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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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Aaron writes...

Not really a question just more of a comment. Greg, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the season 2 premiere of "Young Justice". The end of the episode has me wanting to come back for more! You're doing an excellent job writing this series. Keep up the good work, your real fans will stick by you through thick & thin. :)

Greg responds...

I hope some of my fake ones do too. We could use the Nielsons, you know?

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Ms. Spoiler writes...

Holy time skip Batman! I loved and cried at the 2nd season premire and while I admit Lagoon Boy calling M'Gann 'Angelfish' was adorable I was so devastated by the fact she was wasn't with, Conner. So is M'gann happy with, her new relationship? I have faith that you and the talented staff are going to write an amazing season
Oh and also I Saw Black Lightning with, the lead! I just love Jeff, Hope he has a speaking role!

Greg responds...

Jeff will speak eventually. As for M'gann and La'gaan's relationship, I'll let it play out and you can decide for yourself.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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raymond writes...

thank you greg.

thank you for creating and sharing YOUR show in YOUR universe telling YOUR stories on earth 16 the way YOU want...and also thanks to the rest of the young justice creative team of course. :)

i love this show. i love that you guys take chances and i promise i will be continuing to watch every episode of it. :D

Greg responds...

Thank you very much.

But of course, it's not MY world. At best it's mine and Brandon's. But there are a LOT of people involved, including the folks at DC, without whom you wouldn't be seeing any of it.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Great episode again just wondering with all the questions being right out the gate of season 2 is 20 episodes enough to answer if not all at least the big ones

Greg responds...

It's enough for the big ones. Not enough to suit any of us, of course. I'd love to do more - and hopefully we will.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Season 2 of Young Justice is off to a great start!
I've been really curious about the eyebrow coloring in the show though. I noticed Wally, Wonder Girl, and a few other people have colored eyebrows to match their hair, but others don't. Is there any reason Miss Martian and Black Canary have black eyebrows?

Greg responds...

I dunno. Sorry. Brandon and James show me the colors. If they look good, I say, "They look good." And they almost always look good. I don't analyze that too much. But you might ask Brandon this question.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Not to bother you again but I do have another question regurading Conner.

How would he have kept his idenity as Superboy a secret?

In this series as far as I have seen Conner dosen't wear glasses like he did in the comics. He looks the same when he's working with the team as he did when he went to school, s-shield shirt aside. I know YJ is a covert/black ops type team but one would think that Conner got his face caught on a camera somewhere.

Greg responds...

It's certainly possible, but he's generally stayed under the radar, and one can assume that any cellphone pix taken of him were too blurry to identify.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello once again, Mr. Weisman.
Fully expecting it to be months before you get to this question, but patience is a virtue, so...
1) Is the Brain gay? I suspect that you may not answer this one, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I thought I'd ask.
2) How did the Brain become a disembodied... well, brain?
3) Two previous posts had you give Wonder Woman's age as 90, then 85. Was the difference because you'd already started working on the post-timeskip timeline?
4) For your production bible, do you assign real names to characters who traditionally lack them (Bane, the Joker, the Brain, etc.)?
5) How does the Light recruit supervillains to work for them (apart from the League of Shadows and the member's own forces)?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, and thank you for Gargoyles, a series I greatly enjoyed when I was younger (I've had the misfortune of not seeing an episode in several years). It meant a great deal to me, and helped inspire my interest in storytelling and Shakespeare (the former more than the latter, but Gargoyles introduced me to the Bard's work). It is very much appreciated, and I will remember Gargoyles for a very long time indeed. Have a good day, sir.

Greg responds...

1. He's still in the canister.

2. See Young Justice issue #19.

3. I dunno. The timeline is very long, and sometimes I misread it.

4. Generally, no. But I do - with the help of loremaster John Wells - reach back to find any name that might exist in the DCU canon.

5. It's all case-by-case.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Happy with the Changes! writes...

Love the new direction they show has gone in. Happy with the changes. Thank you for FINALLY bringing Blue Beetle in!

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to apologize for all the rude comments you are getting from some of the Young Justice fans. Just reading some of these comments makes me embarrassed. I enjoyed the first episode to season two. It was great and exciting and I can’t wait to find out what is awaiting us. Sorry again on behalf of the YJ fandom.

Greg responds...

I'm not seeing a lot of rude comments these days. I don't know if the ruder ones got deleted by the moderators, or if the new rules (and vague threats) I posted have kept them at bay.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Apple Montag writes...

1) What are Tim's strengths and weaknesses? There was a slight controversy over Dick possessing hacking skills, so I'm wondering how Tim translates onto to the show.

2) Would you consider Tim the better, or at least better-trained Robin? Sorry, I'm a big Dick Grayson fan, and a little sensitive over this issue. I love Tim as a character, though, and both characters were rendered well in the premiere.

3) Am I right in believing you and the rest of the staff have most of the longterm plot of the show planned already?

Greg responds...

1. I think I'll just let you discover this for yourself. But Tim still has his hacking skills.

2. I'm not big on the comparison thing. Dick is Nightwing, now. Older and WAY more experienced, but I think you've already seen that Tim is a strong character in his own right.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Rob in Chicago writes...

AHHHHHHH! The season 1 finale and season 2 premier just blew my mind.

I smell some serious Greg Weisman subterfuge (or perhaps suprafuge if you ask Robin).

I can remember my tiny heart breaking the first time I saw "Future Tense" on the Disney Afternoon. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Same goes for "Failsafe".

You're not getting me again. I am already preparing myself for this to be an alternate reality (even though I know you've said that is something you avoided in Gargoyles) or something. I may have spotted a small clue that affirmed this in the final scene's time stamp.

Not guessing, just looking forward to enjoying whatever you have in store.

Also, loved the Black Spider cameo. Very clever. Spectacular Spiderman was an awesome show and the new Ultimate Spiderman is GARBAGE. Just really, really bad.

Thanks for all of the enjoyment I've been getting out of YJ as well as all of your old work! You truly are the very best at what you do!

Keep it up.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Garfield writes...

In Season 2 of Young Justice, Beast Boy is Garfield Logan, and Batgirl is Barbara Gordon, correct?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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btgr writes...

My reviews on Nightwing, Robin/Tim Drake, Batgirl, Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Lagoon Boy, Wondergirl and Gordon Godfrey after watching the very perfect "Happy New Year". BTW Greg don't listen to all those idiots who talk nonsense about the "Time Skip" and the new characters.

Nightwing and Robin/Tim Drake:
I didn't know I would be seeing those two guys very early in the show, but they both have great lines, personalities and costumes though. Plus they are both two of my most favourite DC heroes. I loved the conversions between those two. I also love the part where Robin teams up with Blue Beetle and Lagoon Boy.

HA!!! I always knew Batgirl exists on Earth 16!!! I liked the part where she teams up with Wonder Girl. Great costume and I'm surprised that you gave her black coloured boots and gloves. She's one of my most favourite DC heroines. Would be great to hear some one-liner jokes from her though. And yes Greg, "she is all that!!!"

Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes:
"That guy" and Batman: The Brave and the Bold is what got me into DC Comics in the first place. I love his costume, powers, Spanish quotes and jokes. His voice is so funny that I just simply laugh everytime he says a word. The part where he talks to his costume was also funny. I would love to see his girlfriend Traci 13 on YJ though, hopefully time will tell. Overall this is why Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes is one of my most favourite DC heroes. Oh and congratulate his voice actor for making him so funny!!!

Lagoon Boy:
I'm not very familar with him, but I like his appearance, powers and voice.

I'm a huge fan of her outfit after watching the episode. But I really couldn't believe people on youngjustice.wikia are complaining about her shoes. Just don't listen to them Greg, I actually think her shoes are cute.

Gordon Godfrey:
Like Blue Beetle, his voice is so funny!!! I've actually never heard of him before. But I have heard of "Godfrey", it's an Australian company that sells vacuum cleaners.

My final thoughts:
All those characters that I've reviewed are now on my list of favourite YJ characters, I've watched "Happy New Year" at least 4 times now and I've actually told JM DeMatteis about Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes on your show. Hopefully the rest of Season 2 will turn out perfect. Bye Greg!!!

Greg responds...

Glad you like Eric Lopez's work as Jaime/BB. We thought he was terrific!

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

How old is Tim Drake?
How old is Blue Beetle?
How old is Lobo?
How old is Wonder Girl?
How old is Lagoon Boy?

Greg responds...



3. I don't know.

4. As of the end of TEAM YEAR FIVE, i.e. on December 31st the day before Season Two starts: Cassie is 14.


Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Afan writes...

The start to season two was awesome!!!!!!!

So many questions! This show is amazing and does not treat its viewers like kids. I appreciate that you give us intelligently scripted plots and it calls for patience and those who want their hands held and everything nice and cute and shippy...well go watch Nickelodeon. Five years has passed. People change and GROW up. This season has a sense that the show is growing up too and reflect that change. Miss Martian and Conner breaking up is actually the most understandable/realistic change in all of it. They were kids and they were not even normal teens. But it would be pretty cliche setting Lagoon boy as the fall guy so Conner can pine and Megan can pretend she doesn't care for Conner and we have a silly love traingle. Let them move on for goodness sakes. I loved seeing Nightwing leading the team and in time I am sure we will get the stories behind the changes. I sense he and Zatanna have a little vibe but again, maybe they moved on. They were kids too.

Wondergirl (she was awesome), Blue Beetle (so funny),Lobo (love that he got his bounty...he's a tough) Glorious Godfrey (yeeee Darkseid???) Batgirl, Tim Drake, Adam Strange...I love the new heroes and characters and curious to find out what happened to Kaldur, Artemis and Wally. What did the League do for those missing hours and why are they wanted. Oooh so exciting. I for one can't wait and it will be torture to have to wait a whole week...The shows are just not long enough.

So ignore the crybabies.

Greg responds...

Thanks. We actually do aim to please. (I know some people don't think so, but it's true.)

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I have tried my best to put my top concerns in to questions you can actually answer.

1) As seen in the season premiere, you have removed Wally, Artemis, and Kaldur as series regulars. Yet, Dick, M'Gann, and Connor (and Wolf) remain. Was this decision based upon favoritism, or was it a purely storytelling decision?

2) Why is it that the relationship between Wally and Artemis always seems to be the last thing you address? Is this just to torture us?

3)I'm a little miffed that Zatanna is off the team. She wasn't on the team for very long and never got as much development as she could have. I guess there's only so much screen time to go around when there are so many characters running around.

Greg responds...

1. LOL. Well, by now you know that we haven't removed anyone: just changed some of their roles. And all decisions are based on both story and staying true to the characters. We have no favortism, because honestly, we are really ridiculously fond of ALL the characters.

2. I don't agree with the premise of your question. But, again, storytelling dictated our decisions. Torturing you is just a side benefit.

3. Is there a question here?

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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CrossPoison writes...

Hi Greg,
I have some questions concerning Superboy's age. Call it too much time, but it's your fault, creating such an interesting character.
1. Since Superboy has never left his pod, I was wondering if he was 'born' in there as a new-born baby, and aged one year each week, or was he created as a teenage boy?
2. If the latter is true, does he age physically outside his pod? Because I couldn't really see much difference between the 2010-Superboy and the 2016-Superboy.

I live in a country where YJ isn't aired in television, but me and my sister are in tension each Saturday, waiting for the newest episode to be uploaded. And today's episode really overwhelmed us with the new characters and the time leap. Awesome.

Greg responds...

1. He was force-GROWN.

2. By now you know, that he's not aging visibly.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Is there a reason Dick seems to have trouble with Tim? i mean they seem to be uneasy, and i know they didn't get along well in the comics without Bruce

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know WHAT you're talking about. I see no indication in our series that Dick has any trouble with Tim. I think your reading something into it from other sources.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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krypto writes...

1.Who is Stronger Superboy or Wonder girl?
2.Do the people of Earth now know who Superboy is?
3.Does Supeeman know that half of Superboy's dna comes from Lex Luthor?
4.Do Mal and Karen know that Superboy is Conner Kent?
5.Does Superboy where glasses as Conner Kent now?

Greg responds...

1. Superboy.

2. For the most part, no.

3. By the time Season Two begins, yes.

4. Yes.

5. No.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

Has the Justice League inducted any more members? I know they mentioned Rocket and Zatanna, but has anyone else joined/esft scince we last checked in 20 years ago? PS. Nigel Thornberry on Young Justice? nice.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Bashir Bin Ali writes...

Wow. Reading through the unanswered questions, no wonder you've gotten so angry over people constantly asking for spoilers.

Good job with the opening for season 2. I heard something about a time skip but didn't expect it that far into the future. It seems like an odd choice but I have faith in you and the others to keep it glorious. Well, I guess y'all already have been, the season opener was real good.

1.) What was this site before it became AskGreg? Was it just another Gargoyles fansite or something like that?

Greg responds...

1. ASK GREG has - since its inception - been part of the larger Station 8 site. I believe S8 began as a more general fan site, but I'm afraid Gargoyles slowly but surely took it over. But really that's a question for Gorebash, who has graciously allowed me to park here on HIS PROPERTY and rant for over a decade now.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

To the "fans", I think you ought to have a little more faith in Greg.

I'm not exactly praising the first episode of Invasion that much, but remember one thing: it's Greg Weisman! He made Gargoyles, The Spectacular Spider-Man, the second season of W.I.T.C.H., and this incredible first season of Young Justice! This is all top-notch work, and one "bad egg" shouldn't change what you think of his work. Knowing how Greg works, I'm sure the rest of Invasion will be worth waiting for. If you don't like the first episode of Invasion (and I'm not saying it's a masterpiece or even anything that great), that's your issue, but please don't turn your back on Greg's top-notch work just for that. He'll make it work. I have faith in that.

Greg responds...

Uh... thanks?

Look, I appreciate - truly - the vote of confidence, but I think I should say that pesonally I'm VERY PROUD of episode 201. I'm biased, of course. But I love how it turned out. LOVE IT!

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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ShawnF writes...

First and foremost, great writing. As an animation aficionado for many years, I continue to enjoy where things go, and how things unfold. Kudos for the time jump, I look forward to the "look backs" to see how things have unfolded to where we are today. (I'm assuming this look backs, of course, but I'm sure through the process, you'll have to explain how things went from A>B)

My questions have to do more with process and collaboration with DC.

1) With the reboot of the DC Comics, is it easier or more difficult to reach into DC history for storyline or character shaping? An example is in episode 2:1. Pulling Glorious Godfrey out of hallowed antiquity is very nice...many of your fans weren't even alive when "Legends" was published...and Kudos do Tim Curry. I will say, it sounded a bit like "The Voice of London" there for a moment (from "V") but, once I listened, you can hear ole Frank-N-Furter warming up...For me, he will always be Sir Gawain in "Prince Valiant" but I digress.

2) With the reboot, how much interaction do you have with Dan (Dido), Jim (Lee) et al...from the stand point so you can to reference the past without copying exact story lines, allowing the story to move in its own direction?

Thanks for you time.

Greg responds...

1. As I've said MANY times before, the reboot to DC's NEW 52 had zero effect on us, because we were too far along by the time they told us about it. This is not a value judgement, by the way. It's just the fact. It was too late for us to make any changes based on New 52.

2. None with Dan or Jim. Our contacts are Geoff Johns, Mike Carlin and Sean Ryan. And again, reboot had nothing to do with nothing for us. Our story was our story.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Just saw "Happy New Year". I will admit it was kinda confusing with the timeskip, but it was worth the time. And Tim Curry as G. Gordon Godfrey was PRICELESS!!

1) What's it like working with Tim Curry again? Did you ever want him back on W.I.T.C.H. or Spider-Man?

2) What was Lobo saying in his original language?

3) What were the Kroloteans (is that correct spelling?) saying?

4) What are Zatanna's spells in Usual Suspects and Auld Acquaintance?

Greg responds...


1a. I always love working with Tim, but we need to match up the right role for him with his availability. (He's a busy guy.)

2. Some of the following language has been considerably toned down in translation from the original Interlac. For example, the word 'keezy' translates as 'little', but it has a WAY more pejorative connotation than that.

Also, we originally recorded nearly all of Lobo's dialogue in both English and Interlac so that we could decided later which we'd use with when. But I don't have immediate access to our final decisions handy, so I'll just give you all of it.

*Hahn Sho Lobo skahveyt-ka, ka SKAHvey keezy Krolo! [The Main Man can smell you, you stinkin' little Krolotean!]

*Ka ree? Ka REE? [Seriously?]

*Ka seh Hahn Sho Lobo, Krolo. Plee-ay suh frag. [Just you and the Main Man, Krolotean. Surrender or die.]

*Frag ka. [Die it is.]

*Ka ree? Keezy fem frag Hahn Sho Lobo? Ka ree? [Seriously? This little girl thinks she can take down the Main Man?]

*Keezy fem… [Little girl…]

*Rok tor keezy fem. [Planet of the little girls.]

*Frag-ka, Krolo. [Time to die, Krolotean.]

*SKAHvey Krolo… [Stinkin' Krolotean.]

*Hahn Sho Lobo lok toy. Keezy fem… ka rok, ka rok. [The Main Man's contract's complete. Little girls… your world's your world.]

*Vlash suh frag. [Shut up or die.]

3. With the exception of the fake Tseng's one line in Interlac (i.e. Plee-ay! Plee-ay! [I surrender!]), we didn't bother creating exact translations for the Krollish they were screeching. But I think you get the gist. (And, yes, it's spelled Krolotean.)


Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Sammy writes...

Hey Greg! I don't know why people are being so apprehensive about the time-skip-thing. I absolutely love it!! Fantastic episode! I'm more excited to see next week's episode than ever! :D

1. How old is Tim Drake?
2. How old is Jaimie Reyes?
3. How old is Adam Strange?

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Five, i.e. December 31st the day before the start of Season Two:

1. Tim is 14.

2. Jaime is 16.

3. Adam is 26.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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J Blanchard writes...

I have a 28/1000 Gargoyles print signed by the artist. Do you know what this might be worth?


Greg responds...

No idea. Not even really sure what you're talking about, but even if I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about, I don't know what stuff goes for.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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NY writes...

Hi Greg! I looked through the archives and found that you previously mentioned that the first couple seasons of Gargoyles cost $400k-500k per episode to produce.

Assuming the cost of haven't changed dramatically, it seems as though animation is cheaper than the standard scripted network show. Given that, I'm surprised there aren't more animated shows on the major networks, especially with anime so popular in the US now, particularly among older audiences.

I think the only weakness to Young Justice is that it feels like the stories are big enough to fit in a whole hour, but are being condensed to thirty minutes. Again, assuming the cost of animation is in the ballpark of what it was for Gargoyles, an hour-long show doesn't strike me as financially prohibitive.

1. Can you say how much Young Justice costs to produce? A ballpark would be fine if you can't/don't want to give exact numbers.

2. What are your thoughts on the lack of non-Fox/non-comedy prime-time animation? Do you think this is something that can change in the future?

3. Do you think we might one day see hour-long dramatic animation? Did you ever consider making YJ an hour long?

Thank you very much for many excellent shows and opening yourself up for questions from the community!

Greg responds...

Your assumptions are faulty. Animation and anime have not - in this country - hit the kind of critical mass among adults that you seem to think they have. A few comedies, like Simpsons and Family Guy have worked in primetime, but others have failed. Even the great BATMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES - which was a huge success in the afternoons - didn't fare well in primetime.

In addition, costs HAVE changed dramatically. Budgets have not, but that means we have to learn to do more with less, generally.

More important is the issue of shelf space. An hour - per conventional wisdom - is a LONG time for kids to sit and watch an animated show. We're told, with some evidence to back it up, that they get bored. And kids still define the economics of most animated product. So if you are going to use up the VERY limited shelf space that any network has with an hour show, it darn well better kick some major butt in the ratings. Because otherwise, for nearly the same money, they could put on two shows (if not four) and have twice (or four times) the opportunity to grab the audience.

In fact, the trend isn't to longer shows, but to SHORTER shows. 11 minute episodes.

So with all that in mind:

1. No. That's proprietary information I'm not authorized to reveal.

2. Yes, I think it can change. But I won't pretend it would be easy to change the corporate culture that doesn't believe in this notion at all. What it takes, of course, is one network taking a chance on one show that's SO GOOD, that it's a hit in defiance of that culture and all conventional wisdom. That would break the floodgates. The inevitable result would be a lot of crap would go on the air, fail, and the conventional wisdom would come back into play with a vengeance. The one hit would be the "exception that proves the rule" and that would be it for awhile. That's what happened after Simpsons. (Who remembers Fish Police?) But the door would be open at least a little. Over the very long haul change is possible.

3. One day? Sure. In fact, I hope so.

3a. I'm not saying it's never crossed my mind. I'd love it, of course. But (a) it's not up to me, and (b) it's never been a realistic possibility.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Being Green Lanterns why didn't Hal Jordan and John Stewart know about the missing Justice League members activities in space?
2. When did Dick Grayson become Nightwing on Earth 16?
3. How long has Tim Drake been active as Robin on Earth 16?
4. Is Guy Gardner a member of the Justice League now?
5. Did the Justice League give a reason for Zatara not being a member anymore?

Greg responds...

1. Why WOULD they know?! <sigh> I think many folks have been brought up to think of their heroes as all-knowing and infallible. It makes me, I'll admit, a little crazy.

Okay, let's start here: the galaxy is HUGE.

The Green Lantern Corps attempts to cover it all, but their membership numbers in the thousands for a galaxy that is HUGE.

Rimbor is a planet largely inhabited by criminals, smugglers, etc. And the government of Rimbor isn't simply corrupt, it's INSTITUTIONALLY CORRUPT. In fact, it's CONSTITUTIONALLY CORRUPT. The Green Lantern Corps is NOT welcome on Rimbor. It's treaty with the GLC states that the Corps can only show up on diplomatic missions or when requested. No one on Rimbor would request the GLC to come - even with a rogue Lantern (plus five other Earthlings) wreaking havoc, because they don't want to give the Corps an excuse to look into Rimborian activities.

So, yes, over a five year period, word of the attack leaked out to the larger sector - and the six Leaguers were labeled as bad guys - but the significance of that may not have registered to the local Lantern, who (a) would be used to the Rimborians vilifying other Lanterns and (b) not understand the significance of Superman, Batman, Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman being labelled as criminals.

Do you really think that every time a criminal is put on a watch list somewhere in the galaxy that every Lantern tells EVERY OTHER Lantern about it? That just makes no sense to me.

And that's assuming there's a Lantern in that sector AT ALL. Again, big galaxy, relatively small GLC.



4. Yes.

5. Who says he's not a member?

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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J writes...

Not so much a question as food for thouht...I'm still doing my research and reading through every past Q&A (tangent here...cant anybody do something about all the repeated posts? There are far too many "askef & answered"s...but leave the "spoiler requests" - they actually give some information sometimes) & I've noticed that you are obviously one of a large number of people who dont like "spoilers" - and you tend to berate those who activly post/seek them out. Now I realize this is your forum, so basically what you say goes...but are you aware (or even care) that there are just as many people out there, like myself, whose enjoyment of most media precludes our knowing how it turns out? Ill give you an example...I will wait YEARS before watching a critcally acclaimed Hollywood blockbuster until I know for sure its worth investing even two short hours (ie. I refuse to watch a movie where the main character/animal dies senselessly at the end... as its a waist of my time and insulting - and the "sometimes death is senseless" argument doesnt work for me...reality IS senseless enough, thats why I like my fiction to make some sense at least...its called "escape" and nit "the eavening news" for a reason).
understand that you definatly would not agree with me, but is it really that hard to understand why some people would get more enjoyment out of your work if they had more to look forward to than the old (an eternally frustrating"just watch and see"? - I cant even tell you how many times Ive up and left the room when everybody else has seen the movie and nobody will answer a simple yes or no question because they didnt want to "ruin it" for me, when in fact they just did.
Basically what im getting at is, could you please not villify those who hust want to know a little more than your giving...Im not asking you to give more, but just because someone doent think like you, doesnt mean they are thoughtless.
Thank you for your time and talent.

Greg responds...

I think "villify" is an awfully strong word from what I've done. I'm often stunned by the desire for spoilers and appalled by those who SPOIL without any thought to those who don't want things spoiled and/or to the CREATORS who put in so much effort to create some surprise in their work. But it hardly rises to the level of hate speech.

And, no, I can't understand it. If you want a 100% guarantee out of your entertainment before you see it by knowing all that's coming... than we have very little in common.

That doesn't mean you're a bad person or that you're "thoughtless" for wanting the spoilers you want. But your thought processes defy my understanding. DEFY. MY. UNDERSTANDING.

But those differences are what makes the world go 'round, right?

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg

I was also wondering if you wouldn't mind identifying which voice actors voiced the following uncredited characters? Thanks.

120 - Coldhearted
Boston Police Officer
Chicago Police Officer #1
Chicago Police Officer #2
South Dakota State Trooper

121 - Image
Biaylan General

122 - Agendas
Hal Jordan

124 - Performance
Dragon's Breath
Carlo's Brother

Thanks again!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm afraid my season one record draft scripts are boxed up. So I don't have access to who played minor bit parts handy."

[Response recorded on August 30, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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CrimsonBaroness writes...

The most often asked question to you must be "Will you ever bring back Gargoyles with new episodes or a remake?"
I to wish to know if ever it could happen but my question is about what form of animation would you most like to do it in ?
With CGI or the original style ?
A remake with to many changes so much that its like what they did in G.I.Joe and Transformers ?
The first version is always the best. If its not broke why try to fix it ? A re-shooting with a shrek cgi type animation would look fabulous. In any case I thank you so much for this series and I also loved Mummies Alive.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Largely it would depend on what I could sell the higher-ups on. I'd do either if either were the only option. If given my choice (which rarely happens in this business), said choice would be based on issues of content."

[Response recorded on February 1, 2001.]

"It would depend on the show.

I think G2198 would be perfect for CGI. But I'd hate to do Dark Ages in CGI, though maybe not for the reasons you think."

[Response recorded on February 9, 2000.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Richard Anthony writes...

Hey Greg, Have you and your team thought of adapting the new up-to-date costumes that the League and others wear in the New 52 DC series on to the Young Justice series?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"No. We were well underway before the reboot was announced. For us, it was too late to change anything."

[Response recorded on February 10, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Some quick questions:

a. How old was Earth-16's Cissie King-Jones when she was first introduced in "Insecurity?"

b. While we've seen Cissie's father, where is her mother on Earth-16? I would hate to believe that the father is taking care of Cissie all by himself, because that would be just so sad.


An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Cissie is nine-years-old as of 'Insecurity'."

[Response recorded on August 24, 2012.]

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Out of curiosity, has an Earth-16 prequel series (before the events of Young Justice in 2010) which can focus only on the Justice League ever been considered?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


[Response recorded on April 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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AlexP writes...

So! Now that Young Justice has started it's second season and we're heading more towards the Young Justice team as seen in the comics such as, Lagoon Boy (showed up once), Tim Drake, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Secret (Already featured in an episode), Arrowette (Who was also featured in the series but not as a hero). Im assuming that Impulse(Bart Allen) will be appearing soon as well. Comments?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

IMPULSE: "Ta da!"

[From "Young Justice" episode 206, "Bloodlines." Originally aired June 2, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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MichaelJ writes...

In Auld Lang Syne, what did Zatanna say to make Captain Marvel say "Shazam!" I'm always curious about the backwards text, but it's often said fast, in the heat of battle, making it hard to decode. Since you have access to the script, I thought I'd ask.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Trulb tuo Mazahs!"

[Response recorded on September 10, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Jonathan writes...

Do you have any plans to further the plot of Spectacular through means outside of television? Like, something written, perhaps in the way of a script or in a more novel-like style of writing?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

"It's just not up to me. I can't create a 'fan film' with someone else's property.

For starters, who would pay for it? Even if I and everyone else involved were willing to donate services for free - which honestly I'm not - who would pay for the materials? None of us have the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it would take to do even one episode at the quality level you'd expect. And why would we want to produce something at a lower quality level? Why would you want to watch it at a lower quality level?

And that's aside from the fact, that I'd never be allowed to work for Marvel, Disney, Sony or probably any other studio again ever. I'm a pro. They know that. I can't make a fan film, stealing someone else's characters, and just get away with it.

For this to happen, Sony would have to make a deal with Marvel/Disney to do this - and then they'd have to reassemble the key players from the original cast and crew. I'd LOVE for this to happen, but I don't see that as realistic.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love to do more SpecSpideys. But it's less likely than me doing more Gargoyles, even."

[Response recorded on August 16, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Ed writes...

1. Is Superboy immortal?

2. How strong is Aquaman compared to Superman?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

SUPERBOY: "I don't physically age, at all. I'm not immortal; I'm aging internally."

[From "Young Justice" episode 202, "Earthlings." Originally aired May 5, 2012.]

Greg Weisman says:

"Superman's the strongest of the Leaguers. Icon, Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman are up there. Aquaman and a telekinetically enhanced Martian Manhunter and a Quantum-energized Captain Atom are close. I'd put Red Tornado, Hawkman and Hawkwoman just behind them. Neither Flash nor Plastic Man nor Zatanna nor Atom have super-strength, but their powers can sometimes give them more oomph. At the "bottom" are folks like Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Rocket, though of course, they're all way stronger because of their training than the average human being. And of course, you have the Green Lanterns, who can use willpower and rings to mimic strength too - and maybe even top Superman when they're on their game. Same - in his own way - with Doctor Fate. I think that covers the whole League."

[Response recorded on May 3, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Since the video game is multiplatform, will there be any differences between any of the console versions than the others?
For example, will the nintendo DS or Wii version be drastically different from the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of the game since they have different graphics and control systems?

Also, why is Zatanna shown as an adult on the game page, but everyone else still as a minor?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm not well-versed enough about the differences in various platforms to comment. No one's told me that there are different versions of the game."

[Response recorded on September 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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R. R. R. writes...

I just saw someone's question about an error in the France timestamp in Misplaced and you telling him you can't be wrong because you were too careful. Obviously, you were not as careful as you thought because he was completely right. It says November 5 4:09 CEST when daylight savings in France and all other EU countries ends in the last Sunday of October. It should have been CET.

I kinda feel bad for the guy who just asked you a question about an obvious error of yours and you answered acting like you're above small errors like that. Hey, it happens to everybody, you could've been more polite and just admitted your mistake.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

"I did very careful research on the timezones and the dates and when they switched over. I'm not denying there's a possibility I messed up. I have before and I will again."

[Response recorded on April 30, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When Zatanna officially joined the Team, did she become B-08?

When Rocket joined the Team, did she become B-09?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"B-08 Zatanna - Catholic.

B-09 Rocket - Baptist, maybe?"

[Response recorded on August 28, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Lagoon Boy from Atlantis?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

LAGOON BOY (translated from Atlantean): "Together, my King?"

AQUAMAN (translated from Atlantean): "Together, La'gaan."

[From "Young Justice" episode 203, "Alienated." Originally aired May 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Keith writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. You won't remember me - I asked a question a while back about CN's rules about guns on the show.

Anyway, as somebody who really wants to write for television in the future, I'm asking you if you have any tips for breaking into the industry. I'm a high school junior so I'm beginning to look at colleges and was wondering if you had any advice to give out when it comes to getting into the buisness of television writing.

As always, love the series and can't wait for more!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"First and foremost, you write. Then write some more. Then do a little writing. Read a lot. Write some more. Read some more. Read a lot. Write a lot. Study story structure. Study great literature. Study myth and legends. Joseph Campbell. Listen to how people talk. How they really talk. Learn your craft. Get a kick-ass education. Write. Read.


Get copies of animation (or other television) scripts. Learn the format.

Write spec scripts for shows that you like. Try to use those specs to get an agent. Then your agent can use those specs to get you work. Write more specs. If you can't get an agent, send the specs to production companies that you admire. Don't send a Batman spec to Warner Bros or a Gargoyles to Disney. Legally, they can't risk reading those. But you can send Batman to Disney and Gargoyles to Warners. (I know it sounds weird. There's a real good reason for this, but it's a whole other question, so for now just trust me.) Actually, you shouldn't be writing a Gargoyles spec at all, since that show isn't producing new episodes now. You don't want your spec to come off as yesterday's news. Keep reading. Keep writing. Try writing a pilot script and a short bible for an original series. Try using those to get an agent or work (any work, you need credits on your resume.)

Oh, yeah. PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. Read your own work aloud, you catch more mistakes that way. Read. Write. Write some more. Get used to a lot of rejection. A LOT OF REJECTION.

That's the best advice I can give you except this: writing for television is an extremely difficult career to break into, let alone succeed at; so if you don't really have a PASSION for it, then do something else. You'll need that passion to see you through a lot of dark times. If you can be happy doing anything else, then do that other thing.

Otherwise, good luck."

[Response recorded in the early days of Ask Greg; precise date unknown.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Garfield writes...

I'm very sorry to continue to bother you about Young Justice. i'm a 12 year old, and it's my favorite show of all time!
Does Season 2 take place in 2016?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We intentionally have NOT put a year on the present day events on the show. There is NO CANON YEAR, as far as I'm concerned.

But the days of the week are based on the 2010 calendar. And in my timeline, now a whopping 185 pages, for purposes of math - relative to events in the past - we're set in 2010."

[Response recorded on November 18, 2011.]


[From "Young Justice" episode 201, "Happy New Year." Originally aired April 28, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So, when Godfrey put up the name "Justice League" on a screen during his show, was that logo/font a deliberate shout-out to Bruce Timm's JL show?

Greg responds...

Is it too obnoxious to say "Duh!"?

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Patrick writes...

Hi Greg,

I really enjoyed the first episode of Young Justice: Invasion. I have a couple questions:

1. It seems that as team is still covert and being run by Nightwing. Would you consider the team as Earth-16's equivalent to the Outsiders?
2. What made you decide to not have the viewer hear Blue Beetle's suits discussions with Jaime?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. It was funnier that way. And it put an audience member unfamiliar with Blue in the same position as the other characters like Robin and Lagoon Boy. But mostly it was funnier that way.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Brandon writes...

Hi Greg,

Let me first say that there are plenty of things about Young Justice that I really enjoy, but I don't want to waste your time by listing everything. I do have one question though:

In "Happy New Year!", when it's revealed what happened during the 16 hours that some league members were missing, it seems like no one had figured it out already. Are we really supposed to believe that Batman (the world's greatest detective) just gave up trying to figure out where he went? I mean, he had plenty of time to investigate it. Again, thanks for a great show!

Greg responds...

I don't think he "gave up", but Batman isn't omniscient. I honestly don't see how detective skills could have possibly led him to figure out that the answer was RIMBOR.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

If people are saying you ruined Young Justice, I don't think you did, I'm more curious about the show more than ever. Love Tim's look, and attitude, and loving that Dick still isn't part of the League. I had a feeling that Bumblebee would be in it, Love that Cassie is Wondergirl, and Blue Beetle is funny when he's talking to the Scarab. Okay, now the big part.

I'm so glad Dick hasn't lost his personality over five years, but will we be seeing more of his wordplay in the future is my question (don't have to answer, will be following intensly.

I think the time skip was perfect, since and invasion like what was seen today could take a lot of planning, and Vandal has some kind of plan, I just know it.

Okay, my rant is over, but overall, I was WHELMED, but I couldn't take my eyes off the screen, so I guess I was OVERwhelmed. LOL, got in a bit of Dick's wordplay.

Can't wait for more, Greg, and thanks for a great show.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Kofi Ki-Moon writes...

Hey Greg. I just had one question I wanted to ask you.

1. In the 2nd episode of the Pilot for Gargoyles, Owen mentions that Wyvern castle is haunted. Was this just originally a throw away line similar to Matt Bluestone's line about the Illuminati, or was did was the line meant all long to lay the seeds for a possible episode in the (then) future about the ghost of Hakon and the Captain? Or has it been so long that you honestly don't remember, because if it was that I honestly do understand.


Greg responds...

1. I think originally it was more of a throwaway, but it stuck with me.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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nygma619 writes...

All Things Artemis (Part Two):
6.) What made you choose to make her Mom’s former alias Huntress instead of Tigress?
7.) What exactly happened to Paula Crock that caused her to become paralyzed?
8.) Last but certainly not least, Wally and Artemis’s romance on this show is not only my favorite on the show, but might be my favorite romance on all the show’s you’ve produced. That’s no small feat amongst company like Goliath/Eliza, Fox/Xanatos, Peter/Gwen, Spider-Man/Black Cat. As a Wally West fan (my favorite of the Flashes), you and the YJ crew have also done something I didn’t think possible. Make me want to see him end up with someone besides Linda Park. Not that I wouldn't mind that as a detour, but as long as all roads end with him and Artemis together I'd be happy. I also thought Wally scooping her up before their first kiss and Artemis being fine with it was adorable as well. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t give major props to Jason Spisak and Stephanie Lemelin. Those two have had cracking chemistry from day one Artemis showed up. Whether it's them bickering or in the more tender moments, they deserve just as much credit as you and the crew did for bringing this relationship to life. I imagine it was probably a joy to watch them interacting at the table readings and/or voice recordings. Anyways this one wasn’t a question so much as me giving you and the crew a pat on the backs for creating one of my favorite romances in animation. I look forward to where both Wally and Artemis end up going in Season 2.
9.) But I digress at what point in the beginning did you guys decide to have Wally and Artemis be one of the main romances on this show?

Greg responds...

6. That was the character's original name.


8. We don't have table readings, I'm afraid, but Jason and Stephanie did rock our recordings. Can't praise either of them enough. Of course, I feel that way about all our regulars and nearly all of our guests too.

9. From the start it seemed clear to us.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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