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Joe writes...

Since Marie Logan listened to Queen Bee and drove over that cliff, can we infer that she is attracted to women? Maybe I'm thinking too literal with Queen Bee's power.

Greg responds...

I think your inference is valid.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Christopher Rosa writes...

Hey Greg I,m a big fan, this is the first time asking you a questions, I try asking you before but I think for some reason my questions did,nt post, or at least I think it did,nt post, I did,nt find the question or a answer, well here are my questions,
1. You once said that the team does not know that Miss Martian abuses her powers, well in episode Cornered were Bumblebee pleads with M'gann to try a mental attack on Despero, did she know she would brain blasted Despero?
2. I was wondering does Martian Manhunter know Miss Martian abuses her powers?
3. In episode Alienated Batman and Martian Manhunter saw Miss Martian Miss Martian forcibly extracted the Kroloteans' evacuation point from his mind, did they approve or disapprove?

Greg responds...

1. It depends on how you define "brain blast".

2. Not definitively, no.

3. They 'saw' no such thing. You saw it because you had context.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Deftera writes...

Where is Donna Troy's whereabouts as of the beginning of Season 2?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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ShadowStar writes...

Greg, thanks so much for revealing the unknown Team designations in the World's Finest interview! A lot of us were going nuts over who was who, lol. I have a few questions about those designations, if that's ok:

1) Is it correct that Guardian is B-24 and Arsenal is B-25? Some of us figured that Arsenal joined first since he took up that codename three episodes before Mal became Guardian, so I just wanted to be sure.

2a) Is Lieutenant Marvel's true identity Mary Bromfield?

2b) Is Sergeant Marvel's true identity Freddy Freeman?

3) Did Donna Troy wear the black costume from the comics when she was on the Team as Troia?

4) Did Phil Bourassa design YJ versions of Troia, Lieutenant Marvel or Sergeant Marvel?

5) Were Donna Troy and Mary Bromfield originally meant to be at the bridal shower in "Satisfaction"?

Thanks for your time. I've enjoyed YJ a lot and I'm hoping that you'll get the chance to continue the story somehow.

Greg responds...

1. There was nothing incorrect in the interview.

2a. No.

2b. No.

3. Costume was never designed, so I don't know. It would have been a discussion between myself, Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa.

4. No. We ran out of available man-hours.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Brandon Vietti said that he wanted Red Hood to appear in season 2 if there had been room - was the original plan to give Deathstroke's role to him?

Greg responds...

I don't believe for a second that Brandon said that.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Chazzie writes...

I have a question about Bumblebee's stingers. How effective are they? Can they pierce through certain solid materials like wood or metal? Can they only effect organic objects? Are they kind of like Tazers?

Greg responds...

They're more like tasers.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Read your interview with World's Finest. Lots of designations!

A lot of assumptions I made are true. Yay!

Was it intentional that Jason Todd be... Unlucky thirteen?

Greg responds...

Just worked out that way.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Bill writes...

1) Did you have any unused story arcs for the tie-in comic that involved the Justice Society of America or the All-Star Squadron?

2) On May 5th, 2012, you revealed there was at least 7 major characters that the staff wanted to add to Season 2 but there just wasn't any room for them and they were saved for the comic book and/or a potential Season 3. Did any of these 7 appear between Issue #16 Common Denominators and Issue #25 Players Part 6?

3) If the answer to 2) is yes, who were they?

4) On July 18, 2012, you hinted a Wildstorm character was included in a 'stealth way.' Was this in Young Justice season one or in season two?

5) Young Justice had 179 name characters in season one and 145 in season two. Could you please post this list of name characters in a series of Ask Greg rambles (for example 1-50 in one post, 51-100 in a second post and so on)?

Greg responds...

1. I have unused stories for just about everything.

2. Can you link me to that 'reveal'? Was I saying seven total or seven in addition to what you saw? Do you have candidates from those issues of the comic or are you just trying to get answers without having to read them? Three of the characters we had wanted to include but could not - and which I've already revealed - were Troia, Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel.

3. I don't think the answer is yes. But my memory isn't what it used to be.

4. One.

5. Maybe, if the mood strikes. It doesn't at this moment.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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nygma619 writes...

Not really a question but something I thought you'd enjoy listening to given your love for Shakespeare. Jason Spisak reading a scene from Romeo and Juliet in his Wally West voice.


What did you think?

BTW on his 18th birthday did Wally West win the lottery on Earth 16 like he did in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. I'd heard this. It's fantastic.

2. No.

Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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Nicki writes...

Since Wally and Artemis live together in season 2, do they share a room and bed, share a room and have individual beds, or have their own rooms and beds?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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