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Marvelman writes...

Hey, Greg. I would just like some clarification on something. Impulse repeatedly hinted that stopping Blue Beetle from becoming a villain wasn't the only reason for his travelling to the past. What were the other reasons? Was it just to help Neutron?

Greg responds...

That. And saving Flash's life, and generally stopping the Reach Apocalypse.

Also, he wanted to try Chicken Whizees.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anon writes...

First off, thank you for making my Saturday mornings something to look forward to and meaningful to me.


1. In Endgame, after Wally gave his life to help Barry and Bart, the Team shows up to greet the remaining leaguers, with Aqualad standing on the front of the super cycle. Were they informed of Aqualad being a traitor before returning the Earth off screen, did Nightwing tell Batman before he left for Rimbor, or were they all surprised to see him there?

2. Did Batman want Captain Atom to be take over as the leader of the League before that title was given to Black Canary or was it decided that each leaguer could only be the leader for a set amount of years?

3. After production on Young Justice ended and the show was not renewed, were the crew members of the show moved to different projects or left out of work?

4. Was there an official reason for why Young Justice wasn't renewed for a season 3?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure there was all sorts of surprise to go around.

2. I'm not clear on your question, but I think it's ASKED AND ANSWERED.

3. Some of each.

4. Not a single one, no.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In Bart's timeline, did Wally die?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Liam writes...

Hi Greg,

I do have a few questions, but before I ask them, I just want to thank you and everyone who worked on the show.

The entire run of Young Justice was flat-out amazing, and had everything from humour to sad moments to great action. The story hooked me and the characters were likable but flawed, making them relatable...there are so many more things I could say about how great the show was. I have to go buy the DVDs soon, so I can always have the show and the memories it has given me.

As for the questions I had, they are:

1. When you look back on making Young Justice, is there anything you are most proud of?
2. This sounds a bit odd, but if the original members of The Team could break the fourth wall and tell their viewers one last thing; what do you think would each say after the finale? (Though I really hope the series can continue with another season, movie, comic or something...)

Thank you for your time and creating such an emotional and great series!

Greg responds...

1. There's a TON I'm proud of. I don't know if anything specifically qualifies for "most proud".

2. I'll leave such hypotheticals to your imagination.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Mirami writes...

I see that the queue is very cluttered with fan rambles that are either pissed off about his fate or begging you to tell them that he isn't dead/will be brought back in season 3.

Personally, I will choose not to ask anything pertaining to Wally. I have faith that you, Brandon and the rest of your crew had your reasons for doing what you did and that you guys know where you're headed with this. So instead, I'll focus my efforts on trying to get to that Season 3 so we can see for ourseleves what happens next. :)

Moving on, you had given a list of the designations in your interview with World's Finest Online right before the finale and there were seven "SPOILER REQUESTS" which I figured meant that we would been seeing these characters in "Endgame."

Based on who we saw in the episode, I'd wager that as of the 20th of June, Tempest and Blue Devil were the unknown Leaguers, and Virge, Ed, Sam and Tye were the four unknown guest designations. Then by the 4th of July, Virgil gained a Team designation upon becoming Static.

Could you either confirm or correct this?

And last but certainly not least, thanks to all of you guys for writing all of these characters and stories that matter so much. I really hope that we can get not just a third season, but a fourth and a fifth, too, while we're at it.

Greg responds...

I could confirm or correct, but I won't.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What was Zatanna's reaction to finding out it was her glamour charm that disguised Artemis and led her to believe that her best friend was dead?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Ali writes...

First off, I love Young Justice. Thanks for making such a great show!

My question is about the Light, Reach and Bart's future. It was made pretty clear in Summit and Endgame that the Light planned to betray the Reach. They seem to have planned out all contingencies and have an even bigger masterplan involving Darkseid - basically they knew what they were getting into. So what happened in Bart's future? Bart always referred to it as the "Reach Apocalypse" and the Reach/Blue Beetle were obviously in charge - it seemed as though the Light didn't intend for the Reach to actually conquer Earth in their masterplan, so what went wrong? It just seems weird to me that the big baddies who seem to have endless schemes, tricks and Xanatos gambits could have got it so wrong.

Greg responds...

Nobody's perfect.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1: Is Kylstar and the others who stayed with him conquering other planets while YJ:I is going on?
2: Can Shimmer's power affect flesh or just materials?
3: Does Tim have living parents or does he stay at the Wayne Manor?
4: How strong is Vandal Savage? (Considering he took down Black Lightning,Captain Marvel, and Black Canary like nothing) If answered, why is he that strong and was he ever that strong in other continuities?

Greg responds...

1. In theory.

2. Anything, I'd think.


4. He's pretty strong. Plus he has a healing factor that in essence augments his strength, allowing him to push to the far limits of it without sustaining injury.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

First of all, I would like to say thank you for such a quality show! It's given me new hope for this age of television, though its cancellation has dampered that a bit. But I still have faith that it will be renewed someday, hopefully sooner than later. Anyway, here are a few questions on my mind.
1. I know you don't want me asking how long the planned time skip for season three was, but I am curious if there's any hope for a shorter time skip than before. So instead, my question is, is there any hope that the time skip this time around could be a matter of months? Or is it more your style to plan longer time skips? I felt the first time skip was natural, as I already knew the characters well (aside from maybe Rocket) and I welcomed a mostly new cast. However, I now feel that with the time constraints and more plot-based story, I'm still just getting to know these characters, and would like to keep getting to know them as they are. All the same, I trust your decision-making and would look forward to whatever you and Brandon cook up.
2. If you were to get another season, would it be like season two, a more plot-driven season, or would it return to being a character-driven story? Would a character-driven season even work, given the amount of characters now on the Team? And also, would the amount of episodes given make a difference in your decision in this matter?
3. What scene do you most regret not being able to include in/before the finale? (Un-moded Jaime reuniting with Tye/his family, Artemis reuniting with Paula, more of Red Arrow and/or Cheshire and Lian, more of the runaways, just to give a few possible examples)
Thank you for your time, and just know that I'm so honored to be a fan of your brillant show! May things go well with your future endeavors.

Greg responds...


2. The amount of episodes ordered would indeed make a difference in what and how much we would attempt cover, among many other decisions.

3. Too many to count.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Thanksalot writes...

Well, since Young Justice just finished its run, I thought I might as well say a huge thank you.
I've been a fan of your work ever since I caught a WITCH episode, and unfortunately around the time Spectacular Spiderman was airing I was at that "I'm too old for cartoons" stage of life. Thank God I got over that, and with a little internet magic I was able to watch Gargoyles, Spec, and learn about Young Justice. I enjoyed the characters, plotlines, art, fight scenes, acting,basically everything (aside from few complaints here and there, but nothing too major).
Most of all, I enjoyed that it remembered it was a cartoon and not a comic. When Wally died, I was able to actually feel sad rather than groan and think "oh great, now I have to wait until he's retconned back into existence". If you get a lot of hate mail for that, don't worry. He's a popular character who recently got poorly handled in the comicverse, so people tend to be overprotective. Personally, I think him going to speedster Valhalla or the like is way more fitting than wiping out the whole of his heroic career.
So thanks to you and the entire Young Justice team for putting some serious effort into this show. It was much appreciated.
And since I feel obligated to ask a question, the finale aired on March 16th. How did you manage that?

Greg responds...

Heh heh heh.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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