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Just A Nerd writes...

This message comes to you in three parts.

Part the first: a story. When I heard Marvel was publishing multiple new Star Wars comics, I realized that, if I allowed them to, these new books would consume all of my income. So I resolved to only read Star Wars and Darth Vader monthly, and get the rest as trades. That is, until I heard you were writing Kanan. I thought, three a month isn't much worse than two. So I went for it. And it has been amazing, even though I haven't watched any of Rebels because my TV service doesn't include Disney XD. It has been interesting even without the context of the show, and is just as great as everything else you have been a part of.

Part the second: Names. Thank you (both personally and as part of Marvel/LucasFilms) so much for creating a pop culture character with my name. There are so few Calebs in... anything, really. There's the Israelite spy from the Bible (not really pop culture, but I'm counting it), and Tris' brother in Divergent, and now Kanan pre-Order 66. It's incredibly cool to open a comic or a movie and see/hear YOUR NAME be part of the action. This probably just makes me a massive nerd... but I'm okay with that.

Part the third: a question, NOT to do with Kanan. In the Invasion storyline of the Young Justice comics, is there a reason you did not include Troia, Sgt. Marvel, and Lt. Marvel? If the original comics are any indication, they should have been strong enough to draw Kylstar's attention. Is there some reason (in- or out-of-universe) they weren't included?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Part the first: Thank you. But honestly, you should find some way to watch the Rebels. It's worth it.

Part the second: I can't take credit for using the name Caleb. My original name for him was Caine. The folks at Lucasfilm changed it to Caleb. (Not sure why, but maybe it was for you.)

Part the third: The answers would amount to spoilers.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Jerry writes...

Hi Greg,

Thank you so much for the most wonderful show ever, I'm a huge fan of Young Justice.
Maybe it's kind of weird to ask or even to answer but I'd like to know if Wally and Artemis were the first for each other?

Greg responds...

First what?

Response recorded on June 27, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

1) Were Mongul's & Kylstar's home worlds conquered by the same tyrant? I ask because they both appeared to have the same idea of conquering the entire galaxy first before striking back against their enemy, they just went about it differently, implying whoever they were up against was above & beyond powerful to require that many resources to defeat...Scary stuff O_O

2) Regardless of whether Mongul & Kylstar shared a common foe, did you have an identity or identities in mind for the baddy or baddies who conquered their worlds? Or was Young Justice canceled before you could decide on the identities of the baddies who overthrew Mongul & enslaved Kylstar's people?

P,S, thanks for Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, & Young Justice, sorry they were cancelled in their prime, they were all seriously amazing shows that deserved to last longer. Thanks for the wonderful storytelling & memorable characters :D

Greg responds...

1. Scary indeed. I'm afraid the answer would be a spoiler, which I have a policy against. But I will say, it wasn't a coincidence or inattention that led us to use the idea for both characters.

2. We know.

3. Thanks. #KeepBingingYJ It doesn't have to be over.

Response recorded on June 24, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

1) How strong and invulnerable is Vandal Savage compared to other super powered characters in Young Justice? Is he on Mammoth's/Superboy's/Blockbuster's level or weaker, like Bane's? His displays of strength during his attempts to delay Kid Flash's heart delivery mission were pretty impressive.

2) Did Vandal Savage know Mongul personally and that's why he listened to him on Rimbor? Or was he just a random stranger to him who knew what to say to set him off?

Greg responds...

1. He is pretty impressive. But his main ability is constant healing and repair. He can push his considerable muscles beyond the breaking point, because they will heal up.

2. For the time being, I'll let you judge that for yourself. Beyond that: No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 23, 2016

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therewithasmile writes...

Hi there, big fan of your show. I'd been hearing so much praise but I was never big on the superhero scene. Finally got roped in when my boyfriend sat me down to watch it, and I marathoned it in two nights. Fantastic work and completely enthralling.
Before I ask my questions I must add in that I am big on the shipping side of things, so I have "shipping goggles" on, so to speak. I really like Conner and M'gann's relationship: it's grown to something wonderfully complex in season 2, and a pretty realistic one at that. I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on creating this relationship, both as a study and as a learning experience as someone who aspires to be a writer one day. And so here are my questions.
1. As I noticed, their relationship always seemed pretty integral to the plot (as opposed to, say, Wally and Artemis) both in season 1, and definitely in season 2. Was the show conceived to portray such a relationship, or did it grow to fruition after deciding on their character arcs?
2. In that same vein, was the subplot of season 2 concerning M'gann and her continuous (ab)use of her powers there from the beginning of development and, by extension, act as a means to develop their relationship?
3. Was it always planned for M'gann and Conner to split? What I mean is, as soon as you knew you were getting a second season, were they already doomed to fail?
4. At the end of the events in episode 11, if it weren't for Conner being there would M'gann be compromised and still be frozen in the ice?
5. I know Superboy and Wondergirl are a couple in the comicverse. As Cassie is obviously an item with Tim, it may be moot now. But during development, was it ever considered that Conner and Cassie would follow their comicbook selves and move toward a relationship?
Thank you again, for both creating the show and entertaining my heavy "shipping" questions. I'm always interested to hear what you think / your process was when developing this relationship.

Greg responds...

1. The whole thing is pretty organic in its creation. It's a chicken and the egg thing. We built it all together.

2. Maybe not all the specifics, but we knew we were going to demonstrate how powerful she was in Season One (in "Bereft" and "Failsafe," for example) and that it would become a problem down the road.

3. Well, doomed to have already failed, I suppose. Long term, who knows? (Well, Brandon and I know, but we're not telling.)

4. It depends what you mean by compromised. I think Conner gave Megan the jolt she needed to free herself, but she might have managed it on her own.

5. No. Keep in mind that initially, Cassie was one of the few characters who were off-limits to us. So when we started there was literally no way she could be paired with Conner. By the time we received permission to use her it was too late to put her into Season One. We wanted her in Season Two, but that made her considerably younger than where Conner's headspace would be in Season Two.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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Ay writes...

Out of curiosity, do Tim and Dick consider each other brothers? They have the same foster dad and kick-butt butler but I'm curious. I mean I say "my best friends are like siblings" and don't get me wrong; I love them like my own, but they're not an integral part of my family life, so I don't consider them actual siblings, or refer to them as siblings to other people. Because even though it feels that way, it wouldn't make sense for me personally to refer to them as such. So do Tim and Dick just feel brotherly towards each other, or do they actually consider and refer to each other their brother, and do they express this to others (ie, has Dick mention in passing that he has a younger brother in high school)? Would it make "sense" to them, or would it feel a little off? Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

They consider each other family, for sure. The relationship is of course fraternal, but I don't know that they've felt a need to label it.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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rudlak07 writes...

Hi, again.
You know how Superboy supposedly dumped M'Gann because he disagreed with the way she used her psychic powers and then she began a relationship with La'gaan?
I would like to know how M'Gann got to know La'gaan and how they got together, if that's okay.

Greg responds...

See our companion comics. They're available on Comixology or iTunes. The story (or at least the start of it) is in there.

Response recorded on June 21, 2016

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rudlak07 writes...

Thanks for reading my question, Mr Weisman I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice! It shouldn't be of any trouble.
If Aquaman knew that Kaldur's biological father was Black Manta and had kept this a secret,
1) How did Aquaman know?
2) How did Kaldur find out and use this to go undercover? Surely Manta would've thought this suspicious
3) Also, did Manta know Kaldur was his son?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on June 21, 2016

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Cabot writes...

Did Batgirl meet the second robin Jason Todd?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 21, 2016

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Gwen Will writes...

How did Miss Martian fell when Garfield first got his power to turn into animals? How did Garfield fell about it?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination or to future flashbacks. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 16, 2016

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Metzler writes...

Did Garfield start going barefoot full time before or after his got his ability to change into animals?

Greg responds...

After, I guess.

Response recorded on June 03, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is the name of the school that Billy Batson attended during Team Year 0?

2. What is the name of the school that Billy Batson attended during Team Year 2?

3. What is the name of the school that Billy Batson attendees during Team Year 6?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know.

2. Don't know.

3. Don't know.

Response recorded on June 03, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why was Catherine Cobert specifically chosen to be the Justice League's public affairs officer?

2. If Icon is of extraterrestrial origin, then what is the name of the species that he specifically hails from?

3. What specific reason did the Justice League decide not to go public with their alliance at first?

4. Considering Vandal Savage said it was simply "business as usual," how many years has the partnership between The Light and Darkseid really been going on?

5. When Aquaman was finally brought into the loop about Aqualad's true loyalties (assuming it happened off-screen), how did he feel about Aqualad going through such a dangerous undercover assignment?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Can't remember off the top of my head, and I don't have that info here at my Nickelodeon office.

3. They thought the League would be more effective if people didn't know about it and couldn't anticipate having more than one hero show up to address a problem.

4. No spoilers.

5. Mixed.

Response recorded on May 26, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Is Dick the only Robin to have (use) a signature laugh?

Greg responds...

Robin/Tim doesn't. Anything else would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

As of Season 2, is Black Canary still training Team members?

Greg responds...

Yes, though not as frequently, as senior Team members have taken on some of that responsibility.

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

During an interview with World's Finest, Christopher Jones stated that in Young Justice #22 '"Match mutates into the Young Justice Bizarro (my design)"' and that in Young Justice #24 it's '"Batgirl vs Match/Bizarro'".


Is this true?

Greg responds...

Check out the comic and see for yourself.

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Batman'sNewSidekick writes...

So how does the orinigal members of the young justice know Dick's really name. Well I know how Wally knows but not the others.

Greg responds...

I assume you mean in Season Two.

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Kyle Kenyatta writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

If I heard correctly, I understand that when you and your collaborators first broke the story for Young Justice, you had a "two-year" plan for the series, though you also had plans for as many as five seasons, in total. Considering that, I have two questions. First, did you ever expect to get a pickup for season 3? It seems to me that, if not, you went through an awful amount of trouble (I.e. Purposefully and masterfully introducing elements evocative of an eventual Apokolips storyline, among other things) to tease storylines that you were fairly certain would never be explored on the show. Of course, given your propensity for thorough world building, I could definitely see how you would make such a creative choice. Second, if you had gotten a season three pickup, would you have liked to continue the concurrent comic line (there were definitely more stories that could've been told in comic format, including what went on during the five year gap, how Ocean Master became disgraced, the Marvel family story that you had planned, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Your assumptions are off.

We didn't ever specifically have a "two-year plan" or a "five-year plan" in quotation marks. We had a long term plan for multiple seasons. However, it makes obvious sense that during Season One we had a better idea what we wanted to do for Season Two then, say, Season Nine. The closer you are to what you're actually doing, the more clarity you have.

We never knew if we'd get a pick-up for Season Two until we got it. We didn't know we weren't going to get a pick-up for Season Three until we were eventually told it wasn't coming. The plan was always to end each season with open-ended closure and hope for the best. That's what we did at the end of both seasons. It worked out for Season Two. Hasn't worked out yet for Season Three. But we haven't given up hope. (#KeepBingingYJ!)

And, yes, we would have liked to have been allowed to continue the companion comic with or without a Season Three. We haven't given up hope on that either. (#BuyYJcomicsonComixology or iTunes!)

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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Adam Daemon Frankenstein writes...

Hi Greg. Big fan. So, I was just wondering, how exactly did Earth-16 Black Canary get her Canary Cry? They didn't know about the Meta-Gene until season 2.

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

But I will say that not knowing about the gene didn't mean it didn't exist.

Response recorded on May 17, 2016

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Anjali Vaid writes...

You mentioned in a previous post that the reason Barbara wasn't doing much to hide her identity was because nobody really knew who she was. So what is Tim's status on Earth-16? I've heard of some adaptations where he is adopted by Bruce and some where he is Robin but still lives with his very much alive parents. Is he known as Bruce's adopted son? Or is it because his parents are rich?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 16, 2016

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Maddie writes...

Hello there, I'm a big YJ fan, and I have a couple of uestions.

1) When you first thought about Artemis and Wally's relationship, did you always knew they were in for the long run? I think what I'm actualy trying to ask is if you developed their relationship beliving they were meant for each other, and if they would be still together after season 2 if Wally hadn't died.

2)My second question is about Nightwing-Dick. In the comics specially, it's clear that he has a hsitory with several girls (Including Zatanna, who by the way I love how you portraited) but none as strong and deep as the one he has with Barbara. We know he's a "dog" and not quite ready for her, but do you believe that he (I mean the Dick you developed) would ever be?

Thank you so much for reading this.

Greg responds...

1. I'll say that we knew they'd still be together in Season Two. Beyond that, I'm not talking.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 16, 2016

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Lori Messner writes...

Was the Young Justice Garfield Logan always homeschool?

Greg responds...

"Always" is a long time.

Response recorded on May 11, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

I loved your work on Young Justice. The show really shows the hard work and time you and the rest of the creative team put into it. I really loved the character design, plots, and how your were able to take the characters of such a huge and overwhelmingly popular univers and depict them in your own ways, but still stick to their origins. A character that I love in pretty much every adaptation he had a appeared in is Wally West and that includes the way you have made his character out to be in this series. I don't know if you have previously answered this or not but my question involves just this character.

What exactly inspired you to go in the direction you did with Wally West/Kid Flash? And why? (As far as his utterly tragic yet brilliant send off in the episode "endgame"). Which by the way I thought was excellent. There's no better way to send off and honor such an amazing hero in this kind of show. My question is manly out of curiosity and wonderment, because I'm sure there were many ideas contemplated with the role and direction this character and many others that you all had in mind. I don't know if it really fits in the regulations given and can be answered, if not I'm sorry. Once again, thank you all for the effort you put in to the show and giving us such a great piece of art and entertainment. Every episode was outstanding.

Greg responds...

We're glad you liked the series and Wally.

But honestly, I'm not sure I understand the question. We looked at Wally West stories from many different eras and put together what we felt was a classic and iconic yet contemporary version of the character, one that fit into the coherent, cohesive continuity that we were trying to create for the show. Much credit should be shared with my partner Brandon Vietti, character designer Phil Bourassa and voice actor Jason Spisak.

Response recorded on May 10, 2016

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Kyle K. writes...

In Young Justice, who are designated as League Member 27 and 28, A08 and A09?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Joe writes...

I was re watching young Justice invasion and wondered why the guardians didn't have Hal or guy go back to earth if john wasn't there?They told him to go to Rimbor and that sector is unmanned for that entire time. Also the green lantern knowledge of the reach could have stopped the invasion.

Greg responds...

By the time they figured out what was going on, Tseng had welcomed the Reach and they COULDN'T go back.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Lorance writes...

Is Superboy aging at the rate of a human on the inside?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Paul writes...

Oops, I meant to say that there's 5 years' age difference between Artemis and Mary, not 6. Artemis obviously was 15 in Team Year Zero and you confirmed elsewhere on Ask Greg that Mary and Freddy were the same age as Billy, so sorry, my mistake. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Paul writes...

It's interesting that you went with Sergeant Marvel for Mary instead of Mary Marvel, and likewise with Lieutenant Marvel for Captain Marvel Jr. In Mary's case, was this change made to protect her secret identity? I know that Artemis had no qualms with going by her own name, but with Mary we're talking about a kid who's six years younger than Artemis... So maybe it was thought best to go the extra mile not to announce her name to villains, especially since she wouldn't have been wearing a mask (if the Young Justice Mary takes after Earth-16 Captain Marvel and/or her comic book counterpart in not wearing a mask)?

Greg responds...

It has nothing to do with secret identity and everything to do with internal consistency.

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Walsh writes...

Did Miss Martian not know how Marie die before she read Garfield's mine in episode Earthlings?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2016

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b_bee430 writes...

1. What/Who were the aliens from "Failsafe"? Their ships bare resemblance to M'gann's bio-ship, though I doubt they were Martians.

CAUTION: This is a question for Greg Vietti.
2. What is Grany Smith's recipe from episode 17 of "Hello Megan!"?

3. Why was Hello Megan! cancelled?

4. Why did Artemis, M'gann and Kaldur cut their hair before Team year 5?

5. Can Kaldur close his gills so he seems human?

Greg responds...

1. J'onn made them up, interpolating things from many sources.

2. You'll have to ask Brandon Weisman.

3. Mediocre ratings.

4. Artemis for practicality. M'gann for a change of pace. Kaldur - I'm thinking he wanted to look badass.

5. You've seen them closed. They're still visible if his neck is bare.

Response recorded on May 04, 2016

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Bumbleboy92 writes...

Well it's been nearly a year (I think more) since YJ stopped airing. I recently just re-watched the entire series except for the last two episodes mainly because I really despise the feeling that after those two it'll be over again and all that there is to do is watch from the beginning.

Not really a question, just wanted to let you know that even with two seasons it was amazing (ik you've written that the show just isn't picked up and not cancelled)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2016

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Walsh writes...

Since Conner does not like monkey. How did Conner fell about Garfield start using that half monkey form?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 02, 2016

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Gregory writes...

Can Wonder Girl live forever as long she does not get killed?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Dule Hill writes...

How does Beast Boy fell about Miss Martian having his mother Marie Logan's face?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Anjali Vaid writes...

1. Why did Robin/Nightwing and Zatanna break up?

2. In Bereft, a scene was shown from Hello, Megan! when M'gann was trying to help Superboy. But Superboy didn't know about it being a TV show until Image with the rest of the Team. Why was the scene in there?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I'm certain you've misinterpreted what you saw.

Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Maybe it's because they were in a few episodes together, but for some reason I imagine a sibling relationship between Billy (Captain Marvel) and Zatanna - similar to the one between Beast Boy and Ms. Martian. What say you?

(I may be projecting a little here. Zatanna is so cool. Who wouldn't want her as a big sister?)

Greg responds...

I wouldn't go that far. They're not as close as Beast Boy and Miss Martian. But there's clearly a connection there.

Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Blake writes...

Why was Garfield not with Miss Martian to say goodbye to Uncle John when he and other members of the league when to answer for what they did in the missing sixteen hours?

Greg responds...

I could come up with a dozen reasons. So you might as well chose one that works for you. Nothing nefarious, though.

Response recorded on April 28, 2016

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Aaron writes...

After the orphan Garfield was move to Happy Harbor. Was Garfield list as missing or dead by the Qurac authorities?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 28, 2016

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Nancy writes...

Why did Superboy and Miss Martian visit Garfield and his mom on December first of 2010?

Greg responds...

A. They were in the neighborhood, so to speak. B. Since "Image," M'gann feels very close to Marie and Garfield.

Response recorded on April 27, 2016

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Colin writes...

Mongul and Black Beetle were trading blows on the War world, and seemed to be evenly matched. But then we Green giving Black some assistance towards the end. Who would have won had it "stayed" strictly a 1 v 1

Does Klarion like being a pawn in Vandal's schemes. Is there a genuine mutual- respect between them.

Why does Nabo use the Helmet as medium to materialise in the physical plane? It just seems like Klarion's method "The familiar" is far more practical since he does not have to rely on a human vessel. Additionally, what are Lords of Chaos and Order.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Mongul is stronger, but strength is his only power. Black Beetle was using a number of powers. It might have gone either way.

2. Klarion doesn't see himself that way. Neither do I.

3. I'm not sure Klarion understands "respect". But, yeah, each in their own way.

4. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. Klarion has to rely on his familiar, which often creates a vulnerability.

5. They are creatures of pure magic from a different plane that serve those two conceptions.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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SkyeMurray writes...

How does Martian shape shifting work, exactly? For instance, when Miss Martian shapes shifts into a male, does she actually replicate all the physical characteristics of a male? Can she also shape shift into animals?

Is Cassie/Wonder Girl as strong/invulnerable as Superboy. If not, is she far off?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. With practice, I suppose she could.

3. No.

4. <shrug> She's close enough.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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Edwards4509 writes...

1. How powerful is Earth-16's Wonder Woman. Could she trade blows with Superman.

2. Ive always been intrigued by this; why is it that Kid Flash has to accelerate and decelerate when running, whereas Impulse and Flash can stop and start almost instantly

3. I know it has been established that Supernoy would never have full krptonian powers due only being half human-but in theory, would he get stronger(even if a little bit) if were closer to Earth's yellow sun.

4. Whats Superman's top flight speed in terms of "Mach"? Is it anywhere near as fast as Kid Flash.

5. What would it take to kill Superman on Earth-16, in terms of conventional weaponry. Could he survive a nuke as powerful as the Tzar Bomb?

Greg responds...

1. Sure. So could you. As long as you got to go first. Anyway, she's strong, but not AS strong as Superman.

2. I feel like I've answered this before, but once again...
*Jay Garrick became the first Flash due to a laboratory accident which gave him his speed.
*Barry Allen became the second Flash by intentionally recreating Jay's accident under laboratory conditions. It infused every molecule of his being, down to the genetic level and gave him much more advanced speed and molecular control over his powers than Jay had.
*Wally West (at age 14) attempted to recreate Barry's experiment in his family garage. He blew up the garage and nearly died. His powers are equivalent to Jay's.
*Bart Allen's powers are a result of a genetic inheritance from his father Don Allen, which came from Don's father Barry. His powers are equivalent to Barry's.

3. Eh. Maybe.

4. I dunno. Maybe he could build to that.

5. I don't know what the Tzar Bomb is, but he survived the Reach Bomb.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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Zion1244 writes...

In regards to strength, how does Icon compare to the other league heavy hitters, such as Superman, Captain Marvel, Cpt Atom & Green Lantern?

Greg responds...

Green Lantern's not particularly strong. Not physically. As for Captain Marvel, it depends whether we're talking season one or season two.

I'm not too interested in ranking generally, so I won't be held to this, but I guess I'd rank it Superman, Icon, Captain Atom. The latter's strength is augmented by energy from the quantum field reinforced by his alien metal exo-shell. The energy is virtually unlimited, but there's only so much augmentation his muscles - even with his exo-shell - can manage.

But they're all very strong. And often, strength is situational. No one's interested in how much they can bench press in a gym under controlled conditions. (Or at any rate, I'M not interested in that.) So in one situation, I could see Superman being stronger; in another, Icon, etc.

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Tupka writes...

No question, just something I observed.

The very first time I asked a question here, one of mine was about the change from Nathaniel Adam to Adams. You explained in always felt more natural to you, even in the 80s.

Did you know that, during the Silver Age, Captain Allen Adam was frequently, erroneously, identified as Allen Adams? In early appearances in Space Adventures, he would often be called Adams instead. See this one:


Like I said, no question, but vindication, perhaps?

Greg responds...

I did know... as I read all that stuff in the eighties when Cary Bates and I did Captain Atom. The Adam/Atom pun was always more annoying than fun for me. And at least Adams felt like a real surname. So real, that letterers of the day naturally made the mistake.

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Osamu writes...

Does Garfield like or dislike Miss Martian's true form?

Greg responds...

Is "like or dislike" really a thing? He's fine with it.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Lorisa214 writes...

1) Would you agree that Artemis, Dick & Wally are the closest on The Team as far as being real life friends.
2) would this hold true for all 5 years?
3) Who signed as witness(es) at Jade & Roy's wedding?
4) Would Clark & Bruce hang out if it wasn't work related.
5) You said Lois Lane exist. Do they have any romantic feelings towards each other? Are they dating? -ish?

Greg responds...

1. Uh. Well. Artemis and Wally are obviously very close. And Wally and Dick are best friends. Kaldur and Roy are close. So is Kaldur and Conner. Obviously Conner and M'gann. M'gann and Artemis are pretty close. And so are Artemis and Zatanna. Zatanna and Dick are pretty close. Billy and Zatanna are friendly. And toward the end there Raquel and Kaldur seemed intrigued with each other. I don't know. They're all friends.

2. Uh. Sure.

3. I don't know. But if I did, the answer would be No Spoilers.

4. I think so. They're pretty close friends. Always have been, right?

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Harrison writes...

Why did Miss Martian change her hairstyle between season one and season two?

Greg responds...

For variety?

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hello Grreg! :)
1) What Roy Harper had to get a new SIN?
- (Social Insurance Number. I'm not sure what it's called in the States. But everyone gets one and it identifies you & only you)
2) Can we agree that Artemis' Birthday would be in December.
3) Would she we 21 at the end of Season Two?
4) What kind of funeral did Artemis have? Did her whole family show up? Was it formal?
5) What kind of funeral did Wally have? Did he /Artemis have two funerals, one dealing with the JL, & one for the public/friends and family.

Greg responds...

1. Which Roy are we talking about?

2. No. I'm quite sure I haven't decided when in the year her actual birthday is, so why would I "agree" to December?

3. Not necessarily. She would be 21 by the end of the year in which Season Two is set. But not necessarily by the end of the season, which ended on July 4th.

4. I'll leave that to your imagination for the time being.

5. Ditto.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Ruskin writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know Queen Bee kill Marie Logan? Does Noor know the team adopted the orphan Garfield Logan?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

But the Team didn't adopt anyone.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,
I've really enjoyed all your work. Spectacular Spiderman s one of my "gateway" superhero shows! Thanks for that and Young Justice. This is a retype of my question because I forgot to mention how much I love Rain! I love big mystery/treasure hunts that build on themselves, and the way that Rain and Charlie save the day (no spoilers!) was so fun and cathartic. Rain's relationship with the other generations in her family is such a valuable dynamic that you just don't see elsewhere. :)

One thing still confuses me about Young Justice, though-I'm trying to understand some of the logic behind Dick's decision to keep Wally "hanging back," as you said.

Why would Dick feel there was "no shortage" of heroes? At the least, they were down the six most powerful heroes on Earth with most of the JL off-planet, and in the War World episodes, almost the entire Team was kidnapped. Why wouldn't he call Wally in then? (M'gann is really powerful, but that was a small planet they were fighting. Also, later, the Reach showed that they had an armada with hundreds of ships left over the fight with the War World - surely he'd want all hands on deck, particularly with so much of the League gone?

Why would Wally's appearance be able to catch the bad guys "off guard" after Bloodlines? Wally was already in the game; the nuclear bomb in Central was well publicized; why would his appearance be any more a surprise after that?

On the War World, Dick knew Artemis wouldn't be an issue because M'gann knew she was down under the ocean, so that wasn't a big concern. Even if Artemis did teleport to the alien world, it seems foolhardy in the extreme (almost unbelievably so) that Dick would attempt to take on a planet with only one other hero when another was supposedly waiting in the wings, ready to help whenever.

It doesn't make sense to me that Wally's appearance would be most needed and the biggest surprise only in Summit, when Dick had more backup than at any other point in the entire season and Wally had already showed up in Bloodlines. How was he more useful or a bigger surprise in a huge crowd than in a group of three on the War World, propotionally, when Dick was in the biggest trouble?

It also seems very, very strange that Dick wouldn't let Wally contribute to the efforts of bringing the people who nuked his hometown to justice. No one died that day, but their livlihoods were destroyed and there would be nuclear fallout. Even if Dick was too worried Wally would hurt himself (?), or whatever, Wally showed in Homefront that he was very capable of support - moral and technical - without necessarily getting into the fray. It seems just so strange that, if Wally really *wanted* to help, that he'd shut him out of something that had so ruined Wally's home. It seems strange that Artemis wouldn't have an issue with Dick forcing Wally to stay home, too.

As an aside, why would Dick initially try to keep the truth about Artemis's death from Wally if he *wanted* Wally to hang back for some reason? How would they guy who wanted to kill every alien robot dead in when he really believed Artemis to be dead in Failsafe be easier to control and tell to "hang back" if he REALLY thought Artemis was dead?

Logistically, to me it feels like Dick was more adept and logically minded when he was 13 than 19 with five more years of experience, which is strange. No real judgement against "Dick," really, but none of this seems to hold water at all.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around it.

I enjoyed the rest of the show a lot, though! And Rain is the best!

Thanks. :)

Greg responds...

Dick has learned the value of (1) holding heroes in reserve (for example, in "Failsafe") - and (2) of not making any single squad too big or unmanageable and (3) of keeping people who had trained together working together.

As for Summit, Kid Flash was certainly useful there, but mostly he was there because Artemis' undercover op was coming to an end, and Wally wanted to be there, which at that point was fine with Nightwing.

Beyond that, if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. But it works fine for me, and I won't apologize for it. Nor do I agree with your interpretation of Dick's skills as a leader, season to season. But your mileage may vary.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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Donald writes...

Was Monkey still living with Garfield when Marie died?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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Daniel writes...

How does Uncle John feel about Miss Martian and Garfield treating each other as brother and sister? Has Garfield been to Uncle John's apartment?

Greg responds...

I'm sure he's good with it. He seems the sympathetic type.

And probably.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Emma writes...

After Marie died who on the team and or on the league raze Garfield and was his legal guardian before his training to join the team begin ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Christopher Jones "'... (we were going to get both Supergirl and Donna Troy as Troia), ..."'


Is this true?

Greg responds...

Donna Troy/Troia and Mary Bromfield/Sergeant Marvel were scheduled to appear in Season Two at both Rocket's bridal shower and among the crowd of heroes in the season finale. But we ran out of time to design them for the shower, so she didn't appear in either episode, which was a bummer.

Supergirl was never going to be part of Season Two.

As for Season Three: NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

I searched the archives and I noticed that Troia's age has repeatedly come up as a spoiler. We know the ages of other members of the Team.

Why is Troia's age a spoiler?

Greg responds...

Because you haven't even laid eyes on her.

If you've seen Jaime Reyes, and I confirm his exact age, that's not much of a spoiler, because you could basically guess for yourself and be correct within a year or two.

But with Troia, you don't know if she's ten years old or twenty. And I'm not spoiling that.

Response recorded on March 31, 2016

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Yojimbo writes...

1) At the end of "Usual Suspects", Vandal Savage takes a Zeta Tube to the Watchtower. The control panel indicated he came from Central City. Was this scripted or was the departure supposed to be from somewhere else and this is likely recycled art since it matches the screen seen back in "Infiltrator" when Wally West goes to the Cave in his beach gear?

For 2-4, I previously tried to ask you on Twitter if these Beast Boy and Wonder Girl biographies on a DC Nation supplement were canon but you viewed it on your phone and the writing wasn't legible. I noticed the profile also shows up in the Young Justice Volume 2 Training Day trade paperback so I took close-up photos. Hopefully, this time you will able to make it out.

Photo of Wonder Girl bio: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/kenshi528/wondergirl_dcnation_freshman_zpscdb7619a.jpg
Photo of Beast Boy bio: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/kenshi528/beastboy_dcnation_freshman_zps9376adfb.jpg

Just in case:
The Wonder Girl profile reads "Cassie Sandsmark is the daughter of an archaeologist... and the Greek god Zeus! After Wonder Woman discovered the amazing powers of Cassie's birthright, she granted her new protege the name Wonder Girl."

The Beast Boy profile reads "After a Martian blood transfusion and a green monkey bite, Garfield Logan gained the power to transform into any animal he encounters. Calling himself, Beast Boy, he's morphing right into the Team"

2) I only ask because a lot of these DC Nation profiles for individual characters from Young Justice have been incorrect with certain details in the past. Are these two profiles canon?

3) Is it canon Cassie Sandsmark's father is Zeus and that Wonder Woman was the one who discovered she had super powers?

4) Is it canon that Garfield Logan's powers manifested fully once he received a green monkey bite?

5) For Young Justice: Legacy, Vanessa Marshall once commented she did voice some lines for Black Canary. In the final product, Black Canary had no lines. What were her lines or in general what were they about?

For reference, her tweet: https://twitter.com/vanmarshall/status/432776173114757120

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't recall.

2. Both are correct as far as they go. I don't want to label ANYTHING canon that isn't in the show or the comic or Legacy (and even Legacy has caveats), but these are not incorrect.

3a. Yes. 3b. No one said she discovered them first.

4. I don't want to confirm or deny cause and effect here. That would be a spoiler. But it's true that he was bitten by a green monkey. (Actually, more than once.)

5. I don't remember, and I don't have that information here at my Nickelodeon office.

Response recorded on March 28, 2016

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Abbott writes...

Did league and the team know that the blood tranfusion was canging Garfield's dna before he get his power?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 28, 2016

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Wills writes...

Did Jason Todd die before Batgirl join the team?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 24, 2016

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Kaitlyn (again!) writes...

Hi again,

I read in the guidelines to submit different posts involving different subjects, so I have another question, one that isn't as, for lack of better terms, serious as the other!

Throughout the Young Justice series, I was always wondering why you had the Kid Flash and Artemis pairing as opposed to the Kid Flash and Linda Park one. I honestly enjoy the 'Spitfire' pairing more (actually, I LOVE this pairing. I'm going down with this ship, Mr. Weisman xD), so I'm definitely not complaining that Linda wasn't added to the cast. I was just curious as to why you chose to add a Wally and Artemis pairing.

Greg responds...

We worked with the group we had. Linda didn't fit our plans.

Response recorded on March 03, 2016

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Cat writes...

Quick question that I've been wondering about for a while - were Wonder Girl and Robin friends before they started dating? Based on them being in the background quite a bit together, and M'gann's comment on Wonder Girl "finally getting the courage to kiss him" and all, I just wondered.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 03, 2016

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Food writes...

All these questions are related to food.

1. In comics it said that superman dosent require food as he can live off entirely on solar energy. Is this same case for Earth 16 Superman and to an extent Superboy?

2. Do Maritians need food? I'd imagine that on mars, their diets would probaley be different than humans, but do their shapeshifting powers allow to them compensate for lack of nutrition?

3. In the series, Wally's suit had a pocket where he kept emergency food. Now first I have to say that's a pretty clever way to deal with Wally's speedy metabolism weakness. I also assume that Flash and Impulse have a food rations on them as well in case of emergencies, so what exactly is the food they eat? I can't imagine it being anything gourmet or something that could easily get destroyed or cause a mess. I (personally) would probably think of it as similar to the rations they give in the military.

4. Do other heroes like Batman or Green arrow keep emergency food rations as well? I mean in most versions, Batman tends to keep himself pretty busy with both his hero and wayne industry work, so he dosnet get that much sleep. So I suppose if he's on some long mission, he probaley would need stop and eat something at one point. The thought occurs to me when I think of the Batman Arkham game series, where Batman is trapped inside Arkham Asylum for at least 10 hours and dosnet eat anything. Now obviously that's just a game dynamic so its not a big deal, but considering how well written Young Justice is I would wonder when and how the heros get a chance to eat and basically recover some energy.

5. I lied. This last question isn't about food. After the events of Misplaced, was the Zeta Tube computer updated to recognise Billy Baston?

Greg responds...

1. No. Not for either of them. They could probably go longer without food than a human. But they still have digestive tracks, etc., and if they didn't eat and take in nutrients, those systems would atrophy, and long-term, they'd die.

2. No. Again, I'm not saying they need to eat on the same schedule humans do, but they must eat.

3. Barry and Bart don't have the same metabolism issues that Wally has. Which is not to say they don't eat a lot. But they don't need to keep food on them.

4. I haven't thought about this. But Batman seems like the kind of guy who's prepared for everything. And Green Arrow seems like the kind of guy who isn't prepared for much.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on February 25, 2016

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Raphael writes...

Hi Greg, I wrote many months ago about the correct episode order for Gargoyles. I actually live in Australia so getting Gargoyles Season 2 Vol. 2 is hard and because I know I won't be able to finish it, I haven't watched all of what I have of Gargoyles yet. That information wasn't really needed but I figured I would put it there as a precursor to saying I'm practically obsessive about The Spectacular Spider-Man, (as a Spider-Man fan like yourself, albeit a much narrower breadth of knowledge as I am only a teenager) love Young Justice, particularly the second season, and am enjoying Gargoyles (I think I'm only just past City of Stone, which was epic in the literal sense) and Star Wars Rebels, that twist in 'Rise of the Old Masters' in particular was really well crafted, which as I write this is six episodes or seven episodes in, I'm slightly behind.
Before I get started, I want to make it clear that whatever I say in my first question, I have no intention to argue with you about what you put in the show as others have been about Wally West at the time I write this. I actually have a few different questions on Young Justice, one on The Spectacular Spider-Man and one about you which are split up and these two paragraphs sort of serve as an introduction to all of it.
1. I'm fairly certain there's an undeniable change of pacing and generally a slight tinkering in the type of storytelling from the first season of Young Justice to the second. In the first season the episodes were relatively self contained episodes that contributed to larger character arcs but in the second season almost every episode, if not every episode, contributed to a constant driving narrative. I've noticed something like this in all of your shows, between their first and second seasons before they all were sadly cancelled. Gargoyles felt like its first season set up the character dynamics and world before the second season expanded its universe, probably due to such a large episode order. And The Spectacular Spider-Man felt like it just grew more confident and ambitious. If you don't think these assessments are correct I'd be very different to hear why your shows evolved. I believe Young Justice evolved the most though. Was that planned from the start or was the show readjusted due to what direction you and the rest thought the show could best move in? Or was it some external factor like a change in writing staff, or a smaller amount of episode? In conclusion, why was the show's overall pacing changed? And if you think I've answered my own question can you elaborate?
2. Was there any break in production? I know there wasn't much space between the airing of Young Justice's first season and its second, but did you have any break between seasons?
3. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, and it seems like a fairly obvious question so I apologize if it has been, but how far into production of season 2 of Young Justice, if at all, did you know it was your last season and how sure were you? When I say you I mean everyone who worked on the show.

Greg responds...

1. I think much of what you says feels right. But that's a key distinction. It "feels" right. It isn't objectively correct. I do think that on YJ, the second season was without a doubt more driven by narrative than by character, as the first season was. This was in part intentional. We didn't need to intro concepts. But you may be overstating it a bit as well, since every episode was still designed to stand alone and tell a great story that could hook new viewers. One other factor, as you noted, that definitely contributed to this sense of momentum was the fact that we only got 20 episodes for the second season. That forced us to dedicate more episodes (and storylines within episodes) to the main "novel" we were crafting. With a larger order, we'd have had more plotlines that weren't directly tied to the main throughline, and the feel would have been more like Season One.

2. A short break. Nothing significant.

3. I don't remember exactly, but it was before we completed production. I think maybe even before we had completed the final script.

Response recorded on February 23, 2016

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Tup writes...

In Captain Atom #1, Megala explains the Quantum Field, and equates it to Chi.

Does that mean Asami's power is tied to the Quantum Field somehow?

Greg responds...

Uh... maybe.

Response recorded on February 23, 2016

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Chris writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

I first want to say that I enjoy Young Justice so much. Anyway I also wanted to ask

1.) In Season 2's "Intervention" was there any reason why the squad sent to free Blue Beetle wasn't all female? They did go to Qurac so was Queen Bee not a concern?

2.) Is it safe to assume that by the end of Season 2 the League had no evidence of Lex Luther's or Queen Bee's involvement in the Light and the Reach invasion? Lex seems to admit being part of the Light and helping the invasion in "Endgame" despite General Secretary Tseng being present but Tseng was kind of far away.

3.) What happened to the Reach scientist following her trial before the Guardians? Was her competence ever recognised considering the fact that the Ambassador consistently ignored her?

Greg responds...

1. I'd imagine they kept track of where she was, and she was in Bialya at the time. Plus, I doubt Impulse could have been convinced to skip the mission, so...

2. They have no hard evidence of Lex or Bee's complicity, correct.


Response recorded on February 17, 2016

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Guest writes...

Was the redhead in the glass case when Brainiac was abducting the world's strongest people Knockout or Maxima?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 16, 2016

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Claude writes...

1) If someone were to use the zeta tube to go out and at the same time someone is trying to go in (let's say that the others are busy ) what happens? Who gets priority?
2) Do atlateans eat sea food ? Or is that like taboo?
3) How do atlateans ummm... "take care of their business"? I mean being under water would be a great medium for bacteria (enteric bacteria) or especially trematodes. Is it done by ~magic~
4)So why did the blue scarab used "cease" and when Jaime asked what it meant by that we get no response? Was that suppose to be a tease?
5) how are you ? :) and thank you!

Greg responds...

1. You mean if LITERALLY they hit the button at the same exact second...? I don't know.

2. Of course they eat seafood? As opposed to what?

3. No. It's biological. But let's offer them their privacy, shall we?


5. Pretty good. Thanks for asking.

Response recorded on February 12, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I hope you don't think I'm playing a game of "gotcha" but there is something about "endgame" that bothers me. When Wally decided to go help Flash and Impulse, Captain Marvel was standing right beside him. (Actually, Artemis was right beside him but you get the idea.) I believe you have said that Cap is actually faster than Wally. Wouldn't it have made sense for Wally to ask Marvel to come along to help the Flashes?

Greg responds...

Though I'm not denying it per se, I don't recall saying that Cap is faster than Wally, and in any case, Season Two Cap is definitely NOT faster than Wally.

Besides, I just don't think it occurred to Wally to ask Cap. Fast or not, he's not considered a speedster. So it wouldn't be an automatic thing.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Not so much a question as something interesting for anyone who feels up to it. Quizzes of EVERY character in YJ and Gargoyles. Go nuts.



Greg responds...

Well, I got 50% on YJ and 86% on Gargoyles. (Though I think I've done the latter before.)

I consider both scores pathetic. My memory sure ain't what it used to be.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Has Tim ever met Troia, Lieutenant Marvel, or Sergeant Marvel?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Dale writes...

Did Garfield ever meet Rita Farr before Marie's death by Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

NO SPOILERS. But yes. Rita and Marie were good friends.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Andres writes...

I love YJ awesome work between YJ and Geoff Johns work on Aquaman in new 52 I have renewed interest in the character and has become my favorite of the New 52 comics. Aqualad is the best created tv superhero character ever is my opinion. Watched a few episodes recently and I have just one question. In season is established that Aqualad is one of the more experienced and powerful members of YJ but in season 1 he is defeated soundly by Chester but by season 2 Kaldur is taking on half of YJ and holding his own and taking out Superboy with a couple of blows even after Superboy advancing in fight technique with instruction by Black Canary. Is this simple progression of fighting ability or increase in power?

Greg responds...

Mostly the former, but I also don't agree with the premise of your question. I think you are (a) underestimating CHESHIRE and (b) not taking into account that the first time one fights any new opponent, it's going to be more difficult then fighting someone you know well, and (c) missing the fact that Aqualad intentionally threw the fight with Cheshire at least once.

Plus, you're skipping all the other season one battles he had.

It's just an odd question.

But if what you're asking is whether or not he got more powerful between seasons, the answer is basically no.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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B writes...

You responded "Why would she want Garfield dead?" to Ben Wes's question "Why Queen Bee did not kill Garfield right after Marie was killed?". Well, the same reason, revenge on Miss Martian. So was there a motivation for Queen Bee to kill Marie beyond revenge?

Greg responds...

Revenge at one's own expense doesn't make a lot of sense. The heroes are viewed as assets by the Light. Chess pieces that one doesn't sacrifice without cause.

As to whether there was a secondary reason for Queen Bee to kill Marie Logan -- NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on February 09, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I have a question about female heroes in the YJ universe, I hope it doesn't venture into spoiler territory.

The Team had a solid male-female ratio. The League considerably less, with 3/16 and later 5/25. Wonder Woman even mentions this inbalance in "Agendas".

My question is: what was the ratio in the JSA/A-SS? Wonder Woman was a member, as was "Firebrand", but were there any female heroes operating at the time? Obviously, there was no Black Canary yet in this timeline, but were there any other women? Or was it mainly a boys' club?

Greg responds...

There were other women, but both the JSA and the A-SS were primarily boys' clubs.

Progress, I'm afraid, is slow. But as you noted, the Team was considerably better balanced. So progress has been made.

Response recorded on February 09, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Were Aqualad and Rocket still dating when Jason joined the Team?

2. Did they break up sometime after Jason's death?

3. Were Dick and Zatanna still dating when Jason joined the Team?

4. Did they break up sometime after Jason's death?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

4. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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Yojimbo writes...

1) In "Happy New Year," when was Adam Strange's first trip to Rann relative to when Martian Manhunter introduced him at the Watchtower (i.e. 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days)?

2) How long was Tseng replaced by a Krolotean or was the switch done at the same time as the events of the "Players" arc in the last issues of the comic?

3) In "War", who was the other tyrant that replaced Mongul from as ruler of his planet or was that in the plans to reveal who he/she was given enough episodes/comics/games?

4) In "Usual Suspects", were Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, and Sportsmaster going to take Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis to the start work on the Atabey's Shrine project on Santa Prisca (later visited in "Legacy")?

5) In "Insecurity", what did Bernell Jones do to be up for assassination by the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

1. I don't have that nailed down on my timeline, but it was sometime between January of Team Year Five and January 3rd of Team Year Six.

2. More or less the same time.


4. No. There were more immediate concerns.

5. He wrote a story after being warned.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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Dan writes...

What were the Reach going to do with Mongul and Despero?

Greg responds...

Take them out of circulation.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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Gillian writes...

When Garfield became totally green did from Miss Martian's blood transfusion did Garfield start to age slower? He looks younger than 13 to 14 year old in season two?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. He looked the right age to us. Maybe on the short side, but some boys have growth spurts at different times, and some are just short.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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Daisy writes...

Where does Arsenal live at this point? Like who does he stay with? Green Arrow? Or is he completely on his own now?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on January 20, 2016

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Fangirling writes...

What did M'gann and Conner study at Ivy Town University? Sorry if I got the name wrong.

Greg responds...

I haven't thought it out. Off the top of my head, I'd say Megan would major in Communications and Conner in History. But if at a later date I think of something I like better, I won't hesitate to change my mind.

Response recorded on January 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Is Janice really fluent in Japanese and what other shows is she in now?

Greg responds...

1. So I'm told. I'm not, so it's not like I could test her.

2. I don't know.

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Joelle writes...

Hello, Mister Weisman!
Big Fan from RD Congo here! (So, in case you have any difficulties to understand my post, I'm truly sorry).
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to ask you questions, and I'm even more thankful for the amazing work of yours. You are an Inspiration! Especially Gargoyles is outstanding.
But this question is about Young Justice:
Are ALL of Dick's former girlfriends aware of his double life in the Young Justice comics? And if the answer is no, who doesn't know it? If the answer is yes, isn't he scared that it might come out? Sorry if it's a dumb and obvious question to you, but I was just wondering.

Greg responds...


No spoilers.

Scared isn't the right word, but he's cautious.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015

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Liane Bertosch writes...

Hi Greg!
Thank you for answering questions, I really appreciate it.
I loved EVERYTHING about Young Justice.
But I have 2 questions:
1. Did Dick Grayson date Raquel after or before she gave birth to Amistad?
2. How old was Raquel when she got pregnant?

-A big fan from Austria

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 28, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How rare a sight are Atlanteans that look like Lagoon Boy?

2. Has Lagoon Boy ever met other Atlanteans that look like him?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Megan shape shifted into a female version of Lagoon Boy in Chapter 4 of Young Justice Invasion.

1. Is the girl Megan shape shifted into actually (physically) exist on Earth-16?

2. Are Lagoon Boy's parents alive?

3. Do they look like him?

Greg responds...

1. Exactly that girl? No. Is there a similar one out there? No spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 26, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. For Season 2, did you consider changing Kaldur's code name?

2. Did you consider changing his code name for a future season?

3. What would you have considered changing his name to? (had you changed it for Season 2 or changed it for a future season)

4. What is Kaldur's reasoning for still going by the name Aqualad eventhough he is 21?

5. What is your reasoning for still having Kaldur go by the name Aqualad eventhough he is 21?

Greg responds...

1. He didn't really need a code name at all in Season Two, so... no.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

4. There hasn't been any impetus to change it up to this point.

5. See above.

Response recorded on October 26, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Would Lieutenant Marvel's costume have been a blue version of Captain Marvel's?

2. How old is Shazam?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. I'm not confirming or denying that Shazam exists.

Response recorded on October 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I loved season 1 of Young Justice, and was looking forward to watching season 2, until I saw that Artemis and Wally, my two favorite characters, lived together in season 2.

I hope I don't come across as rude, I'm not trying to be. I'm concerned and curious.

1.Why did you have Wally and Artemis live together in season 2 of Young Justice? (I didn't expect something like that in a PG-rated superhero cartoon, that attracts a young audience.).

I am honestly concerned. Kids shouldn't be shown this as something to be handled lightly. Scientific studies have confirmed that cohabitation is not a good idea, it has negative affects on a couple's relationship, and on society. Young kids are not experienced or aware of the consequences of some actions. They learn and distinguish what is right and wrong from what they see others do(And, who doesn't look up to superheroes?).

2. When you decided to make this a part of the story, did you consider the affect it could have on young kids?

3. Are you concerned about the influence it has on them?

Greg responds...

1. Okay, I'm going to start by challenging your statement that "Scientific studies have confirmed that cohabitation is not a good idea, it has negative affects on a couple's relationship, and on society." I don't believe that for a second.

This is anecdotal and happily reveals my own bias, but I "cohabited" with my current wife for years before we got married, and I don't think it harmed our relationship, our eventual marriage, our children (or any one's children) or (for God's sake) society. So, if that makes me biased, fine. But we've been together since 1988 and happily married since 1991, and I resent the hell out of anyone who tries to tell me that was a mistake.

But beyond my own personal experience, I truly don't believe that scientific studies have demonstrated what you claim. My guess is that if you actually have read those studies - and I'm not sure I believe that either, because it's an easy thing to say to justify pre-existing opinions - then I'd lay odds that when I looked at who performed and/or commissioned those studies that I'd find a CLEAR bias in one or both of them. And/or that the studies you're referring to are so ancient that the bias was pre-existing.

As for us handling Wally and Artemis' cohabitation lightly, I don't think we did that at all. For starters, all you KNOW is that they were sharing an apartment as many college students do. You have no idea how many bedrooms that apartment had. Personally, I think it was a two bedroom apartment and they each had their own bedroom. And there's nothing in the show that would indicate anything else. All you ever saw was the living room/kitchen. If you're also saying that college age boys and girls can't share housing, I'd respond by saying there's hardly a university in this country that agrees with that assessment.

Now, I'm not trying to be coy. I ALSO think they had sexual relations. (Though that's merely my interpretation; your mileage may vary.) But I don't think there's anything wrong with that either. This was clearly a committed relationship. They'd been a couple for five years. They had a dog together. Long term, I believe the clear plan was to marry and have kids.

So I'm absolutely 100% fine with viewing Wally and Artemis as roll models in this scenario. If you don't agree, that's okay too. Don't let your kids watch the show.

2. Yes.

3. Sure. But I think it's a positive influence.

Response recorded on October 22, 2015

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Brent writes...

Question 1 What did Garfied do at the cave and happy harbor before he got his power? Question 2 the members of the team take Garfield on missions after before offically join the team ather he got his power?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to confirm or deny that he did anything at the cave before getting his power.

2. You're making a lot of assumptions here. In any case, the basic answer to your questions is probably just NO SPOILERS, anyway.

Response recorded on October 22, 2015

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Jane writes...

Hello I have a few questions.
1. Has wonder girls birthday pass yet in young justice invasion making her 15? I know you stated before the second season on December 31st (2015) she was 14 which would mean that she would be aging another year 2016 making her going on 15.
2. Is tim drake the same age as wonder girl, making him also going on 15, and if so when?
3. What grade is wonder girl in? 9th going to 10th or already 10th?
Thank you

Greg responds...

1. I haven't set a specific birthDATE for her as yet. And I'm afraid my memory isn't sufficient to even confirm what you've written here, since I don't have my YJ timeline here at my Nick office.

2. Ditto. But I believe they are the same basic age.

3. Haven't thought about it.

You might also check the YJ Wiki: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki

I can't give a blanket confirmation that everything on it at any given moment is correct, but generally it gets things right.

Response recorded on October 22, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

When talking to Megan about how long Robin and Wonder Girl have been a couple in Endgame Connor called Robin Tim.

1. How long has he known that Tim Drake is Robin?

2. Who told him that Tim Drake is Robin?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 22, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

On Feb. 13th 2013 you stated that Dick probably had multiple parties since he had multiple identities.

We know Dick as Dick Grayson, Robin, Dan Danger, and Nightwing.

What other identities does Dick have?

Greg responds...

I can't find anything on that date in the archives. But if Dick does have any identities beyond the three you've listed, then they are spoilers. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 21, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

In what episode was the scene with Cadmus guards cut for time from?

Greg responds...

I assume you're referring to "Agendas".

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Jason have two funerals, one for Jason Todd and the other for Robin?

2. Who gave the eulogy for Robin's funeral?

3. Who attended Robin's funeral?

4. Was Robin's funeral held at the Watchtower?

Greg responds...

1. Two memorials, at least.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers, but obviously the Team and a good chunk of the Justice League.

4. Okay, again, not a funeral. But, no, the memorial would have been held in the grotto of the Cave, i.e. Mount Justice.

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the Team and League being told that Artemis was not dead and Aqualad was not a traitor part of dialogue that was cut for time from Summit?

2. What was the dialogue?

Greg responds...

1. It happened off screen. We didn't see any need to show it, so that scene was never written.

2. See above.

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. After their kiss on New Years, did Aqualad and Rocket ever date?

2. If so, why did they brake up (call it off)?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers (but yes).

2. No spoilers (for real this time).

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

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Tomas writes...

Why did Miss Martian make her look and sound older in season twon than she was in season one if she is aging three time slower than a human?

Greg responds...

She felt more mature, and her look tends to reflect how she feels inside.

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

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Nate Elias writes...

1. Most of the time Batman Villains in general are shown being incarcerated at Arkham regardless of their mental state. Which Villains do you consider to not be criminally insane?

2. What drove the decision to use the Matt Hagen Clayface or Raymond Maxwell Jensen Parasite as opposed to the more Known & Widely used Basil Karloff and Rudy Jones Versions? This isn't a criticism by the way.

3. You've said that at the time of season 1 Batman & Bane hadn't encountered each other yet. Would you say that the events of Knightfall, or events similar to it, had taken place by The time of Season 2?

Anyways, hope you get around to Answering me. I'm a Lifelong fan of your work, especially Gargoyles! ;)

Greg responds...

1. It pretty much depends on HOW a given set of creators are portraying those villains. But if we're talking YJ, Joker belongs there. But Riddler, Bane and Clayface do not. Have we done any other strictly Batman villains?

2. We used the versions we thought would be the most fun/dangerous, which incidentally were also the versions that I was most familiar with.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 02, 2015

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ND writes...

First of all, I apologize for the mistakes: English is not my mother language.

Then I'd like to tell you that I really like the animated Young Justice for many reasons. I love the variety of genders and ethnicities and the lack of stereotypes. There was a Japanese girl who didn't do Kung Fu or computers, blondes who weren't stupid or shallow, Black characters who didn't die in the first episode, and so on.

Now, there's something I don't like about Young Justice (and many animated shows, by the way): there's a variety of body types among boys yet all girls have the same impossibly tiny waist. It's very guilt-inducing for the girls who watch the show and don't have a "perfect body", that is 99.99% of them.

I know some male characters like Kaldur or Conner have incredibly huge muscles but all male characters were not like that: Billy Batson was skinny throughout the two seasons and the fans LOVED him the way he was. Moreover, Dick's evolution may have been explained by his training while there was not such explanation for the girls: in real life, most high-level female athletes have "ruler" body shapes, not impossible hourglasses. Also, some male characters like La'gaan or Garfield (I apologize for mentioning Garfield) look like "monsters" while all female characters look human (I don't count Miss Martian because she looks human most of the time). Why?

I know you probably didn't mean it but this is quite disturbing. I don't mind hourglass women but every woman cannot have an impossible hourglass figure. Personally, I exercise regularly, I eat healthy food, I'm thinner than average and I don't have an impossible hourglass figure because 1) I have intestines and 2) I inherited my granny's "pear" body shape. I've been heavier on bottom since puberty and I'm ok with it but some teenagers are not THAT ok because they hear all the time that every woman should look like Zatanna!

I apologize if I sound rude. I'd just like to tell you that a female character doesn't need a "perfect" body to be endearing, interesting or a good role model. Just after the episode "Secrets", I read from some fans on forums and some said "Hey, I like Greta, I hope we'll see more of her later". None of them said "I hope we won't see her again unless she grows some huge boobs, flat-chested girls are repulsive". In real life, people shouldn't grant less value to women who are skinny or plus-size so why should they in fiction?

I hope you don't take this badly. This is not an attack against you, I'm just wondering about teenagers' body images. Have a nice day. :)

Greg responds...

I think you raise some very valid points. And I think its an area that comics and cartoons have traditionally been less than great at, though that's no excuse for continuing those traditions blindly.

We did have Devastation and Tuppence Terror (in Season 2) and Shimmer, none of whom have the hour-glass figure - but all of whom are villains.

We were also guilty of that in Gargoyles, and it was something I tried to address (years later) in the comics with the addition of Constance/Coco - a badass, kickass gargoyle of larger proportions. I think she was quite popular with the fans. So it's something I'm working on. But there's often resistance. And, to be honest, some of that resistance is purely internal and unconscious on my part. So it's something I'm working on within myself, as well.

But please don't stop reminding me.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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YoungJusticeFan writes...

Hi Greg! I was wondering is Black Beetle just strong ( Goes toe to toe with Mongul) or does the scarab grant him his strength? If the scarab does, then how strong is Blue Beetle? Also who is stronger, Black Beetle or Superman?

Greg responds...

Black Beetle is strong. The scarab makes him stronger. As to who is stronger, I'll stick with my standard response to such questions: "See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him."

Response recorded on August 07, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Who (in universe) suggested that the holographic effigies of the Team and League members be placed on the Grotto?

Greg responds...

Uh... Greg Vietti? Brandon Weisman?

Honestly, I hadn't given any thought to that question. Out of universe, that was my idea.

Maybe Wonder Woman suggested the effigies, and Nightwing suggested they be holographic? I'm not confirming that until I've had a chance to sit with it, but it feels likely.

Response recorded on August 06, 2015

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