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1.) Does Icon have a starship like in the comics?
2.) Can Rocket increase the force of her strikes using kinetic energy?
2. "Strikes"? Maybe her spares.
It is of earth shattering import that we all know:
That kid sitting in the booth at Bibbo's (not Blue Beetle or Bumblebee) at the begining of Alienated... how old was he?
The guy who tried to shoot Lobo in Secretary-General Tseng's office (but Lobo blocked the barrel with his finger), how many times has he eaten corn in his life? Please list by types of corn.
Could you give a detailed description of every last time Batgirl has ever stubbed her toe? Ignoring occurrences taking place on Tuesdays that fall on odd numbered dates (for obvious reasons).
The guy who comments that G. Gordon Godfrey thinks the League is working with the aliens during a tour of the Hall of Justice at the begining of Alienated. Does his Earth 11 counterpart have a good relationship with her mother?
Lastly... Where are my car keys?
Thank you.
"Please list by types of corn," actually made me chuckle out loud.
When exactly did Owen reveal himself as Puck to Xanatos?
Before the start of Season One.
1. Are Wally and Artemis now married, engaged, or still just dating?
2. If they're married, how long have they been married?
1. They're a couple. Not married or officially engaged.
2. Not married.
And seeing how I'm pretty sure that you have more class than to kill her off in the most pointless fashion ever (though the fact that real!Roy does have a missing arm disturbs me because that means you've read or at least heard of Cry For Justice), LET ME LOVE YOU MORE.
Love me more. Go ahead. I dare you!
I just wanted to tell you I love your show!!! The guessing going on in my head this season has me wanting to watch more...and thanks for all the hard work you and your team are amazing!!! I figured since people come on here and bash you sometimes it would be nice to here a fan who appreciates it!!!
Thanks. It's very appreciated.
Though much less negativity came my way than everyone seems to think. Maybe the moderators removed a lot of the negative stuff for various guideline flags.
What was the creative incentive for writing "Salvage" personally?
The intervention scenes.
When did Jade and Roy (clone) get married?
How old is Lianne?
Is Jade a still technically a reform villain or a villain?
2. By the end of Team Year Five, she was born, but not yet one.
3. I'm not sure "villain" is a "technical" term.
1. How did Count Vertigo retain his diplomatic immunity after openly unleashing giant mutant plants on the world for a huge ransom? Surely the international political fallout would force Vlatava to revoke it, or risk starting a war with one or more nations. I certainly can't see the USA turning a blind eye to a nation who had one of their diplomats openly committing what amounts to terrorist acts on American soil.
2. Who created the Kobra Venom? At the end of Drop Zone Brain says they can reverse engineer it, which I assume means it wasn't Brain. Is Kobra a scientist, or does he have a minion who is, and they created it?
3. Did the Team ever find out that Miss Martian mindblasted them into unconsciousness in Image? I realise this might be a spoiler request, but with the five year skip I'm not sure whether it was ever intended that it was going to be addressed.
1. He released no plants in Vlatava. (It's more complicated than that, of course, but Perdita's hands were legally and politically tied.)
Hi Mr Weisman, I read your response a while back about how you pay your voice actors for their roles and after watching the episode 3 of season 2 I realized something. I noticed that Aquaman is voiced by Phil Lamar who previously voiced Green lantern John Stewart in Justice League, where as you have Kevin Michael Richardson voicing him. I was just wondering if you were aware of the fact and if, when first auditioning actors, thought about getting some of the previous actors to reprise their previous roles. I know that in some of the direct to DVD movies some of the former cast from previous works did voice the same character again.
We didn't audition any Justice Leaguer except Superman. (And only him, because we wanted an actor who could play both Superboy and Superman.)
I am very aware of who played characters in the past, and we LARGELY chose to AVOID direct comparisons to previous works by NOT using the same actor in the same role. There were a few exceptions, such as Bruce Greenwood's Batman, where we felt the actor wasn't already over-identified with the part. But for the major leads from the old Justice League/Justice League Unlimited series, the truth is that if they played the role there, it all but eliminated our interest in having them play the rolls in YJ.
When is Lagoon Boy's birthday?
I dunno.
It's May 18th and I got out of a final about two hours ago. I had been agonizing over it since I got home. But then I saw your heads-up for the 4th episode of Invasion (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=956), and let me just say, good sir, that made my day.
Right now I am buzzing with excitement, I feel giddy and I can't wait until I can catch this episode. Saturday could not possibly come any sooner. Here's to a wonderful new season~
Wow. Thanks! Makes my day to make your day.
Was the "shazam" from Auld Aquaintance a reused sound from an earlier episode?
No. That's not allowed by SAG rules.
Just a couple questions:
1. Are Lagoon Boy's puns/slang something common to where he came from (I assume some city-state in Atlantis), or is it a style of speech unique to himself?
2. Seeing as Martians' shapeshifting occurs at a cellular level (as Miss M demonstrated in Image), does that mean they're "immune" to certain human diseases like AIDS?
Thanks in advance!
1. It's a combo.
2. Um... maybe?
At the near end of "Alienated", when that massive, nuclear level explosion went off (the alien bomb), is it safe to assume that Aquaman and Wonder Woman would of been disintegrated if they didn't manage to escape in time?
Safe enough.
Hello =) I love your show, and loved it even more since Wonder Woman and Wonder girl got a little bit more screentime, yet not as much as the superfamily or batfamily does, but still it is pleasant to watch!
Now i have got a couple of question:
1: What exactly is Cassie's powerset? I read somewhere you went with the Zeus's daughter origins. Is she as powerful as Conner Kent? Are her powers growing up as time goes by?
On a scale from 0 to 10, where are WW and WG?
Keep up the great work guys =)
A scale of what? Never mind, I don't much care for numerical scales anyway.
1. Cassie can fly, and she's very strong - but not as strong as Conner. She can bounce bullets off her bracelets, but she's NOT invulnerable - else why would she NEED to bounce bullets off her bracelets. She's also very proficient with her unbreakable lasso.
1 How old was Green Arrow when he started his career?
2 Was he ever marooned on Starfish Island on Earth-16?
4 Did he always have the mustache and beard, or did he get those after he lost his fortune like in the silver age?
1. Twenty-three.
3. I refuse to answer this question. I find it insulting.
4. He did not always have the mustache and goatee, but I'm not saying when he got it.
Hi Greg,
Although on your show, Superman is not portrayed as the all-powerful space jesus that most people are used too (and some love!), is he still the most durable to harm when directly compared to the other league members?
Is he, in your opinion, still the one that can take the most hits and keep on going?
I'm asking because it's kinda a main trait of his, being the "Man of Steel" and all! :)
(Judging by the amount of questions you have to get through, you can answer this one with a quick yes or no if you like!!!)
1. Yes, basically.
1a. Yes, basically.
Hi, Greg. Love your show, never miss it.
Was Dick ever kidnapped (both as Robin and as Dick Grayson) at any point before the series began? If yes, would you have an estimate of how many times it occurred?
Nine-hundred and ninety-four times.
Hey Greg,
At the end of Spectacular Spider-Man, Norman going into costumed crime is public knowledge. The question is, how many people know about his strength enhancing formula, Globulin Green and how it affects people? Norman showed his family (Emily and Harry) and Donald Menkin; and by extension Peter and Gwen know about since Harry told them about the formula and what it does to people. Is the Gobulin Green formula public knowlege in New York City? Or is it one of the only secrets the Osborn family has about Norman goblining it up?
Good question. It might go a long way toward creating a more sympathetic public image...
I was curious if you were able to provide a full list of the Zeta Tube designations. I only ask because I keep track of it for my own fanfictions, and I can't have some characters enter the cave in a story because I don't have thier code, and I don't want to be inaccurate. I research everything before I actually start a story, but some of the codes are just unknown as of right now.
ASKED AND ANSWERED. But have you checked out the Young Justice Wiki? Cuz they have most of them.
Why does Superboy wear a belt when he's facing villians, while other times he doesn't wear a belt?
Really? Is that true?
Guess, he REALLY doesn't want his pants to fall down in the middle of a fight.
Can you post a rundown of the frames used in the opening sequence of each episode like you do with the credits? That would be cool.
If you brought the characters power levels back to their first apperances does that mean Wonder Woman has that neck problem?-in her original comic amazons could be rendered unconcious by a blow to the back of the neck.
I think I can be rendered unconscious by a blow to the back of the neck.
Hey Greg -- big fan of Young Justice and especially the Season 2 time skip. I found that Season 2 has colored my view of Season 1. The Season 1 episodes seem more poignant -- almost tragic in hindsight, knowing where some of the characters end up. But seeing a character like Robin grow up is like watching a nephew get older. One second they're a toddler, and a few blinks later they're 18 -- time flies!
I'm also impressed by the fact that the early YJ episodes are actually better in the context of the entire series. I find that many serial shows negate their earlier episodes when mysteries are solved and long-running plotlines come to a head. Young Justice is definitely NOT one of those shows.
Anyway, I remember reading an interview in which you stated you had about 7 months of development time on Young Justice. Here's my question:
1) How much of the series (Season 1, 2 and more) was conceived during this phase (plotting, characterization, designwork) and how much came after you got the greenlight?
Thanks -- you and your crew rock!
1. All the plotting of Season One and most of the basic ideas for Season Two came during this period. Design work for the main teens (Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, Speedy/Red Arrow) and some adults (Red Tornado, Black Canary, Batman, Superman, Mister Twister, plus a few more) were done - though not final. General characterization also done.
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