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Random Gal 3 writes...

Hi Greg! earlier, in a different question, you said that Mary Bromfield and Freddy Freeman have A designations like Billy Batson, Can you say what those designations would be? (Sorry if that's a spoiler!)

Greg responds...

Eh... what the heck.

A-06 Freddy Freeman
A-07 Mary Bromfield

Response recorded on October 03, 2014

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Anon With Style writes...

Greg, now that Young Justice is over, is there any chance you cold post a ramble or something with all the lines cut for time? (My apologies if that would be considered spoilers)

Greg responds...

I've done that already. Check the archives.

Response recorded on September 30, 2014

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Donna writes...


I don't think I made myself clear in my previous post. I honestly didn't have a distaste for the show's version of Wally West from strictly a character standpoint (personality/behavior/etc) aside from him continuing to sit things out after the end of "Darkest" (which I thought took the heroic aspect away from his character). The character itself was likable and well rounded for the most part. More so than on other shows he has been a part of. I had absolutely no problems loving Wally on Young Justice. If I did, I wouldn't have bothered commenting in the first place, and most likely wouldn't have continued watching the show as I did. But just because a character is a "clear fan favorite" doesn't necessarily mean that the show's treatment of the character and/or their story always "worked" for those fans.

And I actually really liked the ideas that the show was presenting to me in regards to Wally. I mentioned that I was always a fan of Wally & Dick's friendship in the comics. I loved Artemis, and liked the idea of her and Wally together. And I thought Wally's inferiority to Barry (and later Bart) could have been interesting and meaningful. But I ended up thinking that the show's execution of those things was lacking.

I won't get into too much detail this time since I know we disagree, but I just never felt that Dick was ever shown to be a true and loyal friend to Wally on the show when it mattered. Nor do I think that Artemis was ever shown to like any of the things about him you mentioned in your breakdown of their relationship on the show itself. I just didn't feel there was any real substance when it came to their side of things. And if I don't buy that Wally's relationship with Artemis and his friendship with Dick was a mutual thing, then their treatment of him goes a completely different direction.

So things like the show saying that Wally needed and deserved to be with someone who was only shown to ridicule him, hit him, and generally tell him how awful he was unless he was propping her up ("Bereft" and "Insecurity") like it did in "Denial" was a big negative to me. As was Artemis singling him out as the reason she wouldn't tell the team about her family during her therapy session. It also makes Dick routinely going out of his way to make fun of Wally, sometimes even hitting on the points that Wally was supposed to be insecure about, seem incredibly cruel. And I don't mean to say that Wally was perfect at all when it came to these things on the show. But there were moments where I felt he acted like a true and loyal friend to Dick (like during their conversation in "Performance") when it mattered. And Wally practically gushed about how great Artemis was and stood up for her for the majority of "Insecurity" when she needed it. His side of things was balanced out in my opinion.

Also, I will admit that I'm clearly biased when it comes to how the show handled Wally's inferiority since the story of him becoming the Flash in the comics was always a big deal for me. So the show having him admit to being humiliated (when he needed Barry/Bart to carry him away from Neutron's blast because he wasn't fast enough on his own) and having Bart openly mock him ("Cause you don't have the Allen eye!") for not being on Barry/Bart's level in "Bloodlines" was hard to watch from that standpoint. And while I knew Wally was a goner the moment Bart showed up (Wally eventually disappearing for nearly half the season only reinforced that idea), I was hoping for at least a satisfying death. Instead, Wally was killed simply because he was the one speedster that didn't belong on the show. A fact that the show dedicated an entire episode to pounding home earlier in the season (in mostly a comedic fashion no less). It's just really hard to say that Wally was worthy of being part of the Flash legacy when the show does that. And I don't mean to say that there's anything wrong with not making Wally the Flash, but I felt the way the show handled it (humiliating/mocking/killing him simply for being an inferior speedster) ultimately disrespected a story that was very important to me and a character that I loved.

Greg responds...

Okay, well, like you said: we disagree. I get that you didn't like how we handled things. (I got it some time ago.) But this just seems like more of the same to me. An interpretation without nuance.

I don't feel like we humiliated Wally at all. We mocked him, sure (in a good-natured way, I believe), but he mocked himself (in a self-deprecating comedic way), and he mocked others and others got mocked and good-natured mocking went on all around, and I see ZERO evidence that Wally got it any worse than anyone else.

I also don't see his lack of speed (relative to Bart and Barry) as being even vaguely relevant. Wally was MORE of a hero for fighting the good fight with less speed. From DAY ONE, Brandon and I saw his relatively contained powers as a BONUS for his character. From an action standpoint, writing and boarding for Barry and Bart was WAY more difficult, I can tell you that for sure. Wally was way more fun to choreograph and utilize in action.

I think you missed the entire point of "Bloodlines". Pretty much completely. Wally & Jay wind up saving Bart & Barry just as many times as Wally himself was saved. But your interpretation ignores that, because it doesn't fit your preconceived notion that he was being humiliated by Bart. Which is FLAT-OUT not the case. You also ignore the conversation that Bart and Wally have in "Summit," which indicates clearly how much Bart respects and admires Wally.

And frankly, as I've said before, Wally is my FAVORITE SPEEDSTER. With Jay in second, Barry third and Bart fourth. So the notion that we disrespected Mr. West is just flat out untrue, whether or not you like how we handled him.

We believe Dick loved Wally as a friend. We believe Artemis loved Wally dearly and with all her heart. We believe that M'gann, Zatanna, Conner, Kaldur and all the rest, cared for and valued Wally. We think we showed that Bart and Barry and Artemis and Dick and Wally's parents and the others were devastated by his HEROIC SACRIFICE. And we do see that death as being an Heroic Sacrifice, not at taking place "because he was the one speedster that didn't belong on the show." I don't even know what that means. Wally, who was safely up on the Watchtower, joined the other two of his own free will. And carried on right through to the end, despite the fact that he KNEW it meant his end. Choosing to view his death in any other light is frankly mind-boggling to me.

But, AGAIN, I'm not trying to change your mind, because it's way beyond clear that I can't. And you're clearly not going to change mine. So can we just let it drop now, please? We're just going in circles.

Response recorded on September 25, 2014

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Willy writes...

Dos Garfield have his power before B16 B17 B18 join the team

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 25, 2014

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Kim Lee writes...

Does the team know miss marshin ages slower Does Garfield and Tim join the team the same year

Greg responds...

I'm assuming these are two separate questions. (Punctuation would definitely help.)

1. At this point, yes, the Team knows Martians (including Miss M.) ages more slowly than humans.


Response recorded on September 25, 2014

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Erica writes...

Are Bart and Jaime dating or just close friends? (Does this count as a spoiler? Sorry if it does!)

Greg responds...

Just friends.

Response recorded on September 25, 2014

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James.B writes...

In the Young Justice:Invasion episode "Runaways" what was the contents of the duffle bag Virgil Hawkins had when he and the other runaways escaped from Star Labs?

Greg responds...

String cheese.

(Honestly, I don't know. Whatever stuff he thought he could use, I guess.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2014

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John Blake writes...

Is/was Young Justice in the same timeline as Batman: Under The Red Hood. There are so many similarities and the little glimpses of Jason todd resembled the one in BAtman: Under The Red Hood.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 23, 2014

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maddie writes...

I love the show young justice. I watched it online and was really really sad when I found out there were only two seasons. Once I finished the last episode I cried for an hour because you killed him!! How could you do that he was the best character ever!
It is still my favorite show but I was devastated.:'(
*the real heroes are the ones that don't make it out*

Greg responds...

I'm not sure if that was an actual question or rhetorical. In some ways, we're glad that you cared enough about Wally to BE devastated. It means we did our job.

Response recorded on September 23, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I have to admit I'm a little confused about the explanation as to why Wally wasn't helping out for most of the alien invasion during the second season of Young Justice. You say it was because Dick told him what to do, but didn't Dick take a shot at him for not helping out in "Darkest" when he told Wally that all he cared about was his 'stupid souvenirs'? I mean, it was clear that Wally didn't want anything to do with the hero life anymore. He did nothing but complain when he helped out in "Bloodlines". He was adamant about leaving 'the life' behind in "Depths". He told Bart that he and Artemis were planning to go right back into retirement in "Summit" without even talking it over with Artemis. If it didn't have to do with Artemis or his family, he appeared to want no part of it.

Of course there's nothing wrong with wanting to retire. But I thought it was clear that Dick resented Wally on some level for doing so based on that comment. But if Dick was the reason Wally wasn't helping out with the invasion, then Dick telling Wally that he only cares about his souvenirs makes absolutely no sense to me. Dick interrupted Wally's life knowing that he and Artemis were trying to leave the hero business behind. He just allowed Wally's little cousin to be kidnapped for torture. And he nearly got Conner killed in the process. So how can he have the nerve to tell Wally that he only cares about his souvenirs after all that if he's responsible for Wally not helping out in the first place? And for that matter, how does Dick continue to have complete authority over what Wally can and can't do with his life after that?

Also, I don't see why Wally had to play the part of the "mourning boyfriend" for months to make Artemis' death believable during an alien invasion when Artemis was shown to have moved on with her life and rejoined the team two weeks after Wally died. Were we supposed to believe that Wally was incapable of doing that? Even during a time when the fate of the world literally hung in the balance?

Really, I don't see any believable explanation for Wally not helping out besides him simply not wanting to do that. But you've mentioned multiple times that that was not the case. So it seems like you guys just didn't want to use Wally (or couldn't find a way to fit him in) as it didn't make any sense from either a story or character standpoint that he wouldn't help out.

Greg responds...

In "Darkest," Dick takes a "shot" at Wally out of defensiveness and insecurity. He KNOWS Wally doesn't give a damn (in this context) about his souvenirs. He KNOWS this. And Dick doesn't resent Wally. Dick's simply unsure of his own position, of his own plans with Kaldur, so he lashes out at the person who's confronting him with fears he already has.

Dick doesn't have complete authority over Wally. Never did. But Dick is in charge of the Team, and Wally respects that. If Dick felt (rightly or wrongly) that Wally needs to hang back for now, maintaining the notion that he's out of the game - and maintaining his distance from Artemis/Tigress, then Wally will respect that, especially since there's not much he can do to help otherwise, beyond simply being another hero, something they have no shortage of. Dick is intentionally holding Wally in reserve for when he's needed and when his appearance will catch the bad guys off guard. See "Summit." (And, yes, Dick is also somewhat nervous about Wally coming into contact with an undercover Tigress, as he's not sure how either would deal with that situation. You can argue that Dick worries too much. But not that Dick doesn't respect his BEST FRIEND.)

As for Wally, in my mind, he's hardly adamant about staying in retirement, he's simply trying very hard to stick with a resolution that BOTH he and Artemis made. He knows - as Artemis knows - how seductive the hero life is. So he's trying very hard to be strong. Sure, in "Bloodlines" he has some attitude about Impulse, certainly, but he absolutely is NOT complaining through the whole episode. And he doesn't bitch about being called in by Nightwing AT ALL. NOT ONCE.

In "Summit," he does tell Bart that he and Artemis will retire again, because he's assuming that's what they both want. It had been a long, hard decision for both to decide to retire. He's simply trying to abide by that decision. But one look at how he behaves when he's back in costume in "Bloodlines," "Summit" or "Endgame" shows that he's far from absolute over the issue. And a conversation with her could have swayed him, as is fairly obvious in "Endgame" even without the dialogue we trimmed out where he flat out states that maybe they could both start being heroes again. (NOTE: We cut that dialogue both for time and because it seemed to big a clue that one of them was going to die.)

This notion that he only cares about Artemis and his family is given the lie in "Darkest" when his concern isn't simply for Artemis, but for everyone who was either captured or nearly died in the cave.

And just to be clear: we DID want to use Wally. And I think we've proven over and over that we know how to "fit" Wally in. We used him and fit him in exactly the way we wanted to use him and fit him in. You may not like it, but please do NOT subscribe your interpretations to our motivations. That's just presumptuous.

I have to say, it seems to me that you're interpreting events (and qualifying them) to suit your already existing interpretation instead of the other way around. Certainly, nothing you've argued has brought me over to your way of thinking. I just don't agree with you at all. You may not buy my explanations. Fine. But I don't buy your arguments either. They seem to lack any nuance whatsoever, taking everything presented at mere surface value and as an absolute. That was never our intent. We wanted the audience to read between the lines. Many members of our audience did. Though, of course, at least a few did not.

In any case, I am WAY tired of this topic. I keep addressing it here at ASK GREG over and over to the same two or three individuals. So let's just agree to disagree. You didn't like how we handled certain aspects of the show. I can accept that. But there's no point in continuing this discussion. Neither of us seem likely to convince the other.

Response recorded on September 18, 2014

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