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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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Bashir Bin Ali writes...

Wow. Reading through the unanswered questions, no wonder you've gotten so angry over people constantly asking for spoilers.

Good job with the opening for season 2. I heard something about a time skip but didn't expect it that far into the future. It seems like an odd choice but I have faith in you and the others to keep it glorious. Well, I guess y'all already have been, the season opener was real good.

1.) What was this site before it became AskGreg? Was it just another Gargoyles fansite or something like that?

Greg responds...

1. ASK GREG has - since its inception - been part of the larger Station 8 site. I believe S8 began as a more general fan site, but I'm afraid Gargoyles slowly but surely took it over. But really that's a question for Gorebash, who has graciously allowed me to park here on HIS PROPERTY and rant for over a decade now.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

To the "fans", I think you ought to have a little more faith in Greg.

I'm not exactly praising the first episode of Invasion that much, but remember one thing: it's Greg Weisman! He made Gargoyles, The Spectacular Spider-Man, the second season of W.I.T.C.H., and this incredible first season of Young Justice! This is all top-notch work, and one "bad egg" shouldn't change what you think of his work. Knowing how Greg works, I'm sure the rest of Invasion will be worth waiting for. If you don't like the first episode of Invasion (and I'm not saying it's a masterpiece or even anything that great), that's your issue, but please don't turn your back on Greg's top-notch work just for that. He'll make it work. I have faith in that.

Greg responds...

Uh... thanks?

Look, I appreciate - truly - the vote of confidence, but I think I should say that pesonally I'm VERY PROUD of episode 201. I'm biased, of course. But I love how it turned out. LOVE IT!

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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ShawnF writes...

First and foremost, great writing. As an animation aficionado for many years, I continue to enjoy where things go, and how things unfold. Kudos for the time jump, I look forward to the "look backs" to see how things have unfolded to where we are today. (I'm assuming this look backs, of course, but I'm sure through the process, you'll have to explain how things went from A>B)

My questions have to do more with process and collaboration with DC.

1) With the reboot of the DC Comics, is it easier or more difficult to reach into DC history for storyline or character shaping? An example is in episode 2:1. Pulling Glorious Godfrey out of hallowed antiquity is very nice...many of your fans weren't even alive when "Legends" was published...and Kudos do Tim Curry. I will say, it sounded a bit like "The Voice of London" there for a moment (from "V") but, once I listened, you can hear ole Frank-N-Furter warming up...For me, he will always be Sir Gawain in "Prince Valiant" but I digress.

2) With the reboot, how much interaction do you have with Dan (Dido), Jim (Lee) et al...from the stand point so you can to reference the past without copying exact story lines, allowing the story to move in its own direction?

Thanks for you time.

Greg responds...

1. As I've said MANY times before, the reboot to DC's NEW 52 had zero effect on us, because we were too far along by the time they told us about it. This is not a value judgement, by the way. It's just the fact. It was too late for us to make any changes based on New 52.

2. None with Dan or Jim. Our contacts are Geoff Johns, Mike Carlin and Sean Ryan. And again, reboot had nothing to do with nothing for us. Our story was our story.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Just saw "Happy New Year". I will admit it was kinda confusing with the timeskip, but it was worth the time. And Tim Curry as G. Gordon Godfrey was PRICELESS!!

1) What's it like working with Tim Curry again? Did you ever want him back on W.I.T.C.H. or Spider-Man?

2) What was Lobo saying in his original language?

3) What were the Kroloteans (is that correct spelling?) saying?

4) What are Zatanna's spells in Usual Suspects and Auld Acquaintance?

Greg responds...


1a. I always love working with Tim, but we need to match up the right role for him with his availability. (He's a busy guy.)

2. Some of the following language has been considerably toned down in translation from the original Interlac. For example, the word 'keezy' translates as 'little', but it has a WAY more pejorative connotation than that.

Also, we originally recorded nearly all of Lobo's dialogue in both English and Interlac so that we could decided later which we'd use with when. But I don't have immediate access to our final decisions handy, so I'll just give you all of it.

*Hahn Sho Lobo skahveyt-ka, ka SKAHvey keezy Krolo! [The Main Man can smell you, you stinkin' little Krolotean!]

*Ka ree? Ka REE? [Seriously?]

*Ka seh Hahn Sho Lobo, Krolo. Plee-ay suh frag. [Just you and the Main Man, Krolotean. Surrender or die.]

*Frag ka. [Die it is.]

*Ka ree? Keezy fem frag Hahn Sho Lobo? Ka ree? [Seriously? This little girl thinks she can take down the Main Man?]

*Keezy fem… [Little girl…]

*Rok tor keezy fem. [Planet of the little girls.]

*Frag-ka, Krolo. [Time to die, Krolotean.]

*SKAHvey Krolo… [Stinkin' Krolotean.]

*Hahn Sho Lobo lok toy. Keezy fem… ka rok, ka rok. [The Main Man's contract's complete. Little girls… your world's your world.]

*Vlash suh frag. [Shut up or die.]

3. With the exception of the fake Tseng's one line in Interlac (i.e. Plee-ay! Plee-ay! [I surrender!]), we didn't bother creating exact translations for the Krollish they were screeching. But I think you get the gist. (And, yes, it's spelled Krolotean.)


Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Sammy writes...

Hey Greg! I don't know why people are being so apprehensive about the time-skip-thing. I absolutely love it!! Fantastic episode! I'm more excited to see next week's episode than ever! :D

1. How old is Tim Drake?
2. How old is Jaimie Reyes?
3. How old is Adam Strange?

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Five, i.e. December 31st the day before the start of Season Two:

1. Tim is 14.

2. Jaime is 16.

3. Adam is 26.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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J Blanchard writes...

I have a 28/1000 Gargoyles print signed by the artist. Do you know what this might be worth?


Greg responds...

No idea. Not even really sure what you're talking about, but even if I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about, I don't know what stuff goes for.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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NY writes...

Hi Greg! I looked through the archives and found that you previously mentioned that the first couple seasons of Gargoyles cost $400k-500k per episode to produce.

Assuming the cost of haven't changed dramatically, it seems as though animation is cheaper than the standard scripted network show. Given that, I'm surprised there aren't more animated shows on the major networks, especially with anime so popular in the US now, particularly among older audiences.

I think the only weakness to Young Justice is that it feels like the stories are big enough to fit in a whole hour, but are being condensed to thirty minutes. Again, assuming the cost of animation is in the ballpark of what it was for Gargoyles, an hour-long show doesn't strike me as financially prohibitive.

1. Can you say how much Young Justice costs to produce? A ballpark would be fine if you can't/don't want to give exact numbers.

2. What are your thoughts on the lack of non-Fox/non-comedy prime-time animation? Do you think this is something that can change in the future?

3. Do you think we might one day see hour-long dramatic animation? Did you ever consider making YJ an hour long?

Thank you very much for many excellent shows and opening yourself up for questions from the community!

Greg responds...

Your assumptions are faulty. Animation and anime have not - in this country - hit the kind of critical mass among adults that you seem to think they have. A few comedies, like Simpsons and Family Guy have worked in primetime, but others have failed. Even the great BATMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES - which was a huge success in the afternoons - didn't fare well in primetime.

In addition, costs HAVE changed dramatically. Budgets have not, but that means we have to learn to do more with less, generally.

More important is the issue of shelf space. An hour - per conventional wisdom - is a LONG time for kids to sit and watch an animated show. We're told, with some evidence to back it up, that they get bored. And kids still define the economics of most animated product. So if you are going to use up the VERY limited shelf space that any network has with an hour show, it darn well better kick some major butt in the ratings. Because otherwise, for nearly the same money, they could put on two shows (if not four) and have twice (or four times) the opportunity to grab the audience.

In fact, the trend isn't to longer shows, but to SHORTER shows. 11 minute episodes.

So with all that in mind:

1. No. That's proprietary information I'm not authorized to reveal.

2. Yes, I think it can change. But I won't pretend it would be easy to change the corporate culture that doesn't believe in this notion at all. What it takes, of course, is one network taking a chance on one show that's SO GOOD, that it's a hit in defiance of that culture and all conventional wisdom. That would break the floodgates. The inevitable result would be a lot of crap would go on the air, fail, and the conventional wisdom would come back into play with a vengeance. The one hit would be the "exception that proves the rule" and that would be it for awhile. That's what happened after Simpsons. (Who remembers Fish Police?) But the door would be open at least a little. Over the very long haul change is possible.

3. One day? Sure. In fact, I hope so.

3a. I'm not saying it's never crossed my mind. I'd love it, of course. But (a) it's not up to me, and (b) it's never been a realistic possibility.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Being Green Lanterns why didn't Hal Jordan and John Stewart know about the missing Justice League members activities in space?
2. When did Dick Grayson become Nightwing on Earth 16?
3. How long has Tim Drake been active as Robin on Earth 16?
4. Is Guy Gardner a member of the Justice League now?
5. Did the Justice League give a reason for Zatara not being a member anymore?

Greg responds...

1. Why WOULD they know?! <sigh> I think many folks have been brought up to think of their heroes as all-knowing and infallible. It makes me, I'll admit, a little crazy.

Okay, let's start here: the galaxy is HUGE.

The Green Lantern Corps attempts to cover it all, but their membership numbers in the thousands for a galaxy that is HUGE.

Rimbor is a planet largely inhabited by criminals, smugglers, etc. And the government of Rimbor isn't simply corrupt, it's INSTITUTIONALLY CORRUPT. In fact, it's CONSTITUTIONALLY CORRUPT. The Green Lantern Corps is NOT welcome on Rimbor. It's treaty with the GLC states that the Corps can only show up on diplomatic missions or when requested. No one on Rimbor would request the GLC to come - even with a rogue Lantern (plus five other Earthlings) wreaking havoc, because they don't want to give the Corps an excuse to look into Rimborian activities.

So, yes, over a five year period, word of the attack leaked out to the larger sector - and the six Leaguers were labeled as bad guys - but the significance of that may not have registered to the local Lantern, who (a) would be used to the Rimborians vilifying other Lanterns and (b) not understand the significance of Superman, Batman, Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman being labelled as criminals.

Do you really think that every time a criminal is put on a watch list somewhere in the galaxy that every Lantern tells EVERY OTHER Lantern about it? That just makes no sense to me.

And that's assuming there's a Lantern in that sector AT ALL. Again, big galaxy, relatively small GLC.



4. Yes.

5. Who says he's not a member?

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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J writes...

Not so much a question as food for thouht...I'm still doing my research and reading through every past Q&A (tangent here...cant anybody do something about all the repeated posts? There are far too many "askef & answered"s...but leave the "spoiler requests" - they actually give some information sometimes) & I've noticed that you are obviously one of a large number of people who dont like "spoilers" - and you tend to berate those who activly post/seek them out. Now I realize this is your forum, so basically what you say goes...but are you aware (or even care) that there are just as many people out there, like myself, whose enjoyment of most media precludes our knowing how it turns out? Ill give you an example...I will wait YEARS before watching a critcally acclaimed Hollywood blockbuster until I know for sure its worth investing even two short hours (ie. I refuse to watch a movie where the main character/animal dies senselessly at the end... as its a waist of my time and insulting - and the "sometimes death is senseless" argument doesnt work for me...reality IS senseless enough, thats why I like my fiction to make some sense at least...its called "escape" and nit "the eavening news" for a reason).
understand that you definatly would not agree with me, but is it really that hard to understand why some people would get more enjoyment out of your work if they had more to look forward to than the old (an eternally frustrating"just watch and see"? - I cant even tell you how many times Ive up and left the room when everybody else has seen the movie and nobody will answer a simple yes or no question because they didnt want to "ruin it" for me, when in fact they just did.
Basically what im getting at is, could you please not villify those who hust want to know a little more than your giving...Im not asking you to give more, but just because someone doent think like you, doesnt mean they are thoughtless.
Thank you for your time and talent.

Greg responds...

I think "villify" is an awfully strong word from what I've done. I'm often stunned by the desire for spoilers and appalled by those who SPOIL without any thought to those who don't want things spoiled and/or to the CREATORS who put in so much effort to create some surprise in their work. But it hardly rises to the level of hate speech.

And, no, I can't understand it. If you want a 100% guarantee out of your entertainment before you see it by knowing all that's coming... than we have very little in common.

That doesn't mean you're a bad person or that you're "thoughtless" for wanting the spoilers you want. But your thought processes defy my understanding. DEFY. MY. UNDERSTANDING.

But those differences are what makes the world go 'round, right?

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg

I was also wondering if you wouldn't mind identifying which voice actors voiced the following uncredited characters? Thanks.

120 - Coldhearted
Boston Police Officer
Chicago Police Officer #1
Chicago Police Officer #2
South Dakota State Trooper

121 - Image
Biaylan General

122 - Agendas
Hal Jordan

124 - Performance
Dragon's Breath
Carlo's Brother

Thanks again!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm afraid my season one record draft scripts are boxed up. So I don't have access to who played minor bit parts handy."

[Response recorded on August 30, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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