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Ollie'o writes...

Dear Mr. Greg,
1. In Happy New Year Dick says this to Tim, "Just don't die okay. And no unnecessary risks to the squad. That's an order." Is this some subtle reference to Jason?
2. Why did you choose to exclude Jason from the story altogether? I understand that Jason't story is dark and sad, but what about non-comic-reading people who don't know who the Robin in the Grotto was? The world will never know about Jason Todd's sacrifice. (3. See what i did there?)
Okay, my Jason Todd rant is over. Nightwing out.
PS the show has gotten to be just outstanding recently. Give yourself a figurtive pat on the back.

Greg responds...


2. If, as you suggest, we had chosen to exclude Jason from the story altogether, why would we INCLUDE him at all?

Everyone's SO impatient for everything to be included instantly. And then they also bitch when we include too much and THEIR favorite character isn't getting enough screentime because of it. Talk about a no-win scenario.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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JC writes...

A few months ago my post in witch I said that I was looking forward to Mal taking on the roll of Guardian was deleted three times.
Now that it can no longer be considered a spoiler, I would just like to say YOUR AWESOME.
Mal as Guardian (and not a lame Herald or Vox) is the coolest thing! Predictable...but still cool!
Thanks again.
But, since this is ASK Greg, not tell Greg, here is a question for you:
Does Jim Harper aprove of Mal taking his moniker and costume?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Hana writes...

Does Black Manta really care about Aqualad? Or is he just being egoistic about his son success? How does Aqualad feel about his father?

Greg responds...

I think those questions have been answered by now in the show itself.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

FINALLY get to post my response to the last episode of YJ. First off, nice work with Arsenal, I like the laser arm and the attitude. The biggest surprise for me was seeing Deathstroke, did not see that coming. I love the design, but why doe he have a ponytail? Also, I like Vandal mentioning also havig kids, since I read Secret Six and thoroughly enjoyed Scandal. Finally, the Green Martian beetle? Very cool, I like the reference in his name; B'arss O'oom? Cute. But I'm not sure if he should be trusted yet. Guess I'll just have to wait & see.
Thanks for the great episode, look forward to next week's!

Greg responds...

I've dealt with the ponytail already.

Oh, and it's spelled B'arzz O'oomm.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In bloodlines, Bart said he needed to get 'in character' before he used the time machine.

Does that mean he's putting on a facade of being cheerful and cocky the whole time we see him? Or was he acting at first, but is genuinely that way now that he's escaped from the dismal future?

Greg responds...

Does it have to be either/or?

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

It seems that when the green Reach scarab attached itself to B'arzz O'oomm, his face is made to look more humanoid-looking after the armor covered his entire body. Do all Reach scarab give their hosts a humanoid-looking face after attaching themselves to their bodies?

Also, it appears that B'arzz O'oomm remains in natural Martian form after the scarab attached itself. Does that mean he cannot shapeshift his body to be more like a human?

Greg responds...

1. I think the premise of your question is highly debatable. It seems to me that it gives everyone a REACH-looking face.

2. He can if he wants, as I'd hope you've seen by now.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

In Young Justice, do Jay, Barry, or Bart have the same hyper-fast metabolism as Wally? And if not, why don't they?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Jay's accident. Barry's experiment recreating Jay's accident under laboratory conditions. Wally's near disastrous attempt to recreate Barry's experiment in his parent's garage. Bart's genetic inheritance. Four different methods of acquiring super-speed means that none of the effects are exactly the same.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Nash writes...

Greg, True Colours was awesome for the most part.
There's just something that's been bugging me lately. I hope you don't mind.
As much as I love how you've charaterised Jaime and Bart, I can't help but think that they've been hogging the spotlight at bit too much lately. This won't be at the expense of the other characters, will it (namely Cassie, Gar and Barbara, and to a lesser extent, Tim and La'gaan)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Louissa writes...

Hey, Greg, not a question, jut wanted to stop by and tell you that "True Colors" was brilliant! Green Beetle was a shocker, I really didn't see that one coming. Now you probably realise everyone's wondering if there's gonna be a Red Beetle in. But I'm not asking that. Second, Impulse is a great character. He has that thing everybody liked about Wally in the first season, but at the same time he's really different and actually awesome.
Oh, and if the show goes on hiatus again, I'm going to slip in a severe depression, so no hiatuses, okay?
Thank you for creating this show that sums up all my wishes and all my childhood. And though I'm 15 I'm telling you, I'll never stop watching this show as long as it airs and I honestly hope I'll be watching it all my high school years.
You and your team are incredible! Thank you, again.

Greg responds...

Hiatuses were never up to me or within my ability to control one way or another. But I'm glad you loved the series.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Since Martians have a fondness for earth television, have cultures from earth affected Martian culture? Did they have their own tv shows before Martian Manhunter sent tv signals back to his home? Does Martian Manhunter send tv shows of different languages or mostly western tv shows?

Greg responds...

Mostly American television shows, but not exclusively. As for the effect on Martian culture - beyond HELLO, MEGAN! on M'gann - that's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. Also keep in mind that just because Robin said "All Martians love television," that doesn't make it so.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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