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Young Justice: Invasion

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi again Greg. Apologies....I see most of my designation questions were asked before. So let me ask a couple of new ones.
As Team members have continued to join, have they all received (and in Static's case, will receive) hand-to-hand combat training? If so, is Black Canary still in charge of the training?
Though they are not Team members, will Tye, Asami and Eduardo continue to be trained in their abilities?
Does Arsenal keep in contact with Virgil, Tye, Asami, and Eduardo? Though he was kicked out of the Team, does Arsenal keep in touch with Artemis or other members? With Roy and Ollie?

Greg responds...

1. They have or will.

1a. She's still in charge, but much of the training is now handled by members of the Team, especially, believe it or not, Superboy.


3. Some.

3a. Some.

3b. Yes.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Hannah writes...

Thank you for Young Justice. It was just such an amazing, brilliantly written show. I just a question.
Were Dick and Jason close before Jason died?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Josie Harper writes...

I also wanted to ask just three more questions:
1) Approximately how old is Lian?
2) Do Red Arrow and Arsenal hang out or talk to each other at all?
3) How does Jade feel about Arsenal? (Does she think he is stubborn or something like that?)
Thanks again for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Lian was born in September of Team Year Five.

2. I'm tempted to say "Spoiler Request". But what the heck? Yes. Some, at least.

3. They're not close.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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James G. writes...

I know this is not a question but I would just like to thank you. To everyone who worked on Young Justice, from the writers, the composers to the voice actors and to you and Brandon. Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful story to follow, and making it an experience of a lifetime.
Never before has a show captured my imagination, nor the characters seemed so real as Young Justice has. The experience of watching these characters grow, coupled with the amazing acting and art design (as well as suffering through the hiatus to see them all again) was one of the best times i have ever had watching a show. And I never felt anything was dumbed down for understanding, easy enough if you have watched the episodes leading up to the current but with an extra layer of depth for those who could read into the dialogue and scenes to find parallels drawn throughout the series, or understood some subtle hints to character's stories in the comics. I for one thought the scene where The Team came down to meet the Justice League after they had arrived back on Earth was immensely powerful because of the fact the opposite had happened in the pilot episode of both season 1 and season 2. Fantastic job.
The characters in themselves felt real, and I could see many of the social situations the teens went through happening in real life (and in some cases I have seen said situation happen.) Before I had watched this show, sure I had always loved the DC universe, and yes i had watched previous DC shows (Batman:TAS, Justice League, the list goes on)but I had never been struck by a character in a way that I said, you know what I am going to look up more about Artemis, or T.O. Morrow, or Sportsmaster. Even previous characters that I have seen done on animated shows never felt old, each character in Young Justice felt like a fresh take, one I could like.
Props on you and everyone that worked on this show. You have created a world in which my favorite super heroes live, and in doing so have become my hero. Thank you.

Greg responds...

Thank YOU. It was a great experience, and we're glad the show reached you in those ways!

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg. I read your Endgame interview on The World's Finest website. Thanks for your designation list. A few questions related to the A designations:
1. With Static officially joining the Team in Endgame as B-26, I was curious about Tye, Asami, and Eduardo. Even though your guest list stops at A13/Jay Garrick, have they gained Authorized Guest status?
2. Does B'arzz O'oomm now have an A designation?
3. If Blue Devil is not a League member, has he received an A designation? If so is he considered A6,7,8, or 9?

Greg responds...

1 & 2. I think it's clear from the numbers that the answer is - for the time being at least - no.


Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Brian writes...

Hi Greg,
First of all I really need to just say how impressed I was and still am with Young Justice. Everything about it was incredible. Cartoon Network, DC, and Warner Bros. should really consider reviving it, especially since in my opinion it was the best program on Cartoon Network and they are steadily losing many great shows.
I just have a couple of questions about the status of the Light at the end of Invasion.

The characters often refer to breaking the Light in half. I'm just wondering if you could explain what that means. We know that 2 members were captured and such, but is the Light still functioning as an organization?
When watching Endgame I got the impression that the remaining members were still working together based on both Vandal's message to Rimbor, G. Gordon nominating Lex for U.N. Secretary General, and the meeting on Apokolips at the end of the episode.

So I'm sorry for my ramble. But I guess my question is this. Is the Light still working together and functioning or did the Team suceed in completely breaking apart their alliance?

Thanks again for all you've done, I hope that eventually my favorite show will return.

Greg responds...

The Team and the League may have overestimated the damage they did to the Light, but that doesn't mean the damage wasn't substantial. Ra's was killed - at least for the time being. Black Manta and the Brain were captured. And the Light's plans were exposed.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Hey, Greg. I would just like some clarification on something. Impulse repeatedly hinted that stopping Blue Beetle from becoming a villain wasn't the only reason for his travelling to the past. What were the other reasons? Was it just to help Neutron?

Greg responds...

That. And saving Flash's life, and generally stopping the Reach Apocalypse.

Also, he wanted to try Chicken Whizees.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anon writes...

First off, thank you for making my Saturday mornings something to look forward to and meaningful to me.


1. In Endgame, after Wally gave his life to help Barry and Bart, the Team shows up to greet the remaining leaguers, with Aqualad standing on the front of the super cycle. Were they informed of Aqualad being a traitor before returning the Earth off screen, did Nightwing tell Batman before he left for Rimbor, or were they all surprised to see him there?

2. Did Batman want Captain Atom to be take over as the leader of the League before that title was given to Black Canary or was it decided that each leaguer could only be the leader for a set amount of years?

3. After production on Young Justice ended and the show was not renewed, were the crew members of the show moved to different projects or left out of work?

4. Was there an official reason for why Young Justice wasn't renewed for a season 3?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure there was all sorts of surprise to go around.

2. I'm not clear on your question, but I think it's ASKED AND ANSWERED.

3. Some of each.

4. Not a single one, no.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In Bart's timeline, did Wally die?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Liam writes...

Hi Greg,

I do have a few questions, but before I ask them, I just want to thank you and everyone who worked on the show.

The entire run of Young Justice was flat-out amazing, and had everything from humour to sad moments to great action. The story hooked me and the characters were likable but flawed, making them relatable...there are so many more things I could say about how great the show was. I have to go buy the DVDs soon, so I can always have the show and the memories it has given me.

As for the questions I had, they are:

1. When you look back on making Young Justice, is there anything you are most proud of?
2. This sounds a bit odd, but if the original members of The Team could break the fourth wall and tell their viewers one last thing; what do you think would each say after the finale? (Though I really hope the series can continue with another season, movie, comic or something...)

Thank you for your time and creating such an emotional and great series!

Greg responds...

1. There's a TON I'm proud of. I don't know if anything specifically qualifies for "most proud".

2. I'll leave such hypotheticals to your imagination.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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