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REVELATIONS 2012-05 (May)

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SHAZAM! writes...

why did you change captain marve's voice actor from rob lowe to chad lowe?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Rob was no longer available, and Chad - with Rob's blessing - kindly stepped in."

[Response recorded on April 24, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Joseph J writes...

Hey, Mr. Weisman, watched Agendas earlier today, and was wondering: What about Blue Devil? I didn't catch him in the whole League conversation. Was he considered?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

GREEN ARROW: "If we're considering Blue Devil, then I nominate Red Arrow."

[From "Young Justice" episode 122, "Agendas." Originally aired March 24, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Oh, I forgot one.

You said the scars on Vandal Savage's face were part of Phil's original design. Did HE find influence in the Hunters from Gargoyles or not? Or do you not know?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Phil Bourassa came up with the scars in his orignial design for the character, declaring they were the result of a fight with a cave bear. They have nothing to do with GARGOYLES."

[Response recorded on January 20, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Scott writes...

After the events of "Misplaced" does Zatara receive a new Justice League identification number, now that he is Doctor Fate?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

COMPUTER: "Recognized...Icon, Two-Zero. Doctor Fate, One-Seven. Captain Marvel, One-Five."

[From "Young Justice" episode 126, "Auld Acquaintance." Originally aired April 21, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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johnny139 writes...

Alright, I'm probably overthinking this, but I was curious about how the spell in "Misplaced" worked. It split the world into two dimensions, one for adults and one for children. I assumed it was based on physical difference (which is why the ageless Klarion ended up with the children and Billy-as-Captain-Marvel went with the adults). But Amber switching over at midnight once she turned 18 seemed to throw that out the window. So, was it simply psychological? Did Klarion and the others designate 18 as an arbitrary "cutoff point" for adulthood when casting? Or is it something else entirely?

(Again, probably overthinking, but it's been bothering me. Oh, and great job on the show, of course. I'm really loving it!)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


[Response recorded on April 13, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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J writes...

As far as the series is going right now scale of 1 to 10 what do you think the odds of Conner recieving his Kryptonian name are?
(P.S-if you flag this as a spoiler i will leave several angry e-mails related to every website related to you i can find.)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

SUPERMAN: "However long it takes to clear our names, Kon-El."

[From "Young Justice" episode 203, "Alienated." Originally aired May 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

hi!if you get to my question thanks or answering.so I was wondering if young justice goes well,will there be another or 2 seasons?please respond and thanks for answering!and love the work on young justice,I liked that part in images when you and another guy whiched your last names and put them in the "Hello Megan" thing

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We receive feedback from Cartoon Network all the time, but 'feedback' and a 'pick-up' are two different things. In theory, they could pick the show up at any time, but I don't expect any definitive answer for weeks, if not months."

[Response recorded on May 14, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Thomas writes...

Okay, just saw Image.....and it sort of showed that Megan was not the mole that Sportsmaster and the Light mentioned, yet Queen Bee seems to be trying, as Megan did not say yes or no.....to get her own. Does that mean that the Light is trying to rip the team apart themselves....with their own moles? And, if this shows that Megan is not the mole........then who is? The last one is retorical, as I know you will not say.

Um....is it too much to ask as to possibly verify that Megan was not the mole that Sportsmaster and the Light said so earlier?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"...the RECENTLY REVEALED MOLE , Red Arrow..."

[Response recorded April 16, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Golden rose writes...

hey greg let me down the big fan of your shop I was wondering since we seen kid flash get his own little episode and we're going to see it miss martian Artemis and Connor get own episodes will we see robin get his little episode as well ? Robin first introduced me into the super hero world and so I am I really like and then you've done a really great job bringing jesse mccartney into it and it's superb. it seems like you're not using him as much as the other members came and robin is just so great how you've created him I wanna see more and more of robin that's my question will we see more Robin ? thank you
for you to answer this if you don't you're busy and so I understand. please I'm sorry if this is a spoiler but I didn't think it would be so thank you for reading

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Hey gang,

This coming Saturday, April 7th on Cartoon Network's DC NATION is episode 124 of YOUNG JUSTICE: 'Performance.' It's focus is on Robin, his origins and one of his oldest friends. Plus we've got a nice little Superboy subplot, Red Arrow's second mission with the Team and much, much more. The whole block (which also includes Green Lantern and some terrific shorts) repeats again on Sunday the 8th. Check local listings for times."

[Response recorded April 5, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Ryan writes...

What did Zatanna say in Misplaced when she was fighting the Ice Fortress?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Erif nrub, nordlauc elbbub!"

[Response recorded on April 11, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, could you tell me please how old Garfield Logan is at this point? Thank you.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

MARIE LOGAN: "He's eight, he doesn't do orders!"

[From "Young Justice" episode 121, "Image." Originally aired March 17, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Austin writes...

Have you ever considered doing a Justice League spinoff from young justice or at leats using the same style of animation as young justice?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


[Response recorded on April 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg,
First let me say that I love Young Justice. My question is: Does the Bialya Queen Bee we see on the show have any powers?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"She made the master villain list, and she seemed to be a nice fit with the others. Much as I love Marina, casting didn't play into it at that stage. Her being the dictator of a country, HER POWERS, her being female all played in."

[Response recorded on April 12, 2012. Emphasis added by moderator.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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KimMF writes...

Hello Greg,
In "Coldhearted", Batman mentioned that "both Green Lanterns were offworld". But we have seen three Green Lanterns. John Stewart in multiple episode, Guy Gardner in "Revelation", and Hal Jordan in the simulation in "Failsafe". You could also count Alan Scott from flashbacks. Could he have meant that there are two Green Lanterns that are officially part of the JLA? Could it be because Batman does not like one of the Green Lanterns, a "One-Punch incident"? Or could it be a mistake by one of the scriptwriters?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Guy's not a member of the League, and Batman has no jurisdiction over him or consistent way to track his whereabouts, especially if Guy's offworld."

[Response recorded on May 10, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Rafael writes...

Hello, there!
Your works never stop to amaze me.

I have a question, though:

In the episode 20 of Young Justice we see an attempt against princess Perdita's live by her uncle, Count Vertigo. But we do see another attempt against her in the Green Arrow Showcase that accompanies Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. My question is: Does this two murder attempts occur in the same universe (and by extent, the Supes/Bats movie), Earth-16?

Thank you for your attention, keep up the good work!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Yes and no. The short isn't canon, but the Earth-16 version of those events will eventually appear in our companion comic."

[Response recorded on May 8, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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MissM writes...

How old is Serifan?
How old is Dreamer?
How old is Beluga Boy?
How old is Commissioner Gordon?
How old is T.O. Morrow?


Greg responds...

Serifan and Dreamer are New Gods. Ages don't apply.

Beluga Boy was a background character, not on my list or timeline. I don't have an age for him.

James Gordon is 49 in "Misplaced".

The real T.O. Morrow is 100 in "Humanity" and "Insecurity".

Response recorded on May 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did scott, stewart, and gardner got their rings and who cureently has scott's ring?

2. How did sportsmaster get involved with the league of shadows and are he and the riddler friends and have they ever fought batman?

Greg responds...



2a. They seem to get along well enough.


Response recorded on May 14, 2012

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Craig writes...

Hi Greg,

Loving Young Justice up here in Canada!!! We are expecting our first son in April and I have all the episodes taped for when he is old enough to watch them.

My question is how often do you receive feedback from the Cartoon Network? When would you know whether to begin on season 3? Keep up the awesome work!

Greg responds...

We receive feedback from Cartoon Network all the time, but 'feedback' and a 'pick-up' are two different things. In theory, they could pick the show up at any time, but I don't expect any definitive answer for weeks, if not months.

Response recorded on May 14, 2012

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Miro writes...

how can perdida be queen at 10? does she have regents? should not vertigo be one of them?
is vltaba absolute monarchy or consitutinoal?
is vertigo her fathers brother?
is the sohwcase of green arrow canon in young justice
why does she look difrent?

Greg responds...

1. She inherited the crown from her father.

1a. I'm sure she does.

1b. For obvious reasons, that's not a great idea.

2. Probably some degree of constitutional but more absolute than most modern monarchies.

3. Probably, but I haven't nailed it down in my own head yet.


5. It's the Young Justice version of the same character.

Response recorded on May 14, 2012

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JVT writes...

Again, really great work by you and your cast and crew on Young Justice. Just looking to eat up some more of your time with questions and commentary.

1. I liked your take on the Riddler; the jacket and tie is a nice change from the suit or spandex with bowler that he typically wears. I also thought it did a great job of showing a casualwear look that is still leaves him instantly recognizable.

2. This might just be me reading too closely into things but I noticed that the designs for the Joker and Riddler seem to take cues from musical subcultures. The Joker's design seems to me very Mod inspired while the Riddler wouldn't look out of place in a rockabilly band. Was this an intentional design choice or a simple coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. All credit for that should go to Phil Bourassa and Brandon Vietti. My only contribution was to say, "Cool!"

2. You'd have to ask Phil.

Response recorded on May 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, thanks for taking the time to answer this!

Just watched Coldhearted and it was epic. I loved how we got to see more of Wally's badass side. But I was wondering where Roy was since he didn't show up at Wally's birthday party?

Greg responds...

Otherwise occupied.

Response recorded on May 14, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #203: "Alienated": Credits:

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #203: "Alienated": Credits:

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Kevin Hopps

Directed By
Mel Zwyer

Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Card 4
Starring The Voices Of
Tim Curry as G. Gordon Godfrey
Miguel Ferrer as Vandal Savage, Bibbo Bibbowski
Bruce Greenwood as Batman, Eduardo Dorado Sr.
Kevin Grevioux as Partner
Logan Grove as Beast Boy
Phil LaMarr as Aquaman
Stephanie Lemelin as Catherine Cobert
Eric Lopez as Blue Beetle
Yuri Lowenthal as Lagoon Boy
Jesse McCartney as Nightwing
Danica McKellar as Miss Martian
Masasa Moyo as Bumblebee
Nolan North as Superboy, Superman
Khary Payton as Aqualad, Black Manta
Maggie Q as Wonder Woman
Kevin Michael Richardson as Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter
Michael Trucco as Adam Strange
Michael T. Weiss as Captain Atom
Mae Whitman as Wonder Girl

Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Superman Created By
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster

Martian Manhunter Created By
Joseph Samachson and Joe Certa

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

G. Gordon Godfrey created by
Jack Kirby

Nightwing created by
Marv Wolfman and George Perez

Beast Boy created by
Arnold Drake

Mal Duncan created by
Bob Rozakis and Jose Delbo*
*Note, I've been informed by a reliable source that this is incorrect, but TPTB had us put this in.

Adam Strange created by
Gardner Fox

Bibbo Bibbowski Created By
Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome K. Moore

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Fedja Jovanovic
Hakjoon Kang

Prop Design
Eugene Mattos
Kevin Altieri
Charles Drost, III
Steven Gordon

Storyboard Clean-up
Jen Bennett
Naz Ghodrati-Azadi

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Matthew Bordenave

Background Paint
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Jhoanne Reyes
Card 12

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick
Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
Lotto Animation, Inc.

Supervising Animation Directors
Heechul Kang

Background Director
Yunhee Kim
EunHee No
Eunjung Choi

Animation Directors
Junsik Cho
Sangjoon Lee
Myeonghwan Park

Production Staff
Hyoungmin Doh
Miok Kwon
Eonho Lee
Jinhwa Heo (Jun-E)
Layout Artists
Myoungin Kang
Changnam Kim
Minsu Kim

Final Checker
Hosoon Shin

Color Stylist
Mihyun Ji

Model Checkers
Junghee Kim
Mikyoung Kim

Sangbong Oh
Banseok Choi
Yuri Choi
Sunghun Lee
Daehee Rim

Key Animation
Yeoungsik Hwang
Seokjin Jang
EunHwa Jung
Howoon Jung
Dongwook Kim
Kwonil Kim
Taekwon Kim
Youngmi Lee
Kyounghwa Seo

Seokki Um
Misook Choi
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Ryan Johnston - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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sam writes...

I've been a fan of the new 52 and I was wondering if there are any plans to incorporate the new universe by any means into Young Justice.
I do know a similar question was asked if new 52 will change the whole YJ and you said no, but I'm wondering if there would be any elements taken from the current comics in future seasons or would you guys rule out the possibilities?

Also, I'm wondering if the team only accepts legacy characters like kid flash, aqualad, red robin and heroes like that because all the current heroes have their adult counterpart, so I'm wondering if it is a criteria to join the team only if they're connected to the Justice League.

Lastly, thanks for the great work. I love Young Justice and the only thing that could make it better is that we get even more Young Justice.

Greg responds...


2. We have plenty of ideas for Season Three, but we haven't developed them in any detail, as we don't have a pick-up (at least not yet).

3. There's no charter with rules specifying that.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Quick question about Roy's personality. Is it still similar to the Roy in the comics, in the sense that he's a shameless flirt and a ladies' man? Hopefully that's not a spoiler, lol.

Greg responds...

What you see is what you get.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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marymags writes...

1. Where are Artemis and Zatanna during the episode Image?
2. On Earth 16, does Zatanna have a cousin?
3. How many biological sisters does Wonder Woman have(ones that aren't amazons or fellow women)?
4. Has Wonder Woman ever been married?
5. Did Wonder Woman ever fight in WW2?

Greg responds...





5. Yes.

Response recorded on May 10, 2012

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