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REVELATIONS 2012-07 (Jul)

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Weisman writes...

1) Sorry about the last question. I found out that Joker and Captain Colds ages were already given.

2) What is the relationship between Wonder Woman and Batman? She seemed upset that he was keeping a secret from the rest of time, and Batman is very secretive.

Greg responds...

1. I think the moderators must have deleted it.

2. They are, at minimum, friends and colleagues, who respect each other enough to talk frankly about things they disagree with.

3. Is your name really "Weisman"? If not, I'd prefer you not use it as a screen name. It could lead to a lot of unfortunate confusion.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Dan Stenrud writes...

Thanks for taking the time for our questions! I was just watching "The New Olympians" episode of Gargoyles and as the camera pans the city there is a satellite dish on one of the buildings. I understand if you don't have an answer, but are they receiving signals from our (human's) satellites or do they have one of their own?

Greg responds...

I don't recall. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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KayLynn writes...

While I was watching "Image," my jaw dropped. Over a week later, and I have yet to pick it up off the floor. I'd like to chime in with the other commenters on how well this episode works as a metaphor for being a trans person, and the fears and issues that anyone who is in the closet about their gender, identity, sexuality, etc, has to face and work through. That alone has bumped this episode up to second place on my favorites list. (With Bereft still holding the number one spot!) And has also solidified why M'gann is my favorite character in the series.

I love how M'gann's white martian form looks like an actual alien, and isn't sexualized (or even all that humanoid!) in the slightest. I love that her natural form defies the usual science fiction convention of green skinned space babes, and lacks any female characteristics. While I like the reptilian, xenomorph-ish design in the comics, I'd have to say this version wins out.

How on earth did you and the art team come up with such a great design that doesn't look like it's from earth?

Greg responds...

I give full credit to Phil Bourassa and Brandon Vietti on this. I'm just the dopey writer who gets to be impressed by these guys' work all the time.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

One more question. In Agendas, Batman said he knew that Captain Marvel was actually a kid. Was that because Billy told him or because Batman investigated Marvel?

Greg responds...

The latter. Billy/CM didn't know Batman knew.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Why does Zatara have to be Dr. Fate all of the time? Couldn't Zatara and Nabu come to a time-sharing arrangement? Shouldn't Nabu be able to trust that Zatara would regularly don the helmet of Fate? Zatara has, after all, kept his word to Nabu so far.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Jarrod writes...

Greetings Greg!

I fully enjoy each and every episode of YJ, "Agendas" having just aired yesterday.

It did prompt a question or two which I hope do not qualify as spoilers.

1. Given that Batman is "The World's Greatest Detective," and claims he knew about Captain Marvel's secret Identity the whole time (I have no reason to believe he didn't, he is that good after all), Are there other members of the league (or other superheros on the level of the league) who have not shared their secret identity, but Batman already knows their secret. (I am only hoping for a yes or no and would not ask you to provide a list.)

2. From what we saw for the JL's membership procedures, it seems to be almost completely democratic (I hope I did not misinterpret). Each member gets to vote on each issue, each potential member/member under review, etc, even those issues where a member is concerned (IE renewing Dr. Fate and Captain Marvel's membership status). My question is: when Batman was elected as head of the JL, did he vote for himself, or not?

Thank you for taking the time to Answer the questions you do.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, Batman knows the secret identities of everyone in the League. They do not all know that he knows.

2. I'm sure he would have. Though I'm not sure there was a formal vote for individual members when it came to the seven founders.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Silly writes...

How is Kaldur's relationship with his parents?
Is Kaldur'am a momma's boy?
Is there anyone in Atlantis who crush on Kaldur?
Is Kaldur a ladies' man?
I ask this because he has a lot of female fans.

Greg responds...

1. During Season One, quite solid. During Season Two, they're estranged - to protect them.

2. Not particularly.

3. Probably there was, before he (seemingly) betrayed the kingdom.

4. Not particularly.

5. Good.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Oh no! Not only was Superman dna stolen...but by Lex Luthor!!!!! And there is more than one clone! Poor Superman. It is awful when you think about it.People keep giving him a hard time but this was almost like rape.He is by far the victim in all this. I hope this is not used as a plot device for Superboy story but acknowledged and handled sensitively for Superman's sake and the sake on any person who has been violated. And it must be me, but Captain Marvel in the JL disturbs me. He IS a kid in a man's body. I cannot see how Batman can find no issues with it. Are they really going to have him sitting there while they could be discussing things that are not age appropriate? Interesting Batman can just wave his hand at everybody and tell them how right he is and how wrong they are to question him.

Greg responds...

I wouldn't say that Batman is doing that at all. Clearly, he'd personally vote to keep Cap in the League. But he's not even advocating that the others agree with him, and I don't know where you get the idea that he's being superior about it. I think that must be baggage you're bringing to the scene, cuz there's nothing there to justify what you're suggesting in the actual episode.

Since, by this time, we know Cap stayed with the League, a majority must have voted for him to stay.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Hi! Just saw Agendas, great episode! Loved our first glimpse at the Watchtower.

Did Luthor say "Red SUN" at the end...or "Red SON"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

What powers does Captain MArvel Have? are they his usual s.h.a.z.a.m. ones? Also, will Captain Atom ever get any speaking lines, or is he mostly a background charater and/or can't talk? If he does have future lines, who is his voice actor?

Greg responds...

1. Basic SHAZAM powers, yeah.

2. By now, you've hopefully seen that Michael T. Weiss is the voice of Captain Atom.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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conner writes...

1.Why was Miss Martian disguised as Black Canary when she was making out with Superboy?
2.Is Superboy ever going to be able to fly and use heat vision without the use of those shields?

Greg responds...

1. It's a game on Mars. Role playing can be fun.

2. No. We like him at 1938 level powers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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Miracool writes...

Not a question, but rather some praise. I seriously love "Young Justice". I think it's an absolutely brilliant show and I like how each episode gets better and better every time. Character development and interactions have been very enjoyable, the plots are engaging, I love all the voice talents chosen for each role, the animation is outstanding... All in all, it's amazing.

Right now, I'm waiting for "Insecurity" to air this Saturday and I'm positively anxious to watch "Performance" the Saturday that follows. I almost can't stand the wait, actually, but I'm being strong! (Fingers crossed for no more hiatuses from CN, too~ XP)

So I just wanted to say thanks to you, Brandon and everyone else involved for giving me a series to love and a good reason to enjoy weekends just a bit more. Cheers!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. Of course, we're on summer hiatus now, but you got 15 straight episodes first, and a lot of series go on hiatus for the summer, so I hope we're forgiven and that you'll be back with us in the fall.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

Wow! 'Agendas' was fantastic!

1. You've said that Black Canary is your favorite (DC) character - do you have a favorite male character?
2. Were Match's irises blue or gray? I couldn't tell.
3. How old is the Atom?
4. What color are Talia Al Ghul's eyes?
5. Is the Atom in this series Ray Palmer?
6. This isn't really a question - I just wanted to say that I love your portrayal of Lex Luthor! He's very manipulative, but in this oddly charismatic way. Perfect for Luthor.

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

1. Probably Captain Atom, though I'm a big Red Tornado fan too. And of course, I love our versions of Aqualad, Superboy, Robin/Nightwing, Kid Flash, etc. Heck, basically, I like all of 'em. Male and female, young and old, heroes and villains and supporting.

2. I don't know. Weren't they white?

3. As of "Agendas", he was 35.

4. I don't know.

5. Yes.

6. THanks!

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Jackie writes...

In Agendas, why doesn't Hal and John want Guy to be a potential candidate for League induction?

Greg responds...

Guy can be... difficult.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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chlj writes...

Hi Greg!! First let say,I love the series!! I was very excited to see the series return!! I have watched the first four installments since the series has returned,and have enjoyed them very much!!!That being said, my comments and questions are on the 17 March 2012 installment image. Miss Martian is my favorite character, i thought this installment was outstanding! Even those it was hard to see her in so much pain after seeing the vision of Superboy. I hoping this doesn't destroy her relationship with the team, especially her relationship with Superboy, i like them as a couple, i think their good for each other. I can understand why she's wouldn't reveal her true form.I'm pulling for her,i hope good things happen for her!! That not a spoiler request, just making a comment about what i hope for her,Again i'm really pulling for her!!
My questions
1. Does the manhunter have martain vision on this Earth??

2.Why was Superboy so surprised that Miss Martian based a lot of life on that sitcom " Hello megan" ?? When it seemed like he called her out on that in the Terrors episode.

Greg responds...

1. If you mean as some kind of additional power, then no.

2. Who said he was surprised?

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Rob writes...

1. Why was there a scene cut from Agendas? I mean the one where Superboy demands entrance into Project Cadmus.
2. What did Doctor Fate say after Superman was objecting to allowing underage children in the Justice League? It starts with "That seems....., but I cannot understand what he is saying.
3. Who voiced Hal Jordan and Hawkwoman in Agendas? Are they going to voiced by the same people or was this just a one time thing until others can found to voice them full time.

Greg responds...

1. The slot in the DC Nation block is shorter (to make room for the shorts) than our original timeslot was when we were an independent show. Something had to be cut.

2. "That seems myopic. I have been one with Kid Flash and Aqualad. Both are ready."

3. Neither are officially cast, but I believe that Danica was Hawkwoman and Dee Bradley Baker was Green Lantern (Hal). But unfortunately, my Season One scripts are boxed up at this moment, and I cannot double check.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
So, today's episode; Wow... First off, great job with Match. The costume seemed inspired by his early appearances, but having him burn the S on his chest, at first reminding me of the affectioantely-named Emo-Prime, then reminded me of Match's later Bizarro-inspired appearances. Again, nicely done.
Other things I liked in this were the first mention of The Atom, very cool. Making Roy and Guardian family, also cool. And Hal & John's response to Guy joining the team of NO. Hillarious! On that note, nice voice casting with Maggie Q as Diana, she commanded such authority, nice job.

Please keep it up and pass my good tidings to the rest of the cast & crew.

Greg responds...

Yeah, we all loved Maggie's Wonder Woman. And she was so much fun to work with too.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Ed writes...

1. What percent is Superboy Kryptonian and Human respectively?

2. Would the tranfusion have worked if Connor had given Gar blood instead of Megan because he has human DNA in him?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know. Don't care.

2. Guess it depends on Lex Luthor's blood type, but still I tend to think not, because Kryptonian blood would not be compatible with human.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I want to know if you think Batman's response ( In Agendas) about why he trained Robin from age 9 really somehow justifies taking children into crime fighting. Because in my mind it does not. No matter how Batman ( or the writers) spin it. Taking in a teenager is very different to a child.

Greg responds...

Well, I guess it depends on which universe you're living in. In ours, I'd agree with you. On Earth-16, I think it's extreme, but I buy it.

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Gaby writes...

1)Did Batman actually know that Billy was 10 or was he just covering for him?
2)Batman mentioned Robin needing to get revenge for his family to help him cope, does this mean that Tony Zucco has already been caught and brought to justice in this universe?
3)Wonder Woman also made a reference to Batman and Robin's origins, even if their identities aren't known to all the League is it safe to guess that the League is aware of how they got started crime fighting?

Greg responds...

1. He knew.

2. Yes.

3. More or less. In any case, Wonder Woman knows Batman's identity. (She's one of a select few.)

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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joelle writes...

Agendas was awesome. A few questions, though.

I'm assuming that Guardian is Jim Harper and that he's the younger brother of Red Arrow's biological dad (He did say Roy was his nephew, after all, and if it really is Jim, the shared surname would indicate a paternal relation). Is my assumption correct?

You said in response to an earlier question that Guardian was only 24 years old. If the above assumption is correct, was there a big age gap between Guardian and Roy's dad? Because I can't imagine a mere six year gap between uncle and nephew otherwise.

Does Roy know that he has an uncle?

On a happier note, congratulations to the cast of "Young Justice" for being nominated for "Best Vocal Cast in a Television Series" and "Best Male Vocal Performance in a Television Series in a Supporting Role" (Crispin Freeman- Roy Harper/Speedy/Red Arrow) at the BTVA awards. You guys certainly have my votes- though I figure that by the time you read this the voting process and the announcement of the awardees would be long over.

Greg responds...

Well, by now, you probably know that in fact Guardian/Jim Harper was NOT in fact Red Arrow's uncle. Instead, BOTH were clones of the original Roy Harper, i.e. Speedy. Guardian was force-grown to be older, but he also was cloned SECOND, so he's actually younger.

Red Arrow did believe for all of Season One that Guardian was his father's much younger brother.

I've never heard of the BTVA Awards and had no idea we were nominated? Did we win?

Response recorded on July 25, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...


Damn it, Greg! Please don't make me like Lex Luthor. You've already made me like Venom, stop doing this. Stop taking character that I consider to be lame and making them work for me! Okay, with that tangent out of the way, let's segue into my review.

It's been twenty episodes, and sixteen months since we last saw Project Cadmus. Ideally, we wouldn't have had the delays between episodes that we did, but that is hardly the fault of the show. Still, it was nice to see Superboy "return home" and face his past. This is the third episode in a row to focus on a specific member of The Team. Kid Flash got his episode, Miss Martian got her's. This week, it was Superboy's turn. As with the previous two episodes, this was one the character needed.

I know next to nothing about the DC Universe, but through pop cultural osmosis, I knew who Superboy's other dad was since shortly after the series got started. I thought Luthor was very effective in this episode, and I loved seeing him play the good dad. If I step back and pretend I don't know anything about Lex, his words near the end were frighteningly agreeable.

"Big Boy Blue lives in a world of black and white. You were created by the bad guys, so there must be something wrong with you. But we both know life isn't that clear cut, the real world is full of grays."

And he's right. Lex Luthor is right. I'm sure some Superfans are going to be disgusted with this, but it's true. Now, granted we all know Luthor is a very dark shade of gray, and he is using the truth for his own ends, but that doesn't make him wrong.

I also enjoyed Luthor's Xanatos Gambit. He used Superboy to discover the genomes, and bring them back under control. Smart. Practical. Smarter and practical than the DCAU version of Lex Luthor who threw a fit when something didn't go his way and always got his ass handed to him at the end. But what should I expect when you put Lex in the hands of the man who created David Xanatos. Luckily for all involved, I don't think Superboy is going to turn out to be like Thailog.

Loved finally seeing the Watchtower, and I loved this design. It was built into an asteroid, instead of just being an orbiting hunk of metal. Pretty cool. It was great seeing the Justice League get together and really seeing how they operate, and the disagreements among the team. Maggie Q is a great Wonder Woman, and I loved when she needled Batman for training Dick Grayson to be Robin at nine years old, and I loved it even more when Batman said he did it so Dick wouldn't end up like him.

Four home runs in a row, keep them coming.

Greg responds...

Thank you, Greg.

Response recorded on July 24, 2012

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Allan calderini writes...

Which is Artemis best friend Miss Martian or Zatanna? thanks for creating this amazing show Mr weisman.

Greg responds...

BEST friend? I dunno. I think she's a more natural fit with Z, in terms of the two of them being partners in crime, so to speak. But she and M'gann are like sisters.

Response recorded on July 24, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.
Loved Agendas. It was interesting to see the JLA's voting process regarding
new membership.
I have some questions related to that:
With the remarks about the importance of the membership decisions and that the JLA doesn't want to encourage the creation of another Injustice League, does the JLA
have a maximum amount of members? If so, is part of the reasoning to keep League decisions from becoming too unwieldy?
Wonder Woman's suggestion of expelling Captain Marvel took me by surprise. Is a
unanimous decision required to expel a member?
You mentioned in a response to a past question that Zatanna was previously deemed an authorized guest. Does this status have to be voted on as well?
Finally, it was good to see a glimpse of the Atom. Is Ray Palmer well-known by the general public to be a renowned scientist? Does the League factor into their decision his scientific knowledge?

Thanks for another great episode!

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Although as Superman stated, the option exists to vote no to all new members.

2. I don't think unwieldiness is a big concern. There's no rule that all Leaguers have to go on all missions.

3. Nope. Just a majority.

4. No.

5. By the GENERAL public... I kinda doubt it. But he's a leading physicist in his field. Many people would have heard of him.

6. Potentially. It'll certainly come in handy in Season Two. (WHOOPS!! SPOILER!!!)

Response recorded on July 24, 2012

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longbowhunter writes...

Not really a question,but I did want to take this opportunity to thank you for the work you're doing with the YOUNG JUSTICE cartoon and comic. As an....older fan,there's not a lot going on in the other DC comics or other cartoons that interest me,but the YOUNG JUSTICE universe feels like coming home. Thanks again to you and your team for all the great work-can't wait to see whats next!

Greg responds...

Thanks. We're having a blast too!

Response recorded on July 24, 2012

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