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REVELATIONS 2012-05 (May)

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Kyle writes...

1. Aside from Batman who else has lead the Justice League in Earth 16?
2. What is your opinion on the JSA and the golden age of comics?
3. Not to sound like a suck up but the ideas of having telepathic communication, the team going on missions instead of reacting to threats, and using old school villains like Sportsmaster, Icicle Sr. and Wotan are just incredible and using these in a modern setting makes the show in my humble opinion one of the best animated shows in the last 20 years.

Greg responds...

1. I don't really care to nail this down at this point.

2. Positive.

3. Thanks!

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Seven writes...


1. Are any of the team members (or even characters) in Young Justice vegetarian?
2. There's a rumor going around, at some point you mentioned out of the entire team, Artemis was supposed to be close with both Kaldur and Robin. Is this true or just made up?
3. We know Wally's birthday, can you give us the birthdays for the other team members if you have them?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't thought about it.

2. Sounds made up - or like an incomplete paraphrase.


Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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kyle K. writes...

Hey, since Artemis and Aqualad weren't in "Image", do you think there could something they have been doing in Young Justice #18, while Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Superboy were on the mission to stop Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

Do you mean in the comic book?

Because issue #18 takes place long before "Images" - in fact it takes place between "Alpha Male" and "Revelation".

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Matt writes...

In "Revelations", Mace Malone managed to get Goliath into the Hotel Cabal. The episode made it clear that the hotel (and Mace as it's caretaker) existed to extract information from individuals and Mace specifically told Goliath that he wanted answers from him.

I'm curious, what exactly did the Illuminati want to know so badly that Goliath knew? The existence of the Manhattan Clan and their link to Elisa was provided to them by Xanatos. If they wanted more of their backstory and how and why gargoyles from 10th Century Scotland ended up in 1995 Manhattan, it seems it would've been easy enough to simply ask Xanatos for that information, assuming Xanatos hadn't already told them that stuff as well. And the existence, purpose and nature of gargoyles in general hardly seems like something the Society wouldn't already be aware of. So what else is there? What else did the Illuminati think or know that Goliath knew that was so important that it would need to be forced out of him?

I imagine this question is just begging for a "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.", but I thought I'd ask just in cause I've missed something or you were feeling generous.

In any case, thanks.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Matt writes...

So, you've been working in writing and producing animated shows for a long time. Since the shows you work on are generally targeted to younger viewers, I was curious about the impact, if any, that your kids and being a parent to them has had on your work. How much an influence has your being a parent been to these shows? And have your kids in particular had any general or specific influences on anything you've worked on?

Just curious. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Well, I often throw in little things to amuse my kids. Like making them genomorphs in YJ. Or using their birthdays on timestamps. And I'm sure they influence me in a hundred small ways I'm not even conscious of.

But mostly, I still write for myself.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Matt writes...

Hey Greg.

In July 2008, Chip asked you "Do Leo and Una have any biological children, and have we seen them so far in the comics?" and you responded "Lunette is theirs. That wasn't meant to be a secret. Leo + Una = Lunette."

Did you mean that this wasn't meant to be a secret from us or did you mean that Leo and Una and the London Clan themselves are aware of Lunette's biological parentage? You've said in the past that the London Clan continues to raise their young in the Gargoyle Way, but they are not blind. Despite the communal parenting, do they generally have a good idea about which hatchling came from which couple? And was Lunette's name, and it's Leo+Una-like pronunciation more than a coincidence. Was the name given to her because the Clan knew her parentage?


Greg responds...

I meant it wasn't meant to be a secret from the fans.

Beyond that, Lunette was a longstanding name within the clan, with Arthurian associations.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Kal Spiro writes...

Ok, this isn't about Gargoyles, though I loved the show. This is about Young Justice. I tried finding another way to contact you, but ultimately this will have to do. The point of this question is about Robin's preocupation with the word Whelm. My question is, has anyone actually looked into this word? I did, and as such have the answer that he so desperately grasps for. The reason no one is ever simply Whelmed is because Overwhelm and Whelm have the same meaning. To cover over completely as with water, to overpower. Whelm simply fell into disuse because overwhelm sounds better. Therefore his desire to simply stay whelmed actually accomplishes nothing.

Personally I'd like to see someone explain it to him at a properly dramatic moment, just to make his life that much harder just then.

Greg responds...

I think he probably looked it up within a few days of his first use of it. Didn't change his approach.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE 204 "Salvage" Premieres on Cartoon Network on Saturday morning, May 19th, with a rerun on Sunday morning, May 20th. Check local listings and cable guides for times. And remember to check under "Young Justice: Invasion". NOT just "Young Justice".

Another DON'T MISS episode. Written by me and directed by Tim Divar, this one answers a bunch of questions you may have been asking about Season One characters - while simultaneously deepening the mysteries of Season Two.

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Clark Cradic writes...

Were the Terror Twins original creations for the show or are they from the comics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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G. Wen writes...

Dear Greg,
All members of the Pack are named after canines, with the exception of Hyena. Obviously, you ran out of cool sounding canines (African Painted Dog just doesn't have a ring to it) but you had to name her something. Since you do have a smart-ass streak, my question is, if Disney permitted, would you have not given Hyena any name, but from her personality, behavior, and actions, implied that her name may in fact be "Witch", even though no one utters it? (Substitute word witch with another word.) -G. Wen

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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