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REVELATIONS 2012-05 (May)

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Haley M writes...

Even if the season 2 vol1 didn't sell very many copies doesn't mean you can't release the rest of the season there are people out there who would buy the rest of the seasons like myself I Love gargoyles an I wish you would have released these an you still should right now you can't watch them anywhere except on tv an they come on at 4 in the morning that's unfair. If you could please release DVDs of gargoyles season 2 vol2 an season 3 the chronicles of Goliath please it would be greatly appreciated..!!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"No new news that I know of. And, no, I seem to have no sway, I'm afraid."

[Response recorded January 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Alex Y. writes...

Allow me to shower you with praise. Coldhearted was excellent. I cannot believe I ignored this show until my nephew wanted to watch it one day. At first I was skeptical, that "just another kid cartoon" feeling, so I was only half paying attention. But something got to me and I started watching it seriously. And now, here I am, looking forward to it every week with enough enthusiasm to now get me out of bed on a Saturday morning. Cartoon Network needs to stop throwing hiatuses at you, this show is too good for that.

My nephew is five and loves the show too, though he doesn't always understand what's going on. But, he's five, so I do my best to explain things in ways he can understand. I'm glad there's a show that he likes that enriches him rather than just keeps him occupied, and it's something we can watch together(seriously, most of his other shows make me want to pull my hair out)

So thank you for making this show.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome!

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Mulenga writes...

Firstly, I would like to say I am a Brobdingnagian fan of Young Justice. My best friend calls my adoration for your show a disturbing obsession, I chose to ignore that interruption because it implies that my love for the show is somehow unhealthy, and that's just ridiculous. After all my best friend also questioned my love of W.I.T.C.H, so clearly he can't understand. But on a serious note, I am truly grateful for all the work and creativity you and your team put into the show. As someone who grew on the Justice League Unlimited am so glad there is finally a show like it, but yet so different and fresh. The quality of the writing and animation make Young Justice so much more than just a cartoon, it is quality storytelling and a heck of a good time.

My question is on the Young Justice comic tie-ins. During the break between season 1 and season 2, will the comic continue coming out or will it also take a break?

On a side note, am from a small country called Zambia in Southern Africa; so Mr Weisman, take pride in knowing that even in this small corner of the world, your show has an obsessed fanboy.

Greg responds...

There really was - as it turns out - any break between the airing of Seasons One and Two. The comic's still going, break free also.

And thanks!

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So I saw recent promotional (obviously preliminary and non-canon, I have read your previous posts) artwork. I am impressed.

The rest of this season and next are going to be AWESOME, aren't they?

Greg responds...

I like to think so.

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg! I was wondering, how exactly did Kid Flash and Artemis end up in that shack in the first place? (in Bereft)

Greg responds...

After getting zapped, they stumbled off into the desert. KF woke up first and found this masked girl (Artemis) unconscious in the desert, so he pulled her into the shack to get her (and him) out of the heat.

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Who are the light archenemies?

Greg responds...

I don't understand the question.

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If we had seen Wally open his presents in "Coldhearted," what would he have received?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Gargoyle fan writes...

were the ice "fortresses" in Coldhearted named after Fortress-1 and Fortress-2?

Greg responds...

Not particularly, but maybe that was in my subconscious somewhere.

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Aris Katsaris writes...

I loved 'Misplaced', I think it was the best episode of the series yet. Some questions about it then.

1) In 'Misplaced', there's a scene where Billy Batson climbs a fence to get in that airbase... and then the 'camera' zooms out, and we see there's a wide-open door to that fence, only 10 meters away or so.

I laughed out loud when I noticed it, but if it was intentional it was played so subtly that I didn't *actually* notice it when I first watched the ep.

So my question: Was that an intentional visual joke, or just a goof of the animation?

2) Was the character of Amber a pre-existing character from the Captain Marvel comics, or a new creation?

3) Was she friends/acquaintances with Billy Batson, or did he just meet her in the ep?

Greg responds...

1. Of course, it was intentional.

2. She was pre-existing, though not from Captain Marvel comics specifically.


Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, firstly I wanted to say I really love the series and YJ has come back with two great episodes! Misplaced and Coldhearted were wonderful, and I loved how you developed the relationship between Zatanna and Zatarra, as well as getting a more indepth look into Wally. So excited for the rest of the season!

I have one question, I read somewhere that the story taking place in Young Justice would take place over a few days in-universe, is this true? I'm not really sure if this counts as requesting a spoiler (which probably sound stupid), but if so then I apologise.

Greg responds...

If you've been watching the series, you KNOW that the first season took place over a single period of six months, between Independence Day and New Year's Eve.

And as I've already stated here and in the press, the second season ALSO takes place over a coherent six month period: between New Years Day and Independence Day. It's just that five years pass in between the two six month periods.

And I'm warning you now: our plans for Season Three - if we get one - involve another time skip between the last episode of Season Two and the first of Season Three. Though, I'm not going to state how long a time skip. (So don't ask.)

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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