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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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Colton writes...

I have a few questions regarding designation numbers
1) does wolf have a number?
2)does sphere?
3) has zatannas changed?
Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Twice.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

In YJ are there any magic users who are capable of doing detective work?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Brett W. writes...

-John Stewart and Hal Jordan REALLY don't like Guy Gardner. Is there a reason for that?

-Why isn't the Watchtower weaponized?

-Do Batman or Black Canary have any kind of mentor-student relationship to Wildcat in this universe?

-What exactly do Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor know about each other? Have they ever met?

-Depictions of Batman tend to fall between two extremes. On end of the spectrum is the Ubermensch Batman who can predict everything, is always right, take down the Justice League on his own, outmatch Darkseid, and can fight Superman solo and win. On the other end of the spectrum is the Chris Nolan kind of Batman who is just a regular guy of slightly above average intelligence who fights crime with resourcefulness and rigorous training, with backup guys like Lucius Fox doing most of the genius work. A happy medium between these two I would say is the Batman from the Justice League series and BTAS. Where would you say your Batman falls on this scale? Towards one end, the other, or in the middle?

Greg responds...


2. Why would it be?

3. Black Canary was mentored by Wildcat, among others. Batman worked with him too.

4. I'm sure they've met.

5. The middle, I guess. Though I'm not sure Nolan's Batman really represents one end of the scale. Particularly if the other end is a Batman that's omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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kyle K. writes...

In the end of Auld Acquaintance, Robin said that Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, John Stewart, Superman and Batman were missing, but Superman and Batman were both present, who were the real leaguers missing?

Greg responds...

Missing for sixteen hours. Not STILL missing.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Will D writes...

What were you most and least satisfied with as far as Season 1 turned out? Nice finale by the way.

Greg responds...

I'm pretty happy with the whole thing. Not that it's perfect, but given our schedule and resources, there's nothing I would have done differently.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Mike writes...

First off, I wanted to commend you for creating an amazing show, Young Justice. I love it. I have one question regarding Superman and Superboy:

Do they age at the same rate as a normal human, or is their lifespan much longer?

Greg responds...

By now you know that Superboy doesn't visibly age at all.

Superman ages at just a slightly slower rate than the normal human.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

The Season One finale episode was the best episode ever next to "Usual Suspects." It's been a great first season, and I hope the second season does just as good. On to my questions for this particular episode.

1. Was the kryptonite that Robin used to stop Superman actually shaped like a bullet? I wasn’t sure since he moved it towards the screen rather quickly.

2. Batman was under the influence of Starro Tech when he said that Roy Harper was switched with his clone shortly after becoming Green Arrow’s protégé. Personally, I DON’T think Batman was telling the truth at that time (because heroes under the influence of mind-control never do tell the REAL truth). With that fact in mind, was the real Roy Harper on ANY of the past Season One episodes besides the brief appearance at Cadmus at the closing moments of the finale episode? It would be hard to believe that the clone has been around since 2007.

3. The six Starro Tech-controlled Justice League members who returned from their unknown mission appeared to be a nod to the two-part Justice League episode called “A Better World,” in which they were a group of anti-heroes called the Justice Lords in an alternate timeline. Am I correct with what I just said? Now that I think about it, were any other nods to other DC animated media during this entire season? If there was, then this must have been the only one that I’ve actually noticed.

4. Are Dr. Spence and all the Genomorphs at Cadmus dead… or were they just knocked out? Also, if Guardian WAS the cause of it (regardless of what their fate was), was it because he was also under the influence of Starro Tech as well?

5. Because Vandal Savage was registered as designation A04, I’m worried that if his designation is not removed, he can not only gain access to Watchtower, but to other locations such as The Hall of Justice and Mount Justice, and therefore all secret locations could be compromised. With the immediate crisis over, will Vandal Savage’s designation be removed from Justice League computer systems?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. Looking forward to the Invasion in the coming week!

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember the shape per se.

2. No. Batman (or rather Vandal using Batman as a mouthpiece) used the partial truth to create a more convincing lie.

3. Not particularly. It was more of just a general nod to the Justice League series as a whole.

3a. Probably. None that leap out at me.

4. Knocked out.

4a. By now you know Guardian was a clone too. So, no, it wasn't Starro-Tech. It was his Cadmus programming.

5. Of course.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did the light existed before the league?

2. How many lazarus pits are there and they be created?

3. Is biayla an islamic nation and is there any other countries that didn't sign the justice league charter?

4. Were the justice league affilated with the U.N before they were public?

5. Is there a term for people with superpowers on Earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. I'm not confirming or denying more than one.

2a. Huh?

3. Islam is the religion of the majority of the population of Bialya.

3a. Yes.

4. No.

5. There is by the end of Season Two.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Gruntled Fan writes...

Did Captain Marvel ever get the cure chip? What did Zatanna say before he said SHAZAM! What's it like being so awesome?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, of course. Originally, Zatanna had a line of dialogue where she uses that as an excuse to stay behind (and pull the Helmet off her father). The line got cut for time. But eventually, both Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman would have gotten the cure chip.

2. Zatanna's spells in episode 126:

*Etativel taht ssorg gniht.
*Trulb tuo Mazahs!
*Temleh, esaeler ym rehtaf!

3. Ah, shucks, you're making me blush.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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b1db43 writes...

I have checked the archives and I have not seen a response to this question, but with over 800 questions in the queue it hard to be sure.

My question is: why Artemis?

I would understand if you had chosen, say, Supergirl, but Artemis seems really obscure. With whom did the idea to use Artemis originate, and how did it develop?

(BTW, I'm not arguing with the end result. I love the character! You never know what she's going to say or do next. I hope DC will take the hint and introduce her in the comics. As far as I'm concerned, from now on Wally West will only be half a character without Artemis.)

Greg responds...

Having a female archer was initially Brandon's idea, but I readily agreed - as long as I could keep Roy in there too. Choosing which female archer was a process. DC has something like four blonde female teenage archers. We looked at all of them. And Artemis' backstory seemed the most interesting, with the most secrets and lies.

Whether a character was obscure or not didn't enter into it. (And why would we use Supergirl as one of our original six heroes, when we already had Superboy?)

Anyway, I'm glad you like her.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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