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REVELATIONS 2012-08 (Aug)

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Ben writes...

with superboy being partially human does kryptonite effect him as badly as superman?

Greg responds...

Badly enough.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jerry Whitworth writes...

Hey Greg, just saw the YJ episode "Performance" and I was curious: was Jack Haly's physical appearance based on Mr. Miracle's buddy Oberon (taller and heavier, of course)? Thanks!

Greg responds...

No. It seems that character designer Jerome Moore based Haly on Ed Asner. I'm not sure why. Ed, who had already voiced Kent Nelson for us, was never going to be the voice of Jack Haly, though if he hadn't already voiced Kent, Jack would have been a great part for Ed.


Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jude writes...

We saw Cissie King-Jones in "Insecurity". How old is she?

Greg responds...

Cissie is nine-years-old as of "Insecurity".

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Mies writes...

How popular are Kid Flash, Robin, and Kaldur in America? Particularly the last two whom, intentionally or unintentionally, perhaps shy away from the media for obvious reasons. Those three the ones we've seen so far who seem popular with the media.

Greg responds...

They're all three fairly famous, which doesn't mean they give the press a lot of face time.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Meis writes...

Did Artemis recognize Robin in "Performances" as her school mate, Dick Grayson, or was she too occupied with the mission, of "not looking for answers," to realize?

Greg responds...

She never saw him without a mask. On a world where no one recognizes Clark Kent because of his glasses, that's got to be enough to suspend your disbelief.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Larisse writes...

Just finished "Performances" and what an episode! Ok, since we couldn't see how Batman reacted (and from what I'm told, it isn't touched up on a following episode this season) to Robin's taking lead on a non-sanctioned mission, leading on the team with a delicate lie of "Because Batman said so." A brief answer would be appreciated! Thanks!

Greg responds...

What's the question?

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Nought-o-File writes...

How would you categorize Nought in terms of his place among Oberon's Children? By which I mean would he be a trickster (IE Puck), or a mythical figure (IE banshee), a literary figure (IE Titania), a god figure (IE Anubis), or something else we have not yet encountered? I understand that you don't intend for all Oberon's children fall into only one or any of these, and I don't mean to imply that they all do, it just seems that a lot of the ones we have met tend to fall into these groups somewhere. I was just wondering how you would classify, or differentiate, Nought?

Thanks so Much!

Greg responds...

Nought is the absense of category. He is nothing. The God of Nothing.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Danger writes...

1. How old is King Faraday?
2. How long have Oliver and Dinah been in a romantic relationship?
3. How long have Oliver and Dinah known each other?
4. How long have Dinah and Roy known each other?
5. Is Roy a millionaire?
Thanks for your time! YJ is phenomenal :D

Greg responds...

1. As of "Performance", King Faraday is 41-years-old.

2. Depends on how you define your terms.

3. About three years.

4. About the same.

5. No.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Wow, Performance was a great episode! I mean, it was fun to see Grayson with the circus, I'm surprised the Ringmaster is the only one who recognized him. Also, nice job with Parasite, he was good and creepy! And I like the casting of Clancy Brown as King Faraday, excellent choice. But most importantly for me, thank you for finally having Roy lighten up on Artemis, Megan, & Connor. I still think Sportsmaster was lying about a mole to screw with their heads, but it was nice for Roy to give them the benefit of the doubt finally.
Please keep it up and I anxiously await the next episode!

PS- I realize I screwed up in my last response by calling the civilian Mr. King when I meant Mr. Jones. But I still know the little girl is Cissie King-Jones, AKA Arowette (again, thank you)

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Just watched Performance and enjoyed it, great job with the episode! I liked how you didn't dwell too much into Robin's past, and kept fans wondering (even though many know the details of it). I loved the Wally and Dick interaction, and their conversation showed just how deep their friendship goes. My question is how long has Wally known about Dick's past, and when did Dick tell him about it? Thanks!

Greg responds...

About a year and a half prior to the start of YJ.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Miten writes...

Hey Greg it's me again and I was wondering
how did you get the role of spectacular spiderman.

Greg responds...

You mean the job producing it?

I interviewed for it - like five times - and they chose me, I assume, based on the ideas I pitched them for it, all of which wound up in the show.

Or did you mean how did I get the role of Menken in SpecSpidey?

I cast myself.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Cheshire hates Sportsmaster so much, why did she decide to follow in his footsteps in joining the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

Human beings are complex and contradictory.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Just watched Performance and liked it a lot. I'm glad to see an episode focusing on Robin. Just curious was Robin's laugh inspired by the Shadow of pulp/radio fame?

Greg responds...

Well, the Shadow's up there in my brain, but I really don't think so. It's inspired more by his youth and irrepressibility.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ questions:

1) Clancy Brown as Agent Faraday, and Faraday looks A LOT like George Stacy. Spectacular Spider-Man reference?

2) Parasite was working for Intergang. Does this say anything about the current whereabouts of Bruno Mannheim or Whisper A'Daire?

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly. Again, keep in mind that the designs are done by Phil Bourassa under Brandon Vietti's art direction, and neither worked on SpecSpidey.

2. Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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phool writes...

What is Roy and Dinah's relationship like in YJ? Does he see her as a surrogate mother or a big sister?

Greg responds...

More of a big sister. She's only six years older than he thinks he is.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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WoWonder writes...

I saw a preview of what's yet to come to come in season 2 of Young Justice on the Hollywood Reporter website. But I only get to see about the last 17 seconds of it. The rest of those seconds were recaps of season 1. Can you tell me if you REALLY understand what happened in those 17 seconds?

Greg responds...

Me? Sure. But then I worked on the show.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Codeman1992 writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, I just wanted to give you props on developing one of the most interesting and creative superhero series on television. Young Justice is one of the greatest superhero series I've watched. I put it up there with the great Batman The Animated Series and all the Timmverse Shows. So, like I said before, I give you props and you are a extremely well versed writer and it's proof in your work. With the new Spider Man movie coming out soon, I've noticed it's very reminiscent of The Spectacular Spider man. At least in the case of turning Gwen into a potential love interest in High School, who both her and Pete intern somewhere. That's my first question, have you noticed that? My second question is regarding The Spectacular Spider Man. I'm in my Spidey Obsession phase and always turn to your show whenever I'm in that phase. Since there's not gonna be a Season 3 of the show, can you drop any potential storylines or where the show was gonna go after the finale of Season 2? I know this is really long, but I'm a huge fan and hope I can be as great of a writer as you are one day. Thank You Mr. Weisman for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I did notice similarities, but we're all working off the same source material, so there are bound to be similarities.


Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

Which of the DC Nation shorts are you enjoying the most?

Greg responds...

SBFF and Animal Man are both fun little series. Some of the Mad shorts are pretty funny, and some of the Teen Titans shorts too.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

For the moment I'm commenting on the current episode!
1- Mmmm Black Spider moves like Spiderman and in voiced by Josh Keaton...cute. When Spectacular Spiderman came out there were some complaints about the design being cartoony. It really grew on me and it worked wonderfully with the incredibly fluid animation. If ever there were a superhero that fluidity suited it it would be Spidy. Black Spider has the more traditional silhouette and movement. Was this seen as a chance to show that as well as an in joke?
2- I see other posters are calling the little blond girl being Arrowette. Clever...age is right judging by Logan...though it would be a significantly different back story (IIRC). I don’t recall her father living long enough for her to really remember him. I haven’t been able to successfully google if “Bowstring Jones” was a real character or not. In the comic book he really seemed a bit of a joke. He was the guy who choked on calamari. That was pretty much it. And all fans know that Peter David wrote her as another illegitimate child of Oliver’s.
3-Another case of addressing questions that have been swirling- Artimas’s mother point blank explains why she allows, even encourages, her daughter’s activities. Of course the irony follows- she is trying to be honest and ends up angering Artimas and shaking her confidence. (I chuckled at Paula’s “Well, I am your mother!” line. Great delivery.)
4-More irony- Artimas mulls over it and reaches the mature decision not to let it bother her because regardless of how she started, she has certainly earned her unique spot on the team... and then Red Arrow is there. Murphy rules.
5- Wally is mature and sweet at the beginning. Then he is mature in his anger and disappointment. Also, it never once occurs to him to question her loyalty. The first explanation that jumps to mind that she was seeking glory, not being a mole.
6- Is it my imagination, or does Cheshire have an accent? If so, why? It has been my observation, excluding isolated communities, children of immigrants don’t pick up the parents’ accents in the local language, only in the ones they don’t hear all around them all the time. I can see her speaking Vietnamese and French with her mom’s accent, but English?
7- Cheshire kissed Roy...lucky it seems she hasn’t started with poison yet.
8- Did Conner rub his arm where the shield patch had been and fly?
9- Loved Wolf’s inconvenient nap time :)
10- I may be wrong, but I still don’t read Artimas as a potential mole. Of course her father and sister are messing with her head, but I don’t think even they think she’ll really turn on her team as much as screw up by being off her game.

Wow! I'm caught up...er nope. I still have the comic books ahead.

Greg responds...

1. Not to me. Phil designed Black Spider for episode 106, without any baggage from SpecSpidey.

2. Let's be frank: you guys haven't seen enough of Cissie to know how similar or how different her origin is. This was just a taste.

3. Kelly is a gem and does a wonderful job as both Paula and Jade.

4. Yep.

5. Yep again.

6. I think it's your imagination. I've never noticed any accent in Jade.

7. Not for Roy, anyway.

8. Yeah, him shielding up there got cut for time. But somehow the arm scratch got left in.

9. Thanks.

10. Well, by now you know.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Another day another comment :)

1- How annoying! The station ran an ad showing the team with Rocket. Talk about spoilers...
2- I love the Watchtower design- looking at it it just fits with it not being weaponized.
3- I really like Wonder Woman’s voice.., and her ‘more females’ comment.
4- I really loved the JLA’s considerations
a-they openly wonder if more members stoke enemies.
b-Icon and Rocket show up, and Superman wondering if he’s Kryptonian. I always thought Icon makes a fascinating comparison to Superman. Going on his Milestone origin- Both are powerful aliens who grew up on Earth, but Icon was an adult first and deaged to blend in. He was genetically linked to his human family, and most important, he’s been here since the 1850s, and spent the first 15 of those years as a slave. Superman has no real memory of his life before Earth. He may be near immortal, but as of now he’s only lived a normal 30 or so years. He hasn’t outlived his family, his wife, innumerable friends. And obviously, he never experienced anything like slavery first hand. They are both alien and native sons in different ways. They are both profoundly different and yet part of Earth in different ways.
c-Green Lanterns on Guy...bwahaha!
d-They know now Captain Marvel is a boy, and it is an issue. Bruce always knew, (maybe). Actually, that reminds me of a theory I have on Batman. He lost his parents and made his oath at around 8 years old. Consciously or not, for him childhood ends at 8. Maybe not as in an adult who’ll be on his own, but more like a Bar Mitzvah- Old enough to be responsible for ones own actions, to make momentous decisions. Billy is 10, Dick was 9. In his mind both are old enough to choose to put their lives in danger.
e- Not telling us the decision?? Mean!
5- As I mentioned on Image, you’ve really been hitting the questions of late
-last time is was M’gann and being a White Martian (It seems she somehow has kept it from J’onn...or that it isn’t a big deal to him so he doesn’t realize how it effects her.)
-Guardian and Roy are confirmed relations
-Conner and Lex are indeed connected
-Wonder Woman gets a speaking role...
-...and calls Batman on training a 9 yr old. (Loved her interactions with Bats and Supes.)
-Fate is confirmed to be staying on and have noticeable input from Zatara.
6- In the room the Match was in, what was in the other tubes? Their contents seemed to disappear when they were trashed.
7- Is that ‘Red Sun’ or ‘Red Son’? Wait, never mind, it’s been asked.
Another great episode.

Greg responds...

1. Yeah, that stuff drives me nuts.

2. Check out Brandon's post about it. It's even cooler than you thought.

3. Maggie was just great as the Princess.

4a. Seemed important to raise.

4b. Yeah, I always thought Icon and Rocket were great!

4c. ;)

4d. Batman knew. It's not like he recommends all kids take on this responsibility. But Billy was already doing it and had been chosen to do it, and Bruce felt Dick NEEDED it so that he would not turn out like the Batman.

4e. Intentionally so. ;)

5. J'onn always knew she was a White Martian. He was also aware what a big deal it was to her, though he himself didn't think it was a big deal.

6. Piecework.

7. Red Sun. (I'm trying to figure out how 'Red Son' would make ANY sense? I mean, I know Conner is Lex's 'son', but why would Superboy be a RED son?)

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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ILikeSpiderMan writes...

Hi Greg!

Obviously I'm a huge fan of your work, since I'm, y'know, posting on your site. I've just been sitting and listening to your Spectacular Spider-Man podcast interviews, which are offering some "spectacular" insight (haha, ha).

You talk about Gwen Stacy being the first (one?) true love of Peter's life, and her incredible importance to him. You've also discussed your desire to adapt the feel and general story of the original comics as faithfully as possible. Given that Gwen is most famous for being killed by the Green Goblin, what does that mean for Gwen's future in the series? I'm not asking what your plans for the show were (I don't want spoilers, as some small part of me still hopes that somehow this show will have a future), but I'm wondering if you and the other writers were even considering including Gwen's death in the series. Would it warp the show's tone irreparably? Would it still be possible to write a fun-loving, wise-cracking Spider-Man after this? Would the CW/Disney allow this on a children's program?

Or did you and the other writers/producers decide upfront to veto the idea?

I understand how this could easily be seen as a spoiler request. I'm less curious about the potential plotline of future SSM episodes, and more wondering about the considerations you and your writing team take when adapting material from the comics, especially grittier, less-child-friendly stuff.

Thanks profusely!

Greg responds...

All I can say - or rather all I FEEL like saying - is that we had (pipe-dream) plans to do five 13-episode seasons that would have taken us through Peter's graduation from High School. After that, our hope was to do a series of Direct to DVD movies that would continue the story into Peter's college years and beyond.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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B writes...

In "Misplaced", was Roanoke Island chosen as the location of Klarion's spell because people (the whole Roanoke Colony) had disappeared there before? And if so, was it necessary for the spellcasters, or just a fun reference on your part?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Tia writes...

Was the little girl in the episode Insecurities of Young Justice Cissie Jones or Arrowette?
By the way, amazing show.

Greg responds...

Cissie King-Jones. And thanks.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Brandon Vietti, my producing partner on Young Justice, has blogged on our versions of the Hall of Justice and the Watchtower. Check it out here:


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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I think the deluge has slowed, I'm still managing to keep up and post questions!

1- Young Justice really excels at showing people being people- the roleplaying, the humor in the reaction, the awkwardness talking with M'gann. Similarly the later line “He’s 8, he doesn’t do orders.”
2- So Kid Flash knows Bruce is Batman... This is the beginning of a string of hitting the questions that were being asked all the time on this site. (Asked over and over...) This episode answers that and the White Martian question. Wonder Woman gets a significant role ~and~ the dearth of female roles both get hit in the next ep, along with if the JLA knew Billy Batson was a kid. Other stuff I’ll mention in my comments on Agenda. Did you get a good chuckle knowing it was coming up?
3- Is it just me, or does Queen Bee looks like Marina Stirtis?
4- Loved the Hello Megan clips. But who are these Greg Vietti & Brandon Weisman folks..? Seriously, I googled everyone, that show is like a nexus of DC happenings.
5- White Martians are even uglier than in the comics. Nice design! I’ve wondered for a while if M’gann was her real name or not. She says she was attracted to the similarity in the names and some coincidences do happen. On the other hand....
6- Beast Boy... green eyes... Interesting how Martians can change on a molecular level. It seems that that transfusion plays a role in him becoming Beast Boy and green, yet she’s a White a Martian. Has she so internalized her role that she held on to the Green cells more than the White ones? Similarly, the ‘real form’ she showed was still more human than J’onn’s. She really is still in deep denile. (Nice little twist of the knife when Robin apologizes for making her lie and impersonate Queen Bee.)
7- The mole didn’t know it when the charge was first made. Brilliant. Everyone was looking for something that didn’t exist yet, so know they think it was a ruse to begin with and miss the threat, I know folks are saying the mole could still be Conner or Artimas, but I’m really reading it as M’Gann since she is actually being blackmailed, while the others are being emotionally manipulated. They haven’t done anything particularly egregious yet. Letting your sister go, even using the drug is not the same as brain blasting a bad guy to vegetable status simply to keep a secret-blasting your friends too. Of course I could be wrong.
8- Why do I feel the urge to say, "And the plot thickens..."?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks, we try.

2. Sometimes, I get a chuckle. Sometimes it's just frustrating.

3. It's possible, but I believe the design was completed before the part was cast.

4. "Hello, Megan!" had a stellar cast of DC Universe actors. ;)

5. It's her real name.

6. Yes, she's in deep denial - down to the molecular level. But again, Manhunter's form is no more "real" than either Megan Morse, Miss Martian or bald M'gann. The only true Martian form we've seen up to this point, is M'gann's White Martian form.

7. By now, you know.

8. Cuz it does. With every single episode.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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