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REVELATIONS 2012-05 (May)

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Clark Cradic writes...

Do you have Zatanna and Zatara's voice actors say their spells forward and then rewind them in post or are they actually saying the spells backwards without help?

Greg responds...

They speak 'em backwards. It's fun to watch. We laugh a lot.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Jake the Fearless Leader writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. Allow me to compliment this wonderful series known as Young Justice you and your team have created. Every episode seems to leave me on the edge of my seat. I only have three questions to ask.

1. The design of the Wayne Manor exterior is amazing. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it, both in Issue #0 and onscreen in "Downtime." I'm curious, though. Was your design influence by other incarnations of the manor (such as the live action movies and tv shows and the various animated series) or is this an original design?

2. In "Infiltrated," the League of Shadows attempted to steal knowledge from Wayne Tech. And in Issue #12, Clayface was delivered to the Wayne Foundation. a) Is Wayne Tech a single company, or is it part of the much larger Wayne Enterprises? b) The Wayne Foundation is a charity building and therefore separate from Wayne Tech, correct?

3. Also in reference to Issue #12, I'm not sure if I'm just slow or if it wasn't supposed to be obvious, or perhaps I'm just way off my mark here, but would I be right in assuming that Lucius Fox does not know the true identities of Batman and Robin?

Greg responds...

1. This is really more of a question for Brandon Vietti. I was shown the design and said "Cool!"

2. WayneTech is a division of Wayne Enterprises. The Wayne Foundation charity is a separate entity.

3. He does not.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Rory Gaff writes...

I have recently been very interested in following up a lot of the historical references that were shown to me from Gargoyles. Especially the stories of Macbeth, Gillecomgain and the rest of the Scottish history as well as the story in the SLG comics about the Stone of Destiny. Upon further research, I can see that all of these characters and all the historical references are based on true historical events. You must have spent a great deal of time researching all this information.

My question is: What made you go into so much detail about the history of Scotland and Britain and was it through mere interest or just following up from where you decided to initially place the Gargoyles at Castle Wyvern in Scotland?

I have learnt SO much about my own nation's (Scottish) history from following up references from Gargoyles. Information that I would have never been remotely interested in learning if it wasn't presented to me by Gargoyles. I think it is amazing what you did with Gargoyles. I only wish that you could do even more!!

Greg responds...

Initially, it was more the latter. Eventually, it became the former.

BTW, I had much help on the research. Back in the days of the original series, Monique Beatty and Tuppence Macintyre were both invaluable. When working on the comic, I couldn't have done it without Kathy Pogge.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Kwesi Brako writes...

I have to say, Young Justice is one of the best television shows I've seen in a while... The writing, character development and overall tone of the show are both refreshing and very engaging.

1. How exactly did Billy convince Amber to fly him to Happy Harbour?
2. How far is Fawcett City from Happy Harbour?
3. In Misplaced we see a framed photograph of Billy and his uncle Dudley at the park, and uncle Dudley is still wearing that vest... Why is uncle Dudley always in that vest?
4. Did becoming Captain Marvel make Billy lose friends?

Keep making amazing episodes; your work on this property and gargoyles inspire me!

Greg responds...

1. Pure earnestness.

2. Check out the timezones.

3. Do you mean his t-shirt?

4. I don't understand this question.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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MAtch writes...

How many "Authorized Guests" are there?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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samm writes...

Did Adrian Pasdar and Khary Payton really only have one line in Misplaced, or did they provide grunts too?

Greg responds...

In "Misplaced"? Khary had 19 lines. And Adrian wasn't in it at all.

If you mean "Coldhearted", Khary had two lines as Aqualad, one as Brick and three as State Trooper #1. Adrian had two lines as Hugo Strange, two as National Guardsman #1 and 2 as Chicago Cop #1.

And for the record, Miguel Ferrer had 2 lines as National Guardsman #2. Cree Summer had one line as Highway Patrolman #1, which we had to pitch WAY down, because the animation came back with the speaker being a male patrolman instead of the female patrolwoman we had called for.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

This is my second attempt at posting #12; this will be part A of the posting. Honestly, I don't know what I did wrong to get my posting deleted. I looked it up just to be safe to see if it was approved and it wasn't there... I'll give you the first five questions, which were in regards to the highly anticipated Young Justice: Invasion. PLEASE understand that NONE of these questions are asking for sensitive information (ie. the overall plot, episode summaries, etc.). All these questions that I give you are asked in a careful manner so that there would be no risk of leaking any sensitive information whatsoever. If any of them do, just ignore that specific question. Besides, I'm guessing by the time you respond to this, Season One will be officially over, and we'll be waiting for months with anticipation for Season Two, so hopefully no harm should be done in this posting. So here we go, again!

1. By the time Season One of Young Justice is over, what is moral of the entire season that we will have learned? For Season Two, what is the moral we are expected to learn? There's always something important to learn; that's the fact of life.

2. If the theme of Season One is all about secrets and lies, then what is the theme that we should expect from Season Two? I'm guessing that while it's different from that of Season One, it's just as equally important.

3. From a list of adjectives, which are the best examples to describe the upcoming Season Two? (ie. heart-pounding? exciting?)

4. From a list of adjectives, which are the best examples to describe the positions of each of the members of The Team (where they stand) as they transition from the events of Season One to the events of the upcoming Season Two? (ie. depressing? heart-breaking?)

5. From a list of adjectives, which are the best examples to describe what the fans’ expectations for the upcoming Season Two should be? The nature of this question should not be confused with that of question #3; they are NOT the same. (ie. thrilled?)

Hope it all works out this time. Keep up the good work, and keep making Young Justice the best DC animated cartoon it can be! I have absolute confidence in your abilities and those of your co-workers! Believe it!

Greg responds...

1a. I think the assumption within the question is overly simplistic. There are some basic themes to the series as a whole, and some obvious morals one could draw from events, but that's not the type of show we're writing here.

1b. There IS always something important to learn, but I'm going to let you take from the series what you take from it. I'm not going to dictate a moral. And OBVIOUSLY, if I did have a moral for Season Two, I sure wouldn't tell it to you now: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. It's still secrets and lies: that's the major theme for the SERIES, not just a single season. Other themes include (but are not limited to) "Growing Up" and "Coming of Age".

3. I'll let you pick your own.

4. CGYJ, you MUST see that this single question 4 is at least eight questions at once. And in any case, I'm not answering it. This forum is NOT designed for me to interpret your viewing experience. You can do that without me.

5. I get that it's a different question, I just don't get why GREG WEISMAN should be answering it. How can I dictate fan expectations?

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Geodude writes...

Are Flash and/or Kid Flash capable of doing relatively complicated things at super-speed? Could they use their speed, for example, to assemble a store-bought bookcase or put together a jigsaw puzzle?

One more question, can you provide or link to some sort of map or floor plan of the cave?

Greg responds...

1. Flash MIGHT be able to. But Kid Flash's speed is all about acceleration and deceleration. I'm not saying he couldn't do it faster than, say, Artemis. But he's not going to do it in a split-second.

2. Nope. That's proprietary.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Richard Jackson writes...

Did you name the London Clan's magic shop, Into the Mystic, after the Van Morrison song?

Greg responds...

I didn't name it. I assume either Gary Sperling or Robert Cohen named it.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Batman said that it took eight leaguers four hours to beat amazo, but superboy, robin and kid flash were able to beat him on their own and im assumming based on the time of day that they did it in alot less than four hours, so whats up with that?

Greg responds...

What's up with that is Ivo's presence, obviously. With the Team, Amazo was hampered by having to protect Ivo. With the League, Ivo wasn't there.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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