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Marvelman writes...

Hi. Another poster asked whether Captain Marvel or Superman was faster. You said it depended on whether it was season one or season two Captain Marvel.

I'm a little puzzled by this statement. Cap's powers come from the gods so it's not like he can go to the gym and work out, or can he? Has season 2 Captain Marvel suddenly become stronger or faster. Is so, how and why?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 25, 2013

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Young Justice Legacy

Want more stories set in the EARTH-16 Universe of Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion?

Then vote with your wallet! Go out and buy a copy or six of YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY!!! This new video game from Little Orbit is canon material set during the five-year gap, between Seasons One and Two.

In addition, if it sells well, Little Orbit is very interested in using their existing license to make a sequel game set during "Season Three".

Here's what Little Orbit's own Matthew Scott had to say in an e-mail to myself and fellow YJ Producer Brandon Vietti:

Hi guys,

I just want to send a big thank you for all your support helping us launch Young Justice: Legacy.

Not sure if you saw the World Finest review:

The review certainly seems to have picked up on the main aspects of the project that we were trying to achieve.

My favorite quote:
"This game is so full of revelations and bombshell moments. Between that and all the new information you're getting, it's like we got an epic mini-series event, and not just a cheap cash grab video game. One nuance that I loved from the show was how actual mythology was incorporated in the ongoing story plots, and that carries over here."

BTW - In your interview on Nerdy Show [ http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/ ], you mentioned that you couldn't speak for us. But I will go on record saying we would absolutely do a Young Justice: Legacy sequel set in the season 3 period. Just need to see how sales are for this title.

Matthew Scott

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Brandon & Greg talk YJ Legacy on Nerdy Show!

Brandon Vietti & Greg Weisman talk about YJ, YJ Legacy, Rain of the Ghosts, Scooby-Doo, WWE and more on Nerdy Show!

Here's the link: http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Nightwing so cold to Robin? In the comics they're like brothers but in the show they felt like...business partners.

Greg responds...

Well, that's your interpretation, but I don't see it.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...


Thank you again for answering my questions. A few comments I had...

1. When I asked about the grotto and the difference between League and Team members there you said

Greg responds... 1. No. It's about specific circumstances. Keep in mind, these are heroes who are dead (or thought to be, as in the case of Artemis). Nothing on the memorial says HOW they died. By this time, you know how Ted Kord perished -and it wasn't on a Justice League mission. You have no idea yet how Robin or Aquagirl passed. For all you know, the two of them might have been walking down the street in their secret identities, when a piano, a safe and an anvil fell from above. They both dodged the piano and the anvil, but the safe got Jason and then
Tula had a heart attack.

I am sorry, but I just had to say that you made me laugh with the last part! You have great humor and a way of putting things together so accurately... Immediately I thought back to the scene in Alienated where Aqualad is angry at his "former" team for letting Tula die, and I could imagine the scene you described like Nightwing saying "Kaldur they were on a mission and...well Jason got hit by the safe and Tula had a heart attack on their way to Bibbo's..." Anyway I just wanted to thank you...it made my day.

2. You said before the memorials the grotto was used for contemplation by the League? What about...battles? Family? The pizza delivery?

3. What I meant about THE Scene was a moment that could express all about the series in one moment. Like the core or heart of the work. The closest one for me of Season 2 may be when the entire Team gathers and fights in Summit or the very nice panoramic of heroes in Endgame, but for some reason I don't feel it as defined when Superboy and Robin fight Superman and Batman in Season 1. Did that make it a bit clearer?

4. You had reponded to someone else about providing a moral leson is important for you in your shows. I just wanted to thank you for that as well because some Tv today is really bad and doesn't care. It's great but do you think smoking is the worst problem? I totally agree with you but I think there may beother bigger things like war and poverty...well the little things really do make a diference, don't they?

Greg responds...

1. Happy to. (Some fans don't appreciate my sense of humor here quite as much. Glad you did!)

2. The grotto wasn't used for battles or pizza delivery. And Family doesn't gain automatic access to the Cave. But you could eat pizza in the grotto, I guess.

3. I've forgotten what the question is... If you're asking is their one scene that defines the entire season, I'm not sure. My mind doesn't work that way, I suppose. But there are a number of emblematic scenes, including the two you mentioned. Maybe Nightwing's "Business as usual" line?

4. I'm not sure about providing specific moral lessons so much as having a point of view. As for things like WAR and POVERTY, those are very big concepts, and there's not much a cartoon show can do about them EXCEPT have that point of view. But SMOKING is what the network's call an "imitatable action" that I think has serious consequences for impressionable kids. Personally, I have no desire to contribute to the ridiculous notion that smoking is cool.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Windona writes...

Hey! Since the season is over, I've got several questions about the Beetles and the Reach.

1) The Scientist- I've got to admit I love this character. I just want to know how you came up with her- she seems to be like the comic book Dawur in providing the common sense, yet a little more engaged in things (I really liked her interactions with Kaldur, as that's what I'm basing this assessment on).

2) Speaking of names; I noticed that you didn't include the serial numbers for the scarabs from the comics (most famously [relatively speaking] Khaji Da). Was it cut for time, not being an element that was particularly cared for, or something else entirely?

3) Again about the scarabs; Black Beetle made mention as if Green Beetle's scarab was sentient, and Blue Beetle's scarab certainly is. However, it was unclear to me if Black Beetle's scarab was or not. It doesn't seem like the Reach would have a reason for their enforcer's armor to have an AI, but I was unable to tell if the line "Freedom is overrated" was Black Beetle or his scarab. So, assuming my rambling didn't bore you to tears, my question is; is Black Beetle's scarab sentient?

4) When On-Mode, was the scarab ever the one speaking through Jaime? I ask as during 'The Runaways', he seemed to act more natural and had an accent for part of it, and had to explain what happened to Green Beetle, implying the Ambassador wasn't watching him. Also, I assume the Ambassador has better things to do then remote control Jaime and B'azz all the time.

Thank you preemptively for answering all my questions! Have a happy spring, and I cannot wait for season 3 (because I have my Blue Lantern ring on praying that it will get renewed).

Greg responds...

1. Mostly, she served a necessary function for us. But even a functional character needs a personality. She just made sense to develop out of the Reach concept.

2. It didn't naturally come into the specific story we were telling.

3. It is. But the two of them were very in synch.

4. Yeah, that's pretty much the deal.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did M'gann reveal her white martian form to Gar willingly or did he find out on his own?

Greg responds...

Willingly. (Which is NOT the same as her enjoying the experience.)

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Tess writes...

Hello Greg,

I actually had a question about 'the Runaways'. How long were they on the run before they got snatched up by the REACH? Was all their kidnappings practically instant like Tye's?

Thank you for working on Young Justice. I can't tell you howe much I loved it!

Greg responds...

Well, you saw Tye's abduction, and Virgil told you about his. (He was never really a runaway at all.) Eduardo's story is pretty straight forward too. I'll admit, I haven't actually figured out when exactly he ran away from his grandparents' home to seek his father, but it wasn't too long before he was abducted. (Though it probably wasn't quite as instantaneous as with Tye.)

That just leaves Asami. She was on her own for awhile. Details would be a SPOILER REQUEST. But she wasn't just instantly grabbed up like Tye.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Andrew writes...

It was brought to my attention that you guys had outlined, or at least planned for, a three season story, with each season building off the next. Yet I'm learning that your reception of only twenty episodes for season 2 instead of the desired 26 led to a condensing of content and story; ie. less screen time for certain characters, deleted scenes or dialogues, etc.

I was curious, now that season 2's finale has aired, if you'd be willing to share any episode ideas or deleted scenes from season 2 that didn't get to make the cut due to time constraint or different priorities, much like you did with the Endgame cut lines.

And, because it needs to be said, awesome job on the show guys. Easily the best DC animated show since JLU, and easily in the top five best superhero shows to date. A travesty that it's been cancelled, but I'm grateful we got to see what we did, even if it was cut short.

Greg responds...

I've shared everything significant that was created for Season Two and was actually scripted but got cut for time in an individual episode. It's not like we thought we had 26 while we were making the season. We knew the pickup was for 20 from the moment we got picked up. (Or, more accurately, the original pickup was only a guarantee of 10, but with a likely increase to 20. So we planned for 20.)

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Guy writes...

Did Aqualad renew his frienship with Red Arrow after Aqualad ended his undercover mission?

If season 2 is the last season did Wally ever talk to Red Arrow again after Red Arrow got his life back on track?

Do the four original sidekicks consider eachother their closest seuperhero friends?

Great show, you and Brandon Vietti have done a great job!

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he did.

2. I'm sure he did.

3. They were all close. But Roy and Kaldur were closer to each other than to the other two. And, of course, so were Wally and Dick.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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