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Young Justice: Invasion

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Staticblack writes...

I was just wondering since the show is done can you fill in the blanks on the designations. I can safely guess that B26 is Static?

01 - Superman
02 - Batman
03 - Wonder Woman
04 - Flash
05 - Green Lantern
06 - Aquaman
07 - Martian Manhunter
08 - Green Arrow
09 - Hawkman
10 - Hawkwoman
11 - Zatara
12 - Captain Atom
13 - Black Canary
14 - Green Lantern
15 - Captain Marvel
16 - Red Tornado
17 - Doctor Fate
18 - Atom
19 - Plastic Man
20 - Icon
21 - Red Arrow
22 - Blue Beetle
23 - Black Lightning
24 - Green Lantern
25 - Zatanna
26 - Rocket
A01 - Lucas Carr
A02 - Catherine Cobert
A03 - Zatanna Zatara
A04 - John Smith
A05 - Billy Batson
A10 - Malcolm Duncan
A11 - Adam Strange
A12 - Blue Beetle
A13 - Jay Garrick
B01 - Robin/Nightwing
B02 - Aqualad
B03 - Kid Flash
B04 - Superboy
B05 - Miss Martian
B06 - Speedy/Red Arrow
B07 - Artemis
B08 - Zatanna
B09 - Rocket
B10 - Tempest
B11 - Aquagirl
B12 - Troia
B13 - Robin
B14 - Lieutenant Marvel
B15 - Sergeant Marvel
B16 - Batgirl
B17 - Bumblebee
B18 - Lagoon Boy
B19 - Beast Boy
B20 - Robin
B21 - Wonder Girl
B22 - Blue Beetle
B23 - Impulse
B24 - Guardian
B25 - Arsenal
C01 - Sphere
C02 - Wolf

Greg responds...

You're right about B26. The rest are still Spoiler Requests.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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June writes...

What was your favorite line you said when you voiced Snapper Carr?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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JSA Fan writes...

Compliments on Endgame. The mixture of victory and happiness, regret and loss, and a hope for a better future, wrapped up Invasion, in my opinion, the perfect way.

Good to see the Reach, especially Black Beetle, get their comeuppance. But, of course, I was saddened by Wally's death. The passing of the Kid Flash torch from Wally to Bart really emphasized what I believe Young Justice is all about.

As Artemis said, there will always be a world to save in Earth-16. The responsibility will continue to be passed from one generation of heroes to the next, with sacrifices along the way. Not all heroes on Earth-16 will be lucky enough to leave the hero "gig" (as Black Lightning described it) alive; or without serious injury; or without losing a comrade, friend or family member. The current generation can only move ahead to do what must be done.

With your mention of a time skip for a third season, I am curious about the 10-30 years post Endgame. As a fan of Batman Beyond, the concept of an aging Bruce Wayne physically unable to continue with his mission interested me. I thought about how the DC heroes would deal with their gradual loss of strength and endurance, and their realization that their active role in the "gig" is nearing its end. That version of Bruce virtually isolated himself for decades. Whether or not you planned to tell stories this far in the future, did you ever consider what the current League and Team members' abilities would be like down the line? And how that would impact their personalities?

Thanks again to you, Brandon and everyone who brought this show to us. I look forward to Legacy and hope more Young Justice stories can be told.

Greg responds...

Brandon and I have a LOT of ideas for down the line. A LOT.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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A letter to Greg and team from Eli writes...

Thank you Greg and team for making the most joyous show in entertainment. It speaks volumes about the kind of artist you are, and the kind of people you are. I'm talking about The young Justice show.

What you achieved with the show touches the core of every true artist out there. The kind of artist that wants to evoke all kinds of emotions in people without resorting to gimmicks in order to keep his/her audience engaged. he/she wants people to get emotionally attached to his/her work.

(To avoid confusion, I'm going to pretend that the artist i'm referring to here is a man while still maintaining a fair stance that involves both genders. Therefore I'll use 'he' and all the adjectives that are associated with it as a pronoun that stands for both 'he' and 'she'.)

he does this because he wants to feel like he has a complete connection with his audience. It's almost like he forces his audience to share his fantasy with him, and he achieves this by creating grand visuals of his imagination. You achieved this with your show. No award, no matter how grand it is, can be used to capture the grandness of what you archived.

Thank very much for the sacrifices you had to make to bring this to us. We will always be indebted to you. You've gained fans for life with your work. I wish you the very best going forward.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Spencer Fenwrick-Wallace writes...

Hey Greg. First off, I want to thank you, the cast and crew for giving a great quality superhero show that hasn't been seen for the longest time and I hope Cartoon Network makes the right decision in renewing the series as well as Green Lantern. Now for the question:
Obviously during season 2, Dick & Wally's friendship had suffered during the invasion. Mostly with the latter not approving Nightwing's methods of obtaining information about the Light & the Reach. So between the time of Intervention & Endgame, were Dick & Wally able to reconcile their differences and renew their friendship? It wasn't stated within the show; even though both of them congratulated Aqualad for ending the Light-Reach alliance, there never seemed to be a moment where there was a heart-to-heart conversation between them with Wally reuniting with Artemis, which was great, and Nightwing giving leadership back to Kaldur.

Greg responds...

As I've stated - at this point - many times before, I don't actually think their friendship "suffered" as much as some people did. There's no doubt the ENTIRE situation was tense, and they argued. But they were NEVER NOT friends, and no reconciliation was necessary in my mind. No "renewal" was necessary. That's why we didn't dedicate any (precious, precious) screentime to it. It didn't seem necessary. Best friends fight sometimes. But they get over it fairly quickly, in my experience.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Loved the series finale of Young Justice, though as a fan of Wally West his apparent death was a stab to the heart. I did like how there was enough ambiguity in the nature of his death to pull off bringing him back in season 3 if you had desired to(which we sadly will not likely get).

Anyway, my questions are:
1. Who did Rocket get married to?
2. When I see people dicuss your role with Young Justice, it makes it seem like you're the one with the final say when it comes to storyboard matters, which I'm sure you can attest is not true. Were there any elements from the first two seasons that you didn't initially like but were outvoted on by other producers/staff members?

Greg responds...


2. Um... Well, for starters, you're right that I didn't have final say on anything in a vacuum. Brandon and I together had final say. Scripts were more my domain, and storyboards, his. But we both had to agree on everything. And mostly we did. Since there's only two of us, no one was ever outvoted. On the rare occasions where we disagreed, we had to work together to find a solution that worked for both of us.

The ONLY exception that comes to mind is on Deathstroke's ponytail. I didn't like it. Brandon and Phil Bourassa, our character designer, did. So I let the two of them outvote me. (Even though I still think I was right.)

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi again Greg. Apologies....I see most of my designation questions were asked before. So let me ask a couple of new ones.
As Team members have continued to join, have they all received (and in Static's case, will receive) hand-to-hand combat training? If so, is Black Canary still in charge of the training?
Though they are not Team members, will Tye, Asami and Eduardo continue to be trained in their abilities?
Does Arsenal keep in contact with Virgil, Tye, Asami, and Eduardo? Though he was kicked out of the Team, does Arsenal keep in touch with Artemis or other members? With Roy and Ollie?

Greg responds...

1. They have or will.

1a. She's still in charge, but much of the training is now handled by members of the Team, especially, believe it or not, Superboy.


3. Some.

3a. Some.

3b. Yes.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Hannah writes...

Thank you for Young Justice. It was just such an amazing, brilliantly written show. I just a question.
Were Dick and Jason close before Jason died?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Josie Harper writes...

I also wanted to ask just three more questions:
1) Approximately how old is Lian?
2) Do Red Arrow and Arsenal hang out or talk to each other at all?
3) How does Jade feel about Arsenal? (Does she think he is stubborn or something like that?)
Thanks again for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Lian was born in September of Team Year Five.

2. I'm tempted to say "Spoiler Request". But what the heck? Yes. Some, at least.

3. They're not close.

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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James G. writes...

I know this is not a question but I would just like to thank you. To everyone who worked on Young Justice, from the writers, the composers to the voice actors and to you and Brandon. Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful story to follow, and making it an experience of a lifetime.
Never before has a show captured my imagination, nor the characters seemed so real as Young Justice has. The experience of watching these characters grow, coupled with the amazing acting and art design (as well as suffering through the hiatus to see them all again) was one of the best times i have ever had watching a show. And I never felt anything was dumbed down for understanding, easy enough if you have watched the episodes leading up to the current but with an extra layer of depth for those who could read into the dialogue and scenes to find parallels drawn throughout the series, or understood some subtle hints to character's stories in the comics. I for one thought the scene where The Team came down to meet the Justice League after they had arrived back on Earth was immensely powerful because of the fact the opposite had happened in the pilot episode of both season 1 and season 2. Fantastic job.
The characters in themselves felt real, and I could see many of the social situations the teens went through happening in real life (and in some cases I have seen said situation happen.) Before I had watched this show, sure I had always loved the DC universe, and yes i had watched previous DC shows (Batman:TAS, Justice League, the list goes on)but I had never been struck by a character in a way that I said, you know what I am going to look up more about Artemis, or T.O. Morrow, or Sportsmaster. Even previous characters that I have seen done on animated shows never felt old, each character in Young Justice felt like a fresh take, one I could like.
Props on you and everyone that worked on this show. You have created a world in which my favorite super heroes live, and in doing so have become my hero. Thank you.

Greg responds...

Thank YOU. It was a great experience, and we're glad the show reached you in those ways!

Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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