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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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maskedmax writes...

I noticed that you you used atomic skull in the injustice league episode, my question is which atomic skull is this, Albert Michaels or Joseph Martin?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Guy Gardner writes...

Hi! I'm sure it'll be a while before you get to it, but I wanted to get this in now.

First off, I want to say that I'm a huge fan of the show. I'm a massive DC Comics guy who started off watching the animated Batman and expanded out from there, and no show has gotten me as pumped as this one has me. Also like the music on the new trailer; reminds me a lot of Alien/Aliens/Prometheus, which makes sense considering you guys are going out into space. Hopefully these questions will be quick, easy to answer, and aren't asking you to give anything away prematurely.

1) From the comic and the show, we know that there are still some JSA members running around and that they do have contact with JLA members. Were these members consulted/give advice on the formation of the League and how it was structured, or was this a completely internal thing?

2) We already know that Atlantis is a constitutional monarchy. So do they have a Parliament or Senate based around the various City-States you mentioned in the comic book? I know it's a rather dorky question, but the depth (no pun intended) you've given this version of Atlantis makes me interested.

3) Probably the question that is closest to a spoiler, and I hate asking it... but I just have to. We see an image of Blue Devil for a few seconds in "Agendas", and attached to his belt on the left side is what looks like a law enforcement badge. Am I correct in that assertion? I won't ask for any more beyond that.

4) When the other Lanterns said "No" regarding Guy Gardner, was it because of his good looks, his chiseled abs, or because they knew his ring-slinging skills would make them obsolete? All of the above is an absolutely acceptable answer.

Thanks, and I look forward to the new season!

Greg responds...

1. It was mostly "internal". But of course, the League was at least in part inspired by the Justice Society of America. And since Barry and Jay are such good friends, it was natural to seek advice.

2. Each Polis is represented in a governmental body.

3. You're correct.

4. I'll stick with "Um."

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Kendall Jones writes...

Does Topo have six or eight tentacles? He has six in Down Time, but eight in issue fourteen.

Greg responds...

He has fourteen actually, but sometimes he hides a few. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I’m guessing Superman might not be married to Lois Lane on Earth-16 just yet (it's probably still too early), but do they have feelings for each other at this point in time (or at least they’re starting to)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Fluttershy writes...

Hey Greg before asking my question I would like to praise your exellent characterization on the show. I have become fan of characters i would have ignored otherwise thanks to you (miss martian, superboy artemis Aqualad) Sure you didn't invent them but yo made them actually interesting for the casual viewer imo.

I have only have two question this time, regarding the Zeta beam portal

Due to the fact that it's technology is able to recognize the heroes (ex recognized superman 01), could that technology be abused to identify the heroe's out of their customs and their secret identities?

Is there a failsafe for that technology not to be stolen and be used to find for instance batman's secret identity?

Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

Actually, I did help invent our Aqualad, but why quibble when you're saying such nice things?!

1. In theory, but so could fingerprints or any retinal scan.

2. Of course.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Tomato writes...

So, this is not really a question, so much as a statement, one that a lot of people may not like me for, but whatever. As someone who has been reading Ask Greg, who currently has his own question in the queue, and who loves pretty much every show you've made: If this section has become an unnecessary burden on you, if it no longer holds any value or fun, you need to stop. I'm not saying you need to close the section down or anything, but if it comes down to a choice between you taking a step back for a month or so or letting things get so out of hand here that you shut it down permanently, then take a step back. Those of us who are loyal, truly loyal, to you and your shows will wait, and those that aren't can go off and whine elsewhere.

Truthfully, I don't think I've ever seen a creator involved with his or her fan base to this extent. It says a lot not only that you take the time to answer our questions, but that you WON'T answer all of them. It shows that you care enough to let us experience the narrative the way it's supposed to be experienced, even if we'd rather worm our way around it.

So yeah, if you need to, let the moderators handle things for the time being. They might have to skip over a few questions here and there, but they've already proven capable of typing "SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT" and really, that's 90% of the answers you give right now anyway >P

Greg responds...

Thanks for the support. I think - generally - we've found a happy medium. The plan is to reopen the site's posting function toward the end of the month when our new episode (#208 "Satisfaction") premieres. Unfortunately, there's little chance I'll have gotten through the remaining 673 questions by then - so the backlog will increase. But whatchagonnado, right?

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Not a question just a comment. I found those long posts with tons of questions annoying as get all so I was glad about your decision to ban more then ten questions. Often, half the questions were things that you already answered (not that I haven't repeated a question once or twice.) So not everyone is disgruntled about this.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I only have one question to ask... sort of.

1. How did you come up with Kaldur's character, going beyond his design and parental origin?
2. Did you originally envision him as calm and collected as he has been seen in the show, or did you have any other ideas regarding his personality?
3. When you were planning the show, was he one of the first characters you started 'fleshing out', so to speak?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. It was a fairly organic process. We knew we wanted Aqualad in the show, but we wanted to increase the series' diversity, and with Garth dead in the DC Universe of the time, the void seemed to offer an opportunity to create someone new - AND simultaneously give us the chance to demonstrate "the road not taken" aspect of our Earth-16 parallel universe. We also wanted to establish Atlantis' combination of sorcery-based technology and give "Aqua-Lad" (which literally means Water-Boy) a unique power and devices (i.e. his water-bearers), which we thought would compliment the rest of the group. We based his physicality on Michael Phelps, and his costuming on a combination of Garth's original uniform and the kind of swimming 'suit' that Olympians were using back in 2004 and 2008.

2. He was always going to be the calm and quiet leader.

3. One of the first six, certainly.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Ms. Spoiler writes...

Hey Greg, just say the new invasion promo and while I'm happy to see all these fresh faces I was kinda hoping we would see Donna Troy as wondergirl, not Cassie Sandsmark. So, I was wondering why did you choose Cassie or Donna?

Greg responds...

Given enough episodes and/or issues - not to mention a certain game, it'll all be clear eventually.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Hugin writes...

Hey, huge fan of the show. It's probably the only thing that gets me out of bed on Saturdays.
You've clearly been pushing Wally and Artemis together since Denial, with the "Spitfire" comment, and while it's been clear that Wally has an interest in Artemis, I can't honestly see why she'd reciprocate. Could you elaborate a bit on what aspects of her character and what actions on Wally's part you think would make her interested in him?

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. (Seriously, you didn't see that someone had almost word-for-word preceded you on this question?)

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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