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Just a Nerd writes...

So, I just made a connection in my mind from YJ, and I would like to have it confirmed or denied. Was the toxin used on Psimon also used on Ugly and Whisper in Salvage?

Greg responds...

Yes. Although, I tend to think that Sportsmaster used a stronger - less safe - dosage.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

Considering that Arsenal was able to- defeat a cyborg with a laser cannon using only 1 arm, and (albeit with a weaponized prosthetic- that was low on power) avoid a small army of Reach soldiers in a space station the size of a small moon for like a week- would you say Ollie does in fact "train em well"?

Greg responds...

Yes, I would.

I think Ollie's a really good guy. Not perfect, but good. He can be dense sometimes. He's not Batman, but he does very well with what he has. And he feels things intensely. He allows himself that.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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CuriousCat writes...

As I have fallen in love with the Runaways, my questions shall be focused on them.

1) Ethical issues of their treatment at Star Labs- there are consent laws and various other examples of red tape that meant that Star Labs would need parental consent, along with the teens', in order to perform experiments. Was consent given, or did Star Labs keep the teens illegally?

2) How aware was the League/team of what was happening with the teens in Star Labs?

3)Relating to Tye's comment in 'The Hunt' about Nightwing only asking them to join the team then; why didn't Nightwing ask them if they wished to join the team earlier? (I can see some reasons, such as lack of control, but lack of experience shouldn't inhibit them as the team is partly to train teen heroes).

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Consent was provided by Eduardo Dorado Sr., Shelly Longshadow, Virgil's parents and Nate's foster-parents. Asami refused to provide any information about her background, beyond her name and the obvious fact that she was from Japan.

2. Yes. Keep in mind, the kids were being rigorously tested, but they weren't being tortured or experimented upon. It was far from ideal, but all concerned thought it was a necessary evil.

3. Nightwing may very well have asked them to join the Team as a matter of course, when Wilcox felt he had conducted all the necessary tests to make sure their powers weren't a danger to themselves or others (i.e. outside the kids' own control - as Nate/Neutron's had been).

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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K writes...

I loved seeing the closet full of board games at Wayne Manor.

1. Was this in your script, or was it Chris Jones' idea?

2. Did the games belong to Dick, or were they from when Bruce was a kid? Or some combination of the two?

3. Do Bruce, Dick, and Alfred ever have time to play all those board games?

Greg responds...

1. It was in my script.

2. Alfred bought them all.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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JDalCanton writes...

1. Is the reason for Jeff Bennett voicing T.O. Morrow and all his (male) androids a shout out to Star Trek? I know Brent Spiner played Data, his "brothers" and their creator.

2. What made you and your team decide to interpret Mongul and Despero the way they appear in the series? Despero is a galactic gladiator rather than a tyrant and Mongul isn't pure evil or petty as he tends to be portrayed.

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly. Although it probably springs from the same impulse.

2. Despero has been so many things over the years, that we felt we had the freedom to make him what we needed. As for Mongul, my first exposure to the character was his original Wein/Starlin appearances. I believe we were consistent with those.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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TIMEBRO writes...

Hey Greg a timeline question or threerather.

1. You have detailed timelines for Young Justice and Gargoyls, do you do this for everything you do even when you havent built the universe from scratch like in your Captain Atom comics or WITCH?
2. When did you start this trait?
3. You have time and time again noted that YJ has no "canon year" and that 2010 worked for Year Zero as a math thing. So does that mean season two being in 2016 by that reckoning was a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Not everything, no. I have a Captain Atom timeline from way back, but I'm sure it has no relevance to current DC continuity anymore. I don't think I ever did a WITCH timeline in the strictest sense, but I did make an effort to keep track of the backstories, etc.

2. In elementary school.

3. Heh heh heh.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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Cheyenne Barber writes...

Dear Greg Wesiman,

1. I am a super super fan of most of your shows, only being fourteen my favorite is Young Justice by far it has captivated me into the world of DC Comics (I still like Marvel better :) ) in all seriousness what can we do to stop the Weisman curse, because it is there.
2. This is not really a question but still thank you for all the fan service I really do like Blue Beetle randomly taking off his shirt it makes my Saturday Mornings awesomer.

Greg responds...

1. There is no curse. Please DESIST from advancing that rumor. There are specific circumstances behind the success - or lack there of - of every series I've worked on. MOST series don't last forever. I've had good runs of varying length on a number of shows. That's it.

2. You're welcome, I guess.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"The Hunt" was a good episode. Here are my thoughts about the episode and a an unrelated question

Thought #1 - I was happy that the Reach were seemingly exposed for their true intentions. Still, with Godfrey, I 'm still a little unsure. I'd imagine that Godfrey is probably some undercover agent working for Apokolips, but I'm going to wait and see.

Thought #2 - Thanks to Arsenal's behavior, he's off the Team and with the Runaways. I suppose the only good thing he's done is tell the Runaways about what Lex did to him and the true purpose of the rescue mission. I hope he doesn't do anything crazy…

Thought #3 - I'm glad that Nightwing and Miss Martian are dealing with their mistakes and I'm glad that Miss Martian is not angry at Nightwing about the whole undercover assignment that Kaldur and Artemis are doing. Still, I wonder how everyone might react if Nightwing eventually confesses the truth to everyone?

My question - Which possible character(s) from Marvel Comics would be similar (in terms of background, abilities, etc.) to your interpretation of Arsenal (the real Roy Harper) and why?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

Though I'm happy to read your responses to our episodes, and I don't mind answering questions, PLEASE, PLEASE stop giving me essay assignments.

Why would I be able to answer this any better than you?

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Mônica writes...

Artemis seems a little unhappy with her false death, the disguise and all the situation she is in, mainly because she liked the life she had with Wally. Then, if she is so unsatisfied, why did she accept this mission and put all her happiness of a normal life in risk?

I am not complaining. I am loving the episodes, but I wanted to know what she had in mind when she accepted the mission.

Greg responds...

I think she STATES her reasons at various moments in the series. At one point, you literally get to hear her thoughts on the subject. I don't know what else I could add to that.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Fernando writes...

Hi Greg! I was wondering, does the fact that Red Arrow's house (that we see in 'Salvage') looks a lot alike Red Hood's in "Batman: Under the Red Hood" hold any significance, was it a coincidence or is it spoiler territory? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Do you mean Red Arrow's Washington D.C. apartment, which was the same one he was using in "Auld Acquaintance"?

I don't recall if it was reused or not, but if so, I'm sure it was done to save manhours.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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