannian Science Patroller #2

S02E03: Alienated
- Hall Of Justice Tourist
- Manta Sectors 1, 2 and 4

S02E04: Salvage
- Arlington Nuclear Power Plant Security Guard #1 (male)
- Arlington Nuclear Power Plant Security Guard #2 (female)

S02E05: Beneath
- El Paso Bus Depot Clerk

S02E06: Bloodlines
- Central City Police Captain

S02E07: Depths
- Manta Trooper

S02E10: Before The Dawn
- Reach Captive #1 (male with long hair wearing cap and red shirt)
- Reach Captive #2 (blonde male wearing beanie and white shirt)
- Reach Captive #3 (female with a hair bun and yellow shirt)

And are the Kroloteans performed by voice actors or sound effects? If they have voice actors, would you mind sharing who provided the voices?

As always, your time and replies are greatly appreciated. Looking forward to the second half of Season 2!

Greg responds...

The only place I keep that kind of information is on the hard copies of my recording scripts, and unfortunately, at the moment, those are boxed until I can find the time to go buy a new file cabinet for my Beverly Hills office.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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Brian writes...

I know you said in a few other questions that Ms. Martian was the only member of her family who had a "white" appearance. She also mentioned that she had 12 sisters, and that Martians stay close in large families through telepathy. So:

A) How close is she with her Martian family, now she's on earth? Does she write/communicate/keep in touch?

B) Was there any difference in her relationship with her father, compared to her siblings, because she faced the same prejudices He did?

C) How well did she get along with her siblings, was she especially close with any of them?

Also, I'm not sure if you plan on answering this in the show, so if it's not a spoiler request, why did Beast Boy develop powers after being bitten by a Green Monkey? Why not right away? And, would a bite from any other animal have done the same thing, or is there something special about green monkeys?

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this.

Greg responds...

Okay, for starters, I never said that. In fact, I specifically said she had one brother who was a White Martian. Nor did I say that Martians "stay close in large families through telepathy". So...

A. Largely, no.

B. Every relationship is unique.

C. Every relationship is unique, but she was not particularly close to any of them. Sometimes it was her fault, sometimes one of theirs.

As for your Beast Boy question... have you seen the show?

Response recorded on March 13, 2013

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Nicki writes...

What exactly made Tommy Terror that big in season 2? I mean look at him! What has he been eating? Babies? O____o

Greg responds...

Yes. Babies.

Response recorded on March 13, 2013

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demon in disguise writes...

Why was Wally not on the last mission in Before the Dawn, if he claims that he's terrified for Artemis's life? Maybe I'd be more sympathetic towards him if he was doing anything he can to help make the situation better and wasn't content to just sit and wait, and hound Dick for all the decisions he makes. Especially since he was willing to get involved in Bloodlines but NOT HERE. Unless Dick asked him to not get involved because of his emotional state THEN I retract the above criticism. If not how can Wally just sit there and not do something to be proactive at a time like this?

Greg responds...

You're assuming Wally's in the loop. He's not. Obviously, the destruction of an entire mountain in Rhode Island made the news, so Wally showed up to find out what the hell was going on! But he's not receiving a daily briefing. His job in this is to go about his life, as if he's mourning his dead girlfriend. Not, literally, running around, fighting crime.

Nightwing did not invite Kid Flash to participate until the briefing that took place just before "Summit". Obviously, as soon as Nightwing called, Wally was there.

Besides, I don't see Wally moping around on the show, saying some equivalent of "Sympathize with me! Why aren't any of you sympathizing with me?!" So I'm not sure where all this attitude towards him is coming from.

Can I just say, you sound really judgmental. I'm not sure you mean to, and I'll grant that the internet both encourages this and makes tone hard to truly decipher. But that's definitely how you come across to me. I would hope our series generates a more nuanced response.

Response recorded on March 13, 2013

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Just want to say thanks for taking the time to answer all the questions that we the fans ask (me included) I certainly didn't expect you to reply to that desperation rant that I posted here. O_o.

I will be the first to admit that I was embarrassed after I cooled down and read it a couple of days later, so I very much appreciate that you took the time to humor me.

And I just saw the official trailer to the upcoming second half of the season! I was already excited when I learned of the new date for DC Nation's return, but now I am SERIOULY pumped! That teaser got blood pumping! Young Justice never ceases to improve, just when I think: Ok it's already so amazing they have to be nearing the proverbial "glass ceiling", you prove to me that you and your team are still flying high!!!

I'm so looking forward to seeing Static! He's one of my fav superheroes! Loved his series when I was a kid so I'm stoked that I get to see him again!

And all the runaways with powers popping up all over the place?!, reminds me of Smallville. (That's not a negative comparison by the way.)

Things are getting hot in here!

We've got super powered teenage runaways, (Conner and Mal were worried about maybe having to babysit Impulse and Speedy? Ha!) secrets and lies, and an alien invasion all being dealt with at once, that is one big inter-related problema...

Even caught Superboy giving Nightwing a good tongue lashing. (That ought to be an interesting conversation.)

One word:


Still hoping for a season three! I will be just one of many happy fans if it's ever announced, and one of the most heartbroken if by some odd twist of fate it's not renewed...

Just the fact that it's taken them this long to come to a decision means that if we do get a third season we'll have to wait a while before we'll see it... though with Beware the Batman and Teen Titans GO! coming I guess there will be time to produce the season, (maybe that's what they are banking on?) If so seems like DC Nation will just start juggling their content like ABC Family and USA do with their original series. While one show is airing the others are being worked on...

Anyway... I'm excited! Just one week to go! (Really two since I was fortunate enough to have snagged "Before the Dawn" before it was removed from iTunes...


Greg responds...

By now, hopefully, you've seen all but our season finale. And that's only a few days away!

Response recorded on March 13, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

What happed to Beast Boy's Dad?

Greg responds...

Who said anything happened to him?

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Robert writes...

Hi Greg,

I was just watching "Targets" again for probably the third or fourth time (and for the first time since before the show returned last September) when I noticed something interesting. In that episode, during the conversation between Red Arrow and Lex Luthor at the Peace Summit between North and South Rhelasia, Luthor tells Red something about Lexcorp being dedicated to peace. In response, Red Arrow says, "I've got intel linking Lexcorp shell companies to the sale of weapons in both Rhelasias. You're profiting off this war."

We learned in "Satisfaction" that the original Roy Harper had been abducted while investigating a Lexcorp shell company that he and Green Arrow suspected of smuggling weapons into North Rhelasia.

My questions...

1) Are these two events in fact the same? I mean, when Red Arrow was speaking with Luthor at the Peace Summit regarding his "intel", was he referring (unknowingly, of course) to the same event that led to the original Roy's capture (and, by consequence, his own creation)?
2) If the answer to the above is no, then feel free to ignore the rest of the paragraph. However, if the answer to the above question is yes, then I'm also curious: was Red Arrow's presence at the Rhelasian Peace Summit orchestrated by the Light in advance? I mean, obviously for Sportsmaster to extract information from him and issue new programming, Red had to be there, and he had to be alone. But if he hadn't been there at all, it seems likely that Cheshire would have actually killed Luthor - it just didn't seem to me like she knew what was really going on. But wouldn't it be too great a risk for the Light to knowingly put one of its own in jeopardy - unless they KNEW beforehand that someone (and a very specific someone, at that) would be there to "save the day"? Moreover, for this whole plan to succeed without Luthor being assassinated, both Cheshire and Sportsmaster had to have been explicitly told NOT to kill Red Arrow - which they could probably have done together very easily.

I'm not trying to put forth my own ideas here or anything. I just want to know, in light of the events and revelations of "Satisfaction", if I'm reading this whole scenario correctly. Or... am I just reading too much into all this?

Thank you for your time, sir!

Greg responds...

1. More or less.

2. Cheshire did not know ALL the details, but as you saw in "Auld Acquaintance", she clearly knew some of the details.

3. You're not reading too much into anything, as far as I can see.

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Regarding the two additional guests to Rocket's shower- clearly their identity is a spoiler. When they finally do show up in one form or another, will you let us know it was them?

Greg responds...

In an interview posted today on World's Finest, I've basically outed them. They were Donna Troy and Mary Bromfield.


Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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